Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦ · 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes


+ 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously ,.,,, dam age your : bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes link between ) \ use of handsets and later b~ha~ioural ~r~bl~ms : f::f} MercyCorps Emergency Response Appeal ,.... - ----- .. - -·- - -- .J!.- .... _ ..... "·- -'-'- _ , ..J:_ .... -"'---- By Geoffrey Lean ENVIRONMENT EDITOR Women who use mobile phones when pregnant are more likely to give birth to children with behavioural ~ro~leIT.1s, accordi~g to au- RISING HEALTH RISK ·- THE INDEPENDENT ON SLNDAY 18 MAY 2008 » Exposing children to mobile phones during pregnancy and early childhood may increase the risk of behavioural problems that could cause them Bu when they tried to exp lair:. them by accounting ror other possible causes - such as smoking during pregnan- cy, family psychiatric his- tory or socio-economic st:> tus - they found that, •a » Exposure in pregnancy may increase the risk by,,. I » Childhood use may increase the risk by... . ,

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Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (3)


14 news

Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t

I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat,

study of 13,ooo children exposes link between ) \ use of handsets and later b~ha~ioural ~r~bl~ms :

f::f} MercyCorps

Emergency Response Appeal ,.... - ----- .. - -·- - -- .J!.- -· .... _ ..... "·- -'-'- _ , ..J:_ .... -"'----


Women who use mobile phones when pregnant are more likely to give birth to children with behavioural ~ro~leIT.1s, accordi~g to au-



» Exposing children to mobile phones during pregnancy and early childhood may increase the risk of behavioural problems

that could cause them Bu when they tried to exp lair:. them by accounting ror other possible causes - such as smoking during pregnan­cy, family psychiatric his­tory or socio-economic st:> tus - they found that, •a

» Exposure in pregnancy may increase the risk by,,. I

» Childhood use may increase the risk by... .


Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (4)


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A giant study, which sur­veyed more than 13,000 chil­dren, found that using the handsets just two or three times a day was enough to raise the risk of their babies developing hyperactivity and difficulties with con­duct, emotions and rela­tionships by the time they reached school age. And it adds that the likelihood is even greater if the children themselves used the phones before the age of seven.

The results of the study, the first of its kind, have taken the top scientists who conducted it by surprise. But they follow warnings against both pregnant women and children using mobiles by the official Russ­ian radiation watchdog body, which believes that the peril they pose "is not much lower than the risk to children's health from tobacco or alcohol".

The research - at the uni­versities of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and Aarhus, Denmark- is to be published in the July issue of the journal Epidemiolo­gy and will carry particu­lar weight because one of its authors has been scep­tical that mobile phones pose a risk to health.

UCLA's Professor Leeka Kheifets - who serves on a key committee of the Inter­national Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, the body that sets the guidelines for ex­posure to mobile phones -wrote three and a half years ago that the results of stud­ies on people who used them "to date give no con-

( ,,- ~ 4. » Children exposed to mobile phones during pregnancy and who use a phone at age 7 may increase the risk by ...

+~· » Mobile phone health risks In 'The loS'

1Nov1998 -~.:::=···

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sistent evidence of a causal relationship between ex­posure to radiofrequency fields and any adverse health effect".

The scientists questioned the mothers ofl3,159 chil­dren born in Denmark in the late 1990s about their use of the phones in preg­nancy, and their children's use of them and behaviour up to the age of seven. As they gave birth before mo­biles became universal, about half of the mothers had used them infrequent­ly or not at all, enabling comparisons to be made.

They found that moth­ers who did use the hand­sets were 54 per cent more likely to have children with

~ ,\toll• rudia\ioll risk \isl reveal

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behavioural problems and that the likelihood in­creased with the amount of potential exposure to the radiation. And when the children also later used the phones they were, over­all, 80 per cent more like­ly to suffer from difficul­ties with behaviour. They were 25 per cent more at risk from emotional prob­lems, 34 per cent more like1

ly to suffer from difficul­ties relating to their peers, 35 per cent more likely to be hyperactive, and 49 per cent more prone to prob­lems with conduct.

The scientists say that the results were "unexpect­ed", and that they knew of no biological mechanisms

sociati~;· ;,ith---moblle phone use got even stronger

They add that there might be other possible ex· planations that they did not examine - such as that mothers who used the phones frequently might pay less attention to their children - and stress that the results "should be in­terpreted with caution" and checked by further studies But they conclude that "it they are real they would have major public health implications". •

Professor Sam Milham, of the blue-chip Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, and the Uni­versity of Washingt School of Public Health · one of the pioneers ot re search in the field - said last week that he had no doubt that the results were rca He pointed out that rt:(Y1t Canadian research on preg-· nant rats exposed to simi­lar radiation had foun structural chang<.>c; in tr. ,,r offspring's braim

The Russian Nationa Committee on Non-fom:z­ing Radiation Protection says that use of the phones by both pregnant women and children should be "lim ited". It concludes that chil­dren who talk on the hand­sets are likely to suffer from "disruption of memory, de­cline of attention, dimin­ishing learning and cogni tive abilities, increased ir­ritability" in the short term, and that longer-term haz­ards include "depressive syndrome" and "degener­ation of the nervous struc­tures of the brain".


Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (5)

ists, and guides, who are -no longer allowed to accompany visitors into the crypt except in pairs.

Last Friday two members of the cathedral's ruling body, the Chapter, visited mother of four and grand­mother of 11 Mrs Hayter at home.

She says they told her she had "usurped' their trust by using Flower Guild notepaper for a letter highlight­ing her campaign.

Mrs Hayter said: 'It was quite a fighting letter asking people to stand shoulder to shoulder but there are people within the cathedral who are writing their own rules here.'

.&"I VIII, C,II<, .1.r..t.u.&-•, .l.9VV't,;II.V'wl ~v

Hayter has brought to the role'. It added: 'The Chapter fully appreci­ates that there are those who are not in sympathy with its policy on CRB checki; for volunteers.

'However, Mrs Hayter took a promi­nent role in campaigning publicly against the Chapter's current policy and, in a letter to Flower Guild mem­bers sent on November 29, encouraged other volunteers to refuse to comply with future CRB checks. Mrs Hayter has accepted that her campaigning activities are incompatible with her role as chairman of the Guild.'

began in earnest after the Soham murder of two children by school caretaker Ian Huntley.

The system was· developed by Labour into the Vetting and Barring Scheme designed to register llmil­lion individuals, from school crossing patrolmen to plumbers and electri­cians working in schools.

Following protests, the Home Office announced it was seeking to limit the scope of the scheme by working on the principle that people are safe to work with children unless there is clear evi­dence that this is not the case.

The Chapter of Gloucester Cathe­dral said it has 'accepted the resigna­tion of Mrs Annabel Hayter' and is 'conscious of the enormous commit­ment, generosity and creativity Mrs

The Manifesto Club which cam­paigns against the regulation of eve­ryday life and has been supporting the flower arrangers' stand, said: 'Even by the standards of today's

Sports clubs, Scouts and Guides and NHS Boards have all lost helpers who refused the checks in protest at having their private lives examined, and because of the form-filling and costs involved. Stalwart Mrs Hayter has been flower arranging for 40 years

Mobiles warning for mums-to-be By Jenny Hope Medical Correspondent rlOWlXfElf-,ll'Jrlll'IUlrl" PREGNANT women who regularly use mobile phones could increase the risk of their children behaving badly, claims a startling survey.

If their offspring then start using the devices at an early age, the chance of problems climbs to 50 per cent, according to researchers.

MOBILE phone giants are aware of the health risks to mothers-to-be and others of using them but warnings are burled In small print.

The best-selling !Phone adVlses users to keep ft •at least 15mm away from the body' but the guidance Is deep Inside the manual.

abdomen of teenagers•. other ffrms. lncludlng Nokia and HTC, have advice to keep the handsets away from the body. However, thlS ls also gener­ally burled In user manuals.

They found those exposed to mobile • phones in the womb had a 30 per cent rise

in behavioural difficulties at the age of seven.

The safety Information Issued with BlackBerry handsets, such as the best-selling Torch, goes further but ts also hard to find.

The safety Information ls designed to limit radio frequency exposure In tine with Omits set by authorities In the U.S. and Europe.

Alasdair Phlllps, director of the Powerwatch pressure group, has held talks with the Health Protectton Agency on the Issue.

• But those exposed before birth and in their childhood, were 50 per cent more

It says people should use the hands-free optlqn or keep It an Inch from the body 'tnctudlng the abdomen of pregnant women and the tower

The Mobile Manufacturers Forum said the devices are proven to be safe If used correctly.

likely to have behavioural problems than those exposed to neither.

Children who used mobiles, but were not exposed in the womb, were 20 per cent more likely to dis­play abnormal behaviour.

The findings by researchers in California are likely to reinforce warnings that children should not use mobile phones.

However, some British scientists were sceptical, saying the findings may be due to lifestyle factors rather than mobiles.

In the study of 29,000 youngsters, mothers provided details of their

lifestyle, diet and environment during and after pregnancy.

Information on their children's health and mobile phone use was also recorded. Around three per cent of children scored abnormal on behavioural issues, with another three per cent 'borderline'.

The study found that more than 10 per cent of children exposed to mobile phones in the womb had mothers who spoke on them at least four times a day.

Nearly half of the mothers had their phones turned on at all times

while around a third of children were using a mobile phone by the age of seven.

The findings published in the •Journal of Epidemiology and Com­

munity Health mirrored an earlier study by the survey team.

Researcher Dr Leeka Kheifets said both sets of results 'demon­strated that cell phone use was associated with behavioural problems at age seven years'.

The scientists said social factors, such as mothers paying more attention to mobiles than their

children, were only partly to blame. Dr Kheifets added: 'We are con­cerned that early exposure to cell phones could carry a risk.'

In Britain, Professor Lawrie Chal­lis, a leading government adviser on the radiation effects of mobile phones, has gone on record saying children should not use them until aged at least 12. But more than half ofunder-l0s own a mobile.

Patricia McKinney, emeritus pro­fessor of paediatric epidemiology at the University of Leeds, said it was difficult to see how mobile use

could affect an unborn baby. She said: 'Exposure to radiofrequency radiation from mobile phones is highly localised to the part of the head closest. There is no evidence to suggest that other parts of the body are affected.

'We also have no evidence that a pregnant mother's behaviour is related to her mobile phone use and thereby affecting her baby.'

Professor David Spiegelhalter, from the University of Cambridge, was also 'sceptical' of the results.

He said: 'One fincijng is that very young children who use mobile phones show more behavioural disorders. But is it plausible that the first causes the second?'

Professor David Coggon, from the University of Southampton, said: 'The pattern of results suggests the increase in behavioural problems may have been caused by factors other than mobile phone use.'

In May, the largest · study of its kind said that using a mobile does not appear to increase the risk of certain types of brain cancer.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer analysed data for more than 10,000 people and found no link between years of use andrisk. , .



Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (6)



Are '\\'e about to face a pande1nic of n1ental illness and (1nostly childhood) suicides?

Du1ing the l~olcl \\1 ar, I spent a considerable a1nount of tune de-briefing spies. Iv1y pa11icular fo11e ,vas stealth microwave ,varf are, frotn my milita11r training in micro,vaves. I lea1ned that continuous lo,v-level 1nicro,va:ves could affect your brain function, as ,veil as some of the body's physiological processes.

At this time. a lTS Govermnent docu1nent vvamed that very lo,v-level (belo,v the1mal) micro,vaves 1nay cause depressive illnesses and allo,v neurotoxins to cross the blood-brain barrier, ,vhich could lead to severe neuropathological sy1nptoms. ( 1)

In the vear 2000. Professor Salford at Lund lTniversitv in ,.l _,· • J

S\veden shovved that pulsing (1nodulating) lo\v-level 1nicrovvaves could alter the permeability of the blood­brain banier.(2) By this time, ,vith 1ny o,vn list of so1ne 30 different pulse frequencies kno,vn to cause an atTa:y of psychological and physiological conditions, I produced t\vo flovv cha11s, shovving the knock-on effect tlu·oughout the brain and bodv ( ,vith the aid of about fiftv referenced

~ . ~

documents). (3)

Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (7)

i\s 1nobile phones, their transmitters and all sitnilar devices svvept across the vvorlcl, Psychiatrists, GP's and Consultants started to notice an increase in behavioural probletns, physical conditions and brain degenerative diseases.

The Frei.burger ,Appeal \Vas established, novv signed by thousands of consultants, doctors, scientists, etc., listing a series of ailments, ,vhich they deduced ,vere caused by pulsed, lovv-level micro,vaves. Exacerbating this is the Fenton Reaction, ,vhere micro,vaves react ,vith peroxide (in s1nall quantities ,vithin the body, usually from drinks) in the presence of iron. This depletes the iron content of the brain/body, causing a possible increase in the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. ( 4i) (4ii)

:tv'lore recently :tvfelinda \Vem1er has published research ( 5) suggesting that the blood-brain bani.er ,vitllin a foetus 1nay allo,v microbes to cross it if the immune system is co1npro1nised. She does not specifically 1nention n1icro,vaves, but it is not difficult to find research carded out around mobile transnlitters ,vhich sho,v microvvave syndro1ne as a regular feature. (6) One of the first s:ymptoms of 1nicro,vave syndrome is usually suppression of the inunune system. Jvielinda \Venner lists schizophrenia, ()CD, bi-polar, autism, i\lzheitner's and Tourettes as either prenatal or postnatal possibilities.

l;learly, not everyone exposed to 1nicro,vaves ,vill be susceptible, just as not everyone vvho smokes ,vill become ill.

Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (8)







10 Abstract

r 1 (-;: ,_ L, ' " ' o,\ ~

Availll'Jle onlne at WWW. NIIM:eei11Md.CIDffl .-,, • ·- s · o·rect •• aence 1 -

Mutation Research xxx (2006) xxx-xxx

~ Genelic lbxieology and


www.dMvier.~pntox Commuaity address: www.clsmer.~mutra

Cell death induced by GSM 900-MHz and DCS 1800-MHz mobile telephony radiation

Dimitris J. Panagopoulos *, Evangelia D. Chavdoula, Ioannis P. Nezis, Lukas H. Margaritis

Department of Cell Biology and Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis, 15784 Athens, Greece

Received 21 April 2006; received in revised form 8 August 2006; accepted 28 August 2006

11 In the present study, the TUNEL (Terminal deoxynucleotide transferase dUTP Nick End Labeling) assay - a well known technique 12 widely used for detecting fragmented DNA in various types of cells -was used to detect cell death (DNA fragmentation) in a biological 13 model, the early and mid stages of oogenesis of the insect Drosophila melanogaster. The flies were exposed in vivo to either GSM 900-14 MHz (Global System for Mobile telecommunications) or DCS 1800-MHz (Digital Cellular System) radiation from a common digital 1s mobile phone, for few minutes per day during the first 6 days of their adult life. The exposure conditions were similar to those to which 1s a mobile phone user is exposed, and were determined according to previous studies of ours [D.J. Panagopoulos, A. Karabarbounis, 11 L.H. Margaritis, Effect of GSM 900-MHz mobile phone radiation on the reproductive capacity of D. melanogaster, Electromagn. 1s Biol. Med. 23 (I) (2004) 2~3; D.J. Panagopoulos, N. Messini, A. Karabarbounis, A.L. Philippetis, L.H. Margaritis, Radio frequency 1s electromagnetic radiation within "safety levels" alters the physiological function of insects, in: P. Kostarakis, P. Stavroulakis (Eds.), 20 Proceedings of the Millennium International Workshop on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 21 October 17-20, 2000, pp. 169-175, ISBN: 960-86733-0-5; D.J. Panagopoulos, L.H. Margaritis, Effects of electromagnetic fields 22 on the reproductive capacity of D. melanogaster, in: P. Stavroulakis (Ed.), Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, Springer, 23 2003, pp. 545-578], which had shown a large decrease in the oviposition of the same insect caused by GSM radiation. Our present 24 results suggest that the decrease in oviposition previously reported, is due to degeneration of large numbers of egg chambers after 25 DNA fragmentation of their constituent cells, induced by both types of mobile telephony radiation. Induced cell death is recorded 26 for the first time, in all types of cells constituting an egg chamber (follicle cells, nurse cells and the oggte) and in all stages of ~ -21 the early and mid-oogenesis, from germarium to stage 10, during wliich programmed cell death does not physiologically occur. ~ 28 Germarium and stages 7-8 were found to be the most sensitive developmental stages also in response to electromagnetic stress 29 induced by the GSM and DCS fields and, moreover, germarium was found to be even more sensitive than stages 7-8. 30 © 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.

31 Keywords: Mobile telephony radiation; RF; GSM; DCS; Cell death; DNA fragmentation; Electromagnetic fields; Drosophila; Oogenesis


• Corresponding author. Tel.: +30 210 7274273; fax: +30 210 7274742.

E-mail address: [emailprotected] (DJ. Panagopoulos).

1383-5718/$- see front matter© 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V. 2 doi:10.1016/j.mrgcntox.2006.08.008

1. Introduction 33

There are three forms of cell death viz. apoptosis, 34

autophagic cell death and necrosis [4,5]. Apoptosis is 35

genetically controlled and plays a vital role in normal 36

development. It is referred to as programmed cell death 31

Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (9)

Powen-vatch Nevvs - 11/05/2009 - April 2009 - Science Update

Designed to look into the contrasting scientific opInIori on the effects of rnob1le phone originating EMF on cellular tissues, a team from Pakistand led by Nusrat Zareen investigated the effects of exposing fertilized chicken egg:; to a r1nginQ mobile phone at d11ferent staQei; of developtT1ent. The,r findings were a statistically significant difference between experimental and cor,troi embryos vvitr, regards to retinal gro-wth and pigmentation of the epitheiium, conciuding that EMF emitted by a mobile phone cause derangement of chicken embryo retinal

C!IVO.'(' I 0. v\

I'll - t,.J i ·+ ; 4. [B Gui A et al, (Februaiy 2009) The effects of microwave enutted by cellular phones on ovanan ;f;Jhdes Hi: rats, Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2009 Feb 25. [Epub ar1ead of piint] [Vte\\ Conu 1 mks] [ 1~ on euorneo]

,b.,nother paper from Turkey looking at 1n vivo effects of mobile phone based RF on rats, this time from the Yuzuncu Yi! University in Van, has published a paper shm·ving that the ovaries of females by the radiatior. They used 39 rats In the control group and 43 rats in the study group, which they exposed to 15 minutes of a mobile phone in talk mode (and 11 hours 45 minutes in standby mode) for each 12 hour cycle over 21 days. Their findings were statistically significant, leading them to "suggest that intrauterine exposure has toxic effects on ovai-ies", and condude that that "the micrnwaves of mobiie phones might dea-ease the number of follicles in rats by several known and, no doubt, countless unknown mechanisms".

5. B Knndi M_. Hutter HP, (March 2009) A1oblle phor.e base stations-Effect-; on weJJbeing and health, Pathophysiology. 2009 Mar 2. [Epub ahead of print] [. ,..,, ~ v .. , .. •~··· .... ~ ..__ :,,: .. ] r-..... . , p I , ... '] .

Michael Kundi of the Medical University of Vienna (and co-author of the Biolnitiative report) has published a paper assessing the current situation on the effects of mobile phone base stations on weltb~ing and 11ealth. H1gh11ghting the ei<plicit di':;courngement of further- w,xk into this area by the WHO International EMF Project and COST 281, he highlights the poss bility that tris advice is unreasonable and that investi,;;iat1on of these issues is urgent in the !i,;;iht of the sparse existing evidence which demonstrates the possibility of a significant health risk. He concludes that "The difficulties of investigating iong-tet·m effects of base station exposrn·e have been exaggerated, considering that base station and handset exposure have almost 11uth;. ry ;, , .... umrrrun both needs to be studied independent!y. It cannot be accepted that studying base stations is postponed until there is firm evidence for mobile nhnnP<.. 11

r··---·-- ......

6. (ti Budak GG et al, (I\Jfard1 2009) E/Jects ofintrauterme and e.,1:trautenne exposure to GS.lv[-lim rnn"10jro,;)1on,~y rm ,-li'.!t,-;;rhrw, .,_'JYYli-i)1i"t otnn,-,r,)1•,-tir' o»-Ji'.!'.!ion'.! in n1f;.mt »Ydo r,--,hhit"', Tnt T P~di!:ltr

Otod1inolaryngol. 2009 Mar;73(3):391-9. Epub 2008 Dec 23 [. n.vv v,um .... u, u 1. u,h.,] [. 1


This is another Turk;sh in vivo paper, this one by Gurer Budak of the Nanomedicine Research Laboratory in Ankara, measured the effects of simulated ,::;sM 1800 RF exposure on the hearing fi_:nctior' of jc1ven1le rabbit•; They separated the rat}biti; into 4 •Jrnups contrnl, e,{posed for tbe first 14 days of life, exposed for the last 7 days of gestation, and exposed both in gestation and for the first 14 days of life. Their findings were that, for those rabbits in both groups exposed in the first 14 days of life, a significant increase in hearing impairment when compared to the controi group and the group exposed oniy before birth They conciuded that "Harmfui effects of RF are mainly observed as a decrease in DPOAE amplitudes at 4.0-6.0 kHz during extrautei-lne ex:posw-e in infancy. DLn-ing the inti-autei-ine pei-lod, the v,;atei- content of

http://www.powerwatch.org.uk/news/20090511_science_update.asp?pf=1 11/05i2009

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,----The effects of microwave emitted by cellularphone ... [Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2009] - P ... Page 1 of2

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The effects of microwave emitted by cellular phones on ovarian follicles in rats.

Gui A, Celeb1 H, Uqras S.

Animal Research Laboratory 1n the Faculty- of Medicine, Yuzuncu Yil University, 65200, \/an, Turkey, Azizgul68@hotmail .corn.

OBJEC:Tl\/E: The airn of this studv vvas to investigate whether there were anv toxic effects of microwaves of ceiiular phones on ovaries in rats. METHODS: In this studv> 82 ferna!e pups ofratsi aged 21 davs (43 ,n the studv group and 39 in the control ,;;iroup) vvere used. Pregnant rats in the studv group were exposed to mobile phones that vvere placed beneath the polvpropvlene cages duri-rig the whole period of pregnano;. The cage was free frorn an klnds of materralsJ v1-thfch cc)uld affect electrorna9netic fields .. A mobile phone in a standby position for 11 hand 4.5 min was turned on to speech position fot- 15 rnin every 12 hand the battery was charged continuoush/. On the 21st dav after the deliverv, the female rat pups vvere ki !led and the right ovaries were rernoved. The vdurnes of the ovahes vvere measured and the number of follicles in everv tenth section was counted. RESULTS: The analysis reveal~d that in the study group, thA , .. H} tYJhA't- r•,f fr,llirlAc- v-,.==i.~ }r·,•..,.p:!.r th~n th.==i.r in the. rr·,ntr, ..... ,I

group. The decreased number of follicles in pups exposed to mob·,ie phone microwaves suggest that intrauterine exposure has toxic effects on ovaries, CONCLUSION: We suggest that the mIcrovvaves of mobile phones might decrease the number of fo\i1cies ·,n rats bv severai knovvn and., no doubt, countless unknown rnech~nisms.

Pr\~!D: 19241083 (Pub~•tled - as supphed by pub!isherl

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vvr,ole-boct~/ m1rrov1ave e;-.fposure emltteci by cellular p!'rnn='s ,1~,c; te2-t1cular function of rats.

V,ihole bociy exposure of rats to micrcrwave5 e'l'.t1'::.i:1mm 2l 't"\ priem~ doe5 not affect the teste,,

Effects of ct-irorw: e;~·_posure of electrom agne!.i( f ,,Us frnm mt; _lfe pt-,ones on t·,earing in rats

r·,1ob!le pt1ones influence on

/'-. meta-analysis ror neurooenav1ou1 ,Ii :,<tect, i:lue !u

electromagnetic f1eh:J exposu,·e em 1tted

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Tr;e effect, of microwave errntte,j by c elluiar phones on ovanan fo,trc1es 1n rats

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l1ttp://n'¾"'w.nd,-i.nlm.11ih.gov,-7Jubmed/19241083 21/07/2009

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MAPK activation by radio waves J. Simon C. ARTHUR1

MRC Protein Phosphorylation Unit, School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, Dundee, DD4 5EH, U.K.

In this issue of the Biochemical Journal, Freidman et al. report the findings of a study to look at the potential of mobile phones to activate intracellular signalling cascades. They found that radio waves corresponding to the frequency commonly used by mobile phones are able to activate ERKI/2 (extracellular-signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2). This effect was observed even at intensities lower than those emitted by mobile phones that are unable to cause any measurable heating effects. This study provides evidence that

Over the last 10 to 15 years, there has been a large increase in the use of mobile phones, and more recently in wireless computer networks. These networks transmit information using either the UHF (ultra-high frequency; 300 MHz to 3 GHz) or SHF (super­high frequency; 3 GHz to 30 GHz) sections of the electromagnetic spectrum, and this has raised controversial questions about the safety of this technology, particularly with regard to its potential to induce cancer. 1f UHF waves are able to induce pathology, it would be predicted that they would be able to directly affect biological systems. The mechanism by which they would do this is, however, unclear. High intensities of UHF radio waves can cause measurable heating effects in biological tissues; however, this requires a much higher intensity of UHF waves than is used by wireless technology. The ability of other electromagnetic waves, such as X-rays and UV light, to cause DNA damage and promote tumorigenesis has been well documented. Both X-rays and UV light, however, have much higher frequencies than UHF waves, and as a result carry considerably more energy. In the case of X­rays and UV radiation, this energy is sufficient to break chemical bonds in DNA; however, it has been calculated that radio waves carry insufficient energy to do this [l,2}. Consistent with this, radio waves have been reported to be unable to directly cause DNA damage, and studies on the effect of radio waves on tumour formation in rodents have failed to show any consistent association between exposure to radio waves and tumours [1,2].

ls it possible then that UHF waves could have effects on cells at levels that do not induce thermal effects? In this issue of the Biochemical Journal, Friedman et al. [3] show that UHF radio waves are able to induce activation of the Raf-MEKl/2 [MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase)/ERK (extracellular­signal-regulated kinase) kinases 1/2]-ERKl/2 signalling cascade. The ERKl/2 cascade is the archetypal member of the MAPK cascades, a group that also includes the p38 and JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase) cascades. The ERKl/2 cascade has been studied extensively, and it is known to be activated by a variety of stimuli, including growth factors [such as EGF (epidermal growth factor)}, mitogens and oxidative stress. ERKl/2 is involved in the regulation of many cellular processes, including proliferation. survival and differentiation. whereas mutations that cause constitutive activation of this cascade are implicated in

1 email j .s.c [emailprotected]

radio waves induce ERKl/2 activation downstream of the EGF (epidermal growth factor) receptor, which is in turn activated by the release of reactive oxygen species.

Key words: extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK), mitogen­activated protein kinase (MAPK), mobile phone, reactive oxygen species, ultra-high frequency radio wave (UHF radio wave).

several cancers [4,5]. Friedman et al. [3] found that irradiation of either Ratl or HeLa cells using radio waves in the frequency range 80-950 Mhz was able to induce a transient activation of ERKl/2 that peaked after 10 min of stimulation. The intensity of UHF radiation used in these experiments was lower than that emitted by most mobile phones, and was found not to affect the temperature of the media. In contrast with the activation of ERKl/2, no activation of p38 or JNK activation was observed after short-term irradiation, although in line with some previous reports some p38 and JNK was observed following an irradiation of several hours [6,7).

As expected, the activation of ERKl/2 by UHF radio waves was inhibited by PD098059, an inhibitor of the upstream MEKl/2 kinases. The authors showed further that the activation of ERK!/ 2 was blocked by AG1478, an inhibitor of the EGFreceptor. EGF is well known for its ability to activate ERKl/2, and it is likely that the molecular details of ERKl/2 activation downstream of the EGF receptor in response to UHF radiation are similar to that in response to EGF. This, however, raises the question of how UHF radiation is able to activate the EGF receptor. The authors suggest that this is due to an ability of UHF radio waves to induce reactive oxygen species, since ERK activation was blocked by the reactive oxygen scavenger NAC (N-acetylcysteine). The authors propose that reactive oxygen species are able to activate matrix metalloproteinases. These are then able to cleave proHb-­EGF (pro-heparin-binding EGF) expressed on the cell surface. This then releases Hb--EGF into the media, from where it is then able to activate the EGF receptor. As observed by the authors, components of this mechanism have been shown to be involved in the activation of ERKI/2 by hydrogen peroxide or G-protein­coupled receptors. The activation of MAPKs by ionizing radiation has also been suggested to occur through a similar mechanism [8]. This is, however, the first time this pathway has been shown to act downstream of UHF radio waves. The authors suggest further that the molecular target of UHF radio waves may be a membrane­bound NADH oxidase, the activation of which would promote the generation of reactive oxygen species. Further work, however, is needed to fully characterize the details of this process.

Given that UHF waves can induce MAPK activation, what implication does this have for the safety of mobile phone use'?

~ The. Autti.01s Journal coqulatlon © 2007 BioclJemic2l Society

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/ -

v:7 L/ Directorate-General for

Health & Consumers

Report of the workshop on EMF and Health:

Science and Policy to address public concerns

On February 11-12, 2009, the European Commission held a 1.5 day workshop on EMF and Health: Science and Policy to Address Public Concerns. The workshop was attended by more than 180 people. Reflecting the high interest generated by this issue, attendance would have been far higher (~250) had the venue been larger.

Participants came from all over Europe, but also from the USA, Canada, Japan and Israel. Other countries were represented by contact offices based in Brussels.

The main stakeholders were represented and participation was balanced: mobile telecoms industry, power transmission industry, WHO as well as representatives for standardisation, occupational health, user organisations, concerned citizens, academia and regulators.

The aim of the workshop was to generate conclusions that help orient the EU policy process regarding electromagnetic fields by means of a broad and constructive dialogue among all stakeholders.

The workshop was opened by Ms Paola Testori-Coggi, Deputy Director General of the European Commission Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO). She noted that the workshop was timely and that it addressed a highly sensitive issue both in the EU and internationally. She noted that a protective EU regulatory framework is already in place and that exposure measurement remains a weak point.

The workshop programme and presentations are available online at: http://ec.europa.eu/health/ph risk/ev 20090211 en.htm?e

- Session 1 (" The current EU regulatory framework")

Ms Caroline Lucas, MEP, opened the session by referring to the 2008 resolution by the EP calling for a revision of the Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC and by informing the participants that the EP is drafting an own initiative report on EMF (Rapporteur: Ms Ries).

The presentations then described the current relevant EU legislation and product standards. The first presentation, given by Laurent Bontoux of DG SANCO, gave an overview of the Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC on the limitation of the exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz - 300 GHz) and of the level of precaution embedded in it. It also gave an overview of Commission Communication COM (2000)1, explaining the position of the European Commission on the precautionary principle. Mark Bogers, from DG ENTR gave the second presentation and described in detail the EU Directives dealing with

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( )

1. The importance of technical standards.

2. The crucial importance of trust in this issue and the need to (re)build it for a very concerned fraction of the public.

3. To this end, the importance for expert bodies to follow strict criteria regarding transparency, the mandates they respond to, conflicts of interest, membership, expertise, process, openness to stakeholders and independence was raised.

4. The importance of the quality of scientific evidence.

5. The importance of being able to offer help to the people who feel affected by EMF, in spite of the consistent failure of scientific studies to make a link between their symptoms and actual exposure to EMF.

6. More research is needed, whenever possible fully funded by public authorities to avoid the deficit of trust brought by industry funding.

7. The Biolnitiative Group announced that they would publish peer-reviewed papers regarding their process.

- Conclusions

Mr A. Rys, Director for Public Health and Risk Assessment at DG SANCO then drew some conclusions for the workshop. The main take home messages were that:

• this issue goes beyond the borders of the EU and requires international collaboration;

• in spite of the mass of scientific evidence already available, more scientific research is still needed to address the remaining data gaps, in particular cohort studies;

• it is important to give a mandate to the SCENIHR to formulate research advice that is more specific than what is available in its latest opinion; it is also necessary to gather information about research programmes supported by Member States and industry;

• the distinction between risk assessment and risk management must be made clear and maintained in the decision-making process;

• it is important not to forget to take the risk/benefit equation into account in the application of the Precautionary Principle;

• the rotection of young children and pregnant women be always ensured; ~

• politicians must fulfil their roles and industry must cooperate with them;

• communication to the public in general about EMF, and consumer information on products emitting EMF in particular, is very important;

• the MRI issue should be resolved quickly;

• people declaring themselves electro-hyper-sensitive need help, independently of the question whether their symptoms can be attributed to exposure to EMFs;

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Effect of cell phone usage on sem*n analysis in men attending infertility clinic: an observational study Ashok Agarwal, Ph.D., H.C.LD.,• Fnu Deepinder, M.D .• • Rakesh K. Sharma, Ph.D .. • Geetha Ranga, Ph.D., b and Jianbo Li, Ph.D. c

• Reproductive Research Center, Glickman Urological Institute and Department of Obstetrics-Gynecology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland. Ohio; b Karthekeya Medical Research and Diagnostic Center, Mumbai, India; and c Department of Quantitative Health, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio

Objective: To investigaU: the effect of cell phone use on various markers- of sem*n quality. Dulgn: Observational study. Setting: Infertility clinic. Patlent(a): Three hundred sixty-one men undergoing infertility evaluation were divided into four groups according to their active cell phone use: group A:. no use; group B: <2 h/day; group C: 2-4 h/day; and group D: >4 h/day. IAlll'Vllltlon(a): Nooe. Main Outcome M1aaure(1): Spenn paramecers (volume, liquefaction time. pH, viscosity, sperm count. motility, viability, and morphology). ResuH(a): The comparisons of mean sperm count. motility, viability, and nonnal morphology among four different cell phone user groups were statistically significanl Mean spenn motility, viability, and normal morphology were significantly different in cell phone user groups within two sperm count groups. The laboratory values of the above fOUJ' sperm parameters decreased in all four cell phone user groups as the duration of daily exposure to cell phones increased. Conclu1lon(1): Use of cell phones decrease the sem*n quality in men by decreasing the spenn count. motility, viability, and nonnal morphology. The decrease in sperm parameters was dependent on the duration of daily exposure to cell phones and independent of the initial sem*n quality. (Fertil Steril* 2008;89: 124-8. ©2008 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)

Key Words: Cell phone, electromagnetic radiations, spenn parameters, male infertility

Cell phones have become indispensable devices in our daily life. These phones operate between 400 MHz and 2000 MHz frequency bands and emit radiofrequency electromagnetic waves (EMW). Reports of potential adverse effects of radio­frequency EMW on brain, heart, endocrine system, and DNA of humans and animals are widely reported in the literature. Electromagnetic waves alter brain electroencephalographic activity and cause disturbance in sleep (l); cause difficulty in concentration, fatigue, and headache (2); and increase re­action time in a time-dependent manner (3). They increase the resting blood pressure (4) and reduce the production of melatonin (5). They are also implicated in DNA strand breaks (6). However, the concern that cell phone use might have

Received August 22, 2006; revised and accepted January 31 , 2007. Reprint requests: Or. Ashok Agarwal , Professor, Lerner College of

Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Director, Center for Advanced Research in Human, Reproduction, Infertility, and Sexual Function, Glickman Urological Institute and Department of Obstetrics­Gynecology, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Desk A19.1 , Cleveland, OH 44195 (FAX: 216-445-6049; E-mail: [emailprotected]).

adverse impacts on the sem*n quality has not been exten­sively addressed.

Infertility affects approximately 15% of couples of repro­ductive age, and with nearly half of these cases resulting from male factor infertility this area of research is of great interest to both physicians and research scientists (7, 8). The relation­ship between cell phone use and male infertility remains un­clear. Harmful EMW emitted from cell phones may interlere with normal spennatogenesis and result in a significant de­crease in sperm quality. There are two reports available that show an effect of cell phones on sperm motility in humans (9, 10). Animal studies indicate that EMW may have a wide range of damaging effects on the testicular function and male germ line (11, 12). Electromagnetic waves can affect reproductive function through both thermal and non­thermal effects (13).

The objective of the present study was to assess the effects of cell phone use on various sperm parameters among pa­tients undergoing infertility evaluation at a male infertility clinic. Our goal was to better understand the role of cell phone use in male infertility and assess the need for any

1f.D Fertility and Sterility® Vol. 89, No. 1, January 2008 Copyright ©2008 American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Published by Elsevier Inc.

0015-0282/08/$34.00 doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2007.01 .166

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E s Laptop use on laps might reduce sperm quality: report Mon Nov 08 03:34 :19 UTC 2010 NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) - Using a laptop computer as the name suggests may not be good for male reproductive health, according to a study. And there is little that can be done about it, aside from using the laptop on a desk, said Yelim Sheynkin , a urologist at the State University of New York at Stony Brook who led the study published in Fertility and Sterility. In the study, thermometers were used to measure the temperature of the scrotums of 29 young men balancing a laptop on their knees. Even with a lap pad under the computer, the men's scrotums overheated quickly. "Millions and millions of men are using laptops now, especially those in the reproductive age range," said Sheynki11. 'Within 10 or 15 minutes their scrotal temperature is already above what we consider safe, but they don't feel it." According to the American Urological Association, nearly one in six couples in the United States have trouble conceiving . About half the time this is due to male infertility. Under normal circ*mstances , the position of the testicl*s outside the body keeps them a few degrees cooler than the inside of the body, which is necessary for sperm production . No studies have yet researched how laptops affect male fertility and there is no strong evidence that it would, Sheynkin added. But earlier research has showed that warming the scrotum even more than one degree Celsius (t8 degrees Fahrenheit) is enough to damage sperm. Though both general health and lifestyle factors such as nutrition and drug use can affect reproductive health, tigl1t jeans and briefs are generally not considered a risk factor since people are moving around. Holding a laptop on the knees, though, requires keeping the legs still and closed. After one hour in this position, the researchers found that the men's testicl* temperature had risen by up to 2.5 C. A lap pad kept the computer cool and meant that less heat was transmitted to the skin, but Sheynkin warned it didn't do much to cool the testicl*s and might give a false sense of security. "I wouldn't say that if someone starts to use laptops they will become infertile," Sheynkin told Reuters Health, though he warned that frequent use might contribute to reproductive problems because "the scrotum doesn't have time to cool down." When the men sat with their legs spread wide -- made possible only by placing the computer on a large lap pad -­they could keep their testicl*s cooler. But it still took less than 30 minutes before they began overheating . "No matter what you do, even with the legs spread wide apart, the temperature is still going to be higher than what we call safe," said Sheynkin .

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MOB/ LE PHONES/TETRA Electromagnetic Hazard& Therapy 2004. Volume 15, no 1

Regular use of a mobile phone can reduce sperm count by 30 percent

..s.. - --RESEARCH from Hungary indicates that- men who regularly carry and use mobile phones may reduce their sperm count by up to 30 percent, thus cutting their chances of suc­cessful fertilization. The study adds to previous research

that suggests that male fertility may be damaged by mobile phone radiation . Men who carry the phone on a belt or in a trouser pocket are may be at the highest risk. Details of the research were presented

at an international scientific conference of fertility experts on June 29 in Berlin at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology's an­nual conference . The researchers stud­ied 221 men for 13 months comparing the sperm of those who used their phones heavily with others who did not. They found that heavy users of mo­

bile phones - those who carried their phone around with them most of the time - had their sperm counts reduced by nearly 30 percent. Many of the sur­viving sperm showed abnormal move­ments , further compromising fertility. Lead researcher, Dr lmre Fejes of the

Obstetrics and Gynaecology Depart­ment at Hungary's University of Szeged, concludes in the paper: 'The prolonged use of cell phones may have a negative effect on spermatogenesis (sperm pro­duction) and male fertility , that deterio­rates both concentration and motility.' (S Times , 27 June). As a result of these findings the re­

searchers believe that phones may cause damage while in stand-by mode rather than only when in use, as most previous studies suggest. When not in use phones still emit regular signals to maintain contact with the nearest radio mast. The study confined itself to men using

mobile phones operating on one fre­quency (900 MHz), but in Britain and many other countries a range of fre­quencies are used and, although it is likely that any biological or health ef­fects would similarly be found with these frequencies, this requires replication. Lawrence Challis, emeritus professor

of physics at Nottingham University, who chairs the Government's Mobile Telecommunications and Health Re-

search Group, was quoted as saying that, although there were many studies into the health effects of mobile phones, the results were too contradictory to draw firm conclusions .

' Mobile phones have only been around for about 15 years', he said. 'Many serious diseases take much longer than that to produce symptoms and there is no way the research could show this .'

Challis will announce later this year plans for the world's biggest study into the health impact of mobile phones, following the lives of 250,000 people for at least 15 years , simultaneously track­ing their phone usage from data sup­plied by mobile phone companies .

Challis also sits on the NRPB's Advi­sory Group on Non-ionising Radiation . In January it issued a report on RF in which it reviewed the evidence for dam­age to sperm by mobile phone radia­tion , but concluded that there was too little research to draw conclusions (Health Effects from Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields. Docs of the NRPB, 2003;14(2).

The Mobile Operators Association , which represents the five main UK mobile phone network operators, said there was still no firm evidence of dam­age to health .

All-Party Report on masts A NEW report, Mobile Phone Masts, from the UK's All-Party Parliamentary Mobile Group recommends that every cell phone tower should have to go ' throu h the norma p annin es and would revoke current exemptions.

The report is highly critical of fl'ffi current planning system and concludes that the voluntary code of practice by the mobile telecommunications indus­try is inconsistent and leads to public skepticism over planning decisions, according to 1 1 1s Committee, adding that the panel's 19 recommendations represent a 'huge challenge' for the Government, indus­try and local authorities. • The Conservative Party has launched a campaign, You decide where they go, to give local people more power over the location of mobile phone masts , while a UKIP MEP has supported Sus­sex anti-TETRA campaigners.

Two policemen using TETRA die from cancer (continued from page n thoroughly before it was rolled out. Among other things Neil began to suf­fer nosebleeds, which is a classic symp­tom of microwave irradiation .' Sources report that five other cancers have occurred in the Leicester force since TETRA was introduced.

In Lancashire a scene of crime officer using TETRA has also contracted throat cancer. Last year some 173 Lanca­shire officers complained of health ef­fects they attributed to using TETRA in questionnaires compiled by the Police Federation but little investigation has occured, the symptoms being attrib­uted as 'psychosomatic' and officers told not to discuss them or moved to other forces.

Airwave, backed by the Home Office, is equipping the 53 forces in England, Scotland and Wales with TETRA, with full activation scheduled by the end of 2005. About 2,500 of the required 3,500 transmitters have been erected and 65 ,000 officers in 39 forces are using it. The NRPB has dismissed possible health effects in its recent report {left) .

But TETRA has provoked strong local protests around the UK with claims that the radiation from the masts causes headaches, sickness, disturbed sleep and skin rashes, leading to rejection of planning permission by councils and expensive appeals by Airwave.

At North Walsham, Norfolk, six peo­ple including a police chief inspector have blamed the above symptoms, including nosebleeds, on a new TETRA mast at the station tp Telegraph, 14 August) . Some 25 people living near the mast have complained of similar symptoms. Chief lnsp Steve Strong and other officers have been referred to the force's doctor but forbidden from speaking publicly about it.

In response to public concern the Home Office last year launched a £Sm health study including a detailed study of 150 officers and a 15-year monitor­ing project involving100,000 users. Sir William Stewart, former Chief Sci­

entific Adviser to the Government, said in a 2000 report on mobile phone health concerns that frequencies near 16 Hz -close to TETRA's pulsed signal of 17.6 Hz - should be avoided because re­search suggested they could cause

( continued on page 4/

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Effect of cell phone usage on sem*n analysis in men attending infertility clinic: an observational study Ashok Agarwal, Ph.D., H.C.LD.,• Fnu Deepinder, M.D .• • Rakesh K. Sharma, Ph.D .. • Geetha Ranga, Ph.D., b and Jianbo Li, Ph.D. c

• Reproductive Research Center, Glickman Urological Institute and Department of Obstetrics-Gynecology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland. Ohio; b Karthekeya Medical Research and Diagnostic Center, Mumbai, India; and c Department of Quantitative Health, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio

Objective: To investigaU: the effect of cell phone use on various markers- of sem*n quality. Dulgn: Observational study. Setting: Infertility clinic. Patlent(a): Three hundred sixty-one men undergoing infertility evaluation were divided into four groups according to their active cell phone use: group A:. no use; group B: <2 h/day; group C: 2-4 h/day; and group D: >4 h/day. IAlll'Vllltlon(a): Nooe. Main Outcome M1aaure(1): Spenn paramecers (volume, liquefaction time. pH, viscosity, sperm count. motility, viability, and morphology). ResuH(a): The comparisons of mean sperm count. motility, viability, and nonnal morphology among four different cell phone user groups were statistically significanl Mean spenn motility, viability, and normal morphology were significantly different in cell phone user groups within two sperm count groups. The laboratory values of the above fOUJ' sperm parameters decreased in all four cell phone user groups as the duration of daily exposure to cell phones increased. Conclu1lon(1): Use of cell phones decrease the sem*n quality in men by decreasing the spenn count. motility, viability, and nonnal morphology. The decrease in sperm parameters was dependent on the duration of daily exposure to cell phones and independent of the initial sem*n quality. (Fertil Steril* 2008;89: 124-8. ©2008 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)

Key Words: Cell phone, electromagnetic radiations, spenn parameters, male infertility

Cell phones have become indispensable devices in our daily life. These phones operate between 400 MHz and 2000 MHz frequency bands and emit radiofrequency electromagnetic waves (EMW). Reports of potential adverse effects of radio­frequency EMW on brain, heart, endocrine system, and DNA of humans and animals are widely reported in the literature. Electromagnetic waves alter brain electroencephalographic activity and cause disturbance in sleep (l); cause difficulty in concentration, fatigue, and headache (2); and increase re­action time in a time-dependent manner (3). They increase the resting blood pressure (4) and reduce the production of melatonin (5). They are also implicated in DNA strand breaks (6). However, the concern that cell phone use might have

Received August 22, 2006; revised and accepted January 31 , 2007. Reprint requests: Or. Ashok Agarwal , Professor, Lerner College of

Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Director, Center for Advanced Research in Human, Reproduction, Infertility, and Sexual Function, Glickman Urological Institute and Department of Obstetrics­Gynecology, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Desk A19.1 , Cleveland, OH 44195 (FAX: 216-445-6049; E-mail: [emailprotected]).

adverse impacts on the sem*n quality has not been exten­sively addressed.

Infertility affects approximately 15% of couples of repro­ductive age, and with nearly half of these cases resulting from male factor infertility this area of research is of great interest to both physicians and research scientists (7, 8). The relation­ship between cell phone use and male infertility remains un­clear. Harmful EMW emitted from cell phones may interlere with normal spennatogenesis and result in a significant de­crease in sperm quality. There are two reports available that show an effect of cell phones on sperm motility in humans (9, 10). Animal studies indicate that EMW may have a wide range of damaging effects on the testicular function and male germ line (11, 12). Electromagnetic waves can affect reproductive function through both thermal and non­thermal effects (13).

The objective of the present study was to assess the effects of cell phone use on various sperm parameters among pa­tients undergoing infertility evaluation at a male infertility clinic. Our goal was to better understand the role of cell phone use in male infertility and assess the need for any

1f.D Fertility and Sterility® Vol. 89, No. 1, January 2008 Copyright ©2008 American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Published by Elsevier Inc.

0015-0282/08/$34.00 doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2007.01 .166

Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (19)





~g~I.OB: . ··R~· ct· t· fJ b·1·. h I (,Jil,Iif;i ' ~t~,~ :ia 19n ,rom mo l rs :arms s eep,

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1~~i~ stuiJrc~ded~y riioJJeinakers ::?;:~j i ffi~ii1fsciehtists 'd.isc9~JMtRe,dti ~e 'UsEfcar-Tt~ad tcihe;daches; confusion and depression

.. , ... ~':'...·.\~~~st \ -" 7t/·i :,. --~~~.":~·· -• '. -·•'I ·


= .. ,--Bfd'eoffrey Lean ENVIRONMENT EDITOR

• I Radiation. from mobile ;phones delays and reduces sleep!' . and causes headaches and confusion,


» The five.stages are each characterised by different brain activity. They have different functlof!~ · and are all vital for good health ,

University -'- :have similar­ly found that people claim­ing to be electrosensitive could not distinguish when the radiation was turned on in laboratory conditions,

.. suggesting that they were .not affected.

· '.M1- ~tHe1e.f endt11t 'onSµnday' .. .


· ~ccording to a new study . t;·Toe research, sponsored . by the mobile phone cqm-

. panies themselves, shows that using the handsets be­fore bed causes people to

Critics have attacked the studies' methodology; but the new findings·deal.them a serious blow. Forthey ~ow·tharthe radiation did have an effect, even though

. people could not tell when ·- ,; ...... _ .· ... ;,,,_,_


. take longer to reach the dee.per stages of sleep and to spend less. time in them, ,Esther Rantzen·

. . . . . interfering with the body's ·Every week, a figure in the.public: eye-offers an , 'ability to repair damage suf-·iridividual take on ou.r ,coverage. Today,the ..:·,.- fered during the day . . 'presfdent of ChildDiMtells us what she,thiriks:1/'i"f, · The findings are 'espe-

. .: ·. ;,· 't,•·• ,:;~:it?:../ ,, . . , ·.. cially alarming for children Mob1leph,on~nd·ra<1iat1Qn, page 2 No matter and teenagers, most of _howimafi¼~~f,g,l~e·~~-pie:tell m~ it (::ansause, . . whom -_surveys suggest-mt(T19..~t,l~'15-~~,f;t:"1E!9.-l,part of my hfe·now:,1·hey'II ' use th«!~r phonesJate at

justjf~~tl~iD5!.~~xs.~t<?,n:iake.itsafe. ' • night and who _esp~cially , \J;:~'?1~1'.r:t f PW:",;;:c:. • .. need sleep. Their f.µlure to

com1rnrni!Y.?'.We'OOn't knQW our neighbours, , . ' get eno.ugh can lead to ~p~e!?.~~,t,i,eiF,~rigy}ti:,qi\~s-«inging.back. We · ~- · mood 'and·· p~rsonality 'J:itir:i~i?'5,e~~~g,,gr~~p,wlth a better social · . 1 ·1 · changes, AD HD-like symp-str!JFt~t~~~e're old'fast}iqned enough to.b~li~v~ _. tollls, depression, lack of

· ·in:.J:he;lp:lp9ttance,0f:cpllaboration; and wfre .:· · . ·, concentration an.d ·poor : fiaving.an·,ififluence:,The-ihdividualism of the . . ... ., :academic performance. i:icrbti'o~ici'd~li;,,htin.c:;il:·c:ti;.·tino tn fppJ nlrtfac;h- . ' < "' ' • . The studv - carried out

f ":' ···-,.:.,.

» Resear.ch-· findings ..

~:,.:;.., ,,.-.rAS<,.f"-'?~-

»The mqbile phone signal affected dee non-REMs!

'';\,,::Pt:· · »' It took'longer reach stage 3 an. the amount ofsta

; sleep was/~~uced, "\,'·;

. » Participants also reported mor,

.I' ,.•,;c ., Mill ;,;,;,;::~

they were'exposed. :rt also complements

other recent research.A massive study, following '1,656 Belgian teenagers for a year, found most of them used their phones after going to bed. _It concluded that those who did this once a week went more than three times - and those who used them more often more than five times - as likely tobe "verytired" ..

Dr Chris Idzikowski, the director of the Edinburgh ·sleep Centre, says: "There

s.ouRcEs, Tht> EM:Academv.11os research! , is now mo_re than sufficient

I l

, I

Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (20)



;~~~lFm£wlill~{~1fon'oW:: comrriunities ·. ·;-r-s ,·· ·chip ~9,FnsKa:In_st!tu~e between 18.;md 45. ~o~e for ~upport;~pd;re_cr,!:!at1.Qn when we can't use ··, and U.pp~ala .Qruy~rs1ty m were exposed to radiation _plane~'.ar:id.fa'.~slnyinore. . . ,. Swe,d~,ij)1n,~fron:\. Wayne thcltexactlymimickedwhat ·" JD;f.~i:'tt(;> . k' ' " . .Jt:. State Vniv~isity in Michl- is r~ceived when using mo-

:"'Ju~t:1>ne-more-Y,~,page16 The phras~ ')°,ii!ts 0

,:-•. i, .,. ; _ . gan, USN-is~thought to be bile phones; others were "fr.9ifr~:~i~~iQ)faQ/_pJ s~ri_ngs.to mind. I "Yii!S verto,\, { t;,; · .. ~f~s,~·f pinpre~ensive of place~~ preoisel,: the same -~ob19_~s~9_ouJl~~'~fJ~eorge Bush's _elec~:Ht c::t , J ri~s lciIJ..?¥!'.·t:'"i ;;·. ,·. · /' con~1t1ons; ~ut given o~ly · t1~nN(ctory,~nY"Y.~Y;w~e~_t,e came to po~er.T ,:· _-:·• :;,.t;,, >·Pub)ishe4 ?Y the Massac · '.'sham" e~p~sure, rece1v-thlllk the i;iext lea'qer w1l[;attually_ have a bit of a ,~ <:•(G';;'[f' :_c.;lJuset~s InstJtute,ofTech- mg no rad1at1on at all. ho~~yr:no<;iji;oe,_ca'us~ of~J~•·unpo~ularity.;,~e:,i:f(;:s.'~~~n ';'.ri,gl~w'.~fr?gr~ss in_Elec- 'i!)e peopl~ ~h? had re­neecl more:pragmat,sm mthe White-House and a ' · '·<:l's.! ·~ttom:~gnetics Research ceiyed the rad1at1on took little-!ess religio~s fervour. ·. · · : ;-:. · ·• :'?;_. ·.~yef.ip9s~~1rr1an1·fi,mded by lo~gerjo~enter the first of

·. ;; . ''. .. . · .·• ·· ¢:eM~tbile Manufacturers the deeper.stages of sleep, Whyl~geogi:aphyQJjtain's.leasHa~urite ,, } : . •F9ri(m.'.b ;epresenting the and spent less time in the subj"'1:?;'Ccimment;~e-,44 G~ogr,aphy w~, _ . , .. . .. niain'.).lajid~et companies, deepest one. The scientists always the tgrst•timght~llpje~~t~_cz/:lool·:-~which .~ ~: :- Jt:Ji~s.§~used serious con- con.chided: "The study in-is.bizarre. when it should be the mo~exciting. · cern among top sleep ex- dicates that during labora-Young people are riveted by · perts, one of whom said that tory exposure to 884 MHz travel. Offer them a chance · ·'' there was now "more than wireless signals compo-to go to Africa or.America sufficient evidence" to show nents of sleep believed to and they will lijap at it. With that the radiation "affects be important for recovery the world getting smaller, deep sleep". from daily wear and tear geography has never been The scientists studied 35 are adversely affected." more important. men and 36 women aged The embarrassed Mobile

Manufacturers Forum _ About halt-otthe people ber,ot reputable mvesnga­played do.wn the results, in- studiedb¢lievedthemselves tors who are finding that sis ting - at apparent vai;ic . tobe "electrpsensitive", re- mobile.phone exposure an ance with this published porting symptoms;such as hour before sleepadverse­conclusion:.. :that.its "re- headaches and impaired ly affects deep sleep." sults were inconclusive" · cggriiti'vefunctionfroinmo- DrWilliamKohlerofthe and,that "the researchers., hilephone_use. Butthey Florida 'Sleep Institute did not claim that exposure proved to:be unabletotell added: "Anything that dis­caused sleep disturbance". if they.had been exposed to rupts the integrity of your

But Professor · Bengt . the radi,\tion in the test. sleep will potentially have Arnetz, who led the study; · This strengthens the con- adverse consequences in says: "We did find an effect clusion of the study, as it functioning during the day, from mobile phones from disposes·of any suggestion such as grouchiness, diffi­exposure scenarios that thatknowledgeof~sure ctiltyconcentrating,andin were realistic.This suggests influenced sleeping pat- , childrenhyperactivityand that they have'measU:rable terns. Even.rµore signifi- behaviour problems." effects on the brain." candy, it throws into doubt David Schick, the chief

He believes that the ra- the relevance of studies the executive ofExradia, which diation may activate the industry relies on to main- manufactures protective brain's stress system, "mak- tain that the radiation has devices against the radia­ing people more alert and no measurable effects. tion, called on ministers to more focused, and decreas- A series of them - most conduct "a formal public ing their ability to wind . notably a recent highly pub- inquiry" into the effects of down and fall asleep". licised study at Essex mobile phones.

Esther.Rcintzen wm~ appear at the .. Wftite"' Hat Ball iri fon'don next . Saturday , to raise · money for Heathrow and BA return to normal after-crash Child.Line.

weather outlook: rain in most areas;dri~le in South, some bright spots in Scotland PAGE74

a+ Crosswords 1fJjlt Prize PAGE 74

Concise & i3eelzebub-11fE NEW REVIEW, 1'46-47

Reporting team: Paul Bignell (PB) p.bignell Senay Boztas (SB) s.bozlas Brian Brady (BB) b.brady David Connett (DC) d.connelt Roger Dobson (RD) r.dobson Kevin Dowling (KD) k.dowlmg Ian Griggs (IG) i.griggs Andrew Johnson (AJ) a.johnson Nina Lakhani (NL) n.lakhani Geoffrey Lean (GL) g.lean Susie Mesure (SM) s.mesure Cole Moreton (CM) c.rnoreton Richard Osley (RO) r.osley Jonathan Owen (JO) j.owen David Randall (DR) d.randall Rachel Shields (RS) r.shields Raymond Whitaker (RW) lj\/lhitaker


-By David Randall

Operations at Heathrow airport returned to normal -ye:,terday after the extra­ordinary crash-landing of British Airways Flight 038, in which .the crew of the Boeingm had just seconds to get the aircraft down safe­ly after the engines failed on Thursday afternoon.

The airport's schedules had peen badly disrupted after the incident, with 221 flights cancelled on Thurs­day. But a BAA spokes­woman yesterday said: ''.All

operations are returning, with all terminals return­ing to normal ... all passen­gers can resume normal pro­cedures for checking in."

British Airways said it had fully restored its long­haul schedule and had 95 per cent of its short-haul flights running as normal.

The wreckage will be re­moved from the runway this morning, and taken to the easterll BA hangars at Heathrow. Yesterday, inves- . tigators remained with the aircraft, having worked through the night to gather

possible evidence on the n,,; ,.,....., •• ,,," The AAIB's initial fmdings cause of the fault. appeared to corroborate

The preliminaryteport claims that the plane had by the Air Accidents Inves- suddenly)ost power. tigation Branch into the in- Meanwhile; Senior First cident-whichleftl8ofthe OfficerJohn'Coward, who, 136 passengers needing , . · -undertheconµnaIJ..dofCap-treatment - is due in about .· _r fain Peter Burkill· averted 30 days. The AAIB said its . disaster .by,bringing the inquiry was now fo\:,used ' planedoy.n;-'saictoftheland-"on more detailed analysis . :.. ing yestct'tla:f.~'It wasn't just of the flight recorder infor.: ,, Passengers·afHeathr~ -one thud but a s.eries of mation, collecting further shortly aftertheaccident'PA thuds." This was followed recorded information from . . · by "an eerie silence" as the various sy~tem modules, .:- . ,, ;'~ :- · , :, . . /2 ,{'. .J~$,8!81~).9?a iialt. "I ~eared and exarmrung the range of It l_S beh«!ved no alarm lj.,:Catastrophe," he said, aircraft systems that could sounded to warn the pilots _ · -----~-­influence engine operation". of the aircraft.'s difficul?e~,.;,:~sf.s9'\~..B§~Of_J f1Gf~ ~;9 . .

Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (21)


1-7 ~ /' le_

Medical News Today News Article Page 1 of 2

'Correlation found between mobile phone masts and sleep disturbances'

29 Apr 2005 I Click to Print

'We have found that people who are very electrosensitive in the evening, do not sleep well in the night". Prof. dr. Norbert Leitgeb of the Technical University of Graz in Austria told it to a journalist of the Grazer Woche. "This could indicate, that mobile phone masts and other sources of radiofrequent radiation indeed have a negative influence on the well being of many persons."

His saying refers just to the result of a pilotstudy, meant to verify the design of a larger investigation to come. Nevertheless the result is spectacular, Leitgeb confirms. Of nine testpersons the more electrosensitive appeared to sleep much better when protected from radiofrequent radiation . Leitgeb does not find this is proof yet. The upcoming research has to confirm the relationship between sleeping quality, electrosensitivity (50 Hz) and the load of radiofrequent radiation by GSM masts, DECT wireless telephones, WLAN wireless networks and other sources. The research will not take place in a laboratory, though at home with twenty people throughout Austria . Results are expected in the beginning of 2006.

Causal relationship

In an article in the magazine Bioelectromagnetics Leitgeb describes the existence of electrosensitivity. It is proven that some persons have a heightened sensitivity for electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields. "Though there has not been established a causal relationship yet, the symptoms of some persons are thus·severe, that they leave their homes and jobs and try to find release in an environment with less 'electromagnetic pollution'. These persons have a serious problem and need to get help. To find proof of a causal relationship is not just a scientific interest, but the problem also has a socio-economic aspect", says Leitgeb.

UMTS mobile phone masts

In The Netherlands there is a growing stir about the placement of UMTS mobile phone masts. Also the GSM mobile phone masts, DECT wireless telephones and WLAN wireless networks are sus ect of causing 'radiofreguent radiation sickness'. A symptom Is the heightene e ectrosensitivity to low frequency electric and magnetic fields (50 Hz) , but the sickness also would have other symptoms like sleeping disturbances, palpitations of the heart, high blood pressure, tinglings , concentration and remembrance distortions, dizziness, burning skin , tinnitus, eye problems, lack of energy and many more. In The Netherlands a study by TNO confirmed the correlation of cognitive functional deviations and the radiation of GSM and UMTS. Moreover, the radiation of UMTS appeared to cause tinglings and dizziness.


1. Grazer Woche , 'Studie: Handymast stort Schlaf by Dieter Demmelmair 2. Elektrosmognews of 18 Jan. 2005 3. IZGMF Meldungen 'Epros Schlafstudie zwischen Sensation und Dementi' , 21 Jan. 2005 4. Answers by N. Leitgeb to questions by Frans van Velden , e-mail , 21 Jan. 2005 5. Electrosensibility and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, Bioelectromagnetics 24:387-394 (2003) Author: Frans van Velden

http://www.medicalnewstoday .com/printerfriendlynews.php?newsid=23610 01 /05/2005

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(head lines}


Less 3leep Linked to Blues in Teens Earlier bedtimes set by parents protect against depression

Despite kids' protests, enforcing early bedtimes may be good for their mental health. Teens who are allowed to go to bed later are more likely to suffer from depression~ probably for the simple reason that they are not getting enough sleep, a recent study suggests.

Columbia University scientists found that depression was 24 percent more common in teens whose parents let them go to bed at midnight or later than in kids whose moms and dads required them to hit the pillow by 10 P.M. The night owls were also 20 percent more likely to have suicidal thoughts.

Teens with bedtimes of midnight or later got an average of seven and a half hours of sleep, whereas those with a lights-out of 10 p.m. or earlier got an average of eight hours and 10 minutes. Although the association between later bedtimes and depression was greater before controlling for parents' marital status and poverty level ,- it remained statistically significant after taking those things into ac­count-as well as teens' perceptions of how much their parents cared about them.

The researchers looked at parent-enforced bedtimes-as opposed to simply logging hours slept-to rule out the possi­bility that depression was causing some kids to sleep less, rather than the other way around.

Earlier work supports the idea that too little sleep may lead to depression. Research at the University of London showed that children who suffer from insomnia are at


increased risk of developing depression in their tweens and teens. And a University of Pittsburgh study of youth at risk for hereditary depression found that the one biological predictor of resilience-in other words, not getting de­pressed-was adequate sleep. Although too little sleep is unlikely to be solely responsible for a teen's low mood, in those with a genetic or environmental predisposition sleep loss may raise risk and satisfying rest may be protective.

Recent studies at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and the University of California, Berkeley, are starting to tease out why. During brain scans, sleep-deprived but otherwise healthy people showed increased activity In the amygdala (the brain's emotional center) and decreased activity in the prefrontal cortex (an area that puts our experiences in context, and by extension, makes us rational)- the same changes seen in people who are depressed. In one army study, subjects started to show symptoms of depression, and the Berkeley subjects became more distressed than rested participants when confronted with upsetting images.

All these neurobioiogical effects may hit teens especially hard, says psychologist William D. "Scott" Killgore of Har­vard Medical School-affiliated McLean Hospital, a co-author of the army research. As teens cope with increasingly com­plicated daily life, they need more sleep than younger kids or adults, Killgore explains, and so "not getting enough sleep is especially problematic." -Jordan Lite

July/August 2010


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Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (24)

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Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (25)


L ak~head University - Administration and Govemance Page 1 of 4

Lakehea Policy Category: General

Effective Date: January 1, 2004

Approved By: President

\\liFi Policy

General Statement


Lakehead University is completely connected to the World Wide Web. Connectivity is provided by a comprehensive campus fibre-optic nehvork with approximately 8,000 plug-in sites, as well as intemet cafes and computer laboratories, giving access to 650 computers. Only those areas not served by the fibre-optic backbone have a wireless option.


The purpose of this policy is to limit wireless connectivity based on the "precautionary principle" a,;; there are numerous scientific studies that 5,uggest there is a basis for concem that continuous or frequent long­term exposure to \ViFi electromagnetic fields (EMFs) could have adverse health effects (see Benevento and Catania Resolutions attached as Appendices A and B).

Background * --l\1-iicrowave radiation in the frequency range ofWiFi ha,;; been shown to increase penneability of the \~

blood-brain barrier, cause behavioural changes, alter cognitive functions, activate a stress response, interfere with brain waves, cell growth, cell communication, calcium ion balance, etc., and cause single and double strand DNA breaks at EMF levels as low as 0.005 w/kg.

I \.J/l<J ::::._ ,,°6JAvJ/c_"""'..,__ Policy / l +-1-

0 - o o 1;, w le::}= ~ci c,f- I 'vv/lcj ;:;..> o-~"t_,,,__'w / c_'M2..

There will be no use ofWiFi in those areas of the University already served by hard wire connectivity (we. ct l l c., until such time as the potential health effects have been scientifically rebutted or there are adequate '2.o J-1- Yc protective measures that can be taken. /? e.r i; d;: 1"

~ ,

Review of Policy

The President will continue to monitor research in the area to detennine whether a change in policy is warranted.

Appendix A

Benevento Resolution htt_p:_ ~ v\-\-y.ice!Il_~eu ~ene,~nto n.-solution.htm

Benevento Resolution

The International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety (ICEMS) held an intemational conference entitled .The Precautionary EMF Approach: Rationale, Legislation and

http ://policies. lakeheadu. ca/print. php?id=l 78 06/01/2008

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MOBILE PHONES Electromagnetic Hazard & Therapy 2000, Volume 10, nos 3-4

School bans mobile phones on health grounds as student muggings increase KIN G Alfred's School in north London has banned the use of mobile phones by students mainly on the grounds of health concerns and a spate of student muggings resulting in phones being stolen.

Headmistress Mrs Lizzy Marsden told EMH &T: 'I've decided to keep them banned and the health concerns are paramount, especially since some of the children are as young as four. Also, there have been a growing number of muggings of students locally which is worrying. Of the 11 to 18-year-olds I estimate 80% have a mobile.'

Her decision comes after gathering infor­mation on possible health hazards from mobile phone radiation to draw up regula­tions for the use of mobile phones at the private school by its 500 male and female students aged between 4 and 18.

In a similar vein, two more local educa­tion authorities have followed the lead of Edinburgh City Council in assessing the possible health risks from mobile phones to produce guidelines to students on their use at school.

Brighton and Hove Council in East Sus­sex and education chiefs in Derbyshire are warning children of the possible dangers from mobile phone use.

In December Edinburgh City Council issued a report by the Director of Environ­mental and Consumer Services entitled, 'The Use of Mobile Phones by Elected Members, Council Staff and Advice for School Age Children'.

It recommends the endorsem*nt of its

proposed health and safety advice for stu­dents' use of mobile phones as follows: • Hands-free mobile phones should be used where practicable, as these will mini­mise absorption of microwaves by the head; • When carrying or using hands-free mo­bile phones, whenever practicable the phone should be positioned away from the body, rather than in a pocket or on a belt, etc; • If using a mobile phone without a hands­free device, users should minimise absorp­tion of microwaves by holding the phone antenna away from the head; • Users should be aware of the screening effects of buildings and, where practicable, mobile phones should be used outside or

near a window, etc. * Although the recommendations are use­

ful, the report is lacking in certain respects. For example, it does not mention that these phones emit a pulsed signal, at 217Hz, which is thought by many independent researchers to be the prime culprit for the adverse effects.

Professor Salford at Lund University in Sweden has shown that such pulsing can alter the permeability of the blood-brain barrier in rats which, if 'occurring in hu­mans, could have profound effects on brain function. ,_

In the US Professor Om Gandhi at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, re­ported in 1996 that five-year-olds absorb 50% more and 10-year-olds 10% more radiation than adults.

Union warns members to cut m obile phone use due to health fears THOUSANDS of civil servants have been warned by their union to stop using mobile phones due to fears they could be damag­ing their health.

Leaders of the Public and Commercial Services Union said its 266,000 members should not be forced to carry or use a mobile phone. Instead, staff should be pro­vided with phone charge cards.

Those who have to travel for their work are advised to carry mobiles only in case of an emergency, according to the Union's guidelines. But they are advised to switch them off whenever possible.

And members should carry any phone away from their body, when it is on and not

in use, not clipped to a belt. Incoming mobile calls should be kept

short and only acknowledged with 'a prom­ise to ring back from another phone when safe to do so.'

Union members are also told: "Don't press the mobile hard against your head -leave a gap."

Union leader Barry Ramsbottom told The

Sundqy Mirror (March18th): "We are probably the first union to warn

all its members against using mobile phones. "We are simply saying medical opinion

is still divided over the possible health implications of long-term usage. Our mes­sage is, 'Don't gamble with your health'."

Ear exposure over cellphone radiation

limits causes US manufacturers to move goal-posts

A REPORT that shows that many mobile phones exceed current US limits by over­exposing the ear to radiation has prompted American manufacturers to seek relaxa­tion of exposure standards for the outer ear.

Dr CK Chou of Motorola has proposed that, for the general public, the outer ear should be considered an 'extremity', simi­lar to the hands, feet, wrists and ankles.

The American Institute of Electrical En­gineers (IEEE) RF /MW standard allows higher exposures for these extremities and is expected to approve the change.

At an October meeting in Atlanta of the IEEE's Standards Coordinating Commit­tee 28, Dr Veli Santomaa of Nokia sup­ported the proposal.

Although 'the SAR in the ear is the high­est in the body, ... the outer ear is not a vital orgah,' he said, according to Microwave News (1999;19:(6)1). Apparently its main function is simply 'to capture sound for hearing'.

Therefore, Santomaa contended, it is not necessary to protect the outer ear against RF exposure 'at the same level as the brain'.

The IEEE's RF /MW standard limits most of the body to an exposure of 1.6W /Kg averaged over lg of tissue. (In the UK the NRPB only requires 2W /Kg averaged over 10g.) But exposure of the extremities is allowed up to 4W /Kg, averaged over the greater 1 0g.

Dr Om Gandhi, of the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, recently tested 10 mobile phones - five analog and five PCS digital models. All five of PCS ones met current standards, four of the five analog units had SARs in the ear that exceeded the IEEE limit of 1.6W /Kg averaged over lg. Three of the phones' SAR were twice as high as the limit while one reached 5.4W / Kg.

All 10 phones were approved by the Federal Communications Commission be­cause the agency allows testing with a plastic spacer instead of a realistic, radia­tion-absorbing model of the ear.

In his paper Gandhi writes: 'An earless model with a 4-6mm thick plastic spacer underestimates the. .. SAR down to 40-60% of the actual SAR.'

IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 1999;41 :234-45.


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"When plaque limits are exceeded, people begin to experience more and more synaptic dysfunction"

of symptoms as those on the placebo. In other words, the drug was doing what it was supposed to do, but without slowing the disease.

The study seems to confirm what has long been suspected from post-mortem evidence: that plaque size and dementia symptoms don't correlate. That has always been the central objection to the plaque hypothesis, says Dominic Walsh, a neurologist at University College Dublin in Ireland. "Lots of people have Alzheimer's plaques but are not demented."

If the plaques aren't responsible, then what is? Alzheimer saw more than plaques in Deter's brain: there were also the tangles, which form inside neurons themselves.

The tangled material is now known to be made of a protein called tau, which can build up until it almost fills the neuron, which then dies. Crucially, unlike with plaques, the number of tangles in a patient's brain seems to correlate well with their level of dementia.

Recent studies also suggest that stopping

tau molecules from clumping together could be an effective drug target. A drug called Rember, made by a Singapore-based start-up called TauRx Pharmaceuticals, has shown promising results in early trials, and the company claims to have an even more effective version that will begin final-stage trials this year.

That might seem to be the end of the amyloid theory. Not quite. A number of studies have investigated what triggers tau to accumulate in neurons in the first place, and they point right back to amyloid beta (Science, vol 293, p 1491). So even if tau is the direct cause of dementia, amyloid beta build-up could still be the trigger.

If that is the case, then why don't plaque­targeting drugs seem to work? A growing number of researchers suspect that the problem is that they have been looking at the wrong form of the protein. There is increasing evidence that short chains of amyloid beta molecules known as oligomers are really responsible for the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Oligomers - small, soluble precursors to the large, insoluble plaques-appear from cell and animal studies to be damaging to neurons. In fact, many now believe that the plaques may actually be the brain's way of disposing of something toxic.

Brain defence gone wrong? ~ Amyloid beta, the protein antibodies. The blood-brain Moir, along with colleague

synonymous with Alzheimer's

disease, is continually produced

by the body throughout life, but

its role in normal brain function

has remained a mystery. Robert

Moir at Massachusetts General

Hospital in Boston recently

noticed that the protein closely

resembled others key to the

non-specific, or "innate", part

of our immune system.

The innate immune system

differs from the "adaptive"

immune system in that it produces

generic cells and chemicals to

fight infection, while the adaptive

side churns out specifically

targeted lymphocytes and

44 I NewScientist I 24 July 2010

barrier protects the brain from

most pathogens, but also blocks

adaptive cells, so the brain relies

on innate immunity for defence.

Amyloid beta might be part

of this. Mair's team tested the

protein against 15 important

pathogens, and compared its

activity to that of an antimicrobial

peptide called LL37. Amyloid beta

stopped the growth of eight

pathogens - in some cases more

effectively than LL37. This

suggests that Alzheimer's could

be the result of the brain's own

defences going into overdrive

(PloS One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.


Rudolph Tanzi, believes that

amyloid beta plays a dual role in

the brain. The protein seems to

be associated with synapses,

the junction between neurons.

The researchers suspect that

during infection, as well as

dealing directly with the

pathogen, the protein damps

down signal transmission at

affected synapses.

"But too much of a good thing

and it becomes bad," says Tanzi.

Some kind of trauma to the brain,

such as chronic infection, a bang

to the head or a stroke, could

send amyloid production into

overdrive, leading to Alzheimer's.

In April, this theory got a huge boost from a study by Sam Gandy at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, and his colleagues. The team engineered mice to produce oligomers but stop short of developing plaques and found that the animals experienced the same memory and cognitive problems as those that had plaques did (Annals of Neurology, DOI: 10.1002/ana.22052). "At least in mice, the oligomer dose did seem to correspond pretty much with the severity of the memory problems," says Gandy.

The real bad boys The study is a coup de grace, says Rudolph Tanzi, an Alzheimer's researcher at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. "It finally shows exactly what all the previous data were pointing to bu1 never directly showed - we can have a brain with no plaques but still have problems."

Gandy thinks the oligomers may kill brain cells by making them leaky. Like cell membranes, amyloid beta is relatively hydrophobic, which could draw the two together. If the oligomer then punctured the membrane, it would kill the cell. Alternatively, the oligomers may be acting indirectly: other studies have shown that they can cause the

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DECT Cordless Phones (and Vlifi) Causes Heart I Irregularities

DECT Cordless phones which transmit B pulsed signal have been shmvn to impact

condition compialned of by increasing numbers of peopie across the giobe today calied 'eiectrosensitivity' (ES or EHS), demonstrating immediate effects on heart: rate, almost doubling the heart rate in some cases. The study was led by Prof. f..;\agda Havas of Trent Uni,,e.i-sity_., CaP:ada.

11 \/Jhat V•ie fotirid is v,;l1at ll1any people have said for a long tirrie about devices. that emit n-,icrowaves," stated Dr. Havas. "People don't just feel rn, their heart begins tt1 r-rlrP r.nri thi'.Q is mP.rl~I it-rlhiP with rr1Prii,~rlf hPr1rt- n,c1nitrjrinn riPvirP-s " . -~-- - .. -~- ---~- .. ·~- -- . -~-~ -

='---""""'--'-'=~"""'-------=---""""'""'---""""="""-f This Subje-ct Is Reactive I, ·~-cc-=cc~~=~~--c7==-cc':


I 1 3 4 5 i

i In this knaae frnn1 the studv. Subiect B exoerienced an increase in heart rnu1 ·, A ,. -.-,,. t:: ~--b·· ,-'- .b.' -i- -,,.. T'- . i- . -1- F f-. - • d· t I.· -,,.t -.. ,..j L ,-~Xposu,. __ 1._, a ne~,r 1 po,La ,e p.101,, __ ,ne .1ea!L .c!Le 1nune .,a e,y 1. __ ur .. eu LO /the baseiine afte,- the cordless phone was unplugged. This has aiso been !d,c,n,nnst-rr1h,.rl nsinn r1 \MiFi rn11t;::,.riArrPc:s Pnint ~~--. ___,,. - •••••• ~---~- > - ~~~-~~ • ~-- ·-

Havas' new study adds to the growing interest in the health effects of mobile phc,nes and VV!Fi \<Vhich also trans1T1it tTticr(Jwave ra,jiation_ The effects on heart­rate have also been dernonstrated using a \A/ifi router/i~\.ccess Point. This

potential effect on other systems, including the heart. It aiso mises serious concern about risks of exposing schook:hiidren to Wi-Fl networks, providing a possible exp!anatfon for why some children in schools ;,vith Wi- Fi are being

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Cellular phones 'lead to bone weakening'

Channe s







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Cellular phones 'lead to bone weakening' \=rnm .b.i'il

\/\/ashington, Oct 24: Do you ;_,vear your cell phone on your belt? \/\/ell, here's some nevvs for you-the eiectromagnetic rays from mobiles lead to dct·-ro;:.c:orl hr1nc rlc,T)C:ih,· in -~r\ .:=tro.'.=4 nf tr\o nch>' ic th.;:&t ic ,--nrr,n-,0nh.,· 1 ,cod ft--,r .,_,..,_ •; ..._.-._,._,..._ . .._. ;,,_•• '> 1'-• .,_,.,_., ,._,, '-1 >J 1 '--" > •,_u .._ . .,_, . ._,, L> 1'-• r---••._., Y ,._, L> ,.,,_,,_ ,._, ..,_ • ._,,JU I 1"-'1 11 r -.....,._,-.,_ . .,_, I.,_,,

bone grafts.

Osteoporosis Causes Learn Hovv to Mana,;;ie Csteciporosis & Increase Bone Density. It's Easy!

Soy Food & Osteoporosis I--·-·- I l-··· T•-·· -y __ .£1 ______ -- .r~---LIC'.c]'f if nuw :::,uy i'.::iU!fdVUf lt:'.::i t_.af l

.t,.ffect Bone Health 8t Osteoporosis

La¼"{er- Jaw Osteonecrosis ,,,-___ . ---- - · . ...J~-~-- ·- ---~-- -----~"-'--·- -~ -,\.)\.) ·, ·,) oy \.l'<:::'.::ici 'IC:: ,_\)) l lj-''<:::) l'c,OU\Ji ) )l

you took bone meds. Ft·ee case reviev·✓.

colleaques of Suleyman Oemirel University, Isparta, Turkey, found t-J,..,~+- \,\1)¼-l,-, lr,r,rt_+-r,rrr, r,·,.1r,r,r-; 1i---r, U lUl. t'v' l U I IV/ I'd 1..Ct I l / C,'lf-"V.3-'J/ c 1

eiectroma,Jnetic fields from cell phones could weaken the bone, --~--~:~II,., .~l'lC--~'-- ~h- -~• -~-----f-'t..'lct rtra,ry or ret...-Lil ''-:::l u 1.:::: <-'Ult.-<_11, ,~~~

of surgical prncedure!::; using bone grafts.

The re!::;earchers measured bone density at the upper rims of the pelvis (iliac wings) in 150 rnen ·who ·were cell tJhone user·3 and carried their phones on their belts.

They took the tT1e;:i:3urement•3 vi,:i a technique called dual x-ray absorpti'ometr·y-the same test used to mea-3ure bone density in patient'.3 with osteoporosis and other bone diseases.

Bone den':':;ity was compared on the side \Nhere the men wore their phones (the right side in 122 men and the left side in 28) versus the opposite side,

The men carried their phones for an average of i5 hours per day, and had 11e;.:,d ,·.:,II nhnni:,e; fnr r1n r1v<=>rr1nP nf f'°> \!Pr1re; ------ ~--·· 'r'''~··---- •=• ....... ---·--•-----;:,-- ·-· ._ >----·--·

The resu1'ts showed a slight reduction in iliac wing bone density on the sia·e 1_,\1horo tho rnon r-_qrriod thoir nhnnoc:: '< .. ' ,,_._ - ..... ,_,_ ........ \. ,,_,, ' ,_,,_..., ' ,-..... - ..... ·- ,,_, \\ t..,, ,,_,., ,,_,._.,

The difference ;_,vas not statisticafly signfficant, and dfd not approach the

Hm·vever, the researchers have noted that the men were relatively young­av~a.ge 32 years-<3r;d trh3t f~rtrv2r bor\e tN·eakE:-rdr,g rnay occur tt1ttr, lor,ge:­foliow-up.

Tf\e re.s__~\ts ra~~.e. the. poss~bn~tv t~\at bone dens~tv coutd be. ad\1erset 1,;

affected by electroma1Jnetic fields emitted by cell phones.





A i)


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http://tt-'tt-w.dai1yindia..co-m/s1ww/340881.php 06/10/2{){)9

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Press Release by the Health Protection Agency on 15th Sept 2009 entitled "Scientist probe laptops Wi-Fi EroJssions~

Comments by Andrew Goldsworthy on 2H'-h Sept 2009

The following quote from the notes to editors is muddled and deeply misleading.

"''ll1ere is no consistent evidence to date that exposure to RF signals from H'i-Fi and 1tVIANs adverse◊' affect the hea Ith of the general population".

1. Is there any evidence that \.Vi-Fi is harmful to healt..h.? The answer to this is DEFINITELY YES.

2. Is the whole population affected? The answer to this is SEEl\:IINGLY NOT.

It is misleading because it is ,vritten in such a way as to imply that Wi-Fi is safe for EVERYONE and there is no reason why it should not be used universally in schools. What about the health of the students and staff who an affected? Do they not care?

The use of the v.rord ''consistent" in the quote is also worrying since it suggests that physicists and engineers, possibly from the mobile phone and Wi-Fi indusnies, rather than biologists and health ex'Pe1ts, are in control.

·No trained biologist or medical practitioner would ever e:\.]Ject the same level ol consistengr from experiments with compiex lhring organisms as is possibie v.ith simple physical systems.

Apart from identical tw·ins, each one ofus is genetically and physiologically unique and we do not all respond in the same way to metabolic insults. Not everyone ·who smokes dies of cancer, and we do not all suffer the same side effects from taking a medicinal drug. Even the same person may not be equally susceptible all of the time. 'For ex.ample, if ,,ve are ill, our resistance to fmther infections is usually lowered. Anyone who says that we must all shm\7 the same response to electromagnetic radiation before its effects can be regarded as real must have a very limited knowledge of biology. They are certainly not qualified to sit in judgement on impm1ant health issues that are likely to affect billions of people ,<1rnrldwide, let alone the health of unsuspecting UK school children and staff who have no choice.

Not every counttT agrees on the Safety Guidelines 1he press release is also misleading when it says that the electrnmagnetic radiation from wireless laptops and mobile phones fall within internationally agreed Safety Guidelines. It says nothing about the fact that THESE GUIDELINES ARE NOT UNIVERSALLY AGREED and many other countries such as Russia, China, Italy, Switzerland and the USA (i.e. much of the industrialised worid) are much more


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Page 7 of8

Cv I~-{ · . I

~ > ~nhjf'd· Fw· Rf' Wifi- RFt'OMT\,fFNDATION~ ANn TNTFRPRFTATTON~ OF RFt'TA

DOCUMENT-URGENT > > > > Dear Sirs, > > Further to my emails of 21st.and 22.0ct. I vvrite to say that vve have today received advice and intetpretation of the BECTA Document: > .>

<http:/ !industry. becta org. uk/ content_ files/industry /resources/Specification_ key_ docs/tech spec_ instit

> http://industry.becta.org.uk/content_ files/industry/resources/Specification_ key_ docs/techspec _ institu1 > final.doc > > The advice which we have received refers to the section from the document: > 1.1 "A wired network must therefore be used as the main network in an institution." >and > 1.2 "Wireless networking can provide an additional layer of flexibility to enhance traditional .-vired networks, allowing access to > the netvvork from previously inaccessible locations." > > The advice that we have received is that the installation of whole school wireless networks is AGAil~ST BECTA Ttcommendaiions. > BECTA,, contary to \vhat is believed, (it would seem), by headteachers and govemors, does not appear to be recommending the use of > wireless technologies as a basis for a school network. Headteachers should therefore be disabused of this interpretation atu1 given > cotrect_guidance as a matter of urgency. > > This raises the possibility that schools under the control of SMBC are not adhering to the trne BECTA 'ht~Kfand hut t~ a > misunderstanding of it. > > Diana Hanson. Chair. Cavisoc.org.uk >

> > > >********••************************************************************ > DISCLAHvlER: > 'This e-mail and files transmitted vvith it are confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, plea'5e noti.f)· the sender > immediately and delete the message. Any vievvs or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessariiy represent > those of Solihull Council unless explicitly stated otherwise. Solihull Council may monitor the contents of e-maii sent and received > via its network for the purposes of ensuring compliance with its policies and procedures. The contents of e-mails may have to be > disclosed to third parties follo'1ving a request under legislation such as the Data Protection Act 1998 ortlie Freedotn ofinfonnation

28 October 2009 AOL: SylviaWright36

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,..---Page 1 of-1

~· Sut,_i Wireiess Technologies Cause Harm to Children and Adults, Legislators and Journalists

Are Told Date From: To

For your information, please forward enclosed n1essage:

\v'ireiess Techuoiogies Cause I[arm to Chiidren and Aduits, Legislators and Journalists LL\_re Told

n+-rongn,,;;:,;;:~ P,..,,c.:id1:.nt Ohmn::i ::inrt hi<.: .A.-lrnini;;.:tt-.,::itinn, ::ic.: ,,,v;,11 :c.,;;: tn thon;;,:,infis: oflw::ilth mul

environmental j oumalists. T .Pgidw.nr<.: ;:;nri jom·n::ili,;;.f,;: 31.·p h£>ing ,n-gPd to li>o:irn ::ihont thP h P::ilth conc.:i>qnPnci><.: of ,·n i.r:rm.vavi>

radiation exposure .from cell phones, neighborhood antennas, wireless netv;rorks, ½rirefoss rnutern, DECT portable phones, ;_,.nd the potential health consequences of fiJrther chronic exposures from vvireless broadband and new v,ireles:s utility technologies. The National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy is encouraging all to become engaged with ., 1 • • ,. ,. 1 1 • 1 1: • 1 • ~ • • 1 ! ~ 1 1 " 1 'l 11 " 1 '1 • rms 1mpon:a..11r puonc neann issue nnpacrmg a.cmns arm cmwren, as vveu as an.imam ano narure.

,r-,t .,j: 'j 'I T"'-1. n .V 1 TT .i. "n it.__ ..... T, ,.. ., -S 'i --Y-~ .F'e., i" _, TT' J \:o-rn.u.m:,r,;,j 'D)' UL w1ag,xa tlava,;;, ,.'-'.,,_ssoc .. Yro1essor 01 r . .nvu-onmen1m anu K.esourc.e ;:;u1u1es m. HtiY, University in Canad~ and Cmnilla Rees, Founder of vV\V\'..·.Electrorr.agneticHea: : •. on: , "Public Health SOS: Tile Sltadow Side oft.he \Virele.s§ Revolution." reviews the independent science on the health'hazards of .. vireless radiation and offors recommendations to the public on how to live more safely in a wireless world .....

RE.\.D ~1IORF: (hµ:p: ,sn.im,15qf d) Amazu.ce~ L~ :k..::rp: '>lL~ ~x,g.b

Kind regards,


Eileen O'Connor Radjatio11 Research T111s!

Rewire.Ivie eMc1gazine

06 July 2009 i\.OL: Sylvia:Wright36

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Wi-fi in School

Concern about its Health Effects on Children

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Y sgol Pantycelyn , a compre e - . e n Carmarthenshire, has switched off its wi-fi network after parents expressed their con e - . The head teacher said, "the concerns of the parents were of greater importance than our need to have a wireless network."~

Stowe School , the Buckinghamshire public school, removed part of its wi-fi network after a teacher became ill . His reaction to the network was so strong he could not teach.

A report prepared for Stowe School contains the following paragraph:

The consequence of such a precautionary approach is that wi-fi is inappropriate for infant, primary and most secondary schools or colleges. Use and exposure in secondary schools could depend on pupil age but, to avoid known health risks, a wired solution is highly preferable. Where pupils are under 18, schools and parents should see their duty of care as protecting children from avoidable radiation.91


• The health of our children is paramount

• The chair of the government's Health Protection Agency has called for an urgent review of potential health risks of wi-fi in school

• Government advice that wi-fi is safe fails to take into account substantial evidence that wi-fi may have adverse health effects

• Schools have a duty of care towards childre'n

• [Name of schooll should take the precautionary approach, and not use wi-fi until it has been shown beyond reasonable doubt to be safe

Martin Aitken June 2009


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2~ The Science

' 1. Kesem·ch Progranunes and Reviews

The prograrmnes and reviews quoted zn this section cover a broad range c~( frequencies and study types zncluding in vivo, in vitro and epzdentiological research. These studles fonn a basts o._;f eva!uatton for the e_fjects o._;f all digital wireless applications, zncludzng vVi Fz. -1.1. Tbe REFLEX Report (December 2004)

R is.· 1~ 4 vni,1nt•·1•1 o+'Pot~nt1al ,4 11'l'"'01''"-?".'11tnl Un7--,rds 1,··.71-n .T.o•v ,,, .. ...,rn,~ ... ~y l.- Jr_ 1-.j LLJ.-L,...LL-J..L-l~- 'j ~ t:::..L ........ ·- .,,__,, , 1.-i1.-11 ,l./1.!-t:::.,1., U,J.- 1..l.UL.LL • . J L. t.....__. ¥ l. t::"-yuu::;./,!..L, ....

Electromagnetzc Field Exposure Using Sensitzve in vitro lvfethods. A project funded by the European Union under the progranrme "Quality of Life and Management of L .. R ,,1 rvmg esources. ·

Twelve institutes in seven countries have found genotoxic effects, and eftects on gene expression and protein fonnation in cells in vitro, under eJd:remely low frequency­strnctured radio frequencies at low levels, well below crnTent international safety guidelines. Results like these indicate the possibility oflong-tem1 genetic damage, and other biological consequences for users of mobile phones and those ex-posed chronically to other sources of modulated and sh1.lctured electromagnetic fields.

aTfle rnain, &:oal c:1-tthe REllLE)-:.-p.rc:fect lvas to investigate ti2e e._(f'ects o__f E}vfll (Jn sin,gle cells in_ vitro at th.e rnnleci.tlar level belc,1,v tluz energy a'.ensi(y rejl,ecteci t~v t.he present safety levels . . The Reflex project was, therefc.JTe, designed to ans'rver the tiuestion ·whether or not any of these disease causzng critical events could occur in livin.g cells ajler E.1.'vfll e.xp(Jsure. l1ail1,.1,re ttJ ol1serile s1.1,c}i events in, living cells irl vitro after E.lvfF exposure would have suggested that further research ef}orts zn this field could be suspended and financzal resources should be reallocated for the investigation of nwre inlportant issues. The now available scientific evzdence of such critical events, however:. dernonstrates the need for intensif;zng research. Although m vitro data ca:n. n.ever prove Elvf.1..r: as a cau,se o._Jf disease;, t.hey' do SllJ}port s1tch a.11. assun1JJtiOt1. Precautionary n1£asures seem to be 'rvarranted. ,,

Lai and Singh used power frequency fields, and modulated microwave fields (CD:NIA) in their experiments, finding single and double strand breaks. Double strand breaks are unusual and can lead to cancerous cells. EA-posure to microwave radiation (2,450 :rv.IHz, at a \-Vhole body specific absorption rate (SAR) of0.6 and 1.2 W/kg) for 2 hours caused an increase in both single and double strand breaks in DNA of brain cells in the rat. (Lai and Singh, 19952

, 1996.)3

1.2. The \:Vireless T eclmology Research Programme

In 1993, the US Congress decided that proper cell phone research was needed. An agreement was made between the FDA and the wireless industry according to which

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tli Tl.,~,.,. n ~1e•:1se by· H-, ~ ll,:,,, i+l, p--~t~~t~O*' "-en~n ~*' .. , rte::-.:-. 1'.C: n . UlC: .LllAtlUl IU C:L J ll ~~ ,lll-J UH _1__,

"Scientist probe laptops \"'\-1-Fi Emissions. tit

C'mnin{>.nts by Amlri_>.W Goldsworthy on 20 Sept 2009

(;' ~-,4- ,-,.--..--.n eI'tl' ·uerl Jc:pt- .... vu_;, . 1 .t .

TI1e follo\;t/i11g crJote :fi"om the 11otes to editors is tnuddled and deeply· misleadit1g.

~ "There is no consistent evidence to date that eA'Posure to RF signals from \Vi-Fi and WLANs adversely aftect the health of the general population".

It is muddled because it con:foses tvvo completely separate issues.

1. Is there m1y evidence that ·wi-Fi is hannful to health? TI1e am;wer to this is DEFINI1ELY YES.

2. Is the \Vhole population affected? The answer to this is SEEMINGLY NOT.

It is misleatling because it is ,'Vlitten in imch a way as to imply that Wi-Fi i-. safe for EVERYONE and there is no reason why it should not be u.-.ed mtiversally in school-.. ,,'hat about the health oftbe r,tudents and staff who are affected"? Do they not care·?

111e use of the \Vord "conr,istent" in the quote is also vvon-ying since it ~·uggests that physicists m1d engineers, possibly :from the mobile phone and Wi-Fi industries, rather than biologists and health experts, are in control. No trainetl bioiogist or medicai practitioner wouid ever exl)ect the same ievei of cQnshtency from e::-..l)eriments l\'ith complex 1h1n.g organisms as is possible uitb simple physical systems.

Apart from identical twins, each one of us is genetically m1d physiologically tn1ique and we do not ali respond in the same way to metaboiic insuits. Not everyone who smokes dies of cancer, mid vve do not all suffer the same side effects from taking a medicinal drug. Even the same person may not be equally susceptible all of the time. For example, if we are iII., our resistance to fiuiher infections is usually Im,vered. Anyone v.110 says that we must all show the same response to eiectromagnetic radiation before its effects can be regarded as real must have a very limited knovvledge of biology. TI1ey are certainly not qualified to sit in judgement on important health issues that are likely to aflect billions of people v .. ,odd\vide, let alone the health of unsu~vecting UK school children and staff ,vho have no choice.

Not every country agrees on the Safety Guidelines The press release is also misleading ,vhen it says that the electromagnetic radiation from \'Vireiess laptops and mobiie phones fall within intemationaiiy agreed Safety Guideiines. It says nothing about the fact that THESE GUIDELINES ARE NOT UNiv"ERSALLY AGREED and many other cmmtries such as Russia, China, Italy, Switzerland and the

Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (37)






The op1r,ion of Russian Nation.a! Committee on Non-Ionizing Fh,rliation Protection (RNCNIRF'J

During use of a mobile r,=.!,=,phnne a child's head is exposed to EMF. The exposure concentrates in the brain and nervous receptors of acoustical and vestibular devices, which are iocated in intsrnai ear direct under the RF Er,_,if source. Aiso the retina and ,ens cf an eye are expose,::l ta EMF. Up till now the world scientific com1-rllmity has no scie11tiiic database that cari be used tu esth11ate the risk iur chiidren ~ cOiil'lecteti ~vitt-1 \ur19 expcsure cf daily RF EP-.itF on a de,1efcping brain. The appropriate studies cf children ush1~ rnobH8 tai8phones and exfn3rirnentai r8S8aJch ar8 abs8nt

EMF by a brain is more ior a child, than for an adu!t useL

For the first time in the period cf civilization, chiidren and teenagers were included as a group cf risk. It is necessaty ta note that the fcreig11°reccmi-nended standarc.:is are much higt-,er than the Russian standards.

RNCNiRP repeatediy paid attention that heaith cf the present generation cf chikjren and future generations is under the danger {i i .09.2001, 23.06.2004, 20.03.2008}. The Fiussian SanPif\i ~ 2-0-03 (2.1.8/ the itern 5.9) recon1rnei1ds restriction of the opportunlt~/ tc use n1cbi18 tefephonss by the person~ \Vhc haJJe net reached 18 yeart.

Tlie WHO gives highest priority to the protection of the health of ch!idren against

an estimation of the seriousness ct the probiern !s the toliowing WHO opinion: "f:H/1 DRFN ARF f1/FFFRFNT FRtlA.4Af1111 T<:. Ch!!rir,;,n h~v ... ~ 11niq11,=. vn!ner~hmty. As they Cit"OW and develc , there are "windows of susceptibi!itv": eriads when their or ans and s,1,,;;terns mavb,.. Dartk·n!:c.r!v s,=.nsitive to the eff,c.ct c, certain envirnnn1 ... nt:c.il threats". WHU,_!::3ackgrnunder N 3, ::!003.

Therefore it is necessarv tc ttat1 an active infcn-naticn and expianaticn trajectorv arnonct .,,. .. s >..,i

parents, teenagers and ch!!dren, to forbid aggressive advertising designed for this marketing gn:mp Di the: papuiaticn, and ta intnx:h..1ce a precautionary principle rr10Hc,

\Ne call the scientific cornrnunity- of the world not be Hrnlted by the nrnnernus dis.cuss ions "":.kAj i'T iJ;. .... ;y-.,.A,,.+~,,....,,..c,, A-f ~ t--,Yr-.h,L~-~-r~ HJ\.IAhil.c::r +..c.l..c.hl---.AJ-;..c,, ~1-~ ..... J _..-.hil ... Js-~..c.v.. 11 -"'c.J--'-_.,J +r.. h.c,...---ih··,. ~ Y£:.~1 .!::U_, .. •ut .... !!. U!IPUIL!21H.-=--W t...n ,!2 Pl!'U.L".!'Gl?! fYIUL.?UW Lc;!Wj-?l•H..c>IH:::::: ~l.!"Lce' 'w-!HH."'1!G!! j 0.!lW U:..,> L-•~~U! .n !G..!::!,!i

study an the risks fur children as users cf rncbile telephones! and also tu begin .i=,;y~-1~ri111~nt~I fA~A~rt:h r,n ih~ ~ffAr:t~ nf r:hrr-inir: i~\M ir11,-u1,i!~;' RF Ef\AF AY~-v.i~i H~A on a devaiaping brain.

Chainnan of RNCNIRP, professor Yu. Grigoryev.



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PART1 Official advice on Wireless Networks IWlanl ·and Children

The Logic of the Stewart Report

Here I want to show you that if you follow the logic of the Stewart Report, you vv;11 come to the conclusion that there shouldn't be any Wi-Fi in schools

1. . Wi-Fi uses the same technology as mobile phone antennae. The radiation frequency used by the 3G network is 2.1GHz and of Wi-Fi 2.45 GHz.

2. This technology has never been pre-market tested and never been shown to be safe.

'l Th,,,. I IV ~ ...... , ;,:,,-..,,rv,,,,,.,..J,' S Q.-,.,,,~,.., ,.....,, /\ rh ,i ,....,...,... , ~ ........ , ,..,. ,-,0,._,._..,._rv,,,,,...,,,-1,,,.,-1 ,J I I IC, V r, UVVC,I 1111 IC,/ ll '-'f-'vl...U UI 11 r\UVl~VI J -.:;11 vui-' I vvVI 1111 lvl IUvU

that \Nireless neh,vorks be used Virith the same precautions as recommended in the Stewart Report

4. The Stewart Report S1 .42 states ... the beam of greatest RF intensity .............. should not be permitted to fall on any part of the school grounds or buildings without agreement from the school and parents

5 This was reiterated in the DfES guidelines for schools.

6 The wireless routers/access points are on and emitting radiation all day long inside the school.

7 I+ h~r-- l,..,._......_.o,"" l""I.J ,hli""""J,., r--hJJ"'\.\A~ ""'""' D""n",..~~,.,, +h,:i.,4- +h.o. ,-r....-lir..+j.,...,..,. I • ': I IGl~ ~vi I f-'UIJlll.,IY ~, ,vvv, I VI I r a, IVI GI l lG U IGl l Iv I au1auv1 I

intensity inside the classrooms of a school V·✓ith VVi-Fi is the same or higher than as a result of being in the main beam from a mobile phone antenna.

8 Sir William Stewart said he did not want to see phone masts near schools. Logically. therefore, neither should Wi-Fi routers be inside schools

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k_!.1 ~ J ::..-5

PART2 Why the Health Protection Agency advice on Wi-Fi cannot be relied upon

I want to show that the guidelines and opinions currently offered by the HPA on the health effects of \tv'i-Fi are flawed. The reasons are:


1. The HPA downplay evidence of health damage by carefully chosen responses, misleading statements and selective use of the evidence.

2. The gu\de11nes 1.hernseives set up by the iCNiRP are oniy \ntended to protect against short term (6 minutes) heat shocks and burns. They do nr,t nrr,tol"t ~r,~inct offol"tc l"~I 1cori h\J lr,nr, torm 'lr,uJ' lo\Jol ovnr,c11ro I ,v, ,.,, vn .. ,..,. "'~"'" , .......... , I ...... .., .... "'"'""''"''-''-' ,., J IVI ·~ ....... , I I I IVVV , .............. , '-'Af-'V--'UI .......

http://'NWw.icnirp.de/documents/emfgdl pdf . The HPA are still basing the whole of their 'safety' advice on these out of date and inappropriate guidelines.

3. Most astonishing of all, the HPA's very own Chairman Sir VViliiarn Stewart, has been pubiicly calling for caution in the roie-out of this technology, and even wants an investigation into Wi-Fi in schools- he is nl"'I\Al ~+ l"'lridc ,uith hie l"'I\AJn r,rr,~nic~+ion ,uhil"h chr,11lri m~l,o nor,nlo thin!, \ \"1'i"I ""4\. V"-' V ".'V\\.\ l \ \\V V,._'\f\ \ VI ~U.\ UW-U.\.l I I '"'"' H-V\ \ Vt \VYl'-1 I I IU.l"\..._ 't'..,_.V~I._ \.\ \\\ \\'L

t..vice before relying on the HPA advice. He also stated that the \/VHO recommendations are not an accurate reflection of the science. This is in ,line with a growing body of scientists who have done research in this area.

4. The NRPB is now part of the HPA, which relies on the research . programme run by the MTHK and h'aif funded by the phone industry.

5. All agencies whether it be BECTA, the Departments of Health or of J=ri11r:;:;ltinn n::.l\111nnn thi:::. I-IPA fnr :;:;lrl\/iri:::. ,__..._._'-'-~-I•~ I '-,III -,-,-• J I.I t'-6 I II J' 1. •--• ----•--•

UK media and the \,Vi-Fi debate

The Times started the debate on Wi-Fi in schools in November 2006 when it reported that schools were dismantling \/\Ji-Fi at the request of parents who had become aware of the research and the fact that the ICNIRP guidelines which the UK subscribe to are oniy intended to protect against short term heating effects despite the fact that there is much evidence for other biological effects ~+ ,....,..,,,..._,,..,.,..., lr'r.s "'e'"''-·' +h,-..,-.....-. .rn .;.,.-.1,....1;V\,,....,..._ ~s r.\ 1i.rlr.Y'\o-"",-..A jV\, th,-.. c+,....,.,~...+ o.,,,..._,....,.,._...+ 0.\ CA}->V.:>U\ C \J ,v~·f \\ \C.:>C ~Ul'-ICIU IC.:> a C~l'-IC\ \\.,C\.I ll l l C v\C~~O.l \ l'\.C}->Vl \

http://v\l"'NW tJmesonrne. co uk/article/0, ,2-24617 48.html http:/Avww.timeson ·ne.co.uk/tol/life and sMe/health/features/article665419.ec e

In Apr;, th,... cund"''' 1"'r1,,....,,..e ..... r1ent 'ea'.,,,....d +he..-,,.,..+ +"'"'t 0 "'"'o ... ama "'"'r1 ..... + ........ ,,....r1"' I II , c;; v I ay IIIUC::tJ IIU I "c;; LIi 10\....l lllQ 10.11 I I I 110.U ~La~c;;u a

'coup', an interview with the rarely seen and most eminent establishment sc·,entist, S'rrWHliam Stewart, Chairman of the Health Protection Agency, HPA. http://news.independent.co.ukA1ealth/article24 72133 ece

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4' {:_o'J~· PART3

If we cannot rely upon the HPA, who can we rely on for evidence and what are other official bodies doing?

There are other authoritative bodies and independent scientists one can look to as follows: ,

1. The International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety, ICEMS

Th\s bouy was set up spec\fically to look at the safety \ssue of non-\on\s\ng radiation such as that used in mobile phone and VViFi technology.

In September 2006, 4 7 scientists signed a resolution in Benevento, Italy. htto:/Awf1 t 1cems eu/ Excerpts as fallows: 3 Thora ,·s O\tJ"denca thaf pr.esant sourr-ac, r-,ff11nrling b1·ac, the ana/1,c,is and ~ 111\JIV' VV II\., L Ii \Jl lVVV\JllYIIUIII V I II lJVl II

intetpretation of research findings towards rejection of possible public health tisks

4. Arguments that weak (low intensity) EMF cannot affect biological systems rln nnt n::1nn::i~ont tho r11rront ~nortrurn r.f ~riontifir r.ninir.n ..... ..., ,C,1'-#"'1,, ..... J.J .................... "' \di'- ....,\.411..._,.J,1. l,J,..,...._,.....,1,,, ,,, ....,, ...,,.,..,J..._,.J \.JJ¾..., ...,,..,.,,,,,....,,,

5 __ ... biological effects can occur from exposures to both extren,eiy iow frequency fields and radiation frequency fields. Epidemiological and in vivo as well as in vitro experi1nental evidence de1nonstrates that exposure to some ELF E/1/IF can increase cancer risk in children and induce other health problems in both children and adults .. ~ ...

6. vVe encourage governtnents to adopt a framework of guidelines ___ .that reflect the Precautionary Principle, as some nations have already done. (The Precautiona11; Principle shifts the burden of proof to those v11ho discount a ris/<J These strategies should include:

6.1 . Promote alternatives to wireless communication systems e.g . .. use of fibre optics and coaxial cables ....

2. Examples of advice by foreign health authorities and local authorities

The Public Health Dept of the Salzburg Government has issued advice not to use \f/LAN ln schoots and nurseries. http://wv~.buergerweJle.de/pdf/wlan dect in schools and kindergardens.pd

A year ago the Frankfurt Local Education Authority banned wireless net\,vorks in schools as they 'did not wish to conduct a ,,large scale human exper,menr http://omega.1'Noday net/stones/397 4159/

Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (41)

Eur, . .,...n ..... - -. '-'r~dll af1d vViFi {Viii A/Vi - - -= .... ~f

cornrnunications suggest

lhe EEA refotnd to the scientific review of August 2007 by tl1e international Biuhlltiative \l{urkir1g Gr{Y\l!J of-le.aciii-1g scier1tists m1tl })u.blic !1ealtl1 extJt:-Ii.s \i"i-,ih_() lookecl at 2000 researc!1 stnciies rn1cl co11cl11cled tl1at Hthrz e~xistin.g star1cic2rris

. r .; .; ~ • ] l . l l. ? "1"12 --~ i J • .. r .. 1 T",,. T •• ~ ••

are znaaequare ro_prorecr puouc: neaun.· · (.i:'or netmis 01 me _tj10lI1nrnnve see accompanying docmnent 2 on scientific papers.)

·1~he E:E-.:.4:.. also refen~ed to t11e E-lT ft1nded REFLEX St11t1Jr3 of 2004 \\.rl1ich sho\\-'ei:l tl1at non-ionising radiation could damage the genes ofhun,,ti1 .::ells. (See document 2.)

rn~h.m is not to use 'WiFi in their schools. Dr Gerd Obedeld stated: "Based on first pn---~"?--..,j ri,·-'"'(U- 0-1..Jirionr:c--1 ~·frrrr1---; scvt:-::.~iti-vc7 !-,,e,."Jrlf"'!o tho .~i,gn_(/l _:-::.""cc_r--:n~::: t,,-, ho ;..u;,1:1-~ ~hi,·--.1l.,--.1,gir:(7.l,,~y

active '. The symptorn, seen so jar are the smri,e seen in base station stuclies: h_c.,:!-:?.~·2·~...,;zo'S ;-,1')1"J..rit::n,--;tr.,7ti(__}'l/} ~--l{lfil'''-jlfio\ roJtieo/~1·1-:?2'.~. _-:..;,,ze_-:..·-;,,y·-.1,-;-)i i.9rahL_-:iino/ ot.,,_ -~-,-4 "f)!~

Clber1eld \.\ .. a.S i1rvol,tetl in tl1e striclv - Th.t.? lrticro1,va:1lt.? St-'i2{...-lrc•t't?.1:.?: (l prelirnina1)~ (2003)5. He also vvorked m; 2 subsequent studie:~. (Please see base ,,fot; ..... .-.

studies listed in document 2.)

TI1e Environment Ministry said that ,viFi shouid be avoided and preforence gnten to • r ~?6 ~·scon:·'tfen.tiol1al 1-,virea s.ysterns.

This fi_:;Howed questions raised in Germany's par!ia..'11ent the Deutscher Bundestag, where reference was made to Professor Lawrie Challis's statement that children ...... i..-..... 1 ...... : ..--,.r,,i- I .r,. .. ·..- f -~,----, ..---~~--,..-..i-....1 d 1 + i-"n 1· ...... ln,,._..,_,...-~ 7 fn..--..-...1~ ci.. 11· ~ .ouuu,u uv,. p a..,e vv h e1e:s,,,~'f11cua1,e • ,ap.ops on 1., e_, '"!-'"· 1._r, u essor 11a 1.,,

for:rner chairman of the lJK_ rvfobile Teiecommunications Health Research

.. , -!', ..... -!-¼a.:'. 10 t-11:C:

Progra1nme.) He had re:!:eITed to a Swiss scientific study ,vhich showed that levels of ern.issions at 2 cm :from a laptop were similar to that of a. mobile phone. He said: "-·-;S7irzce lVt.? advise th,2t c.hilclren sh.c.J11ld be disco1.-lr~12geci .. tToni lisin,g 111,I:;bile JJJ1-cHJes,~ 1,-ve

(LlscJ disco1-lrag:e ~frcHri }Jlacin,g t.hei .r on, tliei r lap t--t?/2.~?Pl {Z.re _,,s

i';Jso in this parliamentary discussion it ivas established that the government were

in.st.ructio:n.al l11[tterial ,fC~1r

also acknowledged that 0:.n.e,rg::l fiistribi,1,tio;-i h.(LS f2{._)t jN2t iJf?f:?l1 sati~fac:t(Jri{~"Jl c:ziLS"t.-vereri. n lJ..efere;-ice 1-ra:s

made to their 0\'\111 research Vlhich was mainly on exposures and it was stated that

Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (42)

¥/LAN networks can " .. defhutely dommate the exposures from other telecormnunications services ifan approprzate dzstancefrom the transnutter (access point or terminal) zs not k-ept. ··

. In 1996 the German Federal In;;titute for Telecommunication had commissioned a German study of878 Russian research studies of the previous 36 years into the biological effects ofhigh-frequency electromagnetic radiation9

The government would have been aware of numerous appeals (See document 2) sent to them by medical doctors from around Gennany such as the Bamberger Appeal of 2005. 10 This stated with reference to WiFi: "Urgent suspzczons of serzous health damaee from pulsed hzeh ·frequency electronuzenetzc fields at levels beloiv guide/mes.,, Also the K~~petenz Initiative11 w;, signed by 56 international scientists.

Gennany's Federal Office for Radiation Protection also advises its citizens to use corded landlines wherever possible rather than mobile phones or cordless phones.12

• In June 2006 Frankfurt's Local Education Authority banned the use ofvViFi in its schoo s.

They were concerned that the effects found in scientific studies included EEG changes, lack of concentration, negative influences on the hormone, immune and central nervous systems, disruption of cell communication and opening of the blood­brain barrier. It was said: "Radzatzon strengths ,vhzch are proven to cause EEG chdnges have no rzght to be present zn schools. " The teachers' union GE\V14 refen-ed to a revie,v of220 peer-reviewed published studies by the ECOLOG Institute of Hanover in May 2000. 15 (See document 2.)

Also reference was made to the EU REFLEX study, which showed a genotoxic eftect on human cell cultures. This study follovved the results found in 199s16 and 199617 by Dr's Lai and Singh, which used the same frequency that WiFi uses (2.4 GHz).

• In March 2007 the Bavmian Pm'limuent recommended to all schools in the Land not to use Wifi. ;; The hearing in parliament stated that children should not be e:,q)osed to radiation from WiFi, stating that it was important to avoid damage in such an early phase oflife. The fact that children are tho~ght to be more vulnerable to this form of radiation was established in the Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones 2000 (IEGI\.1P-the Stewart Report}19. Studies have shown that children absorb considerably more radiation, their nervous systems are still developing and they will have a longer lifetime cumulative exposure. 20

• The government of Sweden ofl:1cially recognises elect:rosensitivity as an established medical condition. In their schoois, if only one child reacts to tl1e presence of electromagnetic fields, then ifWiFi is present it is removed.21 (If the radiation is from an external source then the cla~srooms are protected vvith shielding materials.)

• In January 2008 the French Health Ministry issued a warning against excessive mobile phone use, especially by children, in view of studies indicating long-term

Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (43)

!! ... '!i-~,,::~:?:~-,;;-.;_L1. P~H f':~~~-s are ~rhJis:P:d th~t thf"~l ;;hc~n1d pre"i.ler~t ~-:h,i1~-1~ ~?x~ 1.ru~i~ !~F,;~~-;g ~-~-H~1~;1t-':¼

fO:r !011ger tha.11 6 n1i1111tes;

sb.011-!d be

scientific reterences7

inc!~1r!erl ~n1rlie~ in ""i]~.rhich hit-i1ngicn.1 effect~ ~re rerJorter! in the

,-1t~!ni!)1 n-i rnoh1le rihnr!P i)HS'.e .;;;;t:=itinr1 s: B!lfl other trHnsrr1itters. [Jr Sru1tini :refet!""e(l to

-- __ __;,__

,o,,, __ .,_.,, .. _ .• /;_.:ji_. u.:~?e

~o~~ ~t ... t..:s_~tp~- (h1 199-7 Professor Karl Hecl1t 111r1.(ie a. re,.rie\\T of~g-73 p,,,J.1ssir.u1 studies V'~/hlch l~"'~~ prf:I)~r?fi t"'r-,r t}1f: Gc::ril1t.U1 go~r~rrn.uf:.ut cu1d. ~Cnrei"~-d the p~:riGd 1960= 199627


3. ·1·h_e (b.1ration of calls sh.ouid be iin1itecl to a.111aJ{i11111n1 of-three 11:1i:rn1tes, m1c!

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DANGERS OF WIFI Voice's general secretary: "the government is avoiding the issue" On the 8th May ePolitix.com posted D~ a conversation with Phil!P Parkin, . ,, ,lq F •· general secretary of Voice, the union a for education professionals.

Question: "Do you think government has fully grasped the potential long-term consequences of wi-fi in schools?" Philip Parkin: "No, the government has not. The government is avoiding the issue. I would not like to say that there are industrial or overriding interests involved in this but there is no question that the large communications organisations are quite powerful. We are not trying to turn back the tide as far as technology is concerned but we have to be sure that as well as doing a job for us, and there is no question that wi-fi does a wonderful job, we have to be absolutely sure that it is safe. This is something the government has not been prepared to grasp. We have been talking about this for nearly three years. I am very pleased and interested to see that finally some of our colleagues in the other teaching associations have started to show some interest in this. At ATL's conference over Easter a motion was passed mandating their leadership to lobby the government on the potential dangers. I am very pleased to have other people on board with our campaign."

Dangers of WiFi to children A letter by Grethe Hooper Hansen in the Times Educational Supplement of 5th June 2009 highlighted "three dimensions of danger in ICT: physical, intellectual and psychological. Some fWblic schools have long since dismantled wi-fi, which bathes children in electromagnetic radiation, causing hyperactivity, lack of concentration and long-term neura and physical problems." ---

WiFi does make me ill This posting was taken from Yahoo Answers on 1st January 2009: "Resolved Question". Is WiFi making me sick? 10 days ago I got WiFi in my apartment and have had it constantly switched on, and I have been feeling sick, dizzy, aching and even having visual problems since. My blood pressure has even risen very high and I keep feeling my heart beat very strongly now and again. I went out today and after a while I felt okay again, then came home and it started again. Could there be a connection? I hear 3 in 100 people are sensitive to such things. I've also had blank spots where I couldn't see for a while in certain areas, and firework-like movements when I close my eyes. Asker's reply to suggestion that it was a case of ES: Thanks for the information. I turned it off 3 days ago, my headaches have gone, no problems with my vision and my blood pressure is now LOW (i.e. because I am taking pills for high blood pressure, under normal circ*mstances without the WiFi the pills are now bringing it down too low!!)


Dangers of electrosr.

Dr Havas, a scientific adviser to ElectroSensitivity UK, has written an Open Letter warning of research on the dangers of WiFi, especially for children in schools.

She states that the lowest guidelines are in Salzburg and Liechtenstein, at 0.1 microWlcm2 (0.6 V/m) and 1 in Switzerland; in Canada it is 1000 microW/cm2 (61 V/m). This is because Canada's guidelines are based on a short-term (6-minute) heating effect, and not the reported biological effects including increased permeability of the blood brain barrier, increased calcium flux, increase in cancer and DNA breaks, induced stress proteins, and nerve damage. Exposure to this energy is associated with altered white blood cells in school children; childhood leukemia; impaired motor function, reaction time, and memory; headaches, dizziness, fatigue, weakness, and insomnia.

She also refers to the growing problem of "electro-hyper-sensitivity" (EHS) which is recognized as a disability in Sweden. The World Health Organization defines EHS as: " ... a phenomenon where individuals experience adverse health effects while using or being in the vicinity of devices emanating electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic fields (EMFs) ... EHS is a real and sometimes a debilitating problem for the affected person."

She notes that libraries in France are removing WiFi, the Vancouver School Board passed a resolution in January 2005 prohibiting construction of cellular antennas within 1000 feet (305 m) from school property, Palm Beach, Florida, Los Angeles, California, and New Zealand have all prohibited cell phone base stations and antennas near schools. She notes in addition that advisories limiting cell phone use have been issued by the UK (2000), Germany (2007), France, Russia, India, Belgium (2008) as well as the Toronto Board of Health (2008) and the Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (2008).

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Health protection in action A member of the AB-Strahl group chained herself to an 02 mast at St Margen near F reiburg on 11th December, according to Next-up news. The mast was put out of action to create a White Zone where EHS people can live during the winter. A riot police squad was sent and cut through the chains. "We'll continue to fight for the creation of White Areas because people who are electrosensitive (EHS) just do not have any other way to live," Ulrich Weiner said.

Masts banned for health reasons ·-The Economic Times on 7th December reported that the Rajasthan government has banned the installation of some mobile masts in

--;;pen spaces lik~ p arks and agricultural land. A UDH official said : "There have been a few studies which say that electro-magnetic radiation emitting from these towers are a threat to human health.

the state. There are seven telecom operators with more than 15,000 masts in the state.

The new policy would bar installation of any such mast in a medical or educational institution and permission would be given only for

There has to be some check on these towers especially in residential and institutional areas."

France leads the way - fibre optic cables

-:ft To remove the health dangers of WiFi , Wimax, digital TV and digital Radio, the departments of the Dr6me and the Ardeche in France are aiming by July 2010 to replace wireless with fibre-optic cables, at a cost of 123 M€ (184 M$). This will cover 100% of the population of 0.95 million, connecting 372,000 homes via the ordinary phone line through 213 switchboards.

It will provide ultra high speed broadband connection (100 Mbps) without any loss of signal due to distance, for a "triple play" service of Internet, telephone and TV. WiFi and WiMax will stop altogether because of their health dangers.

pictures courtesy of Next-up.

Stuttgart demonstration on electro-magnetic dangers There was a large demonstration in Stuttgart on Saturday 14th November against government failure to act over the dangers of electro-magnetic fields and radiation.


ES News 2

ES-UK telephone helpline 2

What's your limit? 4

Provocation tests failures 5

Radio frequency pollution

-1. Power line Telecom RF problems 8

- 2. Compact Fluorescent Lights RF problems 9

- 3. Other devices with RF problems

- 4. RF health problems

UK news

International news

ES stories




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Dr. Magda Havas, B.Sc., Ph.D.,

ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE STUDIES PROGRAM 1600 West Bank Drive Peterborough, ON Canada K9J 788 Telephone (705) 748-1011 x 7882 Facsimile (705) 748-1569 Email [emailprotected] www .magdahavas.com (general) www .magdahavas.org (academic)

OPEN LETTER: Medical Officer of Health -- WiFi in Schools, September 29, 2010

Could you please consider making a public announcement about the potentially hannful effects of WiFi radiation in the school environment. Specifically, that schools should reconsider placing WiFi in the classroom for continuous daily exposure and that those schools that already have WiFi should consider turning the WiFi off when not in use, and disconnecting WiFi that is never used, in kindergartens for example.

I ask this based on 15 years of research and thousands of documents showing this radiation may be hannful at low levels, well below Safety Code 6 Guidelines.

1. Recent report by the Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (2010) which acknowledges potentially adverse health effects associated with cell phone use

• after 10 years of exposure and living near cell phone towers.

2. City of Toronto Public Health requested voluntary reduction of exposure to 1 % of Safety Code 6, which would be in line with Russian Guidelines of 10 micoW/cm2 for cell phone antennas (2000).

3. City of Toronto Public Health issued a warning for young children to minimize their use of cell phones (2008).

4. Report by Royal Society of Canada (1999) stating that there are biological effects that occur below Safety Code 6 and that these may have hannful health effects and that the guidelines are inadequate to protect the eyes of workers.

5. Health Canada's Safety Code 6 Report (2009) that states the following in the Preface:

The purpose of this code is to establish safety limits for human exposure to radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic energy in the frequency range from 3 kHz to 300 GHz. The safety limits in this code apply to all individuals working at, or visiting, federally regulated sites. These guidelines may also be adopted by the provinces~ industry or other interested parties. The Department of National Defence shall conform to the requirements of this safety code, except in such cases where it considers such compliance to have a detrimental effect on its activities in support of training and operations of the Canadian Forces. This code has been adopted as the scientific basis for

Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (47)


ng that the CMO advised against being exposed to this type of radiation, we are therefore, uge and unnecessary risk with our children. Not to mention the health risk to your staff.

The health problems associated with Wi-Fi are not just cancer, which takes time to build up and be diagnosed. No, this type of radiation has been shown to cause diabetes, heart problems, sleeping problems, difficulty concentrating, ADHD, neurological diseases, recurrent infections and irritability, and headaches.

The German Government recently advised against using Wi-Fi at all, and has advised all schools to

use a hard wired system. (4) In France, Wi-Fi has been removed from many public and federal areas,

for example: Libraries (5)

So why take the risk? When a simple cable can be used instead of Wi-Fi at a small cost.

Please watch BBC's Panorama programme "Wi-Fi A Warning Signal" - 'Electrosensitivity and Wi-Fi

discussed'. You can play it online from www.mastsanity.org/wi-fi.html (6).

The Panorama programme is an interesting insight into how these technologies are being used and

how they work. Expert reviews from both sides of the party discuss their points of view. The Panorama team went into schools and actually measured the radiation within and around the school rooms and playground area. The conclusion is al.9rming as more radiation has been discovered within the school than was initially expected. The representative from WHO states there is no reason for concern whilst the UK's Government advisor, Sir William Stewart, Health Protection Agency, states that the Wi-Fi and mobile phone technology needs to be researched far more conclusively before being rolled out in schools.

We owe it to our children, our future, to take all necessary precautions to insure they have a healthy education aQd lifestyle. So we advise you to remove your Wi-Fi. If you need further information then

please feel free to contact us.

Yours Truly

The World foundation for Natural Science

Laima Lipskiene

Representative for England

Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (48)


lJut there ace alsc)


anci indifference t() this issue~


Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (49)


--- Schools and Cell Tower P,.r1tennas Page 1 of 19

----School References Main Menu Schools University Churches Firestations .

---Israel School -1 SCH 00 L NEWS-------------------------------------

---Canada_S_choJ)l_Sick -Aug 2003 ------More Teachers suddenly sick

---Canada School Sick -Aug 2003 ------Teachers suddenly sick before September

---Canada Tower Ban - June 2003 ------BC Schools banned

---Spain School -MAY 2s 2003 ------Finnally begins_ TOWER_ DEMOLITION

------School on STRIKE m

---Canada Schoo] ------School forced to REV

---France .School-------School rejoices with I

---Chicago School ------Debate of towers on s

---USA School -20 ------Court rules tower mu


1 -Towers Removed

2 - Schools that Closed

3 -Towers Debated

4 -Canadian


s-EJJ Sch_gols

http :// groups .msn .com /SayNoOrFry /



http://members.aol.com/gotemf/emf/schools.htm 03/11/03

Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t can€¦· 14 news Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregn~t I can seriously,.,,, damage your: bat, study of 13,ooo children exposes - [PDF Document] (50)

Schools and Cell Tower Antenna<; Page 2 of 19

7 Co. ~ - f3, ~ J+ c.,..., ~ -------San Francisco - CA ,--e._o l ~ , l.,L,

---------Cellular towers have been banned on school property in San Francisco. ---------http://www.feb.se/Bridlewood/SCHOOLS.HTM

-------Huntsville - AL ---------Appeals court overturns cell tower ruling ( June 2002) ---------http://www.ledger-enquirei:_,_corn/mlQ/ledgerenquirer/3 558116.htm


-------FRANCE : Bizet School Antenna Removed -----------PARIS SCHOOL - March 10, 2003 ---------ht1g://www.ma eticvillage.fr/QuickPlace/ante@es-relais/Main.nsf -- LINK 2

-------FRANCE : CANCER CASES CAUSE ORANGE TO -----------SUSPEND PHONE MAST OPERATION -----------AT A PARIS SCHOOL -----------Le Monde - March 16 - 2003

Telecom giant Oran e has sus ended o erfili9_ns at a school hone mast site in Paris after e1 ht cases of cancer were confirmed among children mt e 1stnct. Over the past ew months parents ave become increasingly concerne at the presence of two transmitters on the roof of the Ernest-Bizet school complex in the Saint-Cyr-l'Ecole quarter.

Local mayor, Philippe Lavaud who has ordered the on-going health investigation to be extended to the whole district, described the suspension as II a victory for the precautionary principle." The local council recently prohibited the siting of base stations within a 300 metre radius and is also seeking to cancel contracts with telecomm operators agreed by the previous administration.

While welcoming news of the Orange shutdown PRIARTEM, the group campaigning for tighter control over mast siting, said that microwave emissions should be subject to the same tough health regulations that monitor water and air quality.

Orange says it took the decision to cease operations in "response to public concern and to allow the health inquiry to proceed in a calmer atmosphere. 11

Company spokesmen stressed that the emission levels have been checked and were well within safety guidelines.

Commenting on the report of the case, which appeared in Le Monde, Winchester phone mast campaigner, Karen Barratt said she was delighted that some countries were getting tough with the operators and hoped the British Government would follow suit. It has recently come to light that many operators are bypassing the planning process completely by saying permission is not required for antennae on existing buildings or those hidden inside churc__hjpw_ers and petrol station signs. Planning Minister, Lord Rooker has

http://members.aol.com/gotemf/emf/schools.htm 03/11/03


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