Mercenary Campaign Rules (2024)

Mercenary Campaign Rules Version 2

Starting Stuff

Just getting into the game? First, you gotta set up your unit! All values used are per HMP and HMV.

Starting Kit

-1 G3P3 as CO
-30 million C-bill start up capital

-Start on Galatea(later entries may start on Outreach after 3039)

The year is 3035. Life is war; death is the only true peace.

Mack Maloney walks away from the office where he had finally obtained an honorable discharge from the AFFC after 8 years of sterling service, fighting countless battles, especially in the heated 4th Succession War. His hands in his pockets, he whistles as he ponders his options in the private market. He had managed to amass quite a hoard of riches from careful looting of nobles on the Capellan worlds he had fought on. Several bags of jewels, some stocks in Aldis Industries, and raw cash in unmarked C-bills. It was worth about 30 million in all, enough to buy a lance of mechs, he hoped.

He has a dream of making it big like the Kell Hounds, the Wolf Dragoons. He would have to pick his mechs and pilots carefully before embarking on his new direction in life. He heads for Galatea, the hub of the mercenary trade.

Purchase of Mechs/Vehicles

All mechs and vehicles are purchased at HMP prices. No price modifiers at this time. Only L1 3025 units allowed, plus certain other L1 units that did not appear in the TROs, like the Raven, Cataphract, and Wolfhound. No L2 tech at all in 3035. And no, the Blackjack doesn't count. All available prototypes are in the grubby hands of the NAIS.

Tip: Go for solid generalist machines, not specialists. Purchase specialists only when the unit is large enough, about a company in size.

Mack looks carefully at the list of mechs available. There's a fair selection for him to pick. He decides on a medium/heavy weight lance, suitable for garrison jobs. He doesn't want to risk it too much in the early going. He goes for the below mechs.

Mech Cost/C-bills
Blackjack BJ-1DB 3.1 million
Phoenix Hawk PXH-1D 4.1 million
Catapult CPLT-C1 5.9 million
Thunderbolt TDR-5S 5.4 million
Total 18.5 million

Pilot/Crew Recruitment

Mechwarrior Stats



Not available


Not available


1 million


500 K


250 K


125 K

Vehicle Crew Stats



Not available


Not available


500 K


250 K


125 K


50 K

You must purchase pilots and crew for your units. Vehicle units are unique to a particular vehicle, and cannot swap out for another vehicle. Mech pilots are fully interchangeable. It is acceptable to have more staff or less staff than units. In addition, staff can also be fired after every turn.

After placing his orders for the mechs, Mack now has to find pilots. He pores over the warrior listings he had managed to pick up at a small outsource office for a hefty fee, trying to find pilots he can fit into his unit. Good pilots are hard to come by; they know their worth and are difficult to hire. Throw in signing bonuses, kill bonuses, and sundry other details, and Mack's head was soon swimming in figures as he worked into the night by a dim light in his motel room.

The next morning, drowsy from lack of sleep and eyes rimmed with fatigue, he decides on the following pilots. He calls up the outsource office, and informs them of his selections.

Pilot Name

Mechwarrior Stats


Julian Keyes


1 million

Glenn Reynolds


1 million

Adriana Crane


1 million
Total 3 million

Dropship/Jumpship Purchase




Leopard 6 units/600 tons max 75 million
Union 14 units/1400 tons max 185 million
Overlord 42 units/4200 tons max 475 million
Scout 1 dropship 300 million
Merchant 2 dropships 400 million
Intruder 3 dropships 500 million

Dropships and jumpships can be purchased, though not at the start of the game. Owning a dropship offers an unit considerable leeway. While they cannot engage in combat, an investment in transport often pays off in the long run as being cheaper than rented transport. Furthermore, certain missions extract exorbitant prices for transport, and in rare cases, ships owned by the Houses have been known to ferry mercenary units to places where they had not been contracted to fight. Owning dropships and jumpships mitigates some of these risks. The dropships cannot transport more tonnage or number of units beyond the stated limits. For example, a Leopard cannot carry 12 Centurions, even if their combined tonnage is 600 tons.

For jumpship ownership advantages, certain missions will be available, as well as specific bonuses to reflect the additional initiative boost for some scenarios. For example, for assault and raiding missions, a mercenary unit with its own jumpship may receive an initiative bonus or a choice of mapsheets as a result of using pirate points to get to the planet quickly, whereas rented transport is often left using the usual ho-hum z/n points.

In addition, owning larger jumpships with larger carrying capacities will also offer options not available to other units.

Mack takes one look at the dropship prices and scampers away. There's no way in hell he could afford those!!!

He returns to his motel room, and totes up his cash outlay, since he could not afford an accountant. He finds that he has spent 21.5 million C-bills, and has 8.5 million left in the kitty. He intends to keep the money as a failsafe.

House Affiliation Selection

After unit creation, a merc unit has the option of signing a retainer contract with a Great House in exchange for preferred bonuses and discounts. The flip side of such a contract is that the mercenary unit has to answer emergency summons, abandoning all other obligations and available contracts.

Each retainer contract runs for 3 years, by which time the merc unit may opt for a contract extension or to sign on with another house.

Breaking affiliation and the retainer contract earns the unit a negative mark against its rating.

Tip: Sometimes earning a negative mark is preferable to dying against outrageous odds...

"So Mack, you made your decision?" Billy asked.

"Yup, I figured you've always been a straight shooter with me, so I trust you not to throw us to the wolves. I'm going on retainer for you guys."

"Once in the AFFC, always in the AFFC."

"Don't be too sure. You screw me once, I'm outta here."

Upkeep and Retrofits

Length of Turn

Each turn can be anywhere from 2 months to 4 months, depending on the year and situation. In slow business times, turns will tend to be longer. Intense full scale wars will have much shorter turns. This will be indicated in the briefing for each turn.

Each turn will also have a chapter name, to reflect the ongoing situation in the Inner Sphere(Eg. Into the Dragon's Maw, Sword Gleaming, Season of the Limping Eagle). Finally, there will be news reports on the current state of events, hinting at changes to come and breaking events. Your mercenary has the potential to affect the flow of events; ready for the challenge?

Tip: Forget everything you ever knew about Battletech history. This is an alternate timeline. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Maintenance/Monthly Costs

Maintenance costs, including ammunition loads should be paid at the beginning of each turn, before the selection of contracts, except the very first turn where the unit is created. Take the base monthly costs, and then multiply by the length of the turn(2 months, 3 months etc). Ammunition loads are the exception, paid by turn and not by month.

Mechwarrior Stats



Not available


200 K


100 K


50 K


20 K


10 K

Vehicle Crew Stats



Not available


100 K


50 K


25 K


10 K


5 K

Weight Class

IS Mech

IS Vehicle


100 K

45 K


75 K

35 K


55 K

25 K


35 K

15 K


Maintainence Cost/C-bills


1.5 million


3.5 million
Overlord 10 million
Scout 5 million
Merchant 8 million
Invader 11 million

Ammunition: Every start of a turn, all units with ammunition must pay the cost for the ammunition loads as per BMR(R), unless otherwise specified in the turn briefing. Prices of weapons and ammunition MAY fluctuate. No hoarding is allowed.

Units unable to purchase reloads means that they cannot carry loads of that ammunition type for that turn's missions. Units are allowed to have ammo for one weapon but not the other if they have insufficient funds.


Important: All retrofits take 1 turn to complete. Units undergoing retrofits cannot be utilized for 1 turn.

Below is the table for retrofit classes for weapons. Only weapons of a specific class can be swapped out for another within the same class. Weapons cannot be removed, not even with a few smaller guns for a single larger weapon. For example, a mech has 2 med lasers and a large laser. It cannot swap out all three for a PPC, but it can downgrade the med lasers to small lasers, and the large laser to a PPC by freeing up tonnage elsewhere.

Weapon Class Specifics
Laser 1 All small and med lasers of all types, flamers
Laser 2 Large lasers of all types and PPCs of all types
Ballistics 1 MGs of all types, AMS
Ballistics 2

AC/2 of all types including RAC/2 <----> AC/5 of all types including RAC/5 <----> AC/10 of all types <---> AC/20 of all types or LGR, GR <----> HGR

Obviously, ACs within a certain caliber can swap amongst themselves between normal, LBX, ultra, and RAC when the technology is available

Missiles Allowed to change a single missile rack size by a maximum of 4 tons.

Heat sinks and armor points are fully adjustable. They can be added on or removed to free up or use up tonnage for weapons. For jump jets, they can be removed, but not added on if the base design does not have them at all in the first place. For example, a Shadow Hawk 2H with 3 jump jets can add on another 2, but a Hunchback without any jump jets in the first place cannot.

No change in engine rating, internal structure, physical weapons, myomer allowed.

Cost of retrofits would be [(base cost of modified unit on HMP x 1.3) - (Base cost of initial unit)]. Only one such retrofit is allowed per mech. A mech cannot, for example, modify its AC/5 to an AC/10 one turn, then a few turns later upgrade it to an AC/20. Modified mechs must be indicated on the HMP file and record sheet, as well as the unit roster.

For all of the above, there are exceptions. Mech can change their engine ratings, internal structure, weapon loadouts etc in the event of refit packages available through the House upon completion of contracts or as reward for retainer service. Such offers are one time only from the employer. Modified mechs can be further modified under such circ*mstances. The exact details of the refit package(weapons allowed, engine type, cost) may be decided by the employer, or may be unrestricted and decided by the mercenary.

Also, by certain dates, refit packages may also be available on the market.

Technology advances will be reflected in the unique alternate storyline, and may be affected by the actions of the mercenary units. Cost of advanced technology will be included in updated versions of this document, and also indicated in the turn briefing. Also, lostech devices may not work perfectly the first go-round; use at own risk!


Current Operational Theatres of War

Contracts available will be listed at the start of every turn. The contracts that the mercenary can take depends on their Dragoon Rating and their exact location in the Inner Sphere.


Contracts are listed at the start of every turn. Each contract will have the following details, with the explanations in parenthesis.



Nature/Type of Mission Assault, garrison, etc
Rating Required A rough indication of the mission's difficulty, also determines which units can take the missions
Target World/System The place for the mission, where the fighting will be
Target point radius limit

This will indicate which units can take this mission. They must be within the radius limit of the target system, stated in light years. Units too far away from the target world cannot take up the mission.

Stand down point

Where the unit ends the mission regardless of success or failure.

NOTE: Travel costs from target world to stand down point need not be paid if they are different worlds!

Estimated enemy BV

A rough count of the enemy force strength. For certain contracts, like garrison, there'll be no such estimate.

Also, a certain percentage will indicate the uncertainty of the intelligence report, which indicates the accuracy of the estimated BV.

For example, 5000+10% means that the enemy force is minimum 5000BV, with possibly 500 BV more.

6000-20% would mean a maximum of 6000BV, with a decrease of possibly 1200BV.

3000~50% means that the value may range from 1500 to 4500BV.

Minimum BV required The minimum BV the merc unit needs to deploy to get the contract
Merc unit size/tonnage The maximum number of units the mercenary can bring along on the mission itself, along with the maximum allowed tonnage
Remuneration The payoff.
Salvage How much salvage is allowed. This row is for merc units who own their own dropships.
Transport costs(w/dropship, w/o dropship)

The transportation costs for units without dropship/jumpship assets, to be deducted from the payoff. This includes salvage. There'll be a salvage limit stated if the unit does not own its own transport dropships. If the unit owns its own dropships, it can take salvage up to the dropship's maximum capacity, subject to dropship limitations.

Cost will be counted in C-bills per ton of unit transported.

Length of Contract Certain contracts may be longer than a single turn. If so, this will be indicated.

If an unit does not own jumpships and/or dropships, the employer will provide transport rated at a certain C-bill cost per unit transported, regardless of weight. The cost may vary from contract to contract, but is often quite expensive compared to owned transport. Also, transport for salvage will also be factored in at the end of missions.

The cost of transport will be deducted from the mercenary unit's final payout. In the event of a failed contract(secondary objective not achieved), the mercenary unit will still have to pay 50% of the transport costs.

Typical transport costs for a mercenary unit are about 1-20 million C-bills per unit, depending on the extent of the rented transport and how far they're travelling. Units with dropships but no jumpships will of course pay less than a unit without any transport, while an unit with its own transport assets will simply pay upkeep costs for its own ships. There is no difference between vehicle and mech units for transport. In certain cases, the House may waive transport costs entirely. All this will be stated in the contract details.

In addition to the above, there will be various other 'background' details that will be revealed only when the contract is taken up. For example, a garrison contract may not offer any action at all. Or an assault may suddenly turn into extraction, and units with their own dropships may suddenly find themselves with an advantage (initiative bonus, choice of mapsheets etc).

Each unit can place any number of bids for missions within the contract ranges. Units with only 1 contract bid will definitely get that contract. Otherwise, first unit ratings, and then second, tonnage of units entered, will be the basis for determining which units get the contracts.

Units with units left over and unable to participate in the contract will have to link up with the rest of the unit after those elements have finished the contract in the location phase.

Non Contract Missions

Some very specific circ*mstances may arise in which frequent opponents with a grudge may launch an attack on the mercenary unit. Such attacks may come before the unit sets off on its contract or after it has finished its mission for the turn, or even when it is just idling and not doing anything.

The converse is also possible. Mercenary units may launch non contract attacks on enemy units, and even other mercenary units. In this case, the units involved cannot be involved in contracts for the turn. Also, the target unit must be within jump range as stated in Locations. Such missions will require the GMs to decide if it is possible.

Such grudge missions have no remuneration, but full salvage rights for the winner, if any.


The location of the mercenary unit is noted in the last contract it took(stand down point). This is not the same as the place where it fought to accomplish the terms of the contract.

Mack's unit took up a garrison contract with the AFFC to garrison Landsmark. The contract states that when the contract is finished, they are left on site.

Then, while on Landsmark, he takes up a raiding mission to hit Proserpina. After the mission, the contract states that his stand down point is Robinson.

From stand down points, mercs can opt to stay where they are or to proceed to a nearby world. The exact maximum distance they can travel depends on the length of the turn. Remember, some of that time in the turn is spent on getting to the place of contract and carrying out the mission itself.

Length of Turn/months Distance/Light Years Cost/ per LY in C-bill per ton w/o dropship Cost per LY in C-bill per ton w/dropship
2 120 400 200
3 180
4 240

To calculate the costs of transportation to a destination after a mission,

1. Determine if unit has dropship assets. If not enough dropships, calculate excess required capacity according to rental fee on chart. Decide which units are taking 'public' transport. Public transport fees are calculated by tonnage moved.

2. Determine if unit has jumpship assets. If not enough jumpships, calculate excess required capacity according to rental fee on chart.

3. Calculate distance in light years from location to destination. Just a rough estimate will do.

4. Pay required amounts. If an unit has full transport capacity in jumpships and dropships, it only needs to pay maintenance for the ships during upkeep.

Mack decides to travel from Robinson to Mallory's World. Since he does not have any transport assets, he has to pay the full rental cost for getting to Mallory's World.

Units with different sub units are also allowed to split their units up. However, in this case transport assets, if any, has to be denoted carefully as part of the sub unit.

For starmaps of the Inner Sphere, here're some links.


Another useful link.



One commander must be appointed for each side (regardless of number of players). If the appointed commander is killed or retreated from the battle, a penalty of –1 to initiative role is applied.


By default for all units, auto-ejection ON unless specified at the beginning of battle.
In the event if auto-ejection is OFF during ammo explosion (no CASE) or pilot unconscious when CT destroyed, the pilot will be killed


1 universal edge point provided at least 2 painted metal minis are fielded by mercenary player.

1 individual edge point for each mini that matches the mercenary design fielded (Wasp mini for Wasp unit, etc). This edge point is unique to the mini itself, and can only be used for that unit only, either defensively or offensively. For the Unseen designs, Reseen minis would be allowed.

For vehicles, matching minis will also receive individual edge points.

For opposition edge, edge points will be counted as below, taking into consideration the number of mercenary edge points.

Total Mercenary Edge Oppo Edge
1-3 2
4-6 4
7-10 7
10-14 10

Oppo edge can be used on all units, but can only be used defensively.

Special Case Rules

Anti-mech infantry: Not in effect.

Artillery rules are in effect: If artillery is involved, include off board attack phase. Smoke rules are not in effect.

Battlemech lifting: Not in effect.

Cargo carriers: Not in effect.

Clearing Woods: Not in effect.

Dropping troops: To be specified according to mission.

Dumping ammunition: Units can dump ammunition.

Ejection: Pilots with auto ejection on will eject on ammunition explosion during any physical attack phase. Otherwise, pilot can only manually eject during movement phase.

Fire: Not in effect.

Flak: LB-X cluster flak against VTOL. A –3 from base-to-hit number instead of –1 applies. Artillery flak rules not in use.
Quads: All quad rules in effect.

Hidden units: To be specified according to mission.

Hostile environments: To be specified according to mission.

Improved Positions: To be specified according to mission.

LRM Indirect fire: In effect for units with LRMs.

Minefields: In effect for units who wish to utilize them.

Night combat: To be specified according to mission.
Flipping arms: In effect for mechs without lower arm actuators. Must flip both arms.

Underwater Operations: In effect.

Infernos: Vehicles struck by inferno SRMs no longer make saving rolls on 8 and above. This is now changed to 6 and above to save the vehicle. This is to extend the longevity of opposition vehicles during missions. Also, vehicles destroyed by infernos are not salvageable. They are considered to be completely destroyed.

Forced Withdrawal: Half the BV of an unit forced to withdraw as a result of limb loss or engine/gyro hits are counted as XP to the mercenary unit that fires the shot that forces withdrawal.

Post Combat Debrief

Sale of Unit Assets

Unrepaired units will be sold at 30% of base unit value as shown in HMP.
Otherwise, units can be sold at 60% of base HMP price to the 'bank'. For sale of units to other mercenaries, the minimum price is 60% of the base price.


Component costs: As shown in Revised Master Rules cost table
Engine, Gyro– Pay according to table below.

Damage Cost
1st Engine hit 1/3 engine cost
2nd Engine hit 2/3 engine cost
3rd Engine hit Full engine cost
1st Gyro hit 1/2 gyro cost
2nd Gyro hit Full gyro cost

Internal Structure damaged-Pay full amount for any location damaged.
For armor, replace armor and calculate by rounding up to the nearest ½ ton.

Note: Merc units calculate for all repair charges. GM will perform random checks. If discrepancies, 150% penalty imposed on repair cost and mechs suspended for 1 turn and no replacement allowed even if contracted for mission. Only 1 GM so far, and he is overworked!!!

*Salvage Rule:
CT collapse - Mech destroyed not salvageable
Engine/Gryo hits - Salvageable but need to repair new engine/gyro as per table


After every battle, mercenary pilots and crews gain experience depending on the amount of pilot/crew adjusted BV they have destroyed, as obviously defeating an elite pilot in a high BV machine earns a warrior more XP than killing swarms of rookie low BV tanks.

1 Battle Value(BV) is equivalent to 1 eXperience Point(XP). XP can be funneled into either gunnery skill or piloting skill. The difference between gunnery skill and piloting skill can never exceed 1. So 3/4 pilots and 4/3 pilots are allowed, but not 2/4 or 4/2 pilots.

The table applies to both vehicle crews and mechwarriors. Infantry BA squads use only the gunnery skill column.



























Dragoons/MRBC Rating

This rating refers to the value and worth of the unit. High ratings often allow access to tougher missions and better paychecks. Unit rating is calculated at the end of every turn, in order for the unit to prepare for the next turn.

Class Exact Specification Point Merit/Demerit
Contract Completion Record Primary Objective Achieved +4
Secondary Objective Achieved +1
Mission Failure -3

Breaking of Contract/Affiliation

Equipment Each Light Mech +1
Each Medium Mech +2
Each Heavy Mech +3
Each Assault Mech +4
Each BA squad +1
Each light/medium vehicle +1
Each heavy/assault vehicle +2
Percentage of units with L2 IS tech +1 for each 10% or part thereof
Percentage of units with clan tech +2 for each 10% or part thereof
Personnel Quality Each Green pilot/crew(5/5 and above) +1
Each regular pilot/crew(4/4, 4/5) +2
Each Veteran pilot/crew(3/3, 3/4) +3
Each Elite pilot/crew(2/3 and below) +4
Percentage of veteran pilot/crew +1 for each 10% or part thereof
Percentage of elite pilot/crew +2 for each 10% or part thereof
Transport Capacity Basic 50% dropship capacity +20
Dropship capacity above 50% +5 for each 10% or part thereof
Each jumpship +50

Unit Rating

Points Specific Grade General Grade
0-15 D- D
16-35 D
36-50 D+
51-70 C- C
71-100 C
101-120 C+
121-150 B- B
151-190 B
191-220 B+
221-260 A- A
261-310 A
311-350 A+
>350 A*

How do we calculate the rating? Let's take it from the top.

For further illustration, let's assume this is a unit formed in 3052, with some L2 tech.


Marcus' Madmen comprises of Major 'Mad Jooblah' Marcus a 3/3 pilot as the CO, the XO Wah Siao Eh who's a 3/4 pilot, and two mechwarriors, Ah-Beng at 3/4 and Ah-Seng at 4/4.

Their Mechs: Banshee BNC-5S (90tons), Warhammer WHM-6D (70 tons), Phoenix Hawk PXH-1D (45 tons), Spider SDR-5V (30 tons)

They are a new unit, so no contract record to speak of. This brings us to the other three classes.

Equipment Rating:

4 for the assault, 3 for the heavy, 2 for the medium, and 1 for the light, for a total of 4+3+2+1=10 points. Then we see that the BNC-5S uses L2 tech, and it comprises 1/4=25% of the unit. Hence, the percentage 25% of L2 tech gives another 3 points, for a total of 10+3=13 points

Their equipment rating is 13 points.

Personnel Quality Rating:

The 3/3 CO is worth 3 pts, the two 3/4 pilots are worth 2 x 3 = 6

4/4 is worth 2 pts. Adding all these up gives 11 points.

Of the 4 pilots, 3 are veteran. So the percentage factor is 3/4=75%, which gives another 8 points.


Their personnel quality rating is 19.

Transport Rating

They have no transport to speak of.

Their current mercenary rating is therefore 13+19=32. According to the table, that puts them as a D rated unit. Almost reaching D+, but not quite. As you can see, it is not easy to be a high ranked unit.

Order of Events

Below is a sequence of events for a turn, indicating what steps are possible at which stage, and what to do. A turn is divided into several phases, and each phase has a particular purpose and actions associated with it.

Phase Description Action
1 Turn Briefing Read the news articles for hints and clues.
2 Maintenance Pay upkeep for all units and personnel.
3 Purchasing Round 1 Purchase or sell units from 'bank' or other units

Recruit personnel

Mech modification to be stipulated at this point.

In case of retrofits available from house as a reward for previous turn's contracts, or affiliation bonuses, they will also be applied in this phase

4 Contract Bidding Bid for Contracts
5 Bid Results Results of Bids announced
6 Contract Missions FIGHT!!!
7 Repair Pay repair costs for damaged units
8 XP Devote XP to pilots/crew
9 Purchasing Round 2 Purchase or sell units from 'bank' or other units. Any discounts as a result of contract benefits apply here. Affiliation discounts still apply.
10 Traveling Decide on destination from stand down point, and proceed to new location via paying transportation fees.
11 Rating/Retainer Calculate new MRBC rating. If not under retainer, can choose to sign affiliation contract with House
12 End Phase Sit back, relax, and wait for next turn!

For starting players, phases 2 and 3 do not apply. However, new players during startup may purchase mechs from other players already in game in order to get discounts they might not otherwise receive. This is to encourage new players to join their friends.

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Mercenary Campaign Rules (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.