The Saturday Express from Lancaster, Pennsylvania (2024)


THE SUBSCRIBER will sell at Private tale, the whole or divide into 1 and 2 acre Iota, the TEN ACKE held, situated on Love Lane and adjoining land of Camper Neuman and others, fronting on two roads. The field is now in grass, and will afford elegant pasture next season. For lerms, which shall be moderate, apply to ja22-tf A. W. KLSSKL.

FAMILY GROCERIES. TO LOVERS OF GOOP COFFEE. THE subscriber begs leave to inform In. friends and the public this cuy. that he Intends keeping constantly on hand FRESH ROASTED JAVA COFFEE, an article which ha never been kept by any of the Grocers in Lancaster.

All lovers of food Coffee will please call and try it. JOHN East King-st, opposite Sprechers hotel. BOOK OF THE WORLD. THE Book of the World, an Eneyolope- die of the most, interesting aoit imus- -f ing object. of Natural History and Natural Philosophy, of the History of Nation.

4 Co a. tries, intermixed with instructive Tain. 4e-, is published monthly at 2o rents per number. Twelve nm- ber will form a volume. Bach number eoutain.

32 page, text in quarto; illustrated by 1 steel engraving and 3 colore pla lea. Ev.ry subscriber will receive with the cbm. of each volume, a larga Steel, as a Premium- Tlte subscribers tothe fir.i volume will receive large View ot the City Fiankfort on th Mam, drawn and engraved bj the celebrated artist, H. Worms. WE1K 4 WIECK, the Publiehers of tha abova Work, would inform those persona that have sub scribed for it, that they can obtain their number, at the Bookstore of Joua Bear, No.

12, North Queen-stLancasier. mh26-3t NEW ARRIVAL OF FRESH GROCERIES, at ihe F.MiLT Grocery Store. CENTRE SQUARE. John W. Hvblet having relumed from the city with a large and fresh of Family would respectfully invite hia friends in the city and connly togive him an early call and examine the pricea and quality of hi.

goods, as he prepared to sell the beet at the lowest each pricea. K7 A large slock of GROUND ALUM end ASH TON SALT just arrived, cheap for cash, at wholesale or retail. mhl2-lf H. TYSON, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, has the pleasure of informing hts numerous friends in the city and county of Lancaster, that they can now find him in one of Mr. C.

Hagers splendid new buildings, adjoining Fulton Hall. His Shop fronts on West King-st, where he is prepared to carry on the business of fashionable Tailoring, in ail its varied branches, ilis experience as a practical Cutter, added to his unremitting attention to business, will, he trusts, guarantee him a liberal share of patronage. His customers can rely upon all work coming from his hands giving entire satisfaction, while bis terms will be found as accommodating as those of any other establishment. mh26-ly WOULD RESPECTFULLY XL inform my friends and customers, that I have removed the goods from the Store in Millers Row. Chestnut-st, to my old stand, South Queen-st, second house below the Odd Fellows Hull, where I am prepared to serve my friends with a complete assortment of Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods and Trimmings, at unusually low priees.

CARPETS My stock of Carpels I will sell ut first cost, onlil the first day ol April, when the balance unsold will be sent back to Philadelphia. It consists part of Velvet Tapestry, Thompsonville 3-ply ply, all wool. Also Ingrain, and several pieces low Kriced Carpets, Oil Cloth, etc. Now look out for argains at BOLENIUSS cheap cash store, mM9-3T) S. Queen-st, below Odd Fellows Hall If Beauty in form and Durability in ms- lerial is of any object in the election of a Ladies Gaiter ot Gentleman's Boot, we would advise our readers jo may be tn want of such articles to cftll at W.

Quinns Ladies 4 Gentlemen Fancy Boot Shoe Store, in the room lately occupied by Mrs. Hull, in North Queen St. near the Railroad, where he is prepared to manufacture Boots 4 Shoes of every descriptor. A large assortment of various colored Gatters always oa hand, made on Right and Left Lasts. -The LoverToTfrngrant Scgar and a superior article of fine chewing Tobacco, ere that the establishment of Johh Kuhns, in North Qukxn-st, adjoining the National Hotel, is always supplied with an extensive variety of the very beat articles in hn line.

He solicits a continuance ot a liberal share of public patronage. Remember, my store is one door north of the National hotel. MARRIED, On the 0th by Rev. M. D.

Knrlz, Isaac Mi iss to Miss Elizabeth Rhodes, both of Marietta. On the 1 Oth by Rev. H. Harbaugh, Sassbei, Mtfbs to Miss Sabah Avbrell, both of Paradise, On the 15ih by Rev. J.

J. Strine, Chbutiab Snavelv of West Lampeter, to Miss Ann Bcbehol-dee, of Conestoga. On the 17th by the same, Samuel R. Grovs to Miss Elizabeth M. Gish, both of Mountjoy.

On the lih by Rev. J. Menges, Thomas Gbeen, of Wilmington, to Miss Babaaea Hoo-endobleb, of Columbia. By the Rev. A.

Rueter, Abhaham Kauffman to Miss Elizabeth Smith, both of Millerstown. By the same, John W. Rendinser to Miss Rejima Mabsaretta Dube, both of Mar.etta. On the 10th at Cedar Grove Manse, by Rev. John Leaman, Levi Edwards to Miss Mabia Shades, both ot Beartown.

For rent in the centre of the First tqtmre in NORTH QlKEN-st, east side, a FRONT ROOM with Cellar underneath, now occupied by H. G. Long, Erq. A FRONT ROOM, now occupied by Benjamin Licntv, Tailor. A SHOP, now occupied by George Kuhns, Tobacconist.

A BRICK DWELLING and STABLE in the rear of said Lot. Possession given on the 1st of April, 1853. Enquire of eiiherof the undersigned. GEO. H.

HOMBEKGEK, jal-tf H. G. LONG, ExrsandTrasteesof the Estate ofS. For rent, the subscribeToffers for Rent, on private terms, a number of STORE ROOMS, situated in Miller Row fronting on the Railroad, and immediately adjoining the North American Hotel These Stores are handsomely fitted up, are in the most business pail of the city, and whI adapted to any kind of business. They are well worth the attention of persons about to commence business, or desnous of changing their location.

For terms, which will be made reasonable to good tenants, apply to the subscriber. jH29tf DAVID MILLER. FEUIT! FBUIT! JUST DECEIVED A LOT of extra fine York County Peaches and Apples by mb5tf JOHN D. SKYLKS. BH 8ILK8, 0XrB ASSORTMENT JJ of Black etilk.

is now complete, to which we in vita the particular attention of in "earch of article. E. FaHNKTO( W- corner N. ADiTTHOS. J.

A WENTZ 4 invite the attention ot haver, in search of Spring Gooa, to their stock, which they are just receiving, including English, French, Ger-man and American Dry Goods, ail of which have been selected with great cate, and will be sold on as favorable lerms as at any establishment in the city. Attention ia parlieulariy invited to ifieir magnificent stck of SPRING DRESS GOODS, embracing a choice variety. Now opening Shade Glace Silks, Gro de Rbmes, Rich Lustre, ail varie-ties and qualtlir Br-lliant Fancy style Spring Silks, Rich Plain Poiix do Sens, Ac. Barege de Laines. rich Chintz cots, new styles.

Ac. Super Wool French de lames, alt colors, solid and figured, Bilk Warp and Real Alpacas, French Chmtzet, toper fancy Lawns, English and Scotch Ginghams, Embd Tuikey Red Prints, Spring Prints, beautiful variety Merrimack, Conestoga, Linen Goods all Irish Linens, 3-4 and French Grey Linens, 44 White and Brown Hoitaods, Table Cloths and Napkins, Bleached and Brown Damasks and Diapers, 8-4, 104 and 12-4. Bird eye, Russia and Scotch Diaper, Hukabucks and Crash, L.nen and Cambric Handkerchiefs, all qualities for ladies and gentlemen, super, plain and cmhd handkerchiefs for ladies. White goods of all descriptions Swiss Mull, Book, Ac. Inserting, Edgings, Linen, Cotton and Lace.

Domestics! 3 4, 7 8, 4-4, Brown and Bleached Muslins, 24, 64, 78, 11-4, 12-4. Bleached Sheetings, 34, 44 Osnaburgs, Bleached Brown and Blue Drillings, Tickings, Furniture and Apron Checks, Shirting, Stripes, Ac. Cloths, Cnssimre, super French, Black and colored Cloths, of all grades. Super Black Cloths, English, German and American super 64 Cashmere, Black and all shades. Btack Cassimeres and Doeskins of fedon A other best makers.

Bleached and Brown. I.iuen Ducks, Fancy Drillings, India Nankeens, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Farmers Drills, 4c. Super lilac and fancy Silk and Satin Vestings, etc. A careful examination of the above goods is solicited. As the season advances we shall continue to receive the cho.ce of the Philadelphia and New York markets, almost daily.

mhia-tf THUS. J. WENTZ 4 Golden Eagle, corner East King and Center Square. DENTAL SURGERY. I WOULD HEKEBY notify all my friends and the citizens of Lancas ter city and county that I am now offering a large and fresh assortment of new Groceries, and as I buy all my goods for cash I am able to sell cheap.

Lovering's Flue crushed Sugars. Coarse do Pulverized do Stewards Coarse do New erop New Orleans do Lovenngs Syrup Molasses, Boston do do B. C. do do N. Orleans Baking do Porto Rico do Also on hand and for sale Strong Rio, St.

Domingo and Java Coffees. The best Rio Coffee toasted. Come and try roe. JACOB BUEHLER, mh5-tf opposite New Court House, E. King-st.

CHEESeV CHEESE! A LARGE LOT OF Timothy Jacksons celebrated Cheese; also, Dutch Head and Sago Cheese, Mackerel, Herring. Cod Fish, Salmon, Sc, in store and for sale by mhO-tf JOHN D. SKYLKS, East King-st, opposite Sprechers hotel. REMOVAL. DR.

J. McCALLA, DENTIST, would respectfully announce to his numerous friends and patrons, that he has removed his of- office from No. 6 to No. 4, EAST KlNG-st, second house from Centre Square, where he is prepared perform all operations coming within the province of Dental Surgery, on the most approved principles. tnhHMf A VERY VALUABLE RAILROAD LOT FOR SALE.

The subscriber will sell ou very accom-moda'ing terms, that very desirable lot fronting boih on the Railroad and Pnnce-st, 64 ft 4 in width, by 240 ft long, more or less, adjoining Warehouse of Jacob Albright, and Komgmacher St Baumau, ou which are Two Dwelling Houses, Ware House and railroad tracks. This lot presents the best spot in the city for a Forwarding house, Machine Shop or Depot. Apply to ja9 if A. W. RUSSEL.

KNOWLEDGE 13 WEALTH. If it be true that knowledge it wealth, then every person desiring to be rich should call immediately at the Cheap Book Store, in Kramphs building, North Queen-st, Lancaster, and make large selections from the largest and best selected stock of books to be found aoy- -where between Philadelphia and Pntsburg. The popular Cyclopedia of Bicbliai John Kmo, D. F. 9.

A. 1 History of the Israelitish Nation, from their origin ot their dispersion at the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. By A. Alexander, D. D.

The Aged Christians Companion, containing a variety of Essays, adapted to the improvement, conso- lation and encouragement of persons advanoed In life by Rev. John Stanford, D. A dissertation on the irueage of the world, in which is determined the chronology of the period from the creation of the Christian era, by Prof. Wallace. Dr.

Johnson; his religious life and death. Chanty and its traits; or Christian loveas manifested in the heart and life; by Jonathan Edwards. Bacchus; an essay on the naiure, causes, effects and cure of Intemperance; by Rniph Barnes (vnudrod. The Bible in the family, or bints on domestic hap plnesg, by H. A.

Boardman, D. D. Tne attraction ot ine Cross, designed to illustrate the leading truths, obligations and io-pes of Christian-litj by Gardme Spring, D. D. Responses from the Sacred Oracles, or the past and the present; by R.

W. Dickinson, D. D. Daily Bible Illustrations, being original rending for a yea-, on subjects from suerhd history, biography, geography, antiquities, and theology, by Johu Kino Law. The Law of Commendatory and Limited Partnership tnlhe U.

States; by Francis J.Troubat The above comprises only 4a drop in the bucket of our extensive assortment. Come and see. fe 2tMf URRAY St 9TOKK. MARBLE-WORKS. DIED, In this city, on Thursday evening last, 24th inst Mrs.

Susan Eichholz, daughter of ine late Benj nmin Ober, aged 29 years; 6 mouths and 19 days. Her funeral will take place from the residence of her husband, Andrew Eichholtz, in North Duke-st, to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, at 2 oclock. In this city, on Thursday evening last, 21 Miller Fraim, laic Treasurer of Lancaster county aged 5i years, 1 month. Hi funeral will lake place to-morrow (Sunda afternoon, at oclock, from his late residence in Hast King-ai. In Drumore, on Ute 1st Isaac Bolden, aged 62 years.

In Millerstown, on ths 12th Mrs. Catharine Haines, aged 30 years. In Manheim township, on the 11th instant, John Huhn, aged 69 years, 0 months and 6 days. In Conestoga on the 28ih ult Leah A. Gardner, age 1 14 years, 10 months and 22 days.

In this city, on Sunday last, 2Uih inst Klizabrth Freeman, wife of Wm. Freeman, aged 28 years. PHCENIX MAEBLE W0BK3, WEST KING- at, opposite the Market Houe, and second door from the Cross Keys tavern. The undersigned, late ofihe well known firm of Leonard Beak, takes this method of acknowledging the liberal patronage heretofore extendedto the old firm, and would now inform them that having disposed of the entire old stock, he has taken charge of the new establishment above named, where he ia prepared to supply ail orders with prompines and on the most sat sfaetory terms, such as MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, MANTLES, and every variety of marble work. The subscriber hopes that by a good location, strirt attention to business, and the satisfaction his work has heretofore given, he will be favored with a libera! share of patronage.

l7Remembor, Phmuix Marble Works. West King-st, opposite the market house and second door from the Cross Keys. WM. LEONARD, mhSdf Agent. REMOVAL.

J. G. MOORE, SURGEON DENTIST, of the farm of Dr. M. M.

Moore Sf Son. hat removed his ffice from the old stand, to the rooms formerly occupied by Thomas Evans, (Dentist,) in the building situated on the S. E. corner of NORTH QUEEN A ORANCE-sU. the lower rooms of which are occupied by Erbens clothing store and G.

Metzgers shoe store where he will now have greater conveniences for waiting upon those who may favor him with a call. J. G. M. having had considerable experience in the Dcnta! art, assures those who are desirous of having anything done pertaining to Dentistry, that he is prepared to give the teeth that care and attention which they require.

07Entrance to Office, 2nd door on Orange-st, Lancaster, Pa. mh26tf REMOVAL. DR, 8rWELCHANS7sURGEON DENTIST, would respectfully announce to the public and his friends in general, that he has removed his office fiom hts old stand in Kramphs building, nearly half a square farther south, to the house re. cently occupied by Wm. Carpenter, Esq No 34.

NORTH QUEEN-St, Lancaster, where be has increased facilities, for the comfort and accomodation of all who may favor him with their patronage. All operations upon the natural teeth are performed with care, and a view to their preservation and beauty. Artificial Teeth inserted on the most Improved principles of the Dental Profession, and foi durability and beauty equal to naturo. Full satisfaction in regard hts prices, and the integrity of his work is warranted to all who may place themselves under his treatment. tnh5-lra LADIES SPRING DRESS GOODS, JUST received at Fahnestocks Cheap Store, rich new styles Barege Chain's, rich nw styles Barege de Laines, Pink, Blue, Green, Orange Tan and White de Lames, all wool, Mous de Uege, Brown and blx.

mixt, uew style Ottoman Poplins, Also, I case plain Dc lames, brown, blue, green and orange, at 12 worth 1 case neat style de lames at 12 worth 18). 1 case blk and white Barege delaines 12) worth 26. 1 case real French Ginghams at 12) woith 25. 1 case yard-wide Talicoesat 8 cts. worth 12).

1 case Black and White Calicoes at 6) cents. 3 bales yard-wide unbleached at 13) ets. with a great variety of other go-nls at our usual low pricea. R. E.

FAHNESTOCK, mhlU-tf corner of North Queen Orange-sts. Groceries, groceries, the subscri- bers would respectfully inform Ihe citizens of Lancas: er city and county, that they have just return turned from the city with a large and splendid as sortment of GROCERIES, FRUIT, Ac in connection with a general assortment of Agricultural and Horticultural implements, Vegetable and Flower Seeds, all o' which will be sold at the lowest cash pricea consisting of new crop N. O. Sugar, prime Kio and Laguyra Coffee, and a splendid assortment Black A Green Teas; also Syrup, Sugar-house, Trinidad and N. O.

Molasses, at ine new Agricultural Warehouse, Grocery and Seed Store of Brszeman 4 Maul. NEW FOREIGN FRUITS consisting of Raisins, Oranges, Lemons, dried Peaches, Apples, Cherries, 4c. Alo a Urge lot of FISH, consisting of Mackerel. Nos 1,2 a Herring and Cod Fish in store of good quality and for sale as above. CHEESE! 1000 lbs.

N. York prime Cheese, also in store and for sale at BRENEMAN St MAULS Agricultural warehouse, Grocery and Seed store, cor N. Queeu and Chesnut-st, near the R. Road. fel9tf LANCASTER COUNTY AGRICULTTJ- RAL SOCIETY.

The regular quarterly meetiug of said Society will be held in the Mechanics Institute, ou Monday, April 4th. Punctual attendance is requested. mhl9-3i D. G. ESHELMAN, Secy.

i i NEW YORK HONEY. 5 BOXES OF NEW York Honey in the comb, store and for sale by mho-tfj JOHN D. SKYLE9. DIVISION OP CONESTOGA TOWN- SHIP. The undersigned Commissioners, appointed by the Court of Quarter Sessions of Lan-caster county, at November Sessions, 1652, to inquire and report as to the propriety of dividing said town-ship, as prayed for, in a petition to said Court and remonstance filed, agreeably to the line designated in said original petition.

will meet for that pur pose on WEDNESDAY, the 0th day of ATRILnext at 2 oclock the afternoon, at the public house of Jacob Kauffman, in said towuship, and if on that day it is not concluded, they will continue in session from day to day, until the purpose of their appointment shall be disposed of; at which lime and place all persons who think proper may attend. P. MARTIN, CHR. BENTZ, JaC. GARBER, mh5-1t Commissioners Monuments, tombs, mantels, head.

STONES, etc. J. M. WILSON, Marble Mason, takes this method of informing Ins old friends and customers, and the public generally, that he has removed his Marble Yard from East Kmg-st to the stand so long occupied by the late Daniel fa*gan, but more recently by Leonard St Bare, where he is fatty prepared to manufacture every kind of work in the Marble and bione-cutiutg line, such as Monuments, Tomb Stones, Manu-U, and House Work of every description, in a satisfactory manner. LettereuUmg, in English and German, will be attended to in the best modern style, at ms Marble Manufactory, in NORTH QUElBN street, a few doors north of Vanknnan's Hotel In fact, nothing will be left undone to make this establishment one of the most inviting to the public, in regard to cheap ness, taste in des gning and beauty of workmanship, in the city of Lancaster.

apl2-ly Reprint of the original letters from Washington to Joseph Reed, daring the Revolution, and about winch arose tnedisrussion between Lora Mahon and Mr. 8arka. The letters here printed are exact copies of tne original now in the possession of Wm. H. Reed, and in marginal notes are shown the alterations and omissions of Mr.

Sparks. History of the second war between the States and Great Britain, hy Charles J. ingersoll. Those who have the first Vol. of this history would do well in purchasing concluding vols.

to complete the sett. The history of the Restoran of Monarchy la France, by Lamartine. Vol. 3 of this history has just been published, and fully sustains the reputation of rs author History of Europe from the fall of Napoleon in 1815, to the accession of Louis Napoleon in 1851, by Archibald AiJisop, Bart. The author of this history intends it as a continuation of his former history of Europe, in which same style it is published.

Lives of the Queens of Scot'aini and English Princesses connected with the regal succession of Great Britain, by Agnes tricklaua. Tne third vol. of this series just published. Select British Eloquence, embiactng the best speeches entire of the most eminent orators of Great Britain, for the last two centuries, with sketches of their lives, an estimate of their genius, and notes, critical and explanatory, by C. A.

Goodrich. Analysis of Dramatic and Oratorical Kxptesslon, developing associate relations of the voice end of gesturo. Shakipeare Laconico, a selection of the best sentences from Shakspettre, and designed as a manual of reference for the student and general reader. Everetts Orations and Speeches, in two vnlnmts, royal 8vo mh5 tf) W. H.

SPANGLER. ESTATE NOTICES. Alcohol, burning fluid and fine OIL. Davis A Cou.v, of Philadelphia, Importers and having appointed the under-eigned Ihcir agent for city and couniy; he i. now prepared to their aupenor Flu.d, Pine Oiland Alcohol, at invoice pricts, whole.ale and retail.

ITT Country merchant. euppUed by ihe Barrel or JOHN W. HUBLbY, naif barrel. Notice. the partnership hereto- t'ore existing under tha firm of Lanpheab A Jefeebibb, w.h tin.

day (March 21, 1853.) dissolved by mutual consent. W. K. I.AMHKAK, mh'M 0t T. B.

JKFF KRI KS. TU8T RECEIVED 2 CASES SPRING STYLE tl MOUS DE LAINES worth 2U cents per yard, which we are selling for 12) cts. Call and see them mhl2-lf THOS. J. WENTZ St Golden Eagle, corner East King and Center Square 1TEW AND CHEAP DRY GOODS JUST Al received, and now ready fur the Spring Trade, at the cheap store of CHAS.

M. ERBEN St National Hoosi Bi ild no, adjoining Sprecher'i Hardware Store, NOR TH QUhEFSi.a large and elegant assortment of Dry Goods, suitable for the coming season. Our stock embraces every thing that is choice and cheap, and having been selected with great care, we are able to sell at very great bargains. Our stock is composed of a general asortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, and we are now tally prepared for tht approaching season, with every de-on pi on ot new Soring Goods. BILKS, LAWNS, RIBBONS, SATINS, DE BECK, BAREGES, DBLAINF9, GLOVES, CLOTHS, CASIMEKE9.

VESTINGS, Cravats, etc. SHAWLS, Linens, Muslins, Tickings, Checks, Feathers. Ac. PUac g-ve us a call and examine our stock. CHAS.

M. ERBEN St mh5-tf North Queen-st, Lancaster. Centre 9qttare. CABINET-WARE. JUST RECEIVED 8 HHDS.

NEW-CROP New Orlean. Sugare. S3 bbl. White 9ugaro all grade. 26 Bag prime Rio and Java Coffee.

Also a large assortment of Green and Black Teas hy tnh5-tf JOHN D. 9KYLES Notice. the partnership hebeto- fore existing between Hr Charles Green, David Hostetler end Robert V. Addis, under the name of Dr. Greene ft haa been this day (March 23, 1853,) dissolved by mutual consent.

All persons having elaimt against said firm will present them for settlement to Dr. Charles Green, and all petsons indebted to the same, will mnke payment to him. CHARLE8 GREEN A Co. The business will continued, as heretofore, at the old stand, West King-st, Lancaster, by mli26-3t Dn. CHARLES GREEN.

A FEW MORE LEFT OF THE SAME SORT. Just received another lot of choice 9ugur-cured IIAM9 and Dried Beef, Salmon, No. 2 and 3 Mackerel, Herring, Dairy Cheese. Snpsago Cheese 4c at JACOB BUEHBKRS, mii5-lf opposite New Court Hous-, E. Kmg-st.

CABINET AND CHAIR DEPOT, ME- CHANK 9 INSTITUTE, SOUTH QUKF.N-Sl. I The citizens of Lancaster city and county are reminded that the undersigned has on hand an extensive and complete assortment of Plain and Fancy CHAIRS AND FURNITURE of every description, which he is prepared to dispose of during the ensuing season on the most favorable terms. His Chairs, Settees, Bureaus, Bedsit ads. Tables, Desks, and other articles of Cabinet ware, being of his own manufacture, can bo relied lupon for good material and mechanism. His friends and customer! will bear in mind that his wareroom is in the Mechanics institute, opposite Wrights Fountain Inn, feulh Queen-tl, where they are invited to call and examine his new stock mhfi-tfr GEO.

F. ROTE. THE CHEAPEST STORE IN TOWN. THE iQrge share of patronage which the public has given to my motto, small profits and quick sales, for cash has induced me to open a branch in No. 7.

MILLERS ROW, on the Rad Road, for ihe accommodation of my cuAtnnws in that pari of the town. Myprinripsl store is 2nd and 3rd house below ODD FELLOWS HALL, iu South Queen street. CARPETS HAMS! HAMS! JUST RECEIVED A LOT of 9tagg Sc 9ha; celebrated new Ham. Also iu Dned Beef am Tongue, by New Buildings. Last year was noted for the number of new buildings erected in Lancaster, and this year, judging from present indications, will witness a still greater pro- gress in improvement.

The number ol building permits issued for the last fiscal year, ending February 18, 1853, was sixty. Of course, many of the buildings for which permits were issued last year were not finished before the winter set in, and work will be resumed on them again this spring. We notice in many instances that the workmen have already commenced opera lions, and our industrious mechanics will have plenty oi work. The new German Reformed and Catholic churches will also be finished at an early day, which will give employment to a large number of persons. About twenty building permits have alicady been issued from the Mayor's office for the present fiscal year, commencing February 18th.

They are as follows Widow Kendrick Son, aone-story brick house in Middle-st: Jacob Gable, a double two-story brick house in West King-st. Henry Bundle, a two-story brick house in West Chesnut-st. Geoge D. Spree her, five iwo-story brick houses, with attics, in North Lime-st. George D.

Sprecher, two one-story brick houses in Mulberry-st. N. Brenneman, a two-story brick house in Philip Hauff, a one story brick house in East Strawberry-et. John Fordney, a one-atory brick bouse in Church-st.

Philip Benedict, a two-story brick house in East King-st. Emlen Franklin, a two-story brick in Lemon-st. Mitchell Weaver, a two-story brick in West Chesnut-st. Gerhart Metzger, a two-story brick house in West Vine-st. David Lebkicher, a one-story frame house iu South Queen-st.

Goerge Wechtman, a one-story house in West Walnut-st. Peter Albright, a one story brick house in Manor-st. William Kendrick, a two-story house blick in North Lime-st- John Gibson, a two-story brick house in South Priuce-st. William Wilson, a two-story brick house in Germsn-st. Isaac Freeman, two two story brick houses in West German-st.

Henry Hain, a two-story brick house in Lime-st. Timothy Gordon, an Irishman, residing in Middle street, made an unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide, on Monday last, by curing his throat with a razor domestic difficulties" being the cause he assigns for the rash act. His manner of proceeding to the work of self-murder, is illustrative of the influence ol Rum on suicides and murders in general. After getting his razor ground he supplied himself with a quart or whisket, to bring his coutage up to the "sticking point and then retired to an out-house to make hie "quietus." The razor grinder not having done ti is duty, or by not having time enough to get the sieam of recklessness up, the attempt was a failure. It is said the poor man has made similar attempts on his own life before.

We hope he will keep away in future from all furnaces of murder and suicide, whether licensed or unlicensed, and then his "domestic troubles" will vanish like the vision of a dream, while this world will look bright and beautiful to his physical eye, and the world to acme fall of hope and promise to his soul's vision the eye of faith. The Street Commissioners notice in regard to depositing ashes and other nuisonres on the street, is observed by a few persons, while others pay no regard 10 it whatever, and ws hear of no prosecuuon against them, as was intimated in the Commissioner's proclamation Now, the declaration of a law, without insisting on its general enforcement, is an act of injustice to all who comply voluntarily wi its requisitions, and we hope councils will either repeal the city ordinance on the subject, or in fist on the Street Commissioner enforcing it. It is not fair that a law-respecting citizen should be put to greater expense and inconvenience with his ashes than those who disregard the law with impunity. The proper plan we insist, is for the city to employ ash carts to remove the ashes from each house about every other day. It would pay them well.

The Book of the World, advertised in another column, merits the attention of our readers. It is a comprehensive Encyclo ptedia of interesting and amusing objects ol nat ural history and philosophy, his ories of nations and countries, with an interesting variety ol articles. Each number is illustrated with a full page steel engraving and three colored plates, the artistical execution of equals any we have seen. Each monthly part contains 32 quarto pages, twelve partacomprising a volume. It will form a beautiful volume when complete.

For sale at John Bear's Book Store, North Queen-st, where subscribeis can obtain their numbers. Dyspepsia is admitted, at least by all who are qualified by experience to give an opinion, to ba one of the most troubleaomo and discouraging diseases that human flesh is heir to. It puts patience on the gridiron and sete medical skill at defiance. The only sure hope ot relief lies in fresh air, physical exerci-e, and cautious diet. To those who are troubled with it, we can freely recommend the Dtsfefma Bread baked by our neighbor Appl-by.

It is superior to any we have evor tasted; and should be the daily bread of all whose digestion has be come impaired. Cold water, exercise fin the open air, and Applebys Bran Bread, ia our prescription for Indigestion in ita most malignant Try it we know you'll like it, whether dyspeptic or not. A beautiful Monument has been finished by our neighbor, Wm. Leonard, for a gentleman of this city, which we had intended noticing last week. The conception of the design, and the mechanical execution of the work, stamp Mr.

Leonard as one of the best workers of marble in tba city. Those who with to pro. cure first-rate marble work, can rely upon all orders filled by him being satisfactory. A copy of Clara Moreland, an interesting narrative of Advanturea in the far South-west, has been received fromihe pub-Inker, T. B.

Peterson, through the attention ol Messrs. Murray Stcek. It has bean pro-nounced Emerson Bennc its greatest work. or sals as above. We will read it, end give our opinion of it in the proper department.

Ye men ot substance, here's your "Ssad-so!" Bay thsd were eold in our market week ego et 73 etc. per pair. The first pair of River ahad were caught In the Delaware, near old Chaster, on Saturday last, end were sold for 91 23. The prime fresh-water articles will soon be In our market. Our Manheim neighbors are petitioning the Legislature for au.hority to erect Town Hall, the basem*nt to be used a a Lockup end Fire Engine House.

The Lebanon Valley Railroad Company have received a pledge from Mr, Tucker, President of the Reading Railroad, to the fleet that, if Lebanon, Berks and Dauphin, will raise IfiOO.OOOof therapitel stock, Philadelphia city will contribute the remainder and guarantee the construction of the road. A Pro-Liquor Board of Licensers were elected in ilia Borough of West Cheater at the late election, by 163 majority. The nameolJ. L. Darlington, Editor of the Farm Journal, heads the list, Worrell Garrett, a farmer residing In Williatown, Chester county, ws ( injured by a premature explosion wntla bleat mg rocks on day last week.

Estate of ann baffobd, decs, late of Safe Harbour, Lancuster co. All persons indebted tn said Estate are requested to muka paymeut to the undersigned Administrator, mid those having claims against the same, will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JAMK.9 A.S. CARPENTER, mh81-8t Safe Harbor, Lancaster co. mh3-tf JOHN D. SKYLF.9.


Vonuhbsmith and J. Brown, Esqrs. Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the county of Lancaster and Assistant Justices o' the Court ot Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the said county of Lancaster, have issued their Precept to me directed, requiring me, among other things to make Publio Proclamation throughout my Bailwick. that the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery: Also, a Court of General Qnatter fessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the cuy of Lancaster, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on the THIRD MONDAY OK APRIL NEXT, 1653, in pursuance of which precept PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the cuy of I in the said county, and all ihe Justices of the Peace, the Coroner. Con-tablr-sof theclty and coun.

ty of Lancaster, that they be then and there in their own proper persons, with their rolls, re eords and examinations, and Inquisitions, and their other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain in that behalf to be done; and also, all those who will prosecute aga net Ihe prisoner who are, or then shall be in the jail of said county of Lancaster, are to be then and theie to prosecute against them us shall be just. Dated at Lancaster, the 2d day of 1953. ELIAS EBY. Sheriff. N.

8. Punctual attendance of Juror and witness ea will hereaftei be expected and required on the first day of the sessions. Aldermen and Justices ot the Peace ar required by an order of Coun, dated Nov. 2isi, 1M8, to return their rec gnizmices to G. R.

Hendrickson, Clerk of Quarter Sessions, within one week from the day of final action in each case, and in default thereof the Magistrates costs will not be allowed. mblff-lo SMALL LOT CF real Dutch Herring in and for by mh5-tf JOHN D. SKYLKH. JJDTCH HERRING. A PROVISIONS.

Notice. -the co-pabtnebshif here- tofore culling PinxKETox A Rueltz, (Inie dry good and grocery dealer!) i. this day, March 3, 1853 dissolved by muiual content. All peraona having cluim. against said firm aC reqncatcd to prrarnt the for aeltlement forthwith, and those Indebted are de.ired to make payment without delay.

Cf One of the firm can bo aren nt any time at the Store formerly occupied by them. 9. PINKERTON, mhlO-At J.R. 9MEI.TZ. ES- an- caster, are hereby notified to call upon the suliecri-ber and nettle the lame without delay, otherwise the account, will bo pul into the hands of an Alderman fur collection.

JESSE LANDIS, Aotgnee. driI5-tf PREMIUM AWARDED AT THE PENN- Ivnm 9tate Fn-r! AFPLKBY3 PRK I BREAD, TEA BISCUIT, AND PIE BAKERY. The andarsigneff resporifully acknowledges his obligations to the Oiuzens of Lancaster for ihe generous manner in which they have paliontzed Ms Bakery establishment since he bn occupied Han. urns old and welt known stand, on the corner of WEST KING St PRINCE-Sts, and dikes this occasion to inform them that he has now completed such nr rangernenu as will eoable him to keep up with Ins rapid increase of patronage. For some time past the iemenJ for his PaEMinM Bread and Biscuits has been so great that he has been unable to serve many of Ins customers.

But enlarged facilities hav- removed this difficulty, and he is now ready to supply Families and Hotels promptly with Bread, Biscuits, Pit.uadklphia Tea Cakea, New Yobx Buns, and Pies of every vmiety. Jr Fresh Pte every day at noon. Maryland and Philadelphia Tea Biscuit every afternoon at 3 oclock. (mhfi-tfrj G. APPLEBY.

CHAIR AND CABINET MAKER, SOUTH QUEEN street, in ihe room recently occupied by JG. F. Rote. JOHN MAY invites the attention of his friends and the public in general to the fact that he has lately commenced the Chair and Cabinet Ware business, end will constantly keep on hand, and manufacture to order, CHAIRS of every pattern at the most reasonable prices. Also, Cabinet Were, such as Dining end Centre Tables, Bureaus, Wnikstands, Toilet end Hatstends, Bedsteads, Cradles, Ac at hie new einnd in Boutli Qeen a few doors below the Mechanics Institute ITT A share of public patronage is invited.

COFFINS madeat the shortest notice. mylO-ly ISAIAH MEIXELL, CABINET MAKER, hikes this mpifmd of returning his sincere thunks lo the public for the liberal peironage they have extended lo him since he has commenced business, and respectfully ak a continuance of ihe same. BUREAU, DESK, DINING 4 CENTER TABLES and every description of Cabinet Work, made tn very best manner and at short notice, on rensouaU terms, at hia Wareroom in NORTH QUEEN sires four doors above the railroad. Rrpaikino done in the ueaieet and most substal tial manner. jCotrixs made at short notice, and of every description of wood.


National magazine, this new Monthly is devoted to the choicest literature of the day, but conducted in a spirit which wdl secure lo il the confidence of the purest families and Christians of all denominations. Ji is abundantly illustrated wnh engraving, and pronounced the cheapest Magazine of ns size in tne United States. Each number contains page and some 6 illustrations. Terms, or ly 2 00 per annum. The following notices of the Frees will show its claims: It is beautifully printed, and the content are sneb as to render it a welcome visitor to every firestde where sound sense end pure literature is preferred to mere armucmeiil and fusttsa declamation KuroJ Nno- Yorker In the appearance and quality of it eonente compares favorably even wtihHarpeis Magslin.

Nor folk (Va Daily News. It haa a very judicious selection from foreign periodicals, with several valuable summaries and notices. The editorail department I conducted with evident industry and skill, and the whole number well sustain the elevated moral and religious tone th which the work commenced Trtfiuns. This it just the kind of Magazine we have long wished to see iued from the American press, bearing the stamp of literary excellence, free from morb4 excitement, and not only respecting, but assert ng the claim of rel gion. It comams ninety-SiX page of ihe sice of Harper filagHZom, and its style and ez enmoti are quue equal to that Journal ALmtmU Witness.

li presents a oeat and hsn'lsome appearance, and it filled Wtih good matter Philts Penna crr. It mut grow into general fr ir, and have Wide eirciilstion. It is Glled with cb-- cer adiuf matter, himI is eeriainiyth cheap st publication of the kind in the country. Each number tocnm.mUd rages, and it sold at ctiWe Philadelphia Laeig News He prediet for it ea extended reputation and pop ulsniy. It will occupy a space in iie current rli-I'g ous literature of th- day which no mher inegasut hn et attempted ti fid, a- it it to tie free from sectarianism Dansriils Herald.

li cmutins inatrnction, variety, intef eat, beauty, rfitici-m, intrliigrnce ia illustrated to the best style of W4Md engraving, end printed oa fine paper in a beautiful typ. It gem, sn-1 will eueocJ fieyoad queM.on Bottom Zum i Htreud. The Jsrcen monthly for its price Id Ihe United grates. We have pat ties tarty exam ned the article in Una namhrr, and find tnemot a h-ghoeder, elegant, genial and vivacious, if succeed ng numbers retain die same tone, we predict a wide ciieulatiort. The meehan cal exeeuUoot too, lead mat can he destred A bony Express.

lb NNiii excellent pahlira'mft are pleased in earn is rapidly meree-mg mo ree siton. i- deserves lha patronage that can be given to llZsQf prnmyUanan. of ns ieadihg anl-les is worth the pnee ef the nember Philadelphia Christian A coral. It is well primed on turnd-am iy to a 6 no paper, and is ofuaely with sna-aving. Th work will be acceptable alike tome overt of gant end healihful literature, to the mesne nrsie, and to ih luerary man hts study Boston Wattke man end RtferU.

It is ih most besuidul, tbs cheapest, an-i nos of the chotrcM pet hmJicsis tuts pou6c om, if the prctenl numirer is fair specimen. It emuiiis vast amoanl of reading tfwdsr safbeientlv various to gratify every wonhy us upa the b-t paper and the taiiSSt type Boston CvagrrgattosvtluL I hvs nuintwr give cheering enrnry of the futere eharaeier of the work, and, tnour judgment, combine th mis sum dulet ia a very happy manner. FwUaw Recorder. jafflf Calicoes, from 5 io 12) as Barege De Lame, 8 to 31 cts. Giiigiism, Linens, Flannels.

Checks, Ticking. BleacheJ and Unb'earhcd Musltna, arn-bnc. r( I and Coifim Handkerchiefs, lances, Veils, Edging, Collars. Cujies, siin, Manias and Bonnet Rihbmis, und everything belonging lo a complete VARIETY fsTDRK, such na Leers, Puteitt Thread, Ppmi Cotton. Kiiilliiig Colton, filovea Stockings, (fiiiioons, Siny Rinding.

Hrnids.Rewmg Sitka, Fringes, Worsted and Worsted Patterns, Silks, S'ef and Pinted Butions, Ivory, Side Top and Redding Combs. Hair Brushes, Pins Hooks andKye, haie Bones, Fan-y Soup, Cologne Water, and other periumery in great variety AIo Fun, Purse. Pon Afomiates, Porket Bonks, Pen Kmve, Scit-ors, Rings, Kur Rings, and many other articles loo numerous to mention. BONNETS A NO STB AW HATS. A beautiful assortment of Ladies HonneU from 31) ca.

to 1,75. Canada llaia, 12) Palm Leaf Hats. U) cts. Mens Leghorn Bats l.ucd and trimmed, 50 ten is. MANTILLAS AND PARASOL.

To close out 1 will sell Bilk fifanttilaa, with 8rk Fringe, from 1,25 lo I 75. Alio, i'sraioia, from 66 eta. to 1,00 Men a ready made Tweed Coats, lined with serge, .00. Mens ('aMimern PbiiU, 2,00. film's Drill Pauls, from 60 cts.

to l.PO Ao, Childrens Bulls, Isnt. and Jackets, 62) cent btore Keepers and u.hers are invited to cull and eiamme for tneia-sc vea. BOLKMtS, 9nd and 3rd houe below the Odd P'-liowa Hall in Houih Queu-st and No. 7 diet's Row, oa the Rmlrowd- TO THE FARMERS OF LANCASTER vy1 COUNTY- I would cal! yourattention tothe celebrated PROUTTY A BARRKTTSCKN-TrEDRAUGHT PLOUGH This Plough took the Premium at our late Agricultural Fair; i have also RithardstnCs celt bated Com Stalk Hap end Straw utter this Machine can be used by hand and horse power; I have also a new Corn arrow and IIors Rakst likewise the agency tor Smith's tslstaisd Corn Sheller this Shelter will shell from one thousand to twelve hundred bushels of Corn per day. Having just received a large assortment of Grain Cradles Rakes, Scythes Grain and Shaking Forks, and many other Farming Utensils, which can oe had al I) SPRECHER 9 Hardware Store, frgff tf North Queen-st, gn ofihe Big Lock.

Apples pet hf pk 9a 10c On urns per hfpk 10 1 2c Beans per qt 50c Eggs per do llal2) Vrid Fruit Freebee per qt 7u8c Cherries 41 6o Apples 11 -34c-Coin per ba 60n62c Oats per bu 4or WW Hickory 55 25 Oak 3oa3 75 it tKr per lb 20a22c Poultry -Chickeo(ltve)pp Cleaned 44a60e Geese Potatoes Per bu hlfpk larntpj per ba Per bf pk Jpplebutterp pi Lard per lb 60a02c 50u02c 6n8( 37 fiufic 8a IOC PalOc OKANGES AND EECEIV- eda large supply of select Ornngesaud Lemons; fur sale cheap, by the box or dozen, at HENgLER8 Confectionery, mhl2tf No 6, East King street. EDUCATIONAL. FLOUR AND GRAIN. Co Old per bu New Oats pr bo clover Timothy Flax ORANGES AND LEMONS. JUST OPENED a fine assortment of Frous, such as Oranges.

Lemons, Raisin, Prunes, Figs. Currants, Dried Apples and Peaches; also Almonds, Grenoble Walnut, Filbert, Cream nuts, large California, Afnran and Boathern Groundnuts. J. BL KHLKR. mh5-tf opposite New Court House, E.

Kmg-st. 52e fid 3 5c 5 60 300 100 CTEASBUBG ACADEMY. THE BTBAS- hUHH ACADEMY wilt open Its next Session on the FIKST MONDAY OF MAY. 1653, under ilia supervision of the undesigned, who will by that time havj the entire buildings refitted and newly-furnished, and such oilier imptovements as wilt add greatly to the comfort of the studenit, and to their mcntiil. im rul and physical progress.

Parents me invited lo cmne and examine the system of instruction and government pursued in the Academy, after the eomimmeem nt of us nest W'slon. Terms per session of 6 months. 6i), able one-half in advince, and Ihe rcmi.d.r al liie end of Ihe session. For re erence and particulars address JIE OKE.N, M. Principal, fe5-3m btrasburg, Lan.

Pa. JUST RECEIVED A FRESH LOT OF FRUIT, and UTS, consisting in part of 21 fifties of new crop Raisins, 24 drums Figs, 25 jars Prunes, 2 ease of Preserved Ginger, 26 bags of good Groundnuts, together with Almonds, Filberts, Cream Nuts, and Cco Nuts, for sale al the lowest cash prices. Wholesale and Retail, at HLNdLER9 Confectionary, ocOO-tf No. 6, East King street. Lancaster agricultural ware- HOUSE AND SEED STOKE.

The subscribers would respeciiullv inform the citizens of Lancaster city and county Inst they have opened art Agricultural Warehouse and Seen Store at NO. 60, corner of NORTH QUEEN A CHESNUT-sts, Museum Buildings, lAnrasier, where they will lie prepared to furnish alt Binds of Improved Agricultural and Horticultural Implements, Vegetable St Flower Seeds, At Country storekeepers supplied with any of the luF lowing at a reasonable to sell agum Gra Irld and lower Heeds llorse Powers, and Threshers Wheat Drills end Heed Planters; subsoil end Hurfece Ploughs: Harrows and Cultivators; liny Btraw and Fodder Cutters; Improved Churns. Hay, Straw and Manure Forks. Ox-Yokes and Bows; Spades and Shovels, Hoes, Hakrs, Giuhh ng Hoes, Picks, Grain Hags, Garden Trowels, Vs ceding Fork, 4 We have also made arrangements to furnish Fecit and Ozeakettat Tskes sr Shrubbery, from the extensive Nursery and Green house of James D- Fulton, PhliadHphia. felll HKKNhMAN 4 MALL, Agriculture Warehouse A Seed Store, Lancaster.

PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Bu.ines, geneialiy speaking, is active In Philadelphia. Breadstuff, however, continue dull. Flour AMD Meal bales of from 70000 to 8000 bbls huve been di. posed of in lots at 4 87 for fair mured, 492 a 4 94 for straight sod 5 for selected brods Home small lots of extra at 5 30 6 60 pei bbl.

On AfOi ALout 1600 bbts found buyers al 3 per bbl. Ups FUur Further fale of 300 a 400 bM are reported at 3d? per bbl. Some 00 biubeia of Wheat sold in small lots at 81 II lor reds; ttlSa 1 13 for mixed, and 1 17 tor white, of prime quality. Rpsowno 2 a 3000 buhe Pennsylvania sold at fOa eric. Cer About 17 W0 bushels to ai 66 for white, and 68 a 6u for Delaware and Ienna OatohUJO bushels Pennsylvania fold ai 43 a 43J eis Cattls.

The nffeilngsof Href Caiile for the waek were nbout 34l head. Beeves are selling from 6 6 to (i8 60 per HO lbs. Hog There ware about boo intnarket. and sold from 7 00 to 7 60 per ewt Cow About 150 in markd, at prices ranging from 15 to 15 for fresh, and 4 to 14 for dry. Bheep and i-smbs The former from 4 00 to 4 00; the Utter from 1 60 to 3, according I quality.

Fruit and confectionery depot, no 618 MARKET STREET, between BchuytkiL Seventh and ghih, Philadelphia. JOHN 0. HAHN respectfully informs the Oitizen of tine and the adjoining counties, tnat he keeps all ways on hand a large and varied assortment oi FRUITS, CAKES and CO.NFKt-TlO.NARY, which ha will at II cheep as can be bought at any oiher establishment in Philade'ph and ne invitee all per sous who may went anything in line to call end ee him before purcheting elewhre. Orders from Ihe country will receive prompt attention, (myl-ly CARD. THE FIRH 01 C.

HAGER SON, is this day doso-ved by mutual enn-ent, the Pernor partner withdia w-ng Who lubes ihta oecaon lo return thanks tor the ulieral patronage be bss received. John 4'. Haora asHKisie wih hts brothers, Charles and Henry, under th firm of He-g-r 4 Brrnhers, wbn respectfully in lie a eonuuu enca of pubbe patrrnego, C. HAGER. Un't, eb.

15, Is53 J. C. HAOKR. HAOKR St BROTHERS, are now opening ft good orimani of Houe furnisho goods, onsirnr in part of BArnsiy Linen, Bhce-iMge, Dsmsk Tab Linens, How Case Linens, T-rkings, filutlins, Maf-Si-ilirs Quit's, Counicrpunes, A CARI'E riNS A large osaormertl of Velvet, three rv. fine and common Ingram and Venetian.

PAPER IIaNGI.NGHa comidete nunnM, embraemg over cvra thousand pees. glased and nnnrti- Wail Papers, with botdrra lo m'lteh, nhmi of winch are sntiru newdrsigns The new him invite an exvmmathm of the slock of good wh il be rffefl tht lowest prtecs feltf Vbino tradeI chasTk erbenTbro. ere now receiving their stock of Spr nf Coodt, end invre purchasers in ezumine the tiargams they ere offering in every drscnctinn of elegant DRY GOODS. The subecr.bers will ua ly rep'ensh their stock during the coming seasons, end they will always be provided with evrry thing new In their line. (HAN M.

EH HEN A Ha oTNitB, fel9tf Naihmtl llriue ho Id ng, recn-at. HITEFIGURED SWIS8 UUSLINS AND Cochin china and Shanghai fowl. A fine lot of Cochin Chnat, and Bud and Wfiitr Shanghai, have been received, and are now tffered for sale, bv the undersigned Thee celebrated end superior Fowls have all been raised from the import-ad stock, and are not excelled by any in rouutry. Freh Cochin Chins end Shanghai Flir.iwlll also be sold to those who prefer raising their own stork. Persons residing at a distance, by enclosing the amount they wish to invest In thsse fowls, can have them carefully cooped, fed, and rwsrdrd, as per order.

Address JONATHAN DOKWaKT, mhlS-tf Lancaster, P- BLINDS AND SHADES. PRICES OF FLOUR ASD ORAIS. PLOWS I FLOWS I WE WOULD CALL THE nmtiono! Farmers toe UHsoJL A MR FACE PliOWB, manufactured by Rogers. HRFNKMAN 4 MAUI-, Agricultural Warehouse Beed Store, Lancaster. OT GOING WEST I-VENETIAN BLIND MANUFACTORY The subscriber having rennguished hie Intention of going jo ihe Uk relation to inform hi numerstis friends in the e.ty and county, that he will eontmas hi old business in ail its various branches, at the old stand, im mediately in th rear of (now Miner's Hotel, in the alley between North Quseo and Prince sireets.

Hs manufactures and bss for sale VF.NITIAN BLENDE of the moat beautiful patterns and finish These Blinds are msdsofwooa of the smoothest and most durable quality, end at short order and moderaie lerms. I lls subscriber having had considerable experience fn the manufaeiareof Vemtian Blinds, the people of this city and conuty can depend upon having any work that they may ordeexecut-cd despatch end in a manner, Qe. A variety of handsome Blinds ou hand for th inspect. on oi the publio. Old Blinds repainted and trim mad to look equal to new.

mhO GEORGE f*ck. MUSICAL. Here is tour remedy, hollowaya OINTMENT. A most miraculous cure of tad after 43 ysarseutfonng. Extract ef a Letter ram Mr, Wm.

Gilpin, of 70, St Mary's Wepmout, dated Map 15, 1-61. Prfcor Holloway, tif At the age of 18 my wife (who i now 1) caught a voeni cold, who Aciikd her legs, end ever since tbst time they hive been mote or leas tors, and greatly mffimed. Her agonies were dieiractlog, aiul for momhs together she was deprived entuely of rest and siep. Every remo-lv that medical men advised was tried, hut without rffret her health suffered eevrrely, and the lute of her legs wa terrible. I had often read your advertisem*nts, end advised her to try your Fills end wm-ni; and, as a last resource, after every othrr remedy bad pmved eeei, she eon lenu-d to do so.

hhs commenced ij weeks a to. and strangs to relate, tt now in good h-elth. Ifr-r leu ate painless, aithoul team or tear, and her sleep sound and undisturbed. Could you have witnessed ihesudrrmge of my wife during the laet 41 jeers, end eontrai ihrm with her pren enjoyment of health, yoe would indeed feel del pi led in having been Ihe means of so graaily elieviaiing ihe auffer-ing of a fellow creature. WM.

GILPIN a rzaaog or 70 scabs or aob cored or a bad Lie or 3u TBAfts staud bo Copy of iMter from Mr. Wm Abbe. Builder qf Gas OomSy qf Hmkcltjfi, user HudderfieUlt dated Map 3 lit, 6t. Professor Hollowat. Him I suffered frir period of th riy years from lad leg.

the result of two or hree acciden'S at Ges Works; eerompantud by semhuue symptoms. I had rcrviurau to a variety of medcai advieo, wiihoetdunyins any benefit, end was evn Mtld that the tg must ie ampuiaiel, yt opposition to that option, your Pills and imtmnt have effet led complete cure tn so short lm, that few who had witnmd It would ercdit ihe fat. (M.fnu.1) WM. ABHd Th truth of ihis siaiumerit can be vr fied hy W. P.

England. Chemist. IT, Market st Hudlerfild, A WOBPBftrVL (CBS Of A f)AtOlS IBL1. Ot 7MU SaB. Cojry nf ft Ls ter from John Forfar, an Afrieultmrul, restdtng at SewboroughyOsar Hexham, datl May ft JkflO.

w(rnr HoilowaV, I was affiietf-d with welling on each side of the ley, rather abova the knc, tor narly two yars, wnirh tnereaevd toe real aize. had th edvica of three eminent Pur-geoos hern, an was an inmate of ihe Newoesiia Infirmary frr four weeks After vsroi irunfe of treuimertl had been Hied, I Was sehe'gd as ineer-bio. Having heard so much of your Pills and Ointment I determined to try them, and in lea than a month I was rumpleiety cored. What it mote re madtsble I was engaged twelve hour dv hay harvest, and although have follnwrdmy la txrrloue occupation tbronyhout the winter, I have had ho fs urn whatever of my eomcia nt. (Jkgned) JOHN FORFAR.

TliS pills should used Conjointly with the Ointment in moet of the following eaaaet Bed Legs Chkgo.fooi PfsIullS fbol Breasts hilhieins Goul Burns Chapped hands peurvv Bnniona Olauuular swsilings t'orn(i) Oufnljuvu Cancers Pi-e lifts of Moerhs aucei T'imri (of and sand- Coiiira- ted and I flies Joints prulri Cogo-liay ElephentaislS Miieumttm tkore Tiross JMirei Nipple fefn iees Hold by the propnemr, 94 Mirand (near Tempt Her) IflOndoil, and by eft r-sieribia Venders of pi. snt Medicine tlirooyhnul ihe British Empire end hf those Of lbs Urtpsd Hiatea, in PoU end Boars al 37) 7), lAfUaeH. sv vl, if tmkint ihi Inter VERT WORST POLKA, JUST RECEIVED. W.ll. KKFFEK would respectfully Inform the eitifane of Laneatier and vicinity, that he haa just received at hie Muse Biore, No.

d. Kramphs Ar cade, the following new end beautiful Muso Kosrbed Iolka, rrlnrea GipT Tp Top Vary last do, Flirtation do. Very Beat Ktseie end Reticle Irtd ana Very NV oral Ilowdnyoudo Hchoitracb, Lis VtUe Hniiente, Morning Mter Wells, Evening (sr F.vergrren La Favorite Gunge celebrated pttie Gallop, Hheppvrde Quickstep. HO.Ntfl I think of thee. Twinkle, Twinkle, little Pier, would were a bird, love, Cynthia Nelly Biy.Fe.

Also, jui received the moet splendid assortment of Instrument vr offered Tor sale in this city, among which may be found one Pauli Alum! Vi.ilm.vsl utd at -9 Out ontConevno Flute, veiurd at ft1): one Imiiettont remoofl Viulln.vaiusdatfW Banjos, Guitars, Aeeordeon, Cornets, Tronilrones, Tarnbormes, e. The very bst Bsuart mint end Guitar Ntrings. Pianve tuned and iitstrutnenia re-sir cd. h6tf PERSONS CLAIMING IN Al tereeton Loans to Lancastsr Cnumjr, art re-qus sled to eall at Iba Comtnusiiaera Offie at Leu easier, on MONDAY NI.X tvib Inst.f and rcesivs it. Ity order of tbs Cemmi.smner ntbtM-li 0.

LUI.KM AN, Clerk. T0DACC0 AND SEGAR3. JOHN KCHNS, WHOLESALE AND BETAI1 in TOUACCO, BNL'FF, boot to 18, JS'tUcMi Hiiae. H.t stork enmprires tht fragrant lUvenna aad Pr oc pe ferars, u.a Riiae. and the Amencea Half tpanih sod Common fegars.

Tiilstvu of nruai brands, aoch wOiqne, El IVh radu. ciioir-e Congres, caws Oroeoko, and supertof Tu rkiah Pki baern )ai-tf Tobacco and snuff store, the bub- enter respertiuliy inhoms fits friends end the ptibiie in general, that ha has rmmenced butt-iim st the od eaiahitahed and or final stand of fit fsbr, the lata Jacob Ih-mu'h, uac'd, Bt EArtp KING-ST, founb house aaa of Duka, wire be wifi continue to manoianure the lone ra eftrated DEMUTM CT F8, in e'l their pumt.sud which is tiw ihe only boos in ihe country whare the original ai.d genuine erue. IS briftc msnufsrlured. II. Ih.

VOLATII.F, AROM4T-1C NlFF, fhem cel prepereimn of ehotoe Hfb ad T'dwcer, end highly recommended for Cods, Bwdsrhet Weak E)s, Neuralgia end mher com-plain sol ih bead, Aiar, constantly on bend and for sale, fi nh, Half tanih and Ameficso Cigara, Cfiewiijt and Pmkig r-u. of the best qualities I feuff Boxes, Cigar raS, FljS. it Ifcrenl kiiula, of whlOtt wid he eolt on ihe m-St rcseonabla term. E. DKMLTII, deJ5 dm At he tad- JC3T0P NED-A NEW TOBACCO AND Til (JL t.l T.

opf te the iLe Uva Mime, amt ejhoin hg IlnweireneW Murid Vard 1 he under-ifoed lek this method of infotfning their friend and the pet.iie, that ihev heve opened a Tobacco ei.d pegvr mole Nonh Quae reel, where it ta their nuemiou keep awry erM clem (heir In of 'fade, of a superior ae Haven firgara. I'r-ncipea, Jenny Lmd'e aim aim AmericaA la ppamsh and Cmmoft Mrgare. )OBA Oof varmes brand, eh eeeatr Coogiasa. Otonokn El Ih-rado, (Lnqoe, end a gee rai supply at cheaper ree, which they sell Whoie-ai and crh. Of every descfiptiuU.

UME I HH )el9-1y N. Queaiuat op, MoMe VANsTflCHFlTZ. NO. 9, NORTH QUEEN Sl', l.ilw.i Cvtt Hra.lmlfc n4 ra 4 Plnmo-rai. Cut 4 hmmt Rmm.II 4 Prag, I 41 U.rf.1 Tnl lg iMf ht.B.1., tl Ih Mmi hlieil.

nl geoi. h. H.pp. Fi.irah jMf N.II,, Clra lraf Toh.i-hM.jV lofi.l, J2II TON rUNTINO A5D ADVERTI8INO. AD.

iho.i Il 41'1fl, ih.l 7k flog 4 Ihl.ii.lg mdram. li unify. J. Pi'hira. UMiiipUA era an tn ih ti.M wmi A ra-S pp4m vra flit, M.

XERF00T, WILL 0TEW 05 ,4 r. M.rch, .1 h.r Rnum. RJe In KUL Til fjCLKN-ET, thl from ih 'J hiMl.iim. of 8PRI (i HON NKIJ4 and Mi binary, whioh tba Ladies are in viid to lamina. inh963i 07Tb Pea, Bulvrr, la mightier Unto lha Sword, whan controlled by mind, aniitely rt.

ulwar ihtr.m grail traihj and only stand that truth whin wa add that IEDhtt's Ad AM.NTtna Cold Fen ra lha be.t Invant.d, Saint inndn by naw mnohmary, tod of lha vary lai gtiid, th.y p. fl.iitllity, tn.nt. and of point not bafora atimnad by any anufnoturar. Kvary pan bant,, panont landing In Ins country c.n ba culled by Juill or pn of lha flexibility nqmr.d, Onid Pan Manufactory la al iba aofnnr of TuitS A Cne.ncT tis, PmiLaDbIiMia. ovar Ilnur'.

Ttlafliapk OOlou. mhltl-ly grw4 snfimmt just re-tived. Aisr, pmlitv Whits td (lores, at 62) Cl. Noa h), 6), 7, 7, 7J, tnd 8 Gall el fel9-ifj FA II NT HToCKN Cheen fMnre JU STING i MACHINERY. IKON FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, HKA.NU street, betwea North Queen end prince stream.

1 he sulrerniier rnspertfully informs the public that he has lately purchased the above at (ertsive es'ebushmeni, where he iiiviw prufMireft to do Work of every drsrriptio in bis iin-, socn as HIKAM LNG1M-J4 AND BOIL! Hheftlng, Gmnng, Mill end few-mili wrfk, H'oirs, lland-lethaa, Cer-wbrels end Alio, end retiogso tvery description, done at ihe sh-mevt not'ce-If Mowiment ol Peitern is IH1 sorpe1 by any mher at in th fmm he en- aided to do work at Ihe short' si none redurw i prices, pro EH Of ery and fr sale, wholeand re'. I. HGA.v All.l. hf Yards, I emeter.e. et Wrought, made end pui with neetne dpaich.

The filacb-n Fbop will unde Sontfol and manegement of Feuea, sspermneed SI Zr I'bonfouVdky and machine shop pMuVTH tlnving removed our Iron Fund-fyant I Machine Bhnp from our old fiend et the Hail road, lo hat formerly trtcup.ed by John Baker, (Vscioneker, in Pl ()anve-t, Eeacester, we ten-dr our fraieful ecknowietigmenta Mi our friends end OKstomera, end the gunhs generally, (t the very liberal patronage hermifore gnjoyrd, end that no osi Lons shall be wanting na oar pert lo ri a con ho uanse of tha public support. Our naw locMn haa bean Ailed up recently for the boam, sif rding eon-fe'iiencaa imH prevunisiy poeesa4 for want of ffon and suiieni beiidmga. Besidrs, the rocomoiiva pasting on tha railroad were an inconvenience that wn ere en'iretv free from our new IstcaLo Tht vsricteaof Tbrvshmg filerlpaHi made end repaired herein'nre. Corn pheiicra, IVheat DriLs, Ploughs, Horae Hekea, Ac, made, and kept on hand to sole, 0r stork of I'aiiernsconnecicd with he Foundry frsl warren! inaying i fully equai, If hot sop-MM to any oiiisr ia'libmnt in the eminty, being the kmd now generally tMd, M-gatber with ikdiul Patten st sil times ready mi make Mi order, thus as tn fulfil ail Aiders fur Catting end Hi nt with spetfii, uf'iiighset pri pa.d fur old nasilnrs I WM. kibxpatnics.

PROFESSIONAL. Lyons kathairon, for the orowth, beauty and embellishment of the Hair, lo prevertl failing of and ternmg gray, awarded me ILghaat premiums bythe Piatt of New York Maryland sod fHgan, at their Annuel Faireof ft51 The KATHAlHON neutralizes the effect of die ease, ehmite end old age, In preserving end restoring the human hair, even after a badne of twenty years; eeanea the scalp from feurf and Dandruff will cure the Nervous If edarbe, Hreld Head, Erysipelas, )ieaee of thehkin, Ao is lha moet deal rableToikt Article tor Ladies or Geniiamena' use in the world, lie perfume erpuls l-nbins choicest Extraeta, end, free from all offensive rancid oil or coloring properties, it gives the hair that clean eofl, bright, lively appearance, secursd by no other preparation The use of the Kathairon is adopted by tb first physicians Europe end America, and has a nat-ronage and tale eunrenrdentsd the history of Mm materia metlica. Hut words ere supetfiuoua, a tmi only can attest ita real virtue, as mlii nns certify To be had throughout North and tooth America, Europe, snd the Islands of ihe Ocean. Mold In Esmtar by rAS. A.

MkiKITSH, EU.W4BIN A R'CHaBO, Im. Rawlivs, fetekbAV ErMe4rn E. Two Lvov, fi Y. yvftf DIE-8INRIN0, ENGRAVING, ADHESIVE Advertising Envelopes, te tl. CAL ERT A CO No, 4, fc.nith Third.

si, Philadelphia, envelope menufacioffra, die-smhera, end general engravers, eall etienden lo the superior style tn which their emhswd busin catde. end adhesive advertising envelope ere eaefiutcd, being struck from dies, cut with davioee appropriate Mi every f-reneb of business, in us forming at anee an esesadingfy atlrsciive end novel advert eminent. The fsmlito'aof this es'abILhmsul fw-fc that work can ba rzetut! fully 90 per sant elieapar than st sny other. (IT Envelopes for sale TIN AND COPPER WARE. TIN METALLIC BOOFINO, H-llUKI.

If perllaliy inlnrm. fueiui. and Ih. p.min in (n.iai, ih.l fi. kat trnnm.n.ed Hi Tin and 9hl Iron in nil H.

ai ih rdfi and w.ll known Jorniarljr k.pi I if ni.rnlh.r, Willi, liil f.w rlmir. of III. karm.r. II. nk, infi finally the new court hrru.n, Kit K.l wli-re can Ira found i 11 time.

i.r" of tin war, mail, of ilia b. mu'. In Ik. unral Wnrbmaniihi m.nn.r, and kt r.Juce-l pii.M, II. tin I h.

c.n Mil Che.i 8 Ihn Ckcpeal, and warrant lit. work. II In. lr os fi.ii'l krim Aral rat. trarr.l knfi luiMrarr.l Cop-par KeMlM.

Roof'" of Tin. Iron, Iron, kn. Rl'ilCTINO, mad. of ih. traai tin, sod pal up Ihe mi-ai fiur.M.

rri.noer, H.p.innk oar. fully In, 4n .1 lb. ihnrw.l ll'ilic. flAII urd.r. ih.nlrfully r.relv.d anfi promptly to.

A puuiifi p.irmr wrlietied. leld DANCING. PROF. SHANK'S LAST COTIt.LMN PARTY Of tbs seeaon, will take place In the large PaUwm at Felton Hail oa TUKhDAY Evening, March Wih, 163 Cards nf admiion can be hsd of Mr. Shank, at the hotel of Mrs.

Reed, in Writ Ring UT Wn. anrailsA Mtllfary and CetuiiioA ILnd, of Phitade phis, Will pos, lively ba tn attendance on the occasion. mb 19 ft "card, dr! i zuoleb.Iphtb iciaJi A.i AND ACCOUCHI I IlMid.or. Un. Hi., FrohytcrmnChurch. fl.ll-M MA I mTa llliri rThoViEO pT ring fhvkiciuan. om. Si'Ml.

l.anc.inr lmmfiii.lyop(ioii. IH.rMol.ncf th. Hon. I.m.i'u.) )un if WT. BTXEIZ ATTORNEY ATLAW Ai ecvob nn, Is All kind, of rtvaningpMili, Mortg.g.., Will. with and fiocrwicn will ioo to wrliwito oi F.n.brtic, (iifi th pnwMutton of Mill ary aofi otkw AlAtm Mimi lb Vwtoral lU fltat. 9vrMBOit. 50,000 prriont ll I ihol tuv Mlgil Rng.r A Tobacco Kmpnriumnf Ev.n. A 8( nett I No. fl.

North fluncn-At, tbi. m.mmmh r.acco bua w. opn.J. It he bn MtinuiM, If to L. by of 1 60 in tool Huy rh.ap i.

in. ft an srti.l. (aofi w. i.fl.f, w. il.fy oompalllinn H.m.mb.r th Noilh cl.

Wt.iufiy in J. Ev.xsJ Jno K.Httmti ce'Tnrle Tomi Cabin' ta lha fi of a Book, sitr.nilng conl)crM. sttcutma tlil.iim. Bui th.v.ff haaolilul.O'l bfa-bka whioh only wn si S. O.

FVincv'c n.w (tag uerraan O.II.ry, ov.f nk.rton If Rt.ym.k.r'. k.idw.i. in No.vfi Qsiaa.ltf. sr. pto.nx-iog momho.

among afimlr.ti IgnfiyMorw. My MtlU-f a than Mil and Mtlafjr yvuMIvM. IV )l Dir. linn, ih. (ulil.n..

of it in Pni or Hut, J.itto 0 in. At'n Mqrrigr tUraii'l bi-nt Nnrb Jtt.nt fnr FMi ieipblo T. W. 0. D.

Knlflht 4traoir fPBt Hionm CASH FRICK FA ID FOR RAO at 1HJI OriCIL Ml el the ioweel pries th Irtdt, mhPS.iy.

The Saturday Express from Lancaster, Pennsylvania (2024)


What is the local newspaper in Lancaster, PA? ›

LNP is a daily newspaper headquartered in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Who owns LNP? ›

LNP Media Group is owned by Steinman Communications, a corporation controlled by descendants of Andrew Jackson Steinman, who purchased the Intelligencer in 1866.

How do I contact the Lancaster newspaper? ›

Please fill out the form below and a customer service representative will contact you. If you would prefer to speak to someone, please call (717) 291-8611.

How do I find a specific newspaper? ›

Using the "All Resources" tab in the Library of Congress E-Resources Online Catalog, conduct a basic search and select "Title Begins With (omit initial article)" from the drop-down menu. Then, enter the newspaper title and "search." Depending on the number of related titles and entries, there may be multiple results.

How do I get in touch with my local newspaper? ›

Writing a letter to the letters page is one of the quickest and easiest ways to contact your local media. The letters page is one of the most read parts of a local newspaper. To enhance your chances of getting a letter printed it's helpful to read previous letters to get a sense of the style they like to publish.

How do I cancel the Lancaster newspaper? ›

You can request a vacation delivery stop or restart delivery by calling (717) 291-8611. We are available Monday - Friday: 5 a.m. - 5 p.m., Saturday: 5 a.m. - 3 p.m., Sunday: 5 a.m. - 1 p.m. Please allow 3-5 business days to pause or discontinue print delivery.

How do I place an obituary in Lancaster newspaper? ›

To place an obituary in The Lancaster News, use the "Publish Now" link below or contact our customer service team. They can assist with placing your obituary in The Lancaster News and other newspapers across the U.S. Call us at (888) 823-8554 or send us an email.

Who owns Steinman Communications? ›


In July 2023, Steinman Communications, which is owned by the Steinman family, gifted those newspapers and their marketing agency, which had become LNP Media Group, to WITF as a capstone to the family's two centuries of community service and philanthropy.

Does Warren PA have a newspaper? ›

Times-Observer, Warren PA.

Which of these major newspapers is based in the city of Philadelphia? ›

The Philadelphia Inquirer, often referred to simply as The Inquirer, is a daily newspaper headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

What is the name of the Pittsburgh newspaper? ›

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, also known simply as the PG, is the largest newspaper serving metropolitan Pittsburgh in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania.

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.