Congratulations to those selected. Message follows:

R 201417Z AUG 24 MID600117563977U

ALNAV 067/24




RMKS/1. I am pleased to announce the following Line Officers on the
Active-Duty list for promotion to the permanent grade of Lieutenant

2. This message is not authority to deliver appointments.
Authority to effect promotion will normally be issued by future
NAVADMINs requiring NAVPERS 1421/7 preparation and forwarding of
document to PERS-831.

3. Frocking is not authorized for any officer listed below until
specific authorization is received per SECNAVINST 1420.2.

4. For proper alphabetical order read from left to right on each
line. The numbers following each name to the right indicate the
relative seniority among selectees within each competitive category.
Note: An (*) by the name indicates the selectee was merit reordered
to the top of the promotion list in accordance with reference (a).
Members are directed to verify their select status via BUPERS
Unrestricted Line
Abdul Hakim 0358 Achbach William T 0483
Acuna Marieleiys D 0419 Adams Clyde Emmitt 1136
Adams Danielle Francis 1150 Adams Jeremy Matthew 0933
Adams Joshua Michael 0240 Adams Michael Ross 0954
Ah Brandon Sujin * 0185 Albani John M Jr * 0140
Albani Samantha R 0621 Albert Matthew David 0353
Albrecht Ethan Joel 0431 Aleksandravicius Luk * 0058
Alexander David Sadler 0657 Alexander Kayla Renee 0912
Allain Brandy A 0512 Allen Michael A 1187
Allen Shawn Michael 0776 Allshouse David Allen 0767
Amato Linda Anne 0310 Ambuehl Ashley Marie 0299
Amelia Christian Micha 0634 Amodio Paul Vito 1033
Amorio Sarah Alexand * 0062 Amy Parker Edison 0826
Anderson Caleb Jay 1213 Anderson George Thomas 0207
Anderson Jacob G 0526 Anderson Jeffrey Alfon 0243
Anderson Kevin S 0445 Anderson Mckenzie R * 0048
Anderson Michael H II 0266 Anderson Michael Marti 0996
Andersson Zachary A * 0060 Angerer Brett Ashton 0911
Angle Austin L 0527 Anthony Catherine Grac 0702
Antonellis Marcus J 0579 Appleman Clifford Carr 1087
Araki Daniel Martin 1218 Arce Reed Conner 1122
Arinello Dennis Michae 0972 Armistead Thomas Mur * 0184
Arnold Jameson S 0449 Arras Samuel Robert * 0174
Arrigo Grant Philip 1125 Ascani Nathaniel Cory 0995
Ash Arielle Hall 0811 Atkinson Rebecca Ros * 0025
Avery Dennis L 0290 Axelsen Ashley W 0292
Baatstad Jennifer Neal 0806 Babauta Richly Olopai 0217
Bacus Latasha Angelica 0186 Badeaux Steven M 0670
Baez Gabriela 0571 Bailes Korey J 0610
Bailey John Montgomery 1068 Baker Christopher John 0962
Baker Mary Hall 0613 Baker Sean Bennett 0867
Bakker Gerrit Steven 1211 Baldwin Brendan Willia 0223
Ballard Lucien E * 0163 Ballard Tyler G 0557
Banks Kevin C * 0084 Barabin Kawika Kimokeo 0669
Barnes Katherine Eliza 0268 Barrett Taylor W 0273
Barwick Christina An * 0155 Batista Daniel 1185
Bauer Brian James 1038 Baugh Levi A 0919
Baxter Cameron Shane 1086 Beatty Nathan G 0504
Beaudoin Nathaniel A 0385 Beckersmotzer Helen * 0056
Belcher Matthew James 0835 Belcher Michael R 0957
Beldean Calin S * 0020 Bell Brandon Henry * 0037
Bell Derek E 0605 Bellissimo Dominic Cas 0563
Bellows Travis Michael 1075 Bembury Anesha K 1183
Benfield Warren A II 0701 Benner James Tyler 0562
Benson Dennis Dean 0841 Benton Scott Edmund 0987
Bergstrom Erik Louis 0697 Berkey William D III 0728
Berlin Timothy Boone 0799 Bernstein Dale Matthew 0377
Berry Brett M 1050 Berry John Michael 1066
Berwick Mckinsey Carl 1147 Bezila Kelsey Anne 0788
Bhatia Aman Raul 0905 Bianchi Christopher Pa 0352
Bilden Philip Richard 0685 Bilunas Brianna Lehman 0754
Birt Ethan P 0647 Black Sarah Elizabeth 0977
Blair Thomas C 0506 Blake Sarah Elizabeth 0578
Blankenship Mark A Jr 0471 Blaschum Jackson C * 0014
Bledsoe Alex Kern 0514 Bohannon Daniel Roh 0734
Bohanon Guy Alan 1018 Boles Charles R II 0362
Bomberger Dain Austin 0746 Bomhold Reece L 0650
Bond Thomas Henry III 0633 Bonner Haley Elizabeth 1229
Boros John Mark 0963 Borosak Bradley Willia 0775
Bortz Jeffrey Charles 0884 Boudart Erik 0497
Bowden Daniel Baraldi 0750 Boyle Kevin Patrick 0988
Bozzi Matthew A 0956 Bradberry Benjamin Sco 0838
Bradley Caleb Daniel 0864 Brainerd David A 0749
Braithwaite Yhanic Luk 0303 Brammer Evan James 1088
Brandt Jonathan James 1214 Brangoccio Eric James 1076
Bray Bailey R 0607 Bredemeyer Jacob Antho 0865
Bredl Colin D 0456 Brehm Tyler L * 0083
Brennan Samantha Nic * 0124 Bressette Jonathan A 0269
Breznik Ryan John 0679 Brining Grant M * 0181
Briscoe Katelyn Marie 0704 Brooke Peter W 0285
Brooks Blake Tyler 0717 Brooks Meghan Krysta 0372
Brouker Jacob P 0611 Brown Christopher Matt 1061
Brown Mark Andrew 1158 Brown Nathanael Joseph 0888
Brue Kyle W * 0061 Brumbeloe Andrew Charl 0335
Brunette Hailey France 0522 Bruno Jason N 0465
Bryant Gregory Nathan 0794 Bubala Casey 1162
Buchanan Scott L 0478 Buck Madison Elyse 0398
Buck Mark Gregory 0402 Buckmire Mark Joel 1159
Buescher Alex R 1049 Bull Dylan Robert 1231
Bullington Joseph Lama 0906 Burnett Timothy Patric 1181
Butler Daniel H 0558 Buttrill Robert S 0609
Bylsma Chad Jay 0336 Byrne Gregory J 0274
Byrne Michael Brenda * 0180 Cain Robert D 0405
Camacho Benjamin Kenne 1163 Camacho Joseph Edward 0964
Campbell Macian Stuart 1131 Campbell William Ashle 0694
Cannon Ryle M 0643 Caporale Ricardo A 0417
Carey Dominique Angela 0517 Carlson Alexander Jose 0822
Carluccimccandless Mat 1161 Carman Thomas Robert 0935
Carpenter Ashley N * 0059 Carpenter Kathryn E 0540
Carr Jacob Glenn 0212 Carrasco David 0205
Carrillo Anthony Paul 1154 Carrillo Oscar Raul 1110
Cash Conner N * 0173 Cassel Alexandra Lea 0674
Casson Andrew L * 0019 Castiglione Charles B 1216
Cates Zachary D 0921 Caucutt Timothy James 0847
Cavender Christopher H 0930 Caya Matthew Ron 0812
Celestine Patrick Anth 0363 Centeno Nichella Flora 0590
Chaffin Neil Cameron 0997 Chang Erinn Demarois 0604
Chang Michael Henry * 0114 Chase Christopher M * 0051
Chavez Frank J 0675 Chavis Lauren Kriste * 0160
Chen Kevin Tzerpei 0464 Chomic Maxwell Albert 0673
Chretien Thomas Winsto 1148 Christensen Cole M 0281
Christensen Theodore J 0339 Chung Justin Young 0845
Cirillo Joseph Anthony 1197 Clark Christopher Mich 0368
Clark Elisha S * 0080 Clayton Nicholas Pierc 0364
Cleary Joseph R * 0046 Clemente Jonathan Jose 1210
Clemons Brandt Steven 0751 Clemons Kristina Miche 0632
Cleveland Carolyn Jean 0756 Cleveland Matthew R 0379
Coats Benjamin James 1026 Coffin Christopher S 0389
co*ker Nicholas C * 0109 Cole Christopher J Jr 0492
Combado Kyle E 0786 Combs Sam Sweeten 0227
Compton Nicholas Allen 0903 Connerley William H 0663
Connor Seth Andrew 0768 Cook James Joseph 1065
Cooper Emily Elizabe * 0076 Copple Blake Robert * 0177
Corbett Kyle J 0543 Cornick Andrew Stephen 1156
Corral Christopher F * 0172 Correale Lewis J IV * 0057
Costanza Michelle Chri 0312 Costley Tyler D 1103
Cotten Benjamin D 0651 Cox Kristen B 0515
Crawford Michael 0780 Crawford Riley Marie 0333
Criss Michael Norimich 1020 Croft Morgan Clayton 0247
Cross Angelo Jr 0875 Cross Conor Paul 0501
Crouch Brendan K 1052 Crouch Michael A 0283
Crowder Scott E 0538 Crudele Denver Thomas 0860
Crumblish Eamonn Mark 0424 Crumrine Chad Lawrence 1001
Curry Melissa Ogden 0870 Czapski Christopher * 0001
Dahle Logan Alan 1072 Damon Samantha L 0580
Dang Jake 0397 Daniel Blake Reiter * 0122
Davensizer Adam Lee 1152 Davis Evan Delaine 0491
Davis James Ryan 1164 Davis Rachael Ellen 0370
Deardorff Melissa Mari 0360 Dedo Andrew 0597
Deford Philip S 0536 Deganutti Dominic Mich 0439
Delano Hunter Cahill * 0028 Delanoy Keegan W 1102
Delbello Christopher J 0953 Demery Reginald M 0689
Demski Collin Brand 0758 Denney Joshua Preston 0498
Deppe Kaylin Marie 0755 Diamond Colby Gerald 1141
Diamond Patrick Willia 0760 Dilenschneider Michael 0426
Dille Keaton Gilbreath 0386 Dillon John Conway II 0773
Dine Steven Christop * 0008 Dinh Anthony Bao 1233
Dix Jordan David 0714 Dixon Lowell J 0429
Dodge Jacob Eugene 1174 Donaldson Ruairidh A 0403
Donohue Christopher Ry 0994 Donovan John Francis V 0796
Dotson Jonathan Andrew 1112 Douglas Andrew Arthur 0255
Douglas Scott V 0271 Drake Adam Hiroyuki 0325
Dreher Aaron Michael 0221 Dressing Mitchell Fran 1149
Drozda Jacob Christo * 0149 Dry Lynsey Michelle 0791
Dubreuil Matthew H * 0094 Dudek Alexander J 0441
Duffy Alex William 1221 Duffy James Patrick 1084
Duke Dillon L 0628 Dulaney Christopher Jo 0863
Dunn Alexander Joseph 1166 Dunn Christopher Tro * 0064
Dupuis Douglas Raymond 0848 Duran Eloy Herman Jose 0302
Durso Maura A 0638 Dwight James H 0272
Eaton Benjamin Joseph 0926 Ebeling Michael Sean 0396
Ector Samuel Haley 0735 Eilertsen Charles Robe 0759
Eissler Zachary Thomas 0779 Ellis Levi J * 0091
Elmer Codey Christophe 0890 Elrod Chaz Aubrey 1009
Elward Cary Alan 1177 Ely Brian D * 0082
Engberg Erik C 0924 Engel Brandt Thomas 0828
Engel Justin Allen * 0112 Enix Zachary P * 0071
Erps Ryan Matthew 0695 Escarcega Alejandro Ma 0976
Esposito Joseph Salvat 0725 Estes Joseph Keith 0986
Etheridge Erica Matter 0528 Evans Jacob Nathaniel 0859
Evans Robert C * 0102 Faber Matthew Henry 0687
Fantaske Jaime Thao 1019 Felsher Steven J 0537
Felton Jacob William 0412 Ferguson Christopher B 0792
Fernandez Alejandro Jo 1173 Fernandez Nicholas C * 0156
Ferrin Jonathan Edward 1132 Ferris Emma Grace 0399
Fess Aaron L 0922 Fetzko Elijah Frank 0904
Fielder Kelly Thomas 0761 Fields Joshua Aaron * 0002
Finley Matthew Garrett 1204 Finney Simon Alexander 1230
Fish Jake Riley 0418 Fisher Jackson John * 0106
Fitts William A II 0862 Fitzgerald Kaitlyn Cle 0451
Florance Shaun C 0408 Foehr Jacob T 0596
Foguth Lucas Charles 1228 Fogwell George C 1057
Foky Anne Clarke * 0119 Fonseca Jessica Marie 0642
Foster Thomas J 1043 Fouratt Nathan T 0486
Foushee Jordan C * 0182 Frericks Bradford Glen 1028
Friddle Samuel Hayes 0723 Fridono Trent Aaron 0337
Friedman Brock A 0564 Fries Geoffrey Allen 0681
Frizzell Luke G * 0069 Frost Peter M * 0107
Fucito Stephen Thomas 0206 Fuller Angela M * 0168
Fuller Michael S Jr 0529 Fuller Zachary K 0533
Gallegos Benjamin L 0262 Galura Jemar R 0637
Gamelgaard Ashley A 0437 Gamelgaard Ross B 0440
Gamler Brian Patrick 0887 Garcia Andrew Steven * 0120
Garcia Angel Ricardo 0710 Garcia Emily J 0500
Garcia Jonathan Carlos 0202 Garcia Michael D 0654
Gardetto Joseph Dani * 0144 Garza Fithi 0208
Gates Jonathan W 0477 Gavidia Jimmy C * 0038
Geer Christopher Patri 0707 Genito Thomas Michael 0955
George Elliot Robert 0815 Gerritsen Michael Wi * 0105
Gest Patrick Joseph * 0098 Gibbons Ryan E 1044
Giczewski Cory Gaetano 0810 Gilmore Daniel Paul 1189
Godfrey Braxton John M 0246 Gojmerac Jared David 0244
Golankiewicz Andrew Ja 0958 Goman Barret Werner Jo 0991
Gomezverduzco Juan Jos 0688 Gonzales Gavyn Glen 0428
Gonzalez Jorge Y 1217 Goodell Thomas Benjami 0715
Goodman Bryan Phillip 0355 Goods Jeremy Alan 0968
Goodsell Kevin L * 0012 Gordon Keith Edward 0218
Gorin Daniel A 1090 Graham Amanda Clare 0662
Graham Davis Neal 0809 Grammer Alexander Jaco 1040
Grantham Andrew Jameso 0743 Granthom Michael Charl 1202
Gray Ellis Thorp 1123 Greaves Kenneth W II * 0036
Greenaway Travis D 0623 Gregory Andrew Lovell 0818
Gregory Daniel Joseph 0455 Grier Kevin Charles 0591
Griffin Ryan Anthony 0840 Griffin Ty Southwick 0371
Griffith David W * 0066 Griffitts Kyle H 0495
Griggs Christopher M * 0115 Grimm Zachary Alexande 1153
Grinaski Ian Charles 0567 Groff Alyson C * 0093
Groh Haley Elizabeth 0234 Grubbs Yoshiro Mabalot 0539
Gruebl Thomas Francis 1175 Guerin Matthew John 0667
Guerrero Alberto David 0965 Guerry Legrand V 0565
Guinan Andrew Ellison 1037 Gurzynski William 0782
Gussie Ryan Robert * 0033 Gustaf Jacob Alan 0844
Guy Vanessa Michelle 1167 Haber Brendan Gabriel 1146
Hager Andrew James 0195 Hahn Ethan T 0265
Hall Thomas James 0967 Hallissy Christopher M 0323
Halper Marshall Jay 0334 Halperin Michael Patri 0880
Halverson Anna H 0518 Hambrick Matthew Kevin 0959
Hamilton Samuel Ira 0216 Hammack Chase W 1100
Hamrick Dillon C 0614 Hanley Jack James * 0148
Hanrahan Brendan Nicho 0853 Harinandan Cheyenne * 0164
Harms Christopher Jo * 0137 Harrington Stephen Boy 1023
Harris Anthony Joseph 1142 Harris Michael R Jr 0878
Harter Daniel Jordan 1171 Hashberger Nathan J 0400
Haslett John Robert IV 1128 Haupt Vaughn Joseph 1011
Hawker Adam Nicholas 1024 Hawkins Kristian D 0678
Hawkins Kyle Christoph 0382 Hawxhurst Kevin Leo 0410
Haydon Shane Adam * 0134 Hayes Michael 0769
Haynes Jonathan B Jr 0602 Haynie Austin James 0730
Heagen Ryan Richard 0653 Heard Charles D 0659
Heath Clinton Dewayne 0983 Heavener Davita S 0476
Hebda Zachery Joel 0753 Hedrich Andrew David 0908
Heil Trevor W 0584 Heimer Matthew Scott * 0143
Heinemeyer Tyler Chris 0420 Henderson Wesley Willi 0219
Hendi Connor Chammas 0691 Hendler Evan Michael 1077
Hendley Tabitha Lauren 0770 Hendricks Anna Aurelia 0328
Henkle Connor P * 0086 Hennegan Collin J 0270
Henton Collin Mark 0827 Hernandez Tomas 1099
Herrick Caleb Joseph 1021 Herring Alexander Kell 0969
Herron Andrew S 0187 Herzig Bradley M 0260
Heyward Alexander Nich 0764 Hickey Sean P 0421
Hill Kevin Justin 0801 Hill Michael Bryce 0881
Himlin Samantha Alex * 0126 Hinderland Jack Willia 0772
Hinkson Matthew Benjam 1069 Hinson Collin Ross 0467
Hinson Lee Allison 0220 Hobbs Hayley P 0457
Hochstetler Nathan C 1108 Hodges Alexander Max 1025
Hodges Andrew Jonath * 0021 Hoey Keegan Alexander 0879
Hoffman Nicholas S * 0018 Hoffmann Richard W Jr 0209
Hogland Danielle Leigh 0344 Hogsett John William * 0108
Holian Jesse Thomas * 0097 Holiday Nicholas James 0231
Holland Michael Joseph 0732 Holleman Christian H * 0117
Holliday Caitlin Eliza 0980 Holloway Isaiah 0898
Holsey Joshua H 0895 Homeier Matthew Gran * 0142
Hoover Stephanie Lynn 0978 Horton Alexander James 0520
Hostak James Andrew 1080 Houston Tyler Andrew L 1036
Howard Bradli Anne * 0044 Howard Brian C 0917
Howard Travis Allen 0318 Howarth Timothy J II * 0110
Howze Michael Martin * 0152 Hoxie Jillian R 0535
Huang Kent 0971 Huggins Jonathan Brayb 0785
Humber Connor A 0677 Hummeldorf Braydon H 0575
Humphreys Michael Jame 0314 Hunt Bryan Edward 0430
Hunt Tyler Reed * 0023 Hunter James Portman 1199
Ibrom Thomas J 0646 Infante Jason Francis 0502
Ingalls Kelsey A 1106 Irwin William L 0235
Iwanicki Alexandra A * 0176 Iyengar Srinivas Shalv 0251
Jabaley Alexander Isaa 0690 Jachettadevault Justin 1064
Jackson Jared D 0415 Jackson Jonathan S Jr 0595
Jacobsen Caitlyn Marie 0716 Jagoe Elizabeth A 0509
Jakubowski Cayla Miche 1042 Jarman Cole Matthew 1107
Jarrell Ethan A * 0072 Jbeily Mark 0406
Jenkins Joshua Jerry 0311 Jessum Dylan T 0592
Jinks Charles W 0561 Johnson Bradley David 0279
Johnson Cole Henry 0378 Johnson Jeremiah Lee 0295
Johnson Matthew D 0652 Johnson Randy M 0469
Johnston Justin Dale * 0145 Jolley Maria M 0332
Jones Jon Jacob 0736 Jones Jonathan Bernell 0222
Jones Michael Wayne 0793 Jones Mitchell Drexel 0952
Jones Walter Zachery 0338 Jordan Frank Andrews 0367
Jorgensen Levi C 1093 Juber Christopher Andr 0249
Judd Matthew Lewis * 0039 Judson Zachary P * 0010
Juker Anthony David 0683 Juola Michael Douglas 0854
Kaim Michael A 0658 Kamens Bryan Alexander 1041
Kaminky David Scott 0213 Kampton Maxwell J 0541
Karg Bryan Raymond 0929 Kavanagh Shawn Ryan 0804
Keck David Andrew 1095 Keena Timothy Patrick 1205
Kellinger Chelsea Paig 1039 Kelly Mark Edward 0446
Kelly Taylor Anne 0487 Kemalyan Paul Arthur 0300
Kemble Eric C 0489 Kennedy Avery Harrison 0861
Kenney Hollis Augustin 1113 Kenney Mason T 0660
Kenny Patrick Ellis 1114 Kent Trevor C 0552
Kent Tyler * 0129 Kerscher Zachary Jos * 0065
Khan Asif Alam 1220 Khoury Adham * 0151
Kibby Jeremy Harris 0951 Kickbush Michael Walde 0665
Kies Brandon Allen 1165 Kinnane Joshua K 0941
Kinser Cody Jacob 0327 Kinsley Megan Mary * 0178
Kinzie Michael * 0171 Kirkpatrick Kashmeir C 0570
Kitten Spencer A * 0166 Kitts Samantha Lee 0916
Klein Alexander J 0593 Kleintop Jarrett Alber 0737
Klooster Michael K 0236 Klouda Christian Micha 0672
Klovekorn Jean Bridget 0393 Klumprasert Suluck P * 0100
Kneisler Kevin M 0573 Knisely Justin 0636
Knox James Ryan 0305 Knox Michael Anthony 0194
Koehr Brendan P 0940 Koenig Todd Jayson 0943
Korona Michael Thomas 1089 Kosek Benjamin Edward 0974
Kraemer Lillian Ann 0696 Krob Connar Michael 1232
Kronrod Gregory Dr 0998 Krueger Zachary M 0631
Kuerbitz Daniel Rich * 0041 Kulik Franek Casimir 0560
Kumm Adam P 0902 Kurowski Christian J 0569
Kwon Danny Bumjung 1139 Labonne Bradley W 0554
Ladouce Johnathan Mark 0510 Lake Kevin Patrick 0409
Landry Kasey J 1054 Lang Thomas Gerry 0886
Lapolt Kevin R 0549 Larson Joshua M 0462
Latifi Muadin 0583 Latu Siotame Havea * 0139
Laughlin Sean Zhang 0842 Laureys Courtneymar I 1047
Lauzen Larajean S 0452 Lawrence Travis Buchan 0937
Lawson Jamel L 1109 Lazarevstanishchev Vla 1005
Leadbeter Quentin Mich 0795 Leagon William Heath 1083
Leblanc Nicholas A 0275 Lederer Colby Al 0757
Ledford Andrew A 0630 Lee Thomas Henry 0230
Leigers Matthew Richar 0322 Leigh Christopher Thom 0490
Leming Blake Coleman 0923 Lent Christopher John 1193
Leona Olivia Stima 0250 Leonard Brittiany Mari 0276
Leslie Hank Aaron 0705 Lewis Jonathan F 0505
Lewis Marisa Elizabe * 0003 Liberato Jorge Miguel 0606
Lillyblad John Mark 0800 Lindsey Shannon Victor 0871
Lindstrom Seth T 0350 Lintz Caleb Josiah 1198
Litchert Ryan M * 0073 Littman Cassandra Grac 0438
Liu Albert 0843 Lloyd Caleb Michael * 0167
Lloyd Charles W 0544 Lluveres Reymin 0342
Lockbaum George P * 0015 Lodge Hamzah Abdulkadi 0574
Logan Thomas Christoph 1015 Logan Thomas Patrick 0999
Logar Kevin M 0443 Lois Kevin Mitchell 0629
Long David D II 1063 Long Jacob Daniel 0530
Lopez Rosalyn D 0442 Lopezmercado Jonathan 0239
Lott Jack Lynn 0817 Loudon Daniel R 0874
Lowry Alexandra Tatian 0682 Loy Elise Marceluers 0256
Loy Jordan C 0277 Lubbe Jess 1074
Lund Andrew Jordan 0733 Lundgren Alexandra Kay 0763
Lutthans Brooke E 0639 Lyon Joseph Stone 1030
Lyons Christopher Pa * 0154 Lystad Kevin H 0641
Macala Patrick Randall 0869 Macfarlane Ian R 1092
Macgriff Chelsea Sonde 0774 Machen Branson C * 0070
Macri Joshua David 0357 Madara Brennan Thomas 1215
Magnusson Jacob Jose * 0159 Makin Justin T 0588
Males Nathaniel Joseph 0789 Maligsa Christopher De 0711
Mangold Henry K 0559 Mann Alexander Douglas 0320
Manuel Rodriguez D 0897 Mapes Travyn Cory 0214
Marburger Jacob Richar 0416 Marchilena Anthony Mic 0644
Marco Joseph John 0341 Mark Calvin Dinh Khanh 0762
Marsh Hayden D 1046 Marshall Robert Gregor 0708
Marshall Sean Thomas 0232 Martella Sarah * 0128
Martin Dustin W 0201 Martin Erik Mikell 0932
Martin Kenneth Daniel 0803 Martinez Eliud 0766
Mason Michael Ross 1000 Mason Mitchell K 0513
Massie Samuel Hunter 1127 Masters Andrew G 1180
Matelli Raymond Guy 0784 Mather Robert Harrison 0741
Matheson Lee G 0422 Mathieson Ryan Patrick 1121
Mathis Mitchell Glenn 1134 Matus Anthony M * 0067
Maule Terrance Anthony 1070 May Charles Evan 0319
Mayne Ethan Treywick 0191 Mayor Tyler James 1126
Mays Bryson Eduard 1206 Mccabe Tilghman Hollan 0473
Mccarey Eamonn James 0198 Mccarren Lawrence Co * 0135
Mccarrier Andrew Rober 1169 Mccarthy Joseph Kyle 0837
Mccarty Daniel J * 0077 Mcclanahan Seth Alan 1082
Mcclelland Joseph Dani 0830 Mcclurg Zachary Stephe 0805
Mcconaghy Kaleb Anson 0474 Mccormick Sean Patrick 0816
Mccoy Paul Morgan 0713 Mccullers Aaron Matthe 1133
Mcdermott Michael R 0523 Mcdonald Frederick Tho 0434
Mcdonald John P * 0081 Mcdonnell Ryan Kenneth 1035
Mcgee Ryan Patrick 0484 Mcgowan David Joseph * 0150
Mcgrath Brian Patrick 0726 Mcintosh John D 0470
Mckenna Douglas Kevin 0934 Mclerran Kari Helen 0692
Mcnabb Scott Allen 0253 Mcnu*tt Clint Andrew 0850
Mcshane William Thomas 0551 Mcturk Ashley Yaena * 0183
Mcvay Kevin P 0480 Meek Brandon Harvey 0453
Meek Kayla Leilani 0384 Mellgard John Wood 1184
Mellos Christian Tho * 0179 Melvin Daniel Joseph * 0032
Melzer Phillip Andrew 0354 Menke Justin Christoph 0553
Merkel Christian P 0238 Merkel Heidi C * 0017
Merki Joseph Cole 1194 Merla Gabriel Alejandr 0982
Metzger Roman James 0306 Meyers James Daniel 1120
Meyers Talaave Kealo * 0004 Michalek John Conor 0909
Miller Joshua C 1101 Miller Joshua Liddell 0407
Miller Michael Isaac 1031 Miller Theodore Fern * 0131
Millspaugh Jameson K 0645 Mimikos Nicholas Pau * 0030
Minnick Austin L 1055 Minor Taylor A * 0101
Mirano Miguel D * 0074 Mita Riley Nash 0747
Mitchell Bradley T Jr 0242 Mitchell Casey D 0566
Mitchell Matthew Alain 0190 Mitchelmore Matthew Ky 0944
Monia Keith Lars 0931 Monson Alex J 0626
Moore Korrenzo K 0960 Moore Sean A 1105
Morales Richard Luis 0745 More Antonio Gemma * 0027
Moreland Thomas C 0532 Morell Jeremy X * 0092
Morgan Cory L 1098 Morral Dennis G Jr * 0096
Morris Joseph Patric * 0136 Morris Matthew D 0556
Morris Scott Gregory * 0157 Morris Zachary Lane 0211
Mosebar Adam Christo * 0113 Moss Andrew Caleb 0233
Mossman Zachary Thomas 0724 Mott Eric James 0839
Mott Harrison Floyd 0979 Moyer Jason A 0432
Moyers Levi Zane 0241 Moyle Alexandra Nicole 0740
Mueller Andrew Mclauri 0829 Mullins Bryan Jack * 0034
Munger Cullen Aaron 1124 Munyakayanza Yannick C 0855
Murphy Andrew C 0598 Murphy Henry D 0291
Murphy Morgan James 1151 Murphy Ryan Patrick 0347
Murphy Samuel James 0581 Murtha Conor P 1135
Muscarelli Aaron G 1045 Naden Chekote Albert 0482
Narayanan Sheaker 0248 Nardone Sara Ann * 0130
Negronperez Mariano * 0153 Nellis Timothy Todd 0852
Nelsen Oliver Andrew 1182 Nelson David B 0425
Nelson Eric G 0433 Nelson Zachary Newto * 0079
Nevils Steven A Jr 1058 New Abigail Ailsa 0635
Newby Matthew James * 0085 Newman Jonathan Brock 1225
Newman Nathan Stephen 0900 Newton Russell H 0259
Nguyen Kha Minh 0928 Nichols Jake Brown 0245
Nicol Luke E 0282 Nilson Jack Colton 0226
Nixon Blake Matthew 0640 Nohre Jedidiah Lyn 0586
Noonan Abigail Jean 0720 Noza Andee M * 0016
Nuss Mitchell Wagner * 0158 Nuss Violeta Alicia 0722
Nyaradi John Christoph 0676 Obellos Kristopher L 1056
Obrien Padraig Richard 0668 Oconnell Joseph Michae 1143
Oconnor Kyle Sanders 0301 Odonnell Connor John 0388
Ogden Joshua I 0918 Ohea Patrick Brian * 0170
Oleary Ren Richard 0317 Oliver Kaila Imani 0896
Olmstead Devin M 0472 Olson Nicholas Alexa * 0042
Oneill Thomas Ryan 0548 Orear Sean I 0624
Oreilly Christopher L 0450 Orr Margaret M 0525
Ostrenga Harrison Mi * 0123 Ostrom Claire Longabau 0655
Ostrom Jacob David 0361 Otoole Angelia M 0267
Padden Daniel J 0582 Paddock Benjamin D 1104
Padgett Christopher Wi 0516 Paiz Emily Vanessa 0435
Pajor Ryan Michael 0666 Palmer Cole Robert * 0118
Pany Lucas William 0989 Papadakis Lucas Ryan 0395
Paredes Giancarlo A 1155 Paredes Kiara R 0872
Parham William J III 0993 Parker Michael Alexand 1203
Patel Shradha Pankaj 1186 Paterik Bradley John * 0040
Patterson Natasha Mo * 0047 Pattison Russell Berna 0945
Payne Matthew J 0546 Peabody Justin Alexand 0468
Peck Charles Morgan 0664 Pelletier Jesse Rowe 1178
Pence Matthew Russell 0229 Pennington Zachary T 0893
Perez Mayra Y * 0078 Perez Rene A 0278
Perkowski Caitlin Eliz 0699 Pero Michael Christian 0877
Perrine Daniel Joseph 0949 Perry Brendan Michael 0765
Pettenski Dale Matthew 1157 Philbrick George Kruk 0892
Phillips Canton S 0620 Piehl Christopher Raym 0820
Pierre David Earle 0851 Pimbley Kassandra 0447
Piotrowski Aaron M 0263 Pitsas Demetrios Nicho 0992
Platt Garrett M 0576 Plocinski Matthew J 0411
Poppe Stephen K * 0088 Portillo Enrique M * 0013
Potenza Luke Benedict 0948 Power Nathan James 1008
Prado Vanessa N * 0104 Pratte Kevin Douglas 1170
Preul Andrew Ronald 0693 Pruett Gregory Howell 0351
Pruitt Daniel S Jr * 0125 Puchkoff Steven M * 0054
Puent Donald H III 1179 Pyle Harrison E 0479
Rabie Carlin James 0309 Rattler Eric Donte 0261
Reber Samuel Gray 1116 Redder Nathan C 1172
Reed Elliott Hesterman 1002 Reed Joshua Owen 1200
Reed William Cody 0913 Reeder Chase S 1060
Reilly Sean Robert F * 0111 Remis Sorcha Leigh 0608
Renaud Corey E 0622 Revilla Jonathan 0193
Reyes Ilia Fred 0883 Reyes Natasha Marie * 0035
Rhea Justin Ryan * 0161 Rice Dillan Thomas 1079
Rice Zachary Christoph 0831 Richards Evan H 0494
Richards John R III 0814 Riddell Gregory 0461
Ridinger Sean Breck 1188 Riemer Nicholas A 1234
Riley Jordan Daniel * 0116 Rimmel Jacob Michael 1223
Ringwall Ronald W * 0075 Ristow Maxx D 0493
Rivard Michael Boandl 0742 Rivassepulveda Nichola 0894
Roberts Cody M 1059 Roberts Payden Thomas 1130
Robinson Aaron Paul * 0022 Robinson Christopher K 0739
Robinson Matthew Tryon 1032 Robinson Michael Lee 1145
Rockholm Connor S 1097 Rodman Christopher Sco 0324
Rodrigo Lesleigh G 0577 Rodriguez Zachary Davi 0329
Rodriguezhardy John * 0147 Rogers Jesse William 0313
Roland Julie Y 0463 Root Luther Anthony 0821
Rosa Levi L 0542 Rose Marisa Molkenbuhr 0392
Rothermel Blake Andrew 1078 Rowe Dexter Powell 1067
Rowe Rebecca Anne * 0006 Rowland Daniel R 0394
Roxey Jason Thomas 0738 Rubin Kimberly Ann 0373
Rubin Travis Ford 0359 Rusek Jakub Jan 0374
Russi Gregory Matthew 0345 Ryan Daniel Andrew 0380
Ryan Michael Joseph 0719 Sablan Jerick Tedtaota 0824
Sacks Bridget Mccoy 0589 Sadtler Jared Isaac 0414
Sala Christopher Micha 0346 Saldana Dan Allen Daya 0823
Salmini Schuyler 1071 Samonte Marceneri F 0617
Sanchez Nestor Daniel 0777 Sanchez Richard Michae 0856
Sandford Thomas Arlen 0981 Sands Darrell Thomas 0947
Sandsness Ryan C 0413 Sawielski Kelly Broc * 0024
Schaeffer Lukas Tec*ms 1209 Schaidle Kathleen Mari 0196
Schermacher Saji Kanda 1129 Schlender Steven M 0288
Schlup James William 0946 Schmidt Jeff A 0286
Scholle Peter Haffen * 0138 Schultz Joshua R 0572
Schwalbenberg Robert * 0162 Scott Jarod Lionel 0729
Scott Kristina R 0648 Scott Mathew Jeramiah 0296
Scott Patrick Ahmaad 0308 Seagraves Park Eston 0615
Searight Matthew Dav * 0132 Seeberger Nickolaus Jo 0587
Sefcik John M 0496 Segalla Michael Joseph 0383
Segerstrom Carl Anders 0225 Semones Christine D 0519
Sethurathinam Gopishan 0920 Sexson Brian Perry 1219
Sexton Joshua Ryan 0910 Shafer Jacob W 0460
Shanmugam Ravendran Mi 1118 Shaw Tessa Elizabeth 1144
Shea Jason Alvin 0798 Sheldon Patrick K 0258
Shepherd Nathan Edwa * 0141 Shettle Philip D 0289
Shilakis Alexander Geo 1201 Shimizu Alexander Kiyo 0797
Shoemaker Dillon Loren 0950 Shrum Sara Caitlin R * 0090
Shrum Stuart Wesley 0731 Silva Fernando Jose De 0970
Silver David Robert 1176 Silvers Nathaniel L 0294
Silvertooth Ben W 0521 Sledge Thomas 0612
Sloan John Francis Jr 0703 Sloat Stuart B 0427
Smith Chad Elliott 0376 Smith Christopher G 0661
Smith David Anthony 0349 Smith Dustin Kody 0927
Smith Jordan Kyle * 0175 Smith Sawyer Andrew 0307
Smith Steven A 0594 Smith Taylor James 0343
Smith Timothy Earl 1226 Smith Trevor James 0783
Smoot Jared Johnson 0781 Snead James M 0304
Sodusta Mark N 0599 Soltisz Amanda Kay * 0029
Soper Matthew Christop 0727 Sorensen Travis A * 0103
Spadoni Zoey Lyn 0671 Spanovich Samuel Georg 1014
Specht David Bradford 0966 Spencer Douglas A 1004
Spoons Kurt Alexander 0254 Stack Austin Robert 0813
Stambaugh Riordan Broo 0189 Stamm Morgan Marie 0790
Stanislav Alexander C 1096 Stanko Jacob R 0485
Stanley Lucas Cole 0787 Stapleton Chloe Eliz * 0127
Stapleton Julie Kris * 0121 Stark Spencer Nelson 0252
Starkey Austen E 0264 Starling Perry A 0366
Staubly Thomas John Jr 1138 Stauffer Michael Chris 0857
Steele Nicholas Colb * 0026 Stein Peter Joseph 1073
Steinhauser Robert Wil 1010 Stephens Edwin Craig 0315
Sterling David Elliot 0369 Sterling Robert R III 1013
Stevens Austin M 0237 Stocks Zachary Raymond 0601
Stone Jason Ryan 0192 Stone Paul Cameron 0224
Storch Philipp A 1051 Streuding Hendrik T 0199
Stroik Adam Joseph 0876 Strong Ashley Virginia 0680
Stroud Joshua Aaron 0748 Strunk James Dennis 0849
Stueckemann Andrew W 0511 Stuller Christopher * 0053
Stuva Cameron E 0555 Stuy John Alexander 0381
Sudduth Raymond Willia 0686 Sugrue David M 0531
Sukovaty Robert Lee 0985 Sullivan Joshua I * 0011
Sullivan Luke Thomas 1196 Summer Richard J 0600
Sunda William R III * 0133 Suter Brandon Charles 0348
Swain Patrick Levering 0458 Sweeney John Joseph 0436
Swezey Douglas Philip 0488 Sykes Thomas James 0873
Syvertsen Erik Leif * 0005 Taggart Joel Andrew * 0146
Tammen James D 0585 Tang Chiaying J 0891
Taylor Christopher Mat 0836 Taylor Tosh Andrew 0915
Temperato John Richard 0833 Temple Lukas James 1190
Terry Maxwell 0387 Theodotou Andrew Alexa 0975
Theriault Phillip Rich 0228 Thomas Branden Stuart 0819
Thomas Charles J * 0007 Thomas Jordan S 0899
Thomas Matthew Robert 0868 Thornhill Alan Murdo * 0099
Throckmorton Bryant M 1053 Thur Sandy Laureen 0210
Tisler David Andrew 0744 Torres Nicholas Christ 0961
Tran Brandon Lee 0627 Tran Tiffany * 0095
Triplett Jeramy Allan 0547 Trop Casey Lee 0984
Trumbly Tyler J 1048 Truninger Matt Alan 1195
Truong Andrew 0771 Truskot Sarah Jane 0700
Tu Leigh Howard 0356 Tucker Nicholas Peyton 0619
Tullis Henry Durant IV 0914 Tunick Mackenzie X * 0050
Tustison Nathan Carl 0925 Twardy Michael Andrew 0907
Ubiera Liam Reyes 0718 Unpingco Benjamin Anth 0752
Uyttebroek Thomas Cosg 0204 Valot Clement Blake 1062
Vanada Aaron Dale 1115 Vance Clint 0508
Vandegriff Daniel Wi * 0165 Vandenberg Ernst Jacob 1012
Vanderberry Claude B 0423 Vandine Matthew Gregor 0326
Vanhoof Jef 0834 Vanvleet David Elliot 1207
Vargas Jonathan 0901 Vasquez Lourdes Anne 0459
Vaughan Justin Michael 0858 Vendetta Taylor Jose * 0055
Verille Sarah C 0448 Vidal Anthony Daniel 1117
Vitug Steven Ivan J * 0031 Vogel Alexander Willia 0712
Vonderohe Cole R 1091 Vondersaar John Ryan 1085
Vorbroker Collin L 0545 Vorwald Austin L 0257
Voss Christopher Kenne 0197 Wagner James Sumner 0936
Walden Jarrett Kale 0990 Wales Samuel T 0507
Walker Joseph Michael 0481 Walker Tia Lynn 0846
Wallace Liana Joy 1192 Wallace Zachary M * 0068
Walsh Brendan 0203 Walter Seth Charles 0297
Walters Jackson Wells 1034 Walton Allison Miche * 0169
Ward Russell Dean 1029 Wardadams Jonathan Rya 0616
Warneke Frederick Char 1224 Wasdin Brian Evan 0706
Waters James L * 0089 Watson Stout Nyhan 1208
Webster Garrett D 0603 Wehrle Matthew A * 0052
Weideman Kaid W 0284 Welch Benjamin M 0618
Welch Sebastien Graem 1027 Welling Taylor Mark 1081
Wellman Zachary N * 0087 Wengler Joseph M 0200
Wenner Eric Scott 0293 Werling Joshua Scott * 0063
Wesbey Julia Rosa 0331 Wessel Lucien D 0499
West Barron Grant 1022 Westmoreland Nicholas 0466
Weston Caleb Iago 0939 Wexler Joshua A 0534
Wharton William L II 0882 Wheeler Kyle Chandler 1160
Whetham Todd Anthony 0802 Whippo Christopher Llo 0503
Whitcomb Christopher M 1111 White Conor Nicholas 0390
White Jacqueline Anne 0825 White James Allen Jr 1007
White Tyler Eugene 1016 Whitehurst Melvin L III 1137
Whiteman Jeffrey E 0649 Whitton Elena M * 0045
Wiemann John Paul Conr 0709 Wilding Austin Joseph 1222
Williams Dagan Brentle 0832 Williams Ethan Ray 0375
Williams Jake Gustav 0401 Williamson Benjamin Ga 0885
Wills Bryan P 0444 Wilman Matthew Steven 0316
Wilson Christine Eli * 0049 Wilson Martin Dempsey 0365
Wilster Steven Christo 0973 Wimsett Jesse Allen 1119
Windom Hugh Porter 0866 Winslow Jeremy John 1003
Winters Adam Wayne 1006 Winters Benjamin H 0454
Wiseman Julie Kathryn 1094 Wistner Stephen A II 0778
Witte Matthew Paul 1227 Wittry Lewis Evan 1168
Wojcik Peter L 0568 Wonser Ryan Mathew 1017
Wright Dustin Jared 0215 Wuestewald Brian David 0938
Wycoff Michael David 0188 Yeager Courtney E 1191
Yi James Yonghywn 1212 Yim Kathleen Ann 0321
Yoo Thomas Kun 0340 Young Daniel K 0404
Youngberg Philip Olive 0698 Yueh Christopher Adam 0808
Zachry Brandon Michael 0942 Zampese Thomas Frances 0889
Zappa Steven Richard * 0009 Zecman Eric J 0625
Zehner Wendy L 0475 Zemp Blake Edward 1140
Zonnefeld Evan Tyler 0298 Zupke William H 0280
Special Duty Officer (Human Resources)
Aka Romeo Bile 0022 Akpunku Jude S * 0005
Albritton Bradley L Jr 0018 Barron Meagan M 0010
Berg Jeremy Lloyd 0008 Bolena Loren Hunter 0013
Chiles Christopher Nic 0012 Corbett Ashley Ann 0011
Davis Olivia R 0031 Dawkins Shanell R 0030
Desormo Blayre A 0019 Garing Jonathan J 0020
Goodell Felicia Michel 0014 Guinn Emily Paige 0032
Haller Jeffrey 0006 Hoover Meghan Fern Ray 0027
Johnson Megan Ashley 0021 Latham Diamond M 0034
Lawson Francesca Jewel 0025 Lehmann Eric Wayne 0028
Lewis Carrington Ale * 0003 Linton Stanley V * 0004
Liu Yixuan 0036 Marshall Emily Danie * 0002
Mercado Harvey Angeles 0029 Mita Paige Adeline 0016
Nguyen Thong John Tri 0007 See Kathleen L 0033
Vargas Erik Valentine 0023 Veloria Mariano Gabrie 0017
Wallace Vashthai U 0035 Watkins Crystal 0015
Wellman Winter Scottra 0009 Wilker James C 0026
Willings Shannon Nic * 0001
Engineering Duty Officer
Achor Caleb Horton 0033 Adamos Allison D 0047
Ahlers Matthew C 0053 Aldridge Brent Michael 0019
Bailey Hampton G 0046 Barfield Brittany Joy 0017
Chatterjee Avi 0023 Clark Rochelle Elizabe 0011
Collins Elliot James 0026 Cotey Samuel Aaron 0014
Diatte Kyle J 0016 Diaz Christian X 0009
Dwyer Timothy Michael 0012 Edmond Ashley 0037
Everhart Zachary Jam * 0003 Fedorovich Alexander J 0034
Garcia Jorge David 0018 Gonzalez Adrian Anthon 0050
Gonzalezcruz Rafael Jo 0051 Green Daniel Stephen * 0002
Gunn Cameron A 0025 Hagen Megan Jene 0008
Hall Stephen Caleb * 0006 Hutton Nicholas James 0044
Irmer Mitchell Gabriel 0043 Johnson Latriva A 0024
Kain Alissa Rae * 0004 Kimberl William Calh * 0007
Lopez Fabian Antonio 0015 Mallery Janice L 0031
Malone Joshua James 0020 Mcgoogan Matthew Rob * 0001
Michael Zachary D 0054 Moncravie Barada Aaron 0039
Morrison Brent W 0041 Nearing Heather Galina 0055
Nichols Adam J 0028 Parker David A 0036
Prescott Jarrod James 0040 Rodriguez Kris M 0048
Stowe Adam Michael 0042 Summerlin James D 0010
Tapp Patrick A 0049 Tian Xisen 0032
Torosyan Masis B 0030 Tucker Adriana 0045
Uzoma Jillian Marie 0027 Vernon Cody Wayne 0029
Watanabe Daniel Takash 0022 Waterman Kelli Michell 0021
Wickham James Thomas * 0005 Woods Lucas Edward 0013
Wortham Myles Frederic 0052
Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer (Engineering)
Whitsett Daniel J II * 0001
Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer (Maintenance)
Abram Loran A 0019 Ammons Myeisha Latreis 0021
Carbajal Bree Elena 0020 Carbonel Matthew Mor * 0001
Cistola Daniel A Jr 0018 Desousa Jessica Norine 0011
Gardner Joseph Wesley 0004 Jackson Corey Donta 0015
Johnson Matthew R 0008 Jones Ronald Wayne Jr 0014
Lugavere Brian Keith 0007 Malik Ales * 0003
Manse Joshua David 0005 Ortizmadrigal Nidia * 0002
Perez Manuel J 0016 Powers Dustin James 0012
Quarshie Nathaniel Tet 0022 Reffett Adam Keith 0013
Russell Chadd Allen 0006 Townsend Trey Charles 0010
Valadez Jose A 0017
Special Duty Officer (Public Affairs)
Cannaday Chelsea Danie 0008 Cobb Mckensey Taylor 0002
Collins Kassandra En * 0001 Dietlin Chelsea Michel 0009
Jones Corey Todd 0006 Meadows Teresa Carmell 0007
Morrison Meagan Renee 0004 Niles Sarah Elizabeth 0010
Ready Caroline Elizabe 0005 Wiedemann Kristina Mar 0003
Special Duty Officer (Foreign Area)
Barnum Sarah Alverie L 0009 Bell Charles W III 0013
Carpenter Christen L * 0002 Ellis Brandon Taylor 0005
Eves Ashley Yariela Ni 0012 Gant James C 0003
Ibitoye Femi James 0015 Joseph Christopher M 0011
Keaton Benjamin James 0010 Lamberti Jesus Gerar * 0001
Mobilia Alexander Jame 0017 Quihuis Robert A IV 0016
Rallet Bryan G 0014 Snapp Isaac Deblase 0007
Trentham Jessica L 0006 Uwazie Chima 0008
Walsh Maria Francesca 0004
Special Duty Officer (Oceanography)
Amparo Johnregi Destua 0020 Bernstein Dantaun Arie 0015
Cheslack Helena Randol 0013 Colonwaite Bailey Raye 0016
Duncan Henry Cullen 0018 Faddish Austin J 0009
Gaine Brendan Thomas 0005 Giraldo Sara 0014
Hansen Tasha Louise 0010 Jenstrom Ian Patrick 0023
Kabernagel Matthew Ale 0017 Koletsos Michael Alexa 0004
Long Brandon Tracy * 0001 Lynn Joshua Neal 0019
Mcgowan Samantha C 0012 Mortenson Christopher 0007
Perkins Angellica M 0011 Petersen Daniel Lawren 0008
Uribe Ricardo Kenneth 0021 Ward Joseph Flynn 0006
Wilson Lawrence Vale * 0002 Wisdo Savannah Rebekka 0022
Yott Joseph P * 0003
Special Duty Officer (Cryptologic Warfare)
Abramson Kelly Marie 0037 Acevez Steven Emanuel 0058
Anderson Benjamin Cory 0066 Bachmann Andrew J 0017
Baier Christopher D 0039 Barrett John R III 0032
Boles Richard Scott 0030 Bonitz Dylan Andrew * 0007
Carter Thomas Edward * 0001 Coble Joseph Robert * 0002
Delaney Kevin Joseph 0063 Dennis Charles Warren 0061
Deridder Daniel Steven 0023 Devivies Erin Nicole 0047
Dziallo Kieran Morgan 0043 Elliott Jeffrey Power 0031
Esswein Michell Lee 0010 French Rodney Leon III 0065
Geimer Montana Winters 0045 Hahn Christopher David 0057
Hanson Christopher Rob 0052 Hembree Dwain Kyle 0028
Humble William Thomas 0062 Jennings Haley Selan * 0006
Jones Katherine Marie 0021 Kennedy Samuel C 0068
Kessler Alexander Ian 0024 Langston Shuntiyea Toj 0053
Lascola Matthew R 0015 Lenis Fernando M 0038
Leon Andre 0013 Levitas Joshua A 0055
Lippitt Erica Jean * 0003 Lomax Evan Tyler 0034
Maguire Justin Michael 0046 Masunaga Mary Lynnhaye 0071
Mayer Katherine M * 0005 Merrion Kristofer Terr 0041
Middlebrooks Keenen J 0069 Miller Michael Dustin 0064
Mooney James William 0033 Moore Michael Patrick 0048
Morgan Robert Javauris 0067 Nessly Karissa Joy 0016
Niedermaier Michael * 0008 Nimmo Ronald Tyler 0026
Orehosky Gerald R Jr 0056 Park Jungwoo 0020
Peoples Luke Contrael 0040 Pineda Larry M 0011
Proal Alexander Freder 0022 Putman Zachary Wayne 0014
Reyes Jonathan P 0019 Rizman Christopher Wil 0049
Rosnick Kelly Elizabet 0036 Rumbawa Romano Watson 0059
Scott Veronica Gabri * 0009 Shoulta Eric Michael 0060
Skinker Hampson Cole 0018 Square Lisa Marie 0029
Stasolla Cord Anthony 0025 Taylor Jason H 0044
Terry Chelsea Shanice 0051 Tresslar Michael Josep 0035
Veres Steven Joseph 0054 Villarrealross Gabriel 0012
Villasenor Justin Chri 0027 Voss Leonard Harry 0042
Wescott Seth Alexand * 0004 Wilhelm Jordan Robert 0070
Woods Cameron Penniman 0050

Special Duty Officer (Information Professional)
Ammann Joshua Glenn 0051 Amos Vincent Tremain * 0001
Andersen Tyler D 0060 Arnold Selby Marie 0054
Bates Ashlee Nicole 0059 Beidleman Martin Mac * 0006
Bek Michael Richard 0012 Blouin Shaun David 0034
Breen Daniel Jay 0037 Britt Christopher Jo * 0003
Burbach Scott Michael 0033 Cahoe Timothy Michael 0030
Castro Jesus Emmanuel 0047 Centeno Geovany 0041
Clouse Patrick Stephen 0055 Collins Letitia Ann 0049
Dennis Frank S Jr 0042 Doddmasucci Ashley J 0027
Dudley James Travis 0057 Foley Brian A 0023
Gadjoro Brice A O 0044 Greer Loriann Kovacic 0046
Grim Tyler Scott 0016 Hawes G W III 0007
Hawkins Joshua Dean 0056 Holmes Brandon Normie 0010
Hunt Joseph L 0058 Hyde Madeline C 0018
Joseph Aldwin Jacque * 0002 Landers Lance B 0020
Leavy Lekendrick Rapha 0043 Mamzic Curtis Carter 0014
Mcclure Jason Patrick 0036 Mccoy Meagan A * 0005
Mccray Gregory E Jr * 0004 Muiruri Antony Kamunyu 0017
Ogletree Cameron E 0061 Parker Michael W 0019
Pilkington Darry Louis 0031 Principeberrios Caleb 0052
Reed Edward James 0011 Robinson Stephanie Mar 0008
Santos John John Antho 0048 Schwappach Loren Karl 0053
Shaw Christopher R 0021 Sherwood Jason Parker 0024
Simon Jamie Leigh 0032 Snyper William A 0022
Southard Seth Edmund 0040 Tas Cemre 0038
Tatsanaram Kristina M 0039 Thomas Alexandria Leig 0029
Tucker Patrick Jonatha 0035 Walker Travis Drew 0013
Watkins David Alan 0050 Wohar Nicholas Andrew 0009
Yu Scott Soohan 0015 Yun Zenas 0028
Zwald Justin Louis 0045
Special Duty Officer (Intelligence)
Benke Mary Margaret 0019 Brown Amanda Rachella 0066
Brown Sarah R 0014 Brown Stephanie Elizab 0032
Bryant Nicholas Isaiah 0026 Canavati Michael Chr * 0006
Cominos Apostolos P 0042 Cracknell Stephen Deca 0056
Crawford Nathan Casey 0023 Damon Samuel Christoph 0016
Davis Anthony Earl Jr 0013 Denning Michael Seaver 0018
Dibella Charles Robert 0060 Donnelly Robert W III 0053
Fairchild Timothy Jame 0025 Fields Lonnie L III 0048
Forney Christopher Jam 0054 Forristall Anthony Jam 0035
Gale Frances Catherine 0049 Galloway Ashley M 0055
Gould Adam Gregory 0021 Gregory Timothy Shaun 0057
Gross Samuel Benjamin 0036 Guy Adam M 0041
Hadley Nathan Andrew 0024 Heckler Andrew Jeffe * 0003
Hungerford Benedetto J 0052 Jackson Meadow J 0070
Jaicks Aubrey Eleanor 0064 Jensen Katherine B 0059
Johnson Charles M Jr 0034 Ketola James Alexander 0071
Khaw Jeremy Michael 0068 Krulder Joseph S II * 0001
Kuhn Rachael Aileen 0051 Kyler Seth Walter 0061
Lathroum Dane Alan 0017 Loen Marcus Randall * 0009
Loyal Rebecca Erin 0039 Mccarty Elizabeth 0043
Mcdonald Tavis Hunter 0067 Mcfeely Kevin Willey 0074
Meder Ryan Albert 0058 Moreno Billy Darwin 0028
Morrow Michael Jeffr * 0007 Nelson Gregory Jon * 0011
Ohman Ryan Mark 0075 Palmisano Michael Domi 0063
Pauwels Nathalie Erika 0015 Pearson Joy Christina 0047
Poppert William Reilly 0072 Reich Andrew Jeffrey 0027
Ridge Joshua Scott 0050 Roberts Phillip Anthon 0037
Ruppenthal Alec Hayden 0045 Salazar Esteban A II 0044
Sawyer Stephen Thomas 0040 Schleisman Patricia Al 0033
Singh Manpreet Kaur 0012 Smith Ashtin Leigh 0062
Solonick Robert Doug * 0010 Sooterdubois Lindsie * 0004
Stamps Alex Granison 0030 Studiner Ethan Richard 0020
Sutton John Frederick 0073 Szappanos Nicholas Ant 0065
Ullman Anthony Allen * 0008 Valla Matthew Edward 0029
Villemez Nicholas Ro * 0002 Walker Sonseeahray 0022
Welling Allison Marie 0038 Winger Alex P 0069
Womack James Harold 0046
Special Duty Officer (Cyber Warfare Engineer)
Acedera Jordankane Uma 0002 Clark Zechariah * 0001
Special Duty Officer (Maritime Space)
Beach John A 0004 Olsen Donald Christian 0002
Orsborn William J * 0001 Pedrazoli Joshua David 0005
Roberts Christopher Ki 0006 Thompson Zachary Aron 0007
Turner Julian G 0003
Limited Duty Officer (Surface)
Baisden Ronnie E II 0056 Boltz Daniel James 0028
Bulls Ambar Marlene 0054 Cambe Brando Bonostro 0036
Carlos Adalberto 0016 Chambers Brian 0030
Chardon Kristianne 0042 Chester Avery Jude Jr 0020
Clark Christopher B II 0012 Dollison Jason Maurice 0031
Gonzalez Maribel Eugen 0014 Graham Glen Autry 0047
Haghverdi Teddy Roozbe 0045 Hahn Andrew Buchanan 0026
Helms Christopher Jo * 0008 Hill Charles Anthon 0029
Hodge Dormain Jr 0034 Hodgson Jonathan Wayne 0048
James Donny Lee II 0015 James Ryan D 0017
Jemmott Pedro 0052 Jones Jacob Bradford 0032
Ketsdever Phillip Ma * 0003 Koulabouth Phillip 0035
Lea Travis Alan 0010 Lemak Keith Richard 0011
Lupisan James Erwinc * 0006 Martinez Jorge 0049
Mecum Erika Yvonne * 0002 Messenger John Duane 0033
Miller Raymond Andrew 0046 Morgan Anthony Michael 0013
Morrissey Donald James 0053 Mosley Kelly Lee * 0005
Moulton Christopher St 0041 Muniz Daniel 0025
Newberry Steven Nichol 0043 Reed Jimmy Anthony 0038
Royes Sheldon A * 0001 Sam Ishmel Beard 0019
Savee Anthony David 0037 Simmons Jeffery Dale 0050
Spikes Billy Gene Jr * 0004 Stevenson Emmanual Tys 0024
Sullivan Jennifer Mari 0051 Thompson Paul L III 0040
Tuazon Paul Deleon * 0007 Tucker Michael Patrick 0039
Wieber Joshua James 0055 Wilkinson Daniel Josep 0021
Williams Christopher J 0009 Wilson Melvin Scott 0018
Yanase Gregory Ryan 0044 Younger Brian Dale 0022
Limited Duty Officer (Nuclear/Submarine)
Adriazola Steve Alexan 0028 Andrews Gregory Joseph 0039
Arnette Johnny M III * 0003 Brevell Joshua M * 0001
Buchanan Kenneth Wayne 0030 Carey Brian Patrick 0034
Chase Thomas Andrew 0029 Church Nicholas Jame * 0006
Cooley Bennie James 0014 Deason Jason Neal 0036
Duerson Carl Drew 0024 Garza Arturo Jr 0013
Gerling Gabriel Lee 0031 Gibbons Gregory Derek 0037
Gleason Seth Thomas 0009 Hammond Damian Russell 0016
Howie Christopher Ryan 0011 Jerina Burley Eugene 0021
Kuhaneck Michael James 0008 Lilly Jeremiah Leslie 0038
Malerk Christopher Jam 0040 Martin Karl Richard Jr 0018
Moore Joshua William 0012 Morales Vincent Edwa * 0002
Moretti Anthony Joseph 0025 Pruitt Joshua Brian 0032
Shadow Aaron Wayne 0020 Short Thomas Christoph 0023
Steinhauer Mitchell Er 0019 Studt Thomas Andrew 0022
Tenney Franklin Earl 0010 Tinh Anh Chan 0033
Toy Patrick Charles 0007 Tremblay Melissa Black 0026
Usher Austin Cody 0015 Vetter Alicia Joy 0017
Wallace Benjamin D 0027 Waller Jace Brian Jr 0035
Wescott Aaron Jon Tr * 0004 White Chad Everett * 0005
Limited Duty Officer (Aviation)
Ariasdavison Mario Alb 0007 Bahn Timothy Robert 0012
Baliraj Nandesh * 0004 Calderon John 0014
Chiong Matthewcarlson 0022 Corrigan Richard J III 0032
Craig Courtney Nicol * 0003 Denson Beau Lawrence 0030
Diazmendoza Jose Javie 0026 Espinosa Ernesto Jr 0024
Etheridge Jason Lamar 0011 Fawson Ronald G 0013
Friesz Curtis Lee 0025 Garcia Juan Pablo * 0001
Gilmore Adam Russel 0006 Gugia Kindolo Roy 0016
Hoyt Blake Edward 0020 Huskinson Earle K Jr 0018
Jaber Hussam Mohamad 0009 Kirk Ryan Andrew 0010
Knott John William IV 0034 Kuhns Christopher Jame 0036
Martinez Roman 0035 Moncada Elizabeth Patr 0033
Niefer Nathanael Phili 0031 Ott Shaine Steven 0017
Popoola Mobolaji Joh * 0002 Sanchezburgos Omar Luc 0029
Seibel Justin Raymond 0008 Solano Veronica Arel * 0005
Timme Eric Scott 0028 Torresmedrano Cesar 0021
Vaculin Craig 0023 Weyh Todd Walter 0027
Witherspoon Dimera Ars 0019 Woods Gary Alexander 0015
Limited Duty Officer (General Line)
Allen Mitchell Thomas 0036 Batten William Duke Jr 0021
Bradshaw Maribeth Aubr 0008 Chieco Jared Joseph 0013
Davis David Thomas 0010 Espinosagonzalez Luis 0026
Fessler Nicholas Shane 0014 Fields Devin Ronnald 0009
Golliday Kristen Jun * 0002 Gutierrez Ruben P Jr 0031
Hall Anthony David 0012 Hillman Andrew Jolliff 0027
Hodosky Michael Lee 0019 Jones Thomas Wayne Jr 0037
Jun Kenneth 0034 Kleiner Denton Kale 0030
Lane Charles Edward 0025 Lehtinen Andrew Robert 0029
Lemaster Hershel Edwar 0024 Maki Paul Mathew 0006
Mcclanahan Clint Allen 0017 Menjivar Paula 0035
Mihalco James Richard 0028 Mireles Patrick Henry 0004
Queen Aaron Gabriel 0007 Ramos Jordan Nash 0018
Rencherbutler Edward M 0016 Rhude Randall P Jr * 0001
Satrasook Benjamin Rey 0023 Simpson Benjamin Kelly 0020
Smith Brian Christophe 0032 Smith Christinemae Oca 0015
Toon Dewayne Lamont 0033 Villano Darren 0005
Whittenton Charles Mer 0011

5. Released by The Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary Of The Navy.//



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    20 August 2024 at 23:36


    Congratulations’ All and to, Lomax Evan Tyler 0034

    Your Future is Bright.

    Daisy Gonzalez & Chris Dixon



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How long does it take to make LT commander in the navy? ›

Assuming you are not picked early for promotion, you typically promote every six years. You will become a Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) at approximately 6 years, a Commander (CDR) at 12 years, and a Captain (CAPT) at 18 years.

What is the rank of lieutenant commander in the navy? ›

Lieutenant commander (LCDR) is a senior officer rank in the United States Navy, the United States Coast Guard, the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Officer Corps (NOAA Corps), with the pay grade of O-4 and NATO rank code OF-3.

What rank comes after commander in the navy? ›

O-1 through O-4 are junior officers: ensign, lieutenant (junior grade), lieutenant, and lieutenant commander. O-5 and O-6 are senior officers: commander and captain. O-7 through O-10 are flag officers: rear admiral (lower half) (one star), rear admiral (two stars), vice admiral (three stars), and admiral (four stars).

How long does it take to become a commander in the US Navy? ›

The time it takes to become a commander in the navy varies depending on several factors, including education, experience, and performance. Typically, it takes around 15-20 years of service to reach the rank of commander.

How hard is it to become a lieutenant commander in the Navy? ›

Typically, it takes around 8-10 years of service to reach this rank. However, this can be accelerated through exceptional performance and leadership skills. Additionally, officers who have completed advanced degrees or specialized training may be promoted more quickly.

How much does a lieutenant commander make in the Navy Reserve? ›

Get feedback on your pay or offer

The estimated total pay range for a Lieutenant Commander at United States Navy Reserves is $114K–$191K per year, which includes base salary and additional pay. The average Lieutenant Commander base salary at United States Navy Reserves is $147K per year.

How do you address a Navy lieutenant commander? ›

The correct way to address a Lieutenant Commander named Mr. Miller is "Lieutenant Commander Miller NEVER Lieutenant", or written as LCDR Miller. In formal situations, a Lieutenant Commander should always be addressed by their full rank.

Does a Navy commander outrank an army captain? ›

Commander ranks above lieutenant commander (O-4) and below captain (O-6). Commander is equivalent to the rank of lieutenant colonel in the other uniformed services.

What rank is a Navy seal? ›

The majority of Navy SEALs (about 2,000) are Navy Enlisted personnel (E-4 to E-9). They are led by roughly 500 SEAL Officers (O-1 to O-10). There is also a small number of SEAL Warrant Officers (circa 30) who rank as officers above the senior-most Enlisted but lower than an Officer (O-1).

Is commander a good rank in the Navy? ›

Commander is the first senior commissioned officer rank in the U.S. Navy, and is equivalent to the rank of Liutenant Colonel in the other Armed Services. Commanders often serve as the captain of a small Navy vessel, such as a frigate, destroyer, or submarine.

Is lieutenant a high rank? ›

lieutenant, company grade officer, the lowest rank of commissioned officer in most armies of the world. The lieutenant normally commands a small tactical unit such as a platoon.

What does a lieutenant commander do in the Navy? ›

A Lieutenant Commander is a department officer or the executive officer (second-in-command) on many warships and smaller shore installations, or the commanding officer of a smaller ship/installation. They are also department officers in naval aviation squadrons.

How long can you be a LT in the navy? ›

Lieutenants can request continuation up to 20 years of commissioned service as a Lieutenant.

What does a commander in the Navy get paid? ›

Navy Commander Pay

A Commander is a senior officer in the United States Navy at DoD paygrade O-5. A Commander receives a monthly basic pay salary starting at $6,726 per month, with raises up to $11,427 per month once they have served for over 22 years.

How long does it take to go from first LT to captain? ›

18 months after commissioning (Guard or Reserve) or starting active duty, you will be promoted to first lieutenant and at 4 years beyond commissioning, you will be promotable to captain.

How long does it take to promote to lieutenant colonel? ›

Promotion to Lieutenant Colonel takes about 17 years. At this phase, the Army takes maximum advantage of your talents. This means you'll be assigned as a Brigade Commander in charge of thousands of soldiers or director of a large staff.

How many years in the Navy to be a lieutenant? ›

Nobody is guaranteed rank in the Navy, but on average, 4 - 5 years. One must first serve as an Ensign ( O-1 ) and a Lieutenant Junior Grade ( O-2 ) successfully before promotion.

How fast do you rank up in the Navy? ›

Most Sailors will start as an E-1 (for Enlisted) or O-1 (for Officer), rise in rank within two years and continue to receive regular rank promotions as they serve. If you have college experience or other skills, you may start at a higher rank.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.