Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river - [PDF Document] (2024)

Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river - [PDF Document] (1)

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Gauld, N.R. and Campbell, R.N.B. and Lucas, M.C. (2013) 'Reduced �ow impacts salmonid smolt emigrationin a river with low-head weirs.', Science of the total environment., 458-460 . pp. 435-443.

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Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river - [PDF Document] (2)

Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river 1

with low-head weirs 2


Final version accepted for publication in Science of the Total Environment 4


N. R. Gaulda,b, R. N. B. Campbellb, M. C. Lucasa 6


a School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Durham University, South Road, Durham, UK, DH1 8 3LE 9

b The Tweed Foundation, Drygrange Steading, Melrose, UK, TD6 9DJ 10

Corresponding author: N. R. Gauld, School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Durham University, 11 South Road, Durham, UK, DH1 3LE 12

Email address: [emailprotected] 13


Abstract 15

The impacts of large dams on the hydrology and ecology of river systems are well 16 understood, yet the impacts of low-head structures are poorly known. While impacts of small weirs 17 on upstream-migrating fish have long been mitigated by fish ladders, it is assumed that downstream 18 migration of surface-oriented fishes is unaffected under natural flow regimes. To test this, the 19 effects of low-head weirs and the influence of river flow on the migration of brown trout (Salmo 20 trutta) smolts in the River Tweed, UK, was examined. Movements of acoustic tagged smolts were 21 quantified in 2010 and 2011 using automatic listening stations and manual tracking throughout the 22 migration route. In both years smolts exhibited major losses, most likely due to predators, with 23 escapement rates of 19% in 2010 and 45% in 2011. Loss rates were greater in 2010 when flows were 24 frequently below Q95 (20% of study period), compared to 2011 when more typical flows 25 predominated (0% of study period below Q95). Smolts experienced significantly longer delay at 26 weirs during 2010 than 2011, associated with the different hydrographs during emigration as well as 27 weir design. Flow comparisons within the study periods and historical records shows that low flows 28 experienced in 2010 were not unusual. The swimming behaviour of smolts in relation to flow 29 conditions differed between years, with smolts in 2010 increasing their rate of movement in relation 30 to increasing flow at a faster rate than smolts in 2011. This is the first study to demonstrate river 31 flow impacts on the migration success of wild salmonid smolts at small weirs. Because small weirs 32 are common in rivers and because spring-summer low flow periods may become more frequent with 33 climate change (based on UKCIP09 models) and altered river hydrology, further research and 34 improved management is needed to reduce the impacts of low river flows in combination with low-35 head weirs on salmonid smolt migration. 36

Keywords: Salmo trutta, smolt migration, habitat fragmentation, river obstructions, low flow 37

Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river - [PDF Document] (3)

1. Introduction 38

In many developed countries there is a long history of river modification and, as a result, in-river 39

structures such as dams and weirs are present in half of the world’s rivers (Dynesius and Nilsson, 40

1994; Nilsson et al., 2005). Such modification has been integral to human population growth through 41

processes such as flood defence; power generation and farming in floodplains (Nilsson et al., 2005; 42

Poff and Hart, 2002). However, in-river barriers such as dams and weirs have a major role in the 43

fragmentation of fluvial ecosystems (Dynesius and Nilsson, 1994; Fullerton et al., 2010; Jungwirth, 44

1998; Kemp and O'Hanley, 2010). In-river barriers can have major impacts on fish populations by 45

preventing or restricting movement to habitats required for essential stages of fish life history 46

(Branco et al., 2012; Lucas and Baras, 2001; Lucas and Batley, 1996; Lucas et al., 2009; Wollebaek et 47

al., 2011). In-river barriers not only impact fish populations by restricting essential movement, there 48

is also major impacts on fish habitat due to alteration of the downstream flux of water and 49

sediment, nutrient movement, and water temperatures within rivers (Poff and Hart, 2002). The 50

effects of migration obstacles depend on factors such as fish species; river hydrology and barrier 51

type, with effects varying from short delays to complete blockage (Kemp and O'Hanley, 2010; 52

Northcote, 1998). In Europe, legislation such as the Water Framework Directive (WFD; 2000/60/EC) 53

requires free passage for migratory fish travelling between areas of river essential for their life 54

history, such as juvenile emigration from natal areas and adult spawning migrations. Failure to 55

comply can result in the river being assigned less than “Good ecological status” and may result in 56

sanctions. 57

The seaward migration of juvenile anadromous salmonids (smolts) is a crucial event in their 58

life history. Smoltification is a period of great morphological, behavioural and physiological change 59

when juvenile salmonids develop various adaptations that enable them to survive at sea (Debowski 60

et al., 1999a; Debowski et al., 1999b; Denton and Saunders, 1972; Lysfjord and Staurnes, 1998; 61

McCormick et al., 1998). The smolt migratory period is precisely timed with photoperiod, river 62

discharge and temperature playing determinate roles in its commencement (Björnsson et al., 1995; 63

Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river - [PDF Document] (4)

Björnsson et al., 2010; McCormick, 1994; McCormick et al., 2000; McCormick et al., 2007; 64

McCormick et al., 2002). Throughout migration smolts are subject to elevated predation risk from 65

mammalian; avian and fish predators (Aarestrup et al., 1999; Aarestrup and Koed, 2003; Carss et al., 66

1990; Dieperink et al., 2002; Dieperink et al., 2001; Harris et al., 2008; Heggenes and Borgstrom, 67

1988; Koed et al., 2002; Steinmetz et al., 2003; Svenning et al., 2005a; Svenning et al., 2005b; Wiese 68

et al., 2008). Delays at river obstructions during such a timing-specific and vulnerable life history 69

stage can potentially have large impacts on the survival of smolts and the health of salmonid stocks 70

as a whole. 71

The impacts of large dams on the hydrology and ecology of temperate river systems, 72

including downstream fish passage, especially of economically important salmonids, are relatively 73

well known. In general downstream salmonid passage efficiency over dams is high (74.6%) based on 74

recent quantitative assessment (Noonan et al., 2012). However, high smolt mortalities due to both 75

physical damage and predation have been observed at major impoundments and hydro-power 76

facilities (Aarestrup et al., 1999; Hockersmith et al., 2003; Keefer et al., 2012; Muir et al., 2001a; 77

Muir et al., 2001b; Raymond, 1979; Raymond, 1988; Smith et al., 2006; Smith et al., 2002; Williams 78

et al., 2001). Low flows due to regulation in river reaches also cause delays in smolt emigration and 79

result in increased duration of exposure to mortality risks (Aarestrup and Koed, 2003; Keefer et al., 80

2012). However, the impacts of low-head structures, such as simple overflow weirs are poorly 81

known for downstream migrants (Lucas and Baras, 2001) with the exception of bottom-orientated 82

freshwater eels (Acou et al., 2008). While impacts of small weirs on upstream-migrating fish (Lucas 83

and Frear, 1997; Ovidio and Philippart, 2002) have been partially mitigated by fish ladders designed 84

specifically to assist upstream passage (Clay, 1995), average passage efficiencies are relatively low 85

(41.7%) (Noonan et al., 2012) and presence of passage fascilities is not always guaranteed to 86

mitigate passage concerns (Roscoe and Hitch, 2010). However, it is generally assumed that 87

downstream migration of wild surface-oriented fishes such as salmonid smolts is relatively 88

unaffected and that they will pass simple overflowing weirs unhindered under reasonably natural 89

Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river - [PDF Document] (5)

flow regimes (Lucas and Baras, 2001). Some studies on passage of hatchery-reared smolts past small 90

weirs, in particular that of Aarestrup and Koed (2003), strongly contradict this. To test this 91

assumption for wild fish, the effects of low-head weirs and the influence of natural variations in river 92

flow on the migration behaviour and survival of anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta) smolts were 93

examined in the River Tweed, UK, a catchment with very strong wild migratory salmonid stocks. 94

2. Study areas 95

The study was carried out on the River Tweed in southern Scotland, which drains west to east and 96

empties to the North Sea. The Tweed is the sixth largest river in mainland Britain and the second 97

largest in Scotland and has some of the largest Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and anadromous brown 98

trout populations in the UK (Gardiner, 1989; Sheail, 1998). The Tweed catchment covers 5000 km2 99

with an estimated 2160 kilometres of the main channel and tributaries accessible to fish (Gardiner, 100

1989). The water quality of the river is very high, with there being very little pollution present 101

(Currie, 1997). The River Tweed is a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) within the UK 102

and is an EU Special Area of Conservation (SAC) for Atlantic salmon and lampreys. Compared to 103

many rivers, there are relatively few anthropogenic impacts and the hydrology, although modified, 104

retains high natural variability in discharge. Several low-head engineered structures occur within the 105

River Tweed’s main channel, downstream of one of the key spawning tributaries, the Ettrick Water, 106

as well as in the Ettrick itself (Figure 1). The Ettrick is a regulated river and its main tributary the 107

Yarrow Water is also regulated at its outflow from St Marys Loch, 23 km upstream of its confluence 108

with the Ettrick. The average annual flow on the Yarrow is 5.58 m3 s-1, while on the Ettrick it is 15.1 109

m3 s-1 and their combined catchment areas come to 501 km2. The course of the river under 110

investigation is characterised by multiple low-head structures which are remnants of light industry, 111

most of which are now redundant (Figure 1, Table 1) 112

-Figure 1 here- 113

Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river - [PDF Document] (6)

-Table * here- 114

3. Methods 115

3.1. Smolt capture and tagging 116

Trout smolts were captured in a trap on the Yarrow between the 1st of April and the 1st of June in 117

2010 and 2011. The smolt trap consisted of a meshed box trap placed in the outwash of the smolt 118

and debris screen of a fish farm. 119

The smolts were removed from the trap and immediately placed in a holding tub filled with 120

highly aerated river water. The fish were placed in an induction tank and anaesthetised using 121

Phenoxyethanol (0.3 ml l-1), their fork length (mm) and weight (g) were recorded before those 122

sufficiently large for tagging (over 145 mm in fork length) were placed on a V-shaped surgical table. 123

An incision (12-14 mm) was made on the ventral side of the fish anterior to the pelvic girdle. A 124

miniature coded acoustic transmitter (either Model V7-2x, 7 mm diameter, 18 mm length, 1.4 g 125

weight in air, Vemco Ltd, Nova Scotia, Canada or Model LP-7.3, 7.3 mm diameter, 18 mm length, 1.9 126

g weight in air, Thelma Biotel AS, Trondheim, Norway) was then implanted in to the peritoneal cavity 127

through the incision. Tags were chosen to have code repeat periods of 20-60 seconds and estimated 128

lives of 100 days. The incision was closed with three independent sutures (4-0 Vicryl Rapide, Ethicon 129

Ltd, Livingston, UK). The gills were aspirated with a mixture of dilute Phenoxyethanol and river water 130

during the early stages of the procedure before switching to 100% river water during the later stages 131

of the procedure. All tagging was carried out under UK Home Office License and complied with the 132

UK Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986. 133

Once the procedure was complete the fish were returned to a recovery tub filled with highly 134

aerated water. When recovered the fish were placed in a keep box in the intake channel overnight 135

before release into the river; no mortalities occurred during these procedures. Details of the fish 136

released in the two seasons are given in Table 2. There was no significant difference between the 137

Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river - [PDF Document] (7)

lengths of smolts tagged in 2010 and 2011 (Mann-Whitney U; n=103, Z=-0.445,p>0.05). Release was 138

always in groups that included untagged fish (since smolts migrate in aggregations), within 24 hours 139

of tagging, in to a section of the river 100 m below the point of capture. Due to high losses of tagged 140

smolts within the upper study section in 2010, tagged smolts were released at two additional release 141

sites, one 2 km below the point of capture and another 200 m downstream of the the Murray Cauld 142

as a way to test the impact of the weir on migration in 2011 (Table 2, Figure 1). The Murray Cauld is 143

the only intact in-river structure on the migration route and so has only a fish pass as an alternative 144

to passage over its crest. The lengths of smolts in the three release groups in 2011 were not 145

significantly different (Kruskall-Wallis; n=60, χ2= 1.0892, df = 2, p>0.05). 146

-Table 2 here- 147

3.2. Acoustic tracking 148

Acoustic tracking was carried out via a combination of fixed automatic listening stations (ALS) and 149

manual tracking at 69 KHz. Fixed ALS positions (Models VR2 & VR2W, Vemco Ltd, Nova Scotia, 150

Canada) were set approximately 11 km apart along the migration route. Sites were chosen to detect 151

fish as they approached cross-river weirs or other features of interest, with acoustic loggers located 152

in calm water to give reliable recording of tags, based upon field tests. Positioning of loggers at some 153

sites was limited by the availability of calm, deep water as well as site access. Logging stations at 154

weirs were located 50-100 m upstream of obstructions. In the estuary multiple stations were placed 155

in both the inner and outer estuary to give effective coverage. ALS stations were downloaded on a 156

weekly basis during the study period, these data allowed for the locations of each fish to be 157

estimated and help determine areas to target for manual tracking. 158

Manual tracking was carried out on foot using a Vemco VR100 (Vemco Ltd, Nova Scotia, Canada) 159

with a VH110 Directional Hydrophone attached (Vemco Ltd, Nova Scotia, Canada). Range testing was 160

conducted by placing a test tag in a known position and then measuring the distance at which the 161

test tag became undetectable on manual tracking equipment, this was repeated in several different 162

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river sections with varying hydromorphological conditions. In field tracking conditions, with the 163

hydrophone kept fully submerged, the range varied between 100 m in deep pools to less than 10 m 164

in fast flowing riffles. Fish locations were recorded by the VR100 inbuilt GPS unit and later stored in a 165

GIS database. 166

In 2010, 10 tags were deployed in mesh bags in the river to estimate tag failure rate. As a further 167

control, 10 tags were deployed loose on the river bed to determine whether, and under what 168

circ*mstances, tags lost by fish, or following predation and subsequent tag egestion, were moved 169

passively by flows and what their detectability was. 170

3.3. Environmental data 171

River flow is recorded along the smolt migration route at the Philiphaugh gauging station of the 172

Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) on the lower Yarrow and also at their Lindean 173

(Ettrick), Boleside and Sprouston (Both Tweed) and at the Norham gauging station of the 174

Environment Agency of England and Wales (EA)(Figure 1). Historic flow records for these stations 175

were obtained from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) National River Flow Archive (NRFA). 176


4. Results 178

4.1. Inter-annual variations in survival out to sea and passage efficiencies at weirs 179

Through the combined use of stationary ALS receivers and manual tracking, survival estimates were 180

calculated for the 43 tagged smolts released in 2010 and the 60 released in 2011. The approximate 181

distance travelled by each smolt was measured from its last known location. Tags that were either 182

missing after repeated manual tracking trips or repeatedly found at the same site, without any 183

movement on successive manual tracking trips were assumed to be smolt mortalities. In total, seven 184

tags in 2010 and three tags in 2011 were assumed to be dead after repeatedly being found in the 185

same location in the river. Conversely, 28 tags in 2010 and 30 tags in 2011 were assumed to have 186

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been removed from the system by terrestrial predators after a cessation in logged movements and 187

not being detected after several manual tracking trips. All of the tags deployed in the river as 188

controls in retrievable mesh bags operated for their expected durations and 90% of the tags 189

deployed loose on the river bed could be detected over their study period, none moving more than 190

1 m. 191

In 2010 only 19% of the 43 released smolts were detected leaving the river on the outer 192

estuary logger whereas 45% of the 60 released smolts reached there in 2011. One notable difference 193

between years was the variation in mortality around the Murray Cauld; in 2010 a 44% decline in 194

survival was observed there compared to a 9% decline in 2011 (Figure 2). There was a slight variation 195

in survival out to sea for release sites A and B (above the Murray Cauld) and C (below it) in 2011, 196

which had relatively normal flow, with 40%; 55% and 40% survival being observed respectively 197

(Figure 2). In 2010 there was a significant difference in smolt length between successful migrants 198

and unsuccessful migrants, with successful smolts being larger (Mann-Whitney U; n=43, Z=-2.07, 199

p=0.044). This trend may be a result of the low number of successful smolts compared to the much 200

larger number of unsuccessful smolts. However, In 2011 there was no difference in length between 201

successful and unsuccessful migrants (Mann-Whitney U; n=60, Z =-0.647, p>0.05). 202

For both years a significant negative relationship between distance travelled from release 203

site and cohort survival was recorded (2010: linear regression; n=43, R2= 0.495, F= 12.064, p= 0.005; 204

Figure 2, 2011: linear regression; n=60, R2=0.84, F=84.731, p<0.001; Figure 2). For all three release 205

sites in 2011 there were significant negative relationships between the distance travelled from 206

release sites and cohort survival (release site A: linear regression; n=20, R2=0.52, F=15.263, p=0.002; 207

Figure 2, release site B: linear regression; n=20, R2=0.72, F=37.305, p<0.001; Figure 2, release site C: 208

linear regression; n=20, R2=0.73, F=25.536, p=0.001; Figure 2). Subsequently, two of the smolts 209

tagged in 2011 were detected 20 km up the estuary of the River Tees on an acoustic array associated 210

with a separate study. The Tees estuary is approximately 144 km south of the Tweed estuary, along 211

Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river - [PDF Document] (10)

the North Sea coast, and the tags were detected for periods of 4.3 and 60.4 hours, after respective 212

periods of 20 and 10 days following escapement from the Tweed estuary. These detections fit in 213

with prior Carlin tag data from the Tweed that shows smolts moving down the UK coastline close to 214

shore and in neighbouring estuaries (Campbell, unpublished data). 215

The passage efficiencies at three different weirs differed between years, at Murray Cauld 216

passage efficiency differed markedly between years with 46% and 100% passage efficiency being 217

observed in 2010 and 2011 respectively. Differences in passage efficiency between 2010 and 2011 218

were also observed on the other two weirs studied but were not as pronounced (Table 3). What is 219

important to note is that weir design differs between all three weirs and Murray Cauld is the only 220

fully intact weir. 221

-Figure 2 here- 222

4.2. The delay of smolts during seaward migration in 2010 and 2011 and its impact on 223

smolt movement rate 224

When comparing the mean ground speeds of migrating smolts in 2010 and 2011, using the first 225

detection of each smolt on each ALS position along the migration route and factoring in each river 226

section in to the analysis, a significant difference was observed (ANOVA; n=205, F=5.673, p<0.001; 227

Figure 3) with smolts in 2011 moving significantly faster along the migration route. Ground speed 228

data for 2011 in the river sections between release site B and logging station 1 as well as release site 229

C and logging station 2 were not included in the analysis due to the stated release sites not being 230

used in 2010. 231

Records of the migration delays experienced by smolts at localities in both 2010 and 2011 232

were retrieved from stationary ALS receivers. Delay was quantified by the duration of time between 233

the first recording and the last recording on an ALS for each tagged smolt. Data from station 5 were 234

not included, since this logger was inefficient due to noise resulting from its suboptimal location. In 235

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general, smolts experienced more delay in 2010 than 2011. Smolts were more significantly delayed 236

in 2010 compared to 2011 on all freshwater ALS stations; station 1 (Mann-Whitney U; n=54, Z=-5.0, 237

p<0.001; Table 3), station 2 (Mann-Whitney U; n=47, Z=-2.33, p=0.02; Table 3), station 3 (Mann-238

Whitney U ; n=32, Z=-2.712, p=0.011; Table 3), station 4 (Mann-Whitney U; n=19, Z=-2.966, p=0.002; 239

Table 3), station 6 (Mann-Whitney U; n=23, Z=-3.244, p=0.001; Table 3) and station 7 (Mann-240

Whitney U; n=34, Z=-2.315, p=0.02; Table 3). However, there was no significant difference in delay in 241

the Tweed estuary between 2010 and 2011 (Mann-Whitney U; n=33, Z=-0.336, p>0.05; Table 3), 242

suggesting that either the factors influencing delay within the river were not present or were of less 243

importance within the estuary or that a different set of factors govern estuarine movements. 244

-Table 3 here- 245

-Figure 3 here- 246

4.3. Variation in flow conditions between 2010 and 2011 and its influence on smolt ground 247

speed 248

Using mean daily flow data retrieved from SEPA and the EA and flow duration curves from the CEH 249

NRFA, the flow conditions along the migration route during the typical smolt migration period (1 250

April to 30 June) in 2010 and 2011 were analysed. The Lindean SEPA gauging station was used as a 251

proxy for the flow at the Murray Cauld as it is approximately 6 km downstream from the weir and 252

there are no large tributaries joining the Ettrick in this section of river. The two years’ flows at 253

Lindean, during the key migration period, differed markedly, with mean daily flows declining below 254

the Q95 flow for 18 days in 2010 and not at all in 2011. There were several high flow events in 2011 255

whereas the only flow increases in 2010 were the results of artificial weekly freshets from St Mary’s 256

Loch on the Yarrow system (Figure 4). 257

-Figure 4 here- 258

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Using historical flow records from the CEH NRFA for Lindean extending back to 1962 the 259

prevalence of daily flows under Q95 was calculated for each year in the 49 year period. Days where 260

flow was low there during the migration period were not uncommon (Figure 5). Short periods of 261

flow restriction occurred frequently and periods where at least 15 days out of the 90 day period 262

were below Q95 daily flows occurred at least once a decade (Figure 5). There have therefore been 263

periods of flow restriction similar to that experienced in 2010 previously and they are likely to 264

reoccur. 265

-Figure 5 here- 266

The influence of flow conditions on smolt migration speed was calculated from the net 267

ground speed of individual smolts between two successive ALS positions using the first record of 268

each smolt at each ALS as it moved downstream and then matching the speed to the mean flow 269

conditions during the period of transit using 15-minute gauged flows from the nearest SEPA flow 270

gauging stations to the fixed ALS positions. This was carried out for all sequential pairs of ALSs. For 271

both years a positive relationship between elevated flow (m3s-1) and increased net ground speed (km 272

h-1) was observed; 2010 (Regression; n=88, R=0.719, p<0.001; Figure 6), 2011 (Regression; n=218, 273

R=0.579, p<0.001; Figure 6). However, when the relationships between net groundspeed and mean 274

flow were compared between years using an ANCOVA there was a highly significant difference in 275

slope (n=306, F=147.73, p<0.001). These results suggest that smolts released in 2010 undertook 276

increasingly more active swimming within the flows in which they exhibited downstream migration 277

than the smolts released in 2011. 278

-Figure 6 here- 279




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5. Discussion 283

This study shows, for the first time, that surface-orientated wild fishes, migrating 284

downstream, can be markedly impeded by small overflowing weirs, and that the effects of this are 285

dramatically increased during low-flow conditions. These delays are associated with losses of 286

migrating fishes, again substantially elevated during low-flow conditions. While these effects are 287

known for salmonids at large impoundments, especially hydroelectric dams, with or without surface 288

bypasses (Hockersmith et al., 2003; Muir et al., 2001a; Muir et al., 2001b; Raymond, 1979; Raymond, 289

1988; Smith et al., 2006; Williams et al., 2001), and also for benthically orientated eels (Acou et al., 290

2008; Boubée and Williams, 2006; Gosset et al., 2005), they have not been recorded for wild juvenile 291

salmonids in relatively natural river systems. However, manipulative studies with smolts have shown 292

that modified surface bypasses reduce the delay in passing weirs compared to conventional 293

bypasses (Haro et al., 1998). These results strongly suggest that small obstructions can have much 294

larger than expected impacts on seaward escapement of anadromous brown trout smolts and given 295

the observation that low flows dramatically exacerbate these problems, any climate scenario (such 296

as UKCIP02 and UKCP09) that results in increased frequency of low river flows during spring and 297

early summer is a very real concern (Arnell, 2004; Christierson et al., 2012; Marsh, 2004; Wilby and 298

Harris, 2006). However, it is possible that climate change may bring an increase in water availability 299

for the UK in some scenarios (IPCC SRES A2 and B2) (Xenopoulos et al., 2005). 300

The results from the automated acoustic tracking of the smolts migrating to the sea in 2010 301

and 2011 clearly showed a disparity in the degree to which they were delayed in different river 302

sections between the two seasons. These also showed that obstructions in river sections, such as 303

weirs, also exacerbate delays during periods of reduced river flow. In general very little work has 304

been conducted to link overflowing barriers to the passage and behaviour of freshwater fish during 305

downstream movement. In Australian studies Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii) and golden perch 306

(Macquaria ambigua) displaced above weirs displayed a reluctance to move past low-head weirs 307

when attempting to home downstream (O'Connor et al., 2006). Negative impacts of weirs were also 308

Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river - [PDF Document] (14)

observed in hatchery reared Atlantic salmon and anadromous brown trout smolts released in small 309

Danish rivers where they suffered from increased delay and mortality in proximity to small fish farm 310

weirs (Aarestrup and Koed, 2003). Low flows spread across the breadth of obstructions such as 311

overflowing weirs spanning whole channels, give depths over their crests that are very shallow, 312

which may reduce the behavioural stimuli (one or more combinations of velocity, depth, velocity 313

gradient, turbulence) needed to get fish to continue past the barrier. Haro et al., (1998) found 314

American shad (Alosa sapidissima) to be unwilling to approach the small surface water bypasses that 315

would allow them to move downstream at large barriers, while Enders et al. (2009) demonstrated a 316

similar unwillingness for salmonid smolts under experimental conditions, showing that hydraulic 317

changes at surface bypasses do not necessarily promote effective downstream passage of surface-318

orientated fishes. 319

In the current study it was inferred that acoustic tag loss was very likely due to removal of 320

tagged fish from the river by terrestrial predators because; 1) transmitters were lost well within the 321

quoted lifetime of the tags; 2) control transmitters deployed in the river showed zero failure rate 322

within the quoted life; 3) loose control tags on the river bed could be reliably detected by tracking 323

gear and moved little and, 4) predation by aquatic predators (in this study area, large brown trout), 324

would have resulted in acoustic tags being retained in the aquatic environment and detectable. The 325

most common avian predators on the Tweed are goosander (Mergus merganser) and grey heron 326

(Ardea cinerea), the former occurs in large numbers during the smolt migration season when they 327

can form large feeding aggregations. Their diet on the Tweed has been investigated by Marquiss, et 328

al (1998), who estimated their consumption of smolt-sized salmonids could be up to 4.79 per 329

goosander per day in March and April and up to 1.8 per day in May. The survival of smolts during 330

migration was radically different between the two seasons studied, that of 2010 (19%) being below 331

half that of 2011 (45%). These levels can be compared with those of conventionally tagged 332

anadromous brown trout smolts in Norway which were estimated to have a survival rate of 24% for 333

their first seaward migration (Berg and Berg, 1987) and with the survival of chinook salmon 334

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(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) smolts migrating down the Snake and Columbia rivers where survival to 335

the sea was estimated to be around 27.5% (Welch et al., 2008). However, the Columbia River system 336

is of much greater size and has much larger impoundments than the Tweed catchment. 337

The mortality of Atlantic salmon smolts during in-river migration has been estimated for 338

several different rivers in previous studies. Overall mortality, calculated on a kilometre by kilometre 339

basis ranged from 0.3 to 5% per kilometre (Davidsen et al., 2009; Dieperink et al., 2002; Koed et al., 340

2002; Martin et al., 2009; Moore et al., 1998; Thorstad et al., 2012a; Thorstad et al., 2012b). In 341

comparison anadromous brown trout smolts tracked in the Tweed in 2010 and 2011 suffered 0.88% 342

and 0.55% mortality per km respectively, well within the range of mortality observed for salmon. It is 343

important to note that these studies only included the lower reaches and estuary of their rivers 344

where predation is expected to be more intense while the present study examined migration over 345

100.29 km of river and estuary. 346

Mortality at individual weirs during migration varied within and between years, with 347

mortality ranging between 2-44% per cohort of fish arriving at each weir with an ALS near it (the 348

Murray Cauld, Melrose Cauld and Mertoun Cauld) in 2010 and 5-9% in 2011. In comparison, stocked 349

brown trout smolt mortality at various fish farm weirs in Denmark varied between 15-64%, although 350

it is important to note that piscivorous predators such pike (Esox lucius) and zander (Sander 351

lucioperca) are present in Danish rivers (Aarestrup and Koed, 2003) but are absent in the studied 352

section of the River Tweed. Passage efficiencies at these weirs also varied between 46-90% in 2010 353

and 92-100% in 2011. Murrays Cauld was particularly inefficient in 2010 with downstream passage 354

efficiency being only 46%, well below the average downstream passage efficiency of 68.5% seen in 355

Noonan et al., (2012). This low efficiency during low flow periods is most probably the consequence 356

of Murray Cauld being the only fully intact weir along the migration route, with other weirs either 357

being in a ruinous state or cut. 358

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The flow conditions in the period of study were markedly different between years. The April 359

to June water levels of 2010 were characterised by low flows that dipped below Q95 for a total of 18 360

days whilst the 2011 flows for the same period exceeded Q10 flows for two consecutive days during 361

the largest spate and had other elevated periods. From a historical perspective, low flows similar to 362

those that were prevalent in 2010 for the study period have been recorded regularly on the Ettrick 363

between 1962 and 2011. The use of Q95 flows as an estimation of low flows is now widely practised 364

in Europe (Gustard et al., 1992; Laaha and Blöschl, 2007; Smakhtin, 2001). Studies into the migration 365

of chinook salmon on rivers with large barriers have shown a positive relationship between 366

increased river flow and increased smolt survival during migration (Connor et al., 2003; Smith et al., 367

2003).While the Tweed is a much smaller river, with small barriers, the same pattern is apparent – 368

higher smolt mortality in seasons with low flows and vice-versa. 369

Smolt swimming speed increased in relation to flow in both years of the study. However, 370

smolts in 2010 showed a steeper relationship of ground speed to river discharge than smolts in 371

2011. This may be a consequence of the overall lower flow conditions in the river in 2010 compared 372

to 2011 possibly meaning that smolts moving downstream in 2010 did so more actively than smolts 373

released in 2011. Conversely, smolts in 2011 displayed more active swimming behaviour at lower 374

flow levels than smolts in 2010, this is possibly due to smolts in 2011 not suffering the same flow 375

restriction as smolts in 2010 and therefore movement may not be as impeded by in river structures. 376

Similarly, previous research into anadromous brown trout and Atlantic salmon smolt migration has 377

also found a correlation between river discharge and smolt net ground speeds (Aarestrup et al., 378

2002; Martin et al., 2009). Smolt ground speeds were low in sections from release to detections 379

upstream of Philiphaugh weir in both 2010 and 2011, but these low speeds include periods during 380

which smolts may have been preparing to emigrate and exhibited holding behaviour. 381

The conclusion of this study is that passage of downstream-migrating salmonid smolts is not 382

only impacted by the large dams with which river managers are familiar, but probably also by much 383

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smaller low head weirs that Lucas et al. (2009) report as being much more abundant and which 384

impound water and create zones of reduced flow rate. Current passage provision for downstream-385

migrating salmonid smolts is probably inadequate at many weirs and periodic low flows during the 386

smolt migratory period should be a management concern, especially for areas where salmonid 387

stocks are a highly prized economic asset. Most fish passage facilities, such as technical fish ladders, 388

are designed for upstream migrants, and while downstream fish bypasses exist, they have been little 389

used on low-head overflowing weirs and have rarely been evaluated for their efficiency (Haro et al., 390

1998; Scruton et al., 2002, 2007). In the face of climate change and un- certain variability in river 391

flows,where low-head structures are no lon- ger needed, removal should be strongly considered 392

along with the construction of bypasses for reducing emigration delays and mortality in salmonid 393

smolts (Arnell, 2004; Christierson et al., 2012; Garcia de Leaniz, 2008; Kemp and O'Hanley, 2010; 394

Marsh, 2004; Wilby and Harris, 2006; Xenopoulos et al., 2005). To ultimately test the impact of 395

weirs, future studies should consider a tenable before–after control impact (BACI) design, using 396

multiple years worth of smolt migration data for each treatment. Further to this, more detailed 397

information on smolts lost while migrating downstream would also be very useful for management 398

purposes, unless definite causes can be assigned for losses it is difficult to take measures against 399

them. 400

Acknowledgments 401

This work was supported by the Living North Sea project and the Interreg IVB North Sea 402

Region Programme. The authors would like to thank the landowners, river boatmen and angling 403

clubs involved in the work for allowing us to place logging equipment in their waters as well as their 404

help and advice. The authors would also like to thank River Tweed Commission Bailiffs Alan 405

Davidson, Eric Hastings and Kenny Graham for help retrieving logging equipment from the estuary. 406

The authors would also like to further thank Nick Yonge, Fay Hieatt, James Hunt and Kenny Galt at 407

the Tweed foundation for their help and support during the period of work. 408

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References 409


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Tables 611

Table 1: Descriptions of in river structures along the studied smolt migratory route. * 612

Structure crosses river at an angle to the flow. 613

Name of structure

Structure status

Year structure built

Structure width (m)

Structure head-loss (m)

Fish pass present

Location (latitude, longitude ,°)

Murray Cauld Intact 1847 65 3 Pool and spill 55.537667, -2.874796

Melrose Cauld Ruinous Not known 102 1 None

55.602007, -2.726349

Mertoun Cauld Cut

Rebuilt in 1990s 98 3 Pool and spill


Rutherford Cauld Ruinous

Not known 153 1 None

55.57769, -2.550825

Kelso Cauld Cut Middle ages 300* 2

Multiple pool and spill


Hendersyde Cauld Cut

Not known 230 2 Pool and spill

55.624852, -2.382158

The Lees Cauld Cut

Not known 100 ca. 1 None

55.642852, -2.250394

Coldstream bridge apron Cut 1784 96 ca. 1 None

55.654607, -2.241373

Milne Graden Cauld Ruined

Not known 98 ca. 1 None

55.691506, -2.195022











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Table 2: Summary data for smolts tagged in 2010 and 2011. The release sites are shown on 624

Figure 1. * Tag to body weight ratio is calculated from masses in air. 625

Release site Tagging date

Number tagged

Fork length [mean SD (range), mm]

Weight [mean SD (range), g]

Tag/body weight ratio [mean (range), %]*

Release site A 29/04/2010 14 163.2 16.5 (145-190) 45.6 15.2 (30-77) 4.5 (2.5 – 6.3)

Release site A 07/05/2010 20 161.5 15.5 (140-202) 41.4 13.4 (23-82) 5.0 (2.3 -8.3)

Release site A 13/05/2010 9 175.8 18.3 (156-200) 54.6 18.6 (29-81) 3.9 (2.3 – 6.6)

2010 Total 43 165 17 (140-202) 45.5 15.7 (23-82) 4.6 (2.3 – 8.3)

Release site A 21/04/2011 3 155 8.7 (150-165) 38 9.5 (32-49) 5.2 (3.9 – 5.9)

Release site A 22/04/2011 6 164.3 19.5 (142-199) 45.7 16.7 (31-77) 4.5 (2.5 – 6.1)

Release site A 26/04/2011 4 182.2 17 (159-198) 59.3 17.5 (35-76) 3.5 (2.5 – 5.4)

Release site A 04/05/2011 7 165 33.9 (140-220) 50.4 32.6 (23-97) 5.1 (2.0 – 8.3)

Release site A Total 20 166.7 24.3 (140-220) 48.9 22.6 (23-97) 4.6 (2.0 – 8.3)

Release site B 21/04/2011 3 160 15 (145-175) 44 11.5 (31-53) 4.6 (3.6 – 6.1)

Release site B 22/04/2011 6 161.5 20.3 (147-197) 41.8 12.5 (32-62) 4.8 (3.1 – 5.9)

Release site B 26/04/2011 4 161.5 7.3 (154-171) 42 7 (33-49) 4.6 (3.9 – 5.8)

Release site B 04/05/2011 7 170.3 16.9 (154-202) 50.3 17.7 (34-86) 4.1 (2.2 – 5.6)

Release site B Total 20 164.4 15.9 (145-202) 45.2 13.3 (31-86) 4.5 (2.2 -6.1)

Release site C 21/04/2011 3 163.3 20.2 (140-175) 43.3 13.9 (28-55) 4.8 (3.5 -6.8)

Release site C 22/04/2011 6 171.7 8.1 (160-182) 50.5 8.3 (40-62) 3.8 (3.1 – 4.8)

Release site C 26/04/2011 4 173.8 21.6 (142-190) 58.5 19.7 (31-78) 3.7 (2.4 – 6.1)

Release site C 04/05/2011 7 167.4 20.7 (145-205) 46.9 20.5 (20-85) 4.8 (2.2 – 9.5)

Release site C Total 20 169.4 16.8 (142-205) 49.8 16.1 (28-85) 4.3 (2.2 – 9.5)

2011 Total 60 166.8 19.2 (140-220) 47.9 17.6 (23-97) 4.5 (2.0 – 9.5)







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Table 3. Delay and barrier passage efficiencies at ALS positions along the smolt migration route 632 through the river and estuary. Station 5 not listed due to insufficient sample size recorded there. 633

ALS Station

Immediately Upstream of in-river structure

In-river structure characteristics

2010 Delay (median(Q1- Q3), minutes)

2011 Delay (median(Q1- Q3), minutes)

2010 Passage efficiency (%)

2011 Passage efficiency (%)

1 Yes Intact 4497.3 (109.9-25029.4) 5.8 (2.7-26.4) 46 100 2 Yes Ruinous 7.1 (1.8-18.8) 2.1 (0.9-4.6) 76 92 3 Yes Cut 1.11 (0.2- 2.7) 0.1 (0.1-0.5) 90 94 4 No - 2.5 (1.3-81.6) 0.6 (0.1-0.8) - - 6 No - 5 (3.1-18.9) 0.9 (0.1-1.1) - - 7 No - 4.7 (2.7-11.7) 1.7 (0.9-2.7) - - 8 No - 460 (61.8-1244.8) 314.3 (4.6-1719.9) - -






















Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river - [PDF Document] (25)

Figures 655


Figure 1: Map of the River Tweed showing all the major tributaries as well as the migration route 657 downstream from the Yarrow Water. Grey boxes denote the release sites along with white circles 658 denoting the ALS positions and white diamonds for SEPA flow gauging stations (FGS). Black bars 659 indicate the sites of in-river structures. 660




Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river - [PDF Document] (26)


Figure 2. Cumulative survival of acoustically tagged brown trout smolts migrating out to sea in 2010 665

and for three separate release groups in 2011. Black vertical bar represent weirs along the migration 666

route. * Measured from the furthest upstream release point down to the estuary. 667

Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river - [PDF Document] (27)


Figure 3. Time spent by individual smolts at ALS positions (delay) that were within the 669 impoundment zones of in river structures (obstructed) compared with those that were 670 not (unobstructed). Data are presented as box plots, showing median, upper and lower 671 quartiles, upper and lower 5 percentiles, mild outliers (circles; Q3 + 1.5 × IQR) and 672 extreme outliers (asterisks; Q3 + 3 × IQR). In the 2010, panel medians are obscured by 673 other lines. Data do not include records from station 5 due to insufficient sample size. 674 675

Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river - [PDF Document] (28)


Figure 4. Box plot displaying the median net ground speeds of tagged trout smolts moving through 677

each river section in both 2010 and 2011. Boxes represent upper and lower quartiles and T-bars 678

represent the upper and lower 5 percentiles and round dots signify outliers. *Section of river 679

between ALS stations, station 5 removed from analysis due to insufficient sample size. 680

Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river - [PDF Document] (29)


Figure 5. Mean daily flows at the flow gauging station at Lindean on the Ettrick Water, reflecting 682 water flow at Murray's Cauld, during the period of study in both 2010 and 2011 as well as the Q95 683 and Q10 flows for the Lindean station. 684

















































daily f








Q95 Flow

Q10 Flow

Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river - [PDF Document] (30)


Figure 6. Total number of days below Q95 flows for the smolt migration period 1 April to 30 May 686 between 1962 and 2011 on the lower Yarrow Water at the Philiphaugh flow gauging station, lower 687 Ettrick Water at the Lindean flow gauging station and the upper Tweed at the Boleside flow gauging 688 station. 689






























































Days b


w Q

95 f







Lower Yarrow Water

Lower Ettrick Water

Upper River Tweed

Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river - [PDF Document] (31)


Figure 7. The net ground speed (km h-1) of migrating smolts in relation to the estimated mean flow 692 conditions (m3s-1) during the period of transit throughout the migratory route. Flows are based upon 693 the nearest 15-minute gauged flow, at the closest gauging station. 694

R² = 0.5165

R² = 0.3348







0 20 40 60 80 100 120




d s





Mean flow (m3s-1)



Linear (2010)

Linear (2011)

Reduced flow impacts salmonid smolt emigration in a river - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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