Staff NCO Promotions (2024)

This section shows how to read the monthly promotion statistics at the bottom of each monthly promotion authority message.

Monthly SNCO Promotion Status
Selection Board Number Selected Senior No. Prom. 1 Dec Jan Prom. Projected for Feb.
SGTMAJ-MGYSGT 385 276 17 15
GYSGT 1664 1278 206 120
SSGT 3155 1704 676 215

This section shows how to read the monthly promotion statistics at the bottom of each message:

Selection Board

The name of the board by which the Marine was selected.

Number Selected

The total number of Marines selected by that board.

Senior No. Prom 1 Dec

The last seniority number that was promoted on the 1st of the previous month.

Jan Prom

The total number of Marines selected off the board to be promoted on the 1st of that month.

Note:To find the seniority number of the last Marine to be promoted on 1st of the month, add the number from the previous month (December) and the number to be promoted (January) to get the approximate last seniority number for January.

Projected for Feb

The number of Marines projected to be promoted on the 1st of the next month.

Effective 1 December 2001, SNCO select names are no longer published on monthly MarAdmins. As of Software Release 2-01, names will not longer be listed on the monthly MarAdmin. The Seniority Number and Board Year will be listed on the “GRAD” screen in the MCTFS. Units will receive a Diary Feedback Report (DFR) for each Marine to be promoted. The DFR will also indicate the Promotion Month.

The MarAdmin will contain authority to effect the promotions of Marines who receive a Select Grade Date in MCTFS for the upcoming promotion month. Type “GRAD” in MCTFS!

Grade Select

The grade selected to by a board; generated after the board has adjourned.

Grade Select Date

Date and month the Staff Seniority Number is reached and the Marine can be promoted; generated the last week of the month prior to the promotion month.

Staff Seniority Number

The order given to Marines selected; generated after the board has adjourned.

Staff Board Number

The name of the board the Marine was selected by.

2001G: Regular Selection Board
2001S: Selected Marine Corps Reserve Board
2001I: Individual Ready Reserve Board
2001A: Active Reserve Board

Obligated Service (OBS)

Commanding Officers have authority to locally extend Marines using projected tables in monthly promotion MARADMINS to ensure they possess the 24 months OBS to avoid promotion delays.

Commanding Officers cannot extend Marines with withdraw case code (DCC) of AF, AH, AX, or AY. Marines with those DCCs must submit extensions to Headquarters Marine Corps via the Total Force Retention System.

Marines under the purview of the FY24/FY25 Enlisted Retention Campaign may submit for reenlistment via a streamlined submission process.

Marines in medical status, to include limited duty or pending evaluation by a physical evaluation board, and meet all other requirements are eligible for promotion without an extension.

Marines selected for promotion in the active duty and departing to affiliate with the reserve component (RC)may retain their selection if OBS compliance is met via the Direct Affiliation Program (DAP).

Inform MMPB-11 when an active-duty Marine has met OBS compliance with an approved RC affiliation contract in one of the following components:

Selected Marine Corps Reserve
Individual Mobilization Augmentees
Active Reserve
Individual Ready Reserve

Marines who do not comply with OBS requirements before their seniority number being reached will receive a date of rank and effective date for the 1st of the following month after compliance with OBS.

Inform MMPB-11 if a Marine refuses to extend or reenlist to gain OBS. MMPB-11 will remove the Marine’s name from the appropriate selection list unless a Marine is doing a DAP contract from active to reserves.

Refusal of OBS makes a Marine ineligible for all future promotion selection boards within the same component but not does not transfer between active to reserve components.

Sequenced Professional Military Education (PME)

Marines selected to Staff Sergeant (SSgt) or Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) via sequenced PME provisions are reminded of their obligation to complete a qualifying PME course of instruction or special duty assignment (SDA) military occupational specialty (MOS) producing school for promotion.

Marines who do not complete PME requirements prior to their seniority number being reached will receive a date of rank and effective date for the 1st of the following month after compliance with PME requirements.

FY 23 active-duty selected SSgts not fully PME complete or with an SDA waiver by 1 October 2024 will have their selection revoked and will incur a failure of selection.

FY24 active-duty selected GySgts not fully PME complete or with an SDA waiver by 1 April 2025 will have their selection revoked and will incur a failure of selection.

FY 24 active-duty selected SSgts not fully PME complete or with an SDA waiver by 1 July 2025 will have their selection revoked and will incur a failure of selection.

Additional Commander Responsibilities

Review each Marine’s record prior to delivery of the certificate of appointment to ensure they continue to maintain the high standards of professional and personal performance which led to selection.

The enlisted promotion manual provides specific guidance and reporting instructions for Commander’s intending to delay or revoke the promotion of a selected Marine.

Change a Marine’s PMOS to the next career progression MOS when they are promoted above the grade ceiling for that PMOS and they complete the requisite MOS generating school.

Commands with Marines attached to their command/unit/det in a temporary additional duty status must seek concurrence from the Marine’s parent command prior to effecting the promotion.

When the Commanding Officer determines that a Marine who has been selected for promotion by a HQMC SNCO Selection Board is unqualified for promotion, CMC (MMPB-11) must immediately be notified by standard naval letter that the command requests the delay or revocation of the Marine’s certificate of appointment to the next higher grade.

Commander’s Responsibilities

Paragraph 1200.4 of MCO P1400.32D [Enlisted Promotion Manual] :

Ensure strict compliance with the policies and regulations contained in this manual.
Ensure that all enlisted Marines who are to be promoted to the next higher grade meet the Marine Corps standards of professionalism, personal performance, and leadership.
Ensure that a Marine is not promoted unless the individual can be expected to assume the responsibilities and perform the duties of that grade in a creditable and satisfactory manner.
Ensure that fully qualified and deserving Marines are expeditiously promoted on the date directed by the CMC.

Promotion Restrictions

Marines will not be promoted while in any of the categories found in the Enlisted Promotion Manual, paragraph 1204.3.

Requests to CMC (MMPB-11)

Once the advanced notification is received from this Headquarters, a message is sent from CMC (MMPB-11) with detailed instructions for submission of areport of circ*mstancesto the CMC.

Within 30 days of submitting the advance notification of intent to delay or revoke the Marine’s selection (CO’s letter), a full detailed report of the circ*mstances will be forwarded by the commanding officer, via the chain of command, to the CMC (MMPB-11). The report will contain the commanding officer’s specific recommendation for delivering, delaying, or revoking the appointment. the commanding generals endorsem*nt, the Marines acknowledgment/statement, and any supporting documents requested by CMC (MMPB-11).

Sample originating letter from the Command with recommendation

The Marine’s statement.The Marine will be afforded the opportunity to review the commanding officer’s recommendation, to include all information used by the commander to substantiate the recommendation. The MarineMust, at a minimum, submit a signed copy of one of the following statements (whichever one best fits the circ*mstances). The Marine may also provide additional comments in subsequent paragraphs or have someone prepare a statement on his or her behalf. Any third-party statements must be endorsed by the Marine, acknowledging that the statement is submitted with his or her knowledge. The following formatted sentences will be used as the opening paragraph in the Marine’s statement and should fit most of the cases.

The Marine’s Statement

The CMC will promote, by means other than the regular promotion system, exceptionally well-qualified Marines in recognition of outstanding leadership and performance, per the provisions outlined below. Meritorious promotions are intended to promote Marines whose performance is superior to that of their peers, or to promote Marines for specific actions/superior achievement.

The CMC, under certain specific circ*mstances, may delegate authority to effect meritorious promotions to specific grades, in addition to the authority already delegated in this section. Normally, the CMC will not delegate the authority to effect meritorious or accelerated promotions to the grades of SSgt and above.
Meritorious promotions are not authorized above the grade of MSgt. Meritorious promotions to MSgt are limited to the Drill Instructor and Recruiter of the Year Programs. Meritorious promotion to 1stSgt is not authorized.
Minimum TIG requirements are waived in the case of meritorious promotions. However, compliance with minimum TIS requirements as shown in paragraph 1202, is mandatory.
Determination of eligibility for meritorious promotion will be based on the performance of the Marine as reported in the commander’s recommendation and on the Marine’s military record.
Meritorious promotions will not be used as rewards or when a personal commendation/award is appropriate. A meritorious promotion must be based on the Marine’s demonstrated capability to discharge the responsibilities and duties of the higher grade in a satisfactory manner.

Upon approval, the CMC will publish a congratulatory MARADMIN authorizing commanders to affect the promotions. The CMC (MMPB-11) will input the meritorious promotion entries into the MCTFS.

Combat & Non-Combat Promotions

Combat Meritorious Promotion Program.

Commanding generals will submit, by naval correspondence, recommendations for combat meritorious promotion based on meritorious action and performance in combat or performance under combat conditions to the CMC (MMPB-11).

Non-combat Meritorious Promotion Program.

Commanders may submit recommendations for non-combat meritorious promotion based on a single meritorious act to the CMC (MMPB-11) by naval letter. The recommendation will include a detailed justification and information about the qualifying act, the Marine’s performance, and leadership ability/ accomplishments.

SNCO Meritorious Messages

Criteria for Meritorious Recommendations

Commanders, in their determination of qualifications for meritorious promotions, will be guided by, but not limited to, the following:

Marines must have completed the required PME for the grade to which being recommended.
The Marine’s performance of duty, in comparison with all known Marines of the same grade without regard to MOS/OccFld, must be to a significant degree superior to that of their peers in order to merit promotion over other qualified Marines in that grade, regardless of TIG.
The level and type of duty performed within the individual’s MOS/OccFld, as well as outside the MOS/OccFld, must be clearly superior to that of his or her peers.
Superior performance on unusual assignments that reflects favorably upon the Marine Corps.

The Enlisted Remedial Selection Board (ERSB) is administered by the Enlisted Promotion Section under the guidance of the Enlisted Remedial Selection Board Order (MCO 5420.16D) and the Enlisted Promotion Manual (MCO P1400.32D W/CH 2). These orders provide information and guidance, and assign responsibilities concerning the operation and functioning of the ERSB.

The ERSB is duly constituted by authority of the Commandant. The ERSB is authorized to review all Marine enlisted personnel records referred to it for the purpose of making recommendations concerning remedial promotion to the SNCO grades.

The ERSB will be composed of members representing the various divisions and staff agencies of Headquarters, Marine Corps and other local commands as designated in MCO 5420.16D.

Reasons for Approval

There are various reasons for your request for remedial consideration to be approved or disapproved. Per MCO P1400.32D [Enlisted Promotion Manual], paragraph 3602 lists the eligibility requirements for Marines requesting remedial consideration before the ERSB.

The eligible Marine’s record is not considered by a regularly scheduled SNCO selection board (paragraph 3104.3).
The Marine should have been eligible for consideration but was erroneously omitted/deleted from the list of eligible Marines.
The Marine is denied promotion opportunity as a result of action required by paragraph 1203 and is subsequently acquitted or absolved of all responsibility.
The Marine is erroneously considered in the wrong zone or PMOS/OccFld.
The Marine is denied promotion consideration as a result of omitted or incorrect eligibility criteria (i.e., DOR, AFADBD, PEBD).
The Marine would have been eligible for promotion consideration but was temporarily retired (i.e., TDRL) and has since returned to active duty.
The Marine has a court-martial conviction, NJP, or civil conviction set aside or overturned
The Marine has had fitness reports or other material in his/her official record removed or corrected by the Performance Evaluation Review Board (PERB) or the BCNR. Note: Marines should pay particular attention to paragraph 3602.3 pertaining to “Due Diligence”.
The Marine completed all appropriate PME requirements (section 3300 of this Manual) prior to the convening date of the selection board, however, the board did not find the Marine’s PME complete during the board proceedings.

Reasons for Disapproval

There are various reasons for your request for remedial consideration to be disapproved. Per paragraph 3602, MCO P1400.32D [Enlisted Promotion Manual], the following examples will not normally constitute a basis for granting remedial consideration for promotion:

Material removed from a Marine’s record that could not have been seen by a regularly scheduled selection board (i.e., a fitness report removed from the Marine’s record that was submitted after the adjournment of the board).
The Marine’s request is based solely upon dissatisfaction with the results of the selection board (i.e., nonselection).
When the Marine’s request is based upon material contained in his or her record which he or she believes is unjust and this material has not been removed by the PERB or BCNR.
¿The Marine submitted a nonselection request to the selection board and then changed his or her mind.
When a Marine’s request is based upon a recent lateral move, change of MOS/OccFld, or periods of time assigned to billets outside his or her MOS/OccFld, and he or she believes nonselection was based upon a lack of MOS/Occfld credibility.
Missing or late submission of fitness reports.
Date gaps on the Marine’s Master Brief Sheet (MBS) due to missing fitness reports.
Errors on the Marine’s Master Brief Sheet.
Missing/incorrect information in the OMPF (e.g., awards, certificates, course completions [except required PME]).
Inaccurate information contained in MCTFS (e.g., erroneous/incorrect PFT, rifle/pistol score).
Absence of personal correspondence sent to selection board (e.g., photo, letters of recommendation, fitness reports, reserve qualification summary).
When a Marine fails to demonstrate due diligence in correcting errors, injustices in the record, or in the submission of a request for remedial promotion consideration.
Marines requesting below zone consideration.
Requests for remedial consideration for promotion to a rank already held or to which already selected by a promotion selection board. Instead, a request for a backdate of the promotion must be submitted to the Board for Correction of Naval Records (BCNR) using DD Form 149.

Remedial Selection Board Package

Review the following information prior to completing your package:

Enlisted Promotion Manual – Chapter 3, Section 6
SNCO PME Requirements.

Requests for remedial consideration must be submitted by the individual Marine and are not required to be endorsed by the command.

Cover letters should accompany all materials submitted to the CMC (MMPB-11) for SNCO remedial consideration. Follow the reference at right for a sample cover letter.

Marines should allow at least 90 days for processing cases that are referred to the ERSB and at least 45 days for cases that are disapproved.

Remedial Board Schedule

Enlisted Remedial Selection Board Schedule

ERSB’s are held once a month, typically the second or third Wednesday of the month. Results are finalized in within three weeks. Marines will be notified of selection/non-selection via the email address which they sent their request from.

Post Board Phase

The proceedings and recommendations of the ERSB will not be disclosed or released until they are approved and signed. During this final phase, MMPB-11 will finalize the official board report and prepare the select message. Once the board report and select message are signed, results are released and posted to the MMPB-11 website. A message is generated and released for all selectees; nonselects will be notified by mail to the home of record address.

Remedial Board Results

FY 2024 – FY 2027 Enlisted Remedial Selection Board Results







Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11












FY 2020 – FY 2023 Enlisted Remedial Selection Board Results







Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11


Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11


Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11


Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11


Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11


Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11


Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11


Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11


Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11


Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11


Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11


Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

Results will be notified via email from MMPB-11

FY 2016 – FY 2019 Enlisted Remedial Selection Board Results







291736Z JAN 16

261334Z JAN 17


052235Z FEB 19


041447Z MAR 16

231401Z FEB 17

161529Z FEB 18

071351Z MAR 19


221832Z MAR 16

291824Z MAR 17

271440Z MAR 18



041120Z MAY 16

021502Z MAY 17

161742Z APR 18

011424Z MAY 18

301507Z APR 19


241929Z MAY 16

311116Z MAY 17

041848Z JUN 18

301226Z MAY 18

051334Z JUN 19


201446Z JUN 16

271450Z JUN 17

291757Z JUN 18

Results will be notified by email from MMPR2


271338Z JUL 16

251950Z JUL 17

251854Z JUL 18

Results will be notified by email from MMPR2


311719Z AUG 16

281456Z AUG 17


Results will be notified by email from MMPR2


202034Z SEP 16

251238Z SEP 17

031230Z OCT 18

Results will be notified by email from MMPR2


201220Z OCT 16

011301Z NOV 17

301713Z OCT 18

Results will be notified by email from MMPR2


281622Z NOV 16

211609Z NOV 17

271745Z NOV 18

Results will be notified by email from MMPR2


211958Z DEC16

181805Z DEC17


Results will be notified by email from MMPR2

FY 2011 – FY 2015 Enlisted Remedial Selection Board Results








211402Z JAN 11

182032Z JAN 12

231954Z JAN 13

282027Z JAN 14

281639Z JAN 15


231431Z FEB 11

011139Z MAR 11

221319Z FEB 12

271312Z FEB 13

271633Z FEB 14




271255Z MAR 12

261217Z MAR 13

261227Z MAR 14

201639Z MAR 15


041033Z MAY 11

031049Z MAY 12

231825Z APR 13

231920Z APR 14



241708Z MAY 11

221231Z MAY 12

211933Z MAY 13

211854Z MAY 14

201822ZMAY 15


281951Z JUN 11

271043Z JUN 12

261814Z JUN 13

251505Z JUN 14

231806ZJUN 15


021453Z AUG 11




061757ZAUG 15



151751Z AUG 12

271509Z AUG 13

141907Z AUG 14

211315ZAUG 15


211511Z SEP 11

051617Z SEP 12

081152Z OCT 13

301937Z SEP 14

301823ZSEP 15


201623Z OCT 11

011703Z NOV 12

221906Z OCT 13

281601Z OCT 14

222032ZOCT 15


222026Z NOV 11

201953Z NOV 12

191506Z NOV 13

251608Z NOV 14

251322Z NOV 15


121430Z DEC 11

181349Z DEC 12

111335Z DEC 13

181832Z Dec 14

221501Z DEC 15

The Enlisted Promotion Section administers four SNCO selection boards annually. The selection board membership consists of one Colonel as president and 20 other board members (21 voting members including the president). There are three other members (officer/enlisted) that act as recorders for each selection board. The board members reflect a true cross section of the Marine Corps with representation from aviation, combat service support, and combat arms occupational fields.
Each selection board consists of three separate phases, i.e., preboard, board and post board. A discussion of each follows:

Pre-Board Phase

During this phase, the Enlisted Promotion Section is coordinating with other agencies collecting data for use by the selection board.

Agencies that support the SNCO Selection Boards

Manpower Plans and Policy Section (MPP-20):Provides the zones and allocations for active duty selection boards. The initial zones and allocations are received approximately 60 days prior to the convening date of the selection board. This information is then published in the convening MARADMIN. A refined data set of zones and allocations is provided by MPP-20 approximately 30 days prior to the convening date. We then publish change 1 to the convening MARADMIN updating the zones and allocations.

Reserve Affairs Plans and Policy Section (RAP):Provides the zones and allocations for the annual reserve selection board. The initial zones and allocations are received approximately 90 days prior to the convening date of the selection board. This information is then published in the convening MARADMIN. A refined data set of zones and allocations is provided by RAP approximately 45 days prior to the convening date. We then publish change 1 to the convening MARADMIN updating the zones and allocations.

Officer Assignment Section (MMOA-3):Solicits board membership per the guidance published annually in MCBul 5420. The Director, Personnel Management Division approves the membership.

Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC):Provides a roster of Marines who are selected, but not appointed, for warrant officer and a roster of individuals enrolled in the Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program. These Marines are removed from the eligible competitive population and will be non competitively screened for selection. MCO P1400.32_, Chapter 3.

Manpower Information Field Support Branch (MIF):Retrieves adverse information resident in the Marine Corps Total Force System on each eligible Marine. This roster will include all non judicial punishments, courts-martial, assignments to weight control and/or military appearance program during a Marine’s career.

Separation and Retirement Section (MMSR):Reviews the eligible population and identifies those Marines who are to be removed from the eligible population due to transfer to the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve and approved physical disability discharges.

Enlisted Assignment Section (MMEA):Forwards a roster of those eligible Marines who have been denied further service and/or refused permanent change of station orders (assigned RE-30 reenlistment code). These Marines are not eligible for promotion consideration and are removed from the eligible population.

Marine Corps Institute (MCI):Provides a roster of completed nonresident Professional Military Education (PME) on each eligible Marine. Marines must complete their required PME to be fully qualified for promotion.

Other administrative responsibilities being accomplished:

Case Folders:A folder is prepared on each eligible Marine. The folder contains Fitness Reports (not included in OMPF), Photograph (if received) and any update material the Marine has forwarded to the President of the selection board for consideration such as letters of recommendation and appreciation.

Precept:This document is the Commandant’s rules of engagement for the selection board. The precept contains the names of the board members and administrative support personnel, final allocations and oaths. Other specific instructions discuss substance abuse, adverse material, professional military education requirements, special duty assignments, assignment of enlisted Marines, etc. The precept is signed by the Director, Personnel Management Division for the Commandant.

Briefs/Training:The recorders arrive two days prior to the convening of the selection board. We review their administrative duties and conduct training in the use of the digitized boardroom application. The remaining members of the board arrive the convening date of the selection board (selection boards normally convene on Wednesday). The board members receive briefings from the Head, Promotion Branch, Director, Personnel Management Division, Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps and Personnel Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. Once the initial briefings are complete, we begin training board members to use the digitized system, review selection board procedures, practice preparing cases, briefing cases, etc.

Board Phase

The computer has randomly distributed the case files (above zone/in zone eligibles) among the board members. The president receives all below zone cases. During the next several weeks, each board member reviews the official military personnel file of his/her assigned cases and prepares detailed briefs on each eligible Marine.
During the Prep Phase it may be necessary for a board member to require additional information for briefing. The briefer will then submit a Discrepancy Notice (DN).
Discrepancy Notices (DNs)
DNs are a means for the board member to request clarification or additional information in order to continue preparing the case to be briefed. DN requests range from requesting missing fitness reports, clarification of date gaps, certification of photo info, verification of PME completion, etc.
Once the briefer submits a DN, the board recorder will research the request using MCI, MMSB, MCTFS, etc.
Fitness report DNs are submitted to MMSB and have a 72-hour response time to the board. MMSB may at time have to contact the Marine and his/her command to respond to DNs.
After 72 hours, the board recorder will inform the briefer of all completed DNs. It is the discretion of briefer to require the board recorder to pursue any uncompleted DNs after the 72-hour period has expired. Note: If the board determines that a Marine’s case is incomplete but sufficient information is available to make a valid recommendation, the Marine will be considered for selection.


Once all the cases are briefed, the board is ready to vote. The vote is done by the Intended Military Occupational Specialty (IMOS)/Occupational field (OCCFLD). Only the number of allocations for each IMOS/OCCFLD may be selected. The voting step is not a public forum. Board members submit their ‘yes’ or ‘no’ vote anonymously for each individual Marine as each IMOS/OCCFLD is called. Eligible Marines with the highest ‘yes’ vote count for the assigned allocations in each IMOS/OCCFLD are selected.

Post-Board Phase

During this final phase, the board verifies the selects and non selects. We publish the official board report; prepare an executive summary; schedule the outcall with the Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower and Reserve Affairs/Director, Personnel Management Division, and prepare the select MARADMIN. Once the outcall is completed, the board report and select MARADMIN are forwarded to the Director, Personnel Management Division for signature and release.


Things to Remember

The Selection Board:

Uses the OMPF and MCTFS data (Rifle/Pistol/PFT/Awards/Schools, etc) in its deliberations.

Does not see duty status codes, strength category codes, draw case codes, pending legal or administrative actions.

Reviews and considers a Marine’s entire military record from private to current rank.

Briefs all adverse material (regardless of how minor).

Considers all below zones. A maximum of 5% of the allocation may be selected from the below zone at the president’s discretion. Marines in the below zone DO have a chance for selection.

Does not have to have a complete record to consider a Marine for selection. MCO P1400.32D states “If the board determines that a Marine’s case is incomplete but sufficient information is available to make a valid recommendation, the Marine will be considered for selection. Marines in this situation are not entitled to remedial consideration based on the missing material which has been updated subsequent to a selection board.

The Enlisted Promotion Section:

Does not know why a Marine is not selected. Areasonfor non selection is not noted beside an individual’s name. The bottomline is that, in a majority opinion of the members of the selection board, the records of those Marines not selected for promotion were not as competitive as those records of the Marines selected.

Does not determine the zones and allocations for SNCO selection boards. The Manpower Plans and Policy Section (active duty) and the Reserve Affairs Plans and Policy Section (reserve) provides the information to us to publish in the convening MARADMIN and subsequent changes prior to the convening date of the selection board.

Does not sit as members of SNCO selection boards. We manage the eligible population, instruct, guide, and provide administrative support to the selection board.

FY 2024 Enlisted Selection Boards


FY 2023 Selection Boards

Expected Duration

Convene Date

SgtMaj and MGySgt

8 Weeks

10 Oct 2023


8 Weeks

17 Jan 2024


9 Weeks

16 Apr 2024

Reserve SNCO

7 Weeks

16 July 2024

FY 2023 Enlisted Selection Boards


FY 2023 Selection Boards

Expected Duration

Convene Date

SgtMaj and MGySgt

8 Weeks

4Oct 2022

Reserve SNCO

7 Weeks

17 Jan 2023


8 Weeks

25 Apr 2023


9 Weeks

18 July 2023

FY 2022 Enlisted Selection Boards


FY 2022 Selection Boards

Expected Duration

Convene Date

SgtMaj and MGySgt

8 Weeks

19 Oct 2021

Reserve SNCO

7 Weeks

19 Jan 2022


8 Weeks

26 Apr 2022


9 Weeks

19 July 2022

FY 2021 Enlisted Selection Boards


FY 2021 Selection Boards

Expected Duration

Convene Date

SgtMaj and MGySgt

8 Weeks

20 Oct 2020

Reserve SNCO

7 Weeks

20 Jan 2021


8 Weeks

20 Apr 2021


9 Weeks

13 July 2021

FY 2020 Enlisted Selection Boards


FY 2020 Selection Boards

Expected Duration

Convene Date

SgtMaj and MGySgt

8 Weeks

16 Oct 2019

Reserve SNCO

7 Weeks

22 Jan 2020


8 Weeks

7 July 2020


9 Weeks

21 Jul 2020

Staff NCO Promotions (2024)
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Article information

Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Views: 5711

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.