1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (2024)

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (1)

1lson I

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (2)

BUCKEYE GUARD MAGAZINE is an unofficial publit:ation of the Adjutant General 's Department for the State of Ohio and is published in coordina­tion with the Ohio National Guard Association and the O hio Nati onal Guard's 196th Public Affairs Detach­ment. It is a bi-monthly offset publ ica­tion with a p rinting run of 23 ,000 copies.


James A. Rhodes Adjutant General

MG james C. Clem Asst. AG, Army

BG James M. Abraham Asst. AG, Air

BG Edward ). Power Public Affairs Officer

1LT Victor Dubina Asst. Public Affairs Officer

SSG Nancy Clevenger 196th P.A. Detachment Commander

Capt. Dennis Jankowski Editor

SSG Nancy Clevenger Assistant Editors

SP4 Debbie Thompson Members of 196th P.A.



COL. Philip A. Williams 1st Vice-Pres.

LTC Raymond E. Trickier 2nd Vice-Pres.

CAPT. Robert james Jr. Secretary

COL. Roger F. Truax (ret. ) Treasurer

2LT Wi lliam L. Zieber


SMSgt Tom Foster Vice-Pres. - Army

SGT Robert Blair Vice-Pres. -Air

MSG Russell Leadbetter Secretary

SFC Judy Culbertson Treasurer

1SG Gary Brown

Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Department of Defense and its agencies; the Ad­jutant General 's Department of the State o f Ohio; Clr the Ohio National Guard Association. The magazine is pub I ished under the pr:.wisions of AR 360-81.

Pg. 2


The AG Speaks

New Year is Opportunity I know w hat you 're saying, " There he

goes again, never satisifed, always ap­p lying a l ittle more pressure." We ll, that's how it is folks. You know the o ld saying, " Do a li ttle more each day than everyone expects, and pretty soon everyone will expect more. "

In the past year, "You Done Good!" Air Guard strength is over 100%, Army side is up f rom 82% to 92% and heading for a 100%. There are more NCO 's attending schools, more officers gra­duating f rom OCS and ROTC more members attending co ll ege, more minority part icipation , more minority officers, higher C ratings, fewer unsatis­factory ratings on inspections, fewer fai­lures in basic and advanced ind ividual training, and fewer ghosts on the ros­ters. Al l in all , 1980 was quite a year, one that every member can take p ride in si nce each of you contributed in some manner to our success.

So you want to know what's my beef? How can you do bette r ? What's the problem? Well , I 'll te ll you- we are still letting a few things fa ll through the cracks.

First, there's training. There are sti ll a lot of dull spots in weekend drills and people standing around. We have all kinds of bright people in the Guard who would make good instructors, but they aren't being used. Result , a few instruc­tors are overloaded and don 't have time to prepare adequately; let's spread th e load and do better. This is the Number 1 Priority.

Second, there's administration. Have you looked at effi ciency reports and your other records lately? With 20 Year Boards working on all ranks now, it's un­fair to your personnel not to work on counseling. Make sure that the efficien­cy reports accurately reflect the indi­vidual's true value to the Guard and his records are correct including all accom­plishments and citations.

Third, there 's supply, safe ty and maintenance. We are losing too much cloth ing and equipment and having too many accidents and injury claims. Ex­plain to new recruits their responsibili­ties for equipment; inventory constant­ly ; check state driver's l icenses for points before i ssuing mi litary driver's licenses and remind drivers to be cau­tiou s w hen you pass out log books. Supply and safety offers an area in wh ich we can save over $500,000 this year over

last year's expe rience. With dollars hard to come by, we need everyone's help . More importantly, no one wants to be respons ible for someone's injury or death .

Fourth , persona l appearance and health. We need to con tinue to work for further improvements in physical con­ditioning, personal appearance, military courtesy and observance of height and weight standards. Fat files, aren't being maintain ed and that's not fai r to you r people . Recording thei r p rogress monthly may be the basis for thei r reten­tion and wi ll se rve to let them know you care. Overweight personnel need their commander's encouragement.

Fifth and finally, public information and comm unity involvement is being forgotten in some units. The community is the lifeblood of the National Guard. Your public information program can keep the comm unity info rmed and in­volved in your activities. W hen they are proud of you and your unit, your recru it­ing problems wi ll ease.

So now you know where the chal­lenges are for 1981. All are thi ngs to which each of us can contribute to the overa ll improvement. Check your appearance and performance; volunteer to teach a subject you like; ask to see you r personnel records and to discuss you r efficiency report , let someone know if your pay doesn't come on time; take a look at your equipment ; drive that military truck as if it were your personal Cadi llac; get in shape; and most impor­tant of all , let people know you are in the Ohio National Guard p repared to serve your state and nation and damn proud of it!

Like I sa id , " 1981 - Another Oppor­tunity in wh ich to Excel." Rise to the occasion .

r Benefits 1981

Introducing the 1981 Buckeye Guard Blue Book, MG Robert Teater writes in his article that real benefits include patriotism, pride, sacrifice, hard work and responsibility.

W e agree with General Teater. There is nothing more important than defense of our freedom, and nothing more rewarding than being a part of that defense through service in the Ohio National Guard.

The Buckeye Guard

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (3)


Responsibility is Rent for House of Freedom It's diffi cu lt to believe that anoiher

yea r has gone by and that it is again time for our annual benefits issue of THE BUCKEYE GUARD. This issue h as be­come one of the most valuable informa­tional items we have published. We find that it is used a great deal and has be­come a fine reference throughout the Ohio National Guard. It has prompted other states and reserve components to do the same.

Each year, I have commented on the value of knowi ng what benefit s are avai l-

Air Guard is Haven

able to members of the National Guard and, in emphatic terms, that there are ot her benefit s besides bonuses, reti re­ment privileges, etc. w hich we need to consider. Thi s year w ill be no different.

One o f the greatest benefi ts to me has been , and still is, th e psycho log ica l boost I get when I realize that service o f any kind to ou r cou ntry helps discharge the responsibility we all have toward the maintenance of the heritage of freedom, rights and liberties that we enjoy in this g reat country o f ours. To put it another

"Blue Bolt" finds Safe Home BY SRA LO RI DONIERE

Through the cooperat ion of the State Highway Pat ro l and th e O hio Army National Guard , the 180th Tacti ca l Fight­er G ro up, O hio A ir Na ti o nal Guard , Toledo Express Airport , is presently the new home si te for the military emergen­cy communication s van " Blue Bolt" .

" Blu e Bolt" is a 40 foot long blu e trail­er. It wi ll be used as the on-site com­munications center fo r emergency-type situations, such as blizzards or to rnados. " Blue Bo lt" belonged to the State High-

way Patro l. The Patrol purchased a motor home to replace " Blu e Bolt" and the trai le r sat abandoned for almost ten years. The Ohio Army Guard found out about the trailer, rea lized it s mi l itary potential , and the Patrol do nated the trailer to the Army Guard.

But , the Army Guard had a shortage of qualifi ed men to operate " Blue Bolt", and maintain its sophisticated electronic co mmunications equipment. So, " Blue Bolt" was entru sted into th e safe and ab le hands of the Air Guard .

TSgt. Rick Shoemaker of the 180th TFG Communications Flight prepares to receive a message at the communications center of the "Blue Bolt.·· The ·-slue Bow· is a forty-foot trailer housing sophisticated communications equipment and is used as the on-site com­munications center for the National Guard for emergency situations. (PHOTO BY SRA LORI DONIERE.)

The Buckeye Guard


let's reverse the concept of individual benefit s and look at it from ano ther aspect. What are the benefits that a na­tion receives from its citizens? This must be considered in te rms of what shou ld be accomplished or w hat are the objec­tives o f the benefits provided a nation by its citizenry? The goal, of course, is that the republic wi ll survive. In a society such as ours, imbued in the dignity o f the individual and the rights and free· dom of its citizens, it has to be the maintenance of that phi losophy which result s ;n the perpetuation of the herit­age I referred to earlier.

Our country remain s st rong and wi ll endure as long as we American citizens recognize ou r responsibility and our im­portance in the heritage of our nation and its continuation . And then the ques­tion should be, what is our responsibi l ity in keeping us free men and women? It seems to me that we have to recognize three basic fundamental concepts. One is that the entire philosophy of freedom as we know it hinges on the willingness o f o ur cit izens, o r the citi ze n-soldie r concept if you wi ll , to act when th reat s to our natio n occur. We mu st be wi ll ing to sacrifice the time and effort necessary to serve our nation . This is the heritage of the Minuteman. Second, we as Amer­ican citizens mu st project through our elected and appointed leaders a visible wi ll to the rest of the wor ld that , while we are a peace-loving nation, we will not allow anyone to infringe upon our way of li fe and are willing to support and de­fend the Constituti on which guarantees our rights. Thi rd, as vis ible suppoq fo r th is concept of our wi ll , we must main­tain an active armed force well trained and well equipped to resp0nd to th reats to our freedom no matter where they might occur. The active force however, only enjoys world and national credibil ­ity when it is backed up by the citizen­soldier.

This, to me, is the only workable for­mula that has any chance of preventing war and keeping our nation at peace . The satisfaction of bei ng an American citize n and a m embe r o f th e Ohio National Guard provides us w ith the ulti ­mate privilege of exercising our respon­sibility as Citizens. This helps pay the rent that we owe for this house of free­dom. Thi s co nce pt will sustain u s in times of stress w hen all the material" ben­efits wi ll not seem sci important.

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1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (4)

Capt. Brian E. Crawford, Kent State University ROTC Instructor, explains the instrument panel of a UH-1 H, helicopter, to Kent State Cadets Lorin J. Wei Iacher, Simultaneous Membership Participant, 135th Military Police Company, Fairview Park and Christopher Rotta. Twenty-three cadets visited the Akron-Canton Flight Facility recently and received a briefing from Air Troop 1 Olth Armored Cavalry Regiment on the mission of the troop and air field operations, an equipment display, and an orientation flight.

You Are Invited The Commander, and members of

the 684th Medical Company Clearing of Westervi lle, cordially extend an in­vitat ion to all former members of the Ohio National Guard's Westervi lle unit to visit with us at the Westerville armory. We think that you may be in­terested in seeing all the changes , and we're certain ly looking forward to meeting you! We sincerely hope that you will accept thi s invitation. If you are interested and would like to attend, the dri ll dates and location are March 7-8 and April 4-5, 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 pm. , 240 South State Street.


Winners Announced The winners of the raffle held to sup­

port th e Annual Robert S. Beight ler Re­tarded Children's Christmas Party were drawn in December.

Winner of the $200 prize was Haven Carskadon, who works for the Ohio De­partment of Administrative Se rvi ces. Carskadon donated his winnings to a needy fami ly.

Sp4 Phi ll Ell iot, a Section Leader in the 1483rd Transportation Company, Eaton , won the $100 second place prize.

Winners of the $50 prize were Chris Floro, a member o f the 213th Mainte­nance Company, and Avanell Erwin , wife of CW04 George Erwin of the 216th En­gineer Battalion. Floro asked that his winnings be put back into the Christmas Fund.

Mary Posani and Judy Walls, both em­p loyed in the USPFO, and PFC Steve His­song, of the 1486th Transpo rtation Com­pany, Ashland , and SFC Thomas Csipke, of HHT, 3/107th Armored Caval ry Squad­ron, Stow, each won $25.

The Annual Robert S. Beightler Christ­mas Committee thanks everyone who purchased raffle tickets.

Teater Receives Meritorious Service Award BY MSGT. DON LUNDY

Major General Robert W. Teate r , Commander of th e Ohio Area Com­mand, recently received a M eritorious Service Award for his serv ice as a mem­ber of the Army Reserve Forces Pol icy Committee (ARFPC).

General Teater served on the ARFPC from 1977 to December 31, 1980 . He was initially appointed to serve three years as a member-at- large on the committee. In December 1979, he was asked by Secret­ary of the Army Clifford L. Alexander Jr., to serve an additional year as a principal member from Fifth Army, whi ch in­cludes Ohio .

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The ARFPC , establ ished by the De­fense Act of 1916, is the principal advis­ory body in Washington , D.C. to both the Secretary and the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army.

The committee, comprised of 15 mem­bers, considers policy matters affecting all Army reserve components.

In a citation which accompanied the M eritorious Service Award , General Tea­ter was recognized for ... " outstanding military leadership and professional acu­men which great ly enhanced Committee decisions affecting the highest levels of Army policy. His interest, enthusiasm, and wholehea rted parti cipation in al l aspects of Committee endeavors have

earned him the highest respect and re­gard ... " The citation also noted that General Teater 's ... "extensive mi litary experience and analytical ski lls resulted in perceptive and meaningfu l contribu­ti ons to Committee work group discu s­sions and deci sions ... "

General Teater, 53, served in the U.S. Army Infantry in both the U.S. and Korea between 1951 and 1953. He was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge, Bronze Star and Commendation M edal.

General Teater's civi lian occupation is Director of the Ohio Department o f Natura l Resources, a posi tion he has held since his appointment by Governor James A. Rhodes in 1975 .

The Buckeye Guard

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (5)

Uniforms Have Changed in Color and Style BY SFC DANNY FLAUGHER

A dashing cavalry office r takes th e field. Wearing long, snowy white ostrich and heron plum es, a gold collar and belt, pink riding breeches, canary yellow boots and gi lded stirrup s, Prince Joachim Marat fights for Napoleon in the 1812 invasion of Russia. He rides a ho rse with sky-blue saddle cloth as a cloak of leopard fur hung with crimson tassels streams behind him .

Different armies during different wars wore different styles. For example, King George II of England 1683-1760 insisted that hi s soldiers wear their hair pow­dered and in pigtails. Each pigtail was en­closed in a small black bag to prevent the hair grease from staining the back of the uniform. The pigtai l s were abolished around 1805; the Royal Welsh Fu siliers British Infantry Regiment was the last to wear them.

Sir john Moore introduced dark green coats into British infantry regiments in 1803 so the skirmishers could conceal themselves in the woods or underbrush. The coats bore the word " Rifle" because Moore had also introduced the rifle into the British army.

No longer does mi litary dress have the gari sh sp lendor th at i t did in the Napoleonic era. Bri ght colo rs and the poli shed metal insignia disappeared from the soldier's service dress right af­ter World War I. In most armies today there is a field or service uniform of non­assertive color (olive drab, dull green, gray o r khaki ) and a dress or garrison uniform w h ich prese rves tradition al values by retain ing the colors and orna­mentation of former times, at least to some degree.

YESTERYEAR'S GUARDSMAN - George Elmer Green poses in his Ohio National Guard dress uniform in the early 1900s.

Annual Family Day

54th Support Involves Family BY 2ND LT. DEBORAH GREEN

Santa Claus, Magic and Info rmatio n were all part of the 54th Support Cen­ter's first Annual Fami ly Day.

Husbands and 'wives joined th eir Guardmember's spou ses in December for an afternoon and evening of informa­tion and fun.

While parents were receiving thei r annual legal bri efi ng and being re­minded of the many benefit s of Buckeye Guard membership , the children were being entertained and amazed by Dun­can the Magician.

The Buckeye Guard

Th e afternoon was capped o ff by reuniting parents and children for a deli­cious potluck dinner. Following dinner, the parents were entertained by the 54th Support Center Dependent Childrens' Choir under the direction of Sgt. Ray Dalrymple.

The eventful day was brought to a close by a surprise visit from Santa who had a gift in hi s duffl e bag for every child .

The Family Day left every member and his fami ly a l itt le more conscious of the du ties and the rewards of being a part of America at its best.

Governors Use Guard 25 Times in October During the month of Oct, the Governors o f 11 states used thei r National Guard 25 times to assist civi l authorities on pre­servation of li fe, p rotect ion of property, and to maintain order. This involved the call -up to State Active Duty of 165 Guard personnel. During fiscal year 1980 (Jan 1-0ct 31) over 23,233 Guard personnel have been placed on State Active Duty to ass ist ci vi l autho riti es during 364 emergency conditions. This involved the use o f 200,149 man-days.

Pg. 5

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (6)

Clergy are Guests ·~f 178th TFG BY SSgt DAVID TAYLOR

Twenty-five clergymen from the Day­ton-Springfield area were guests of the Springfield based 178th Tactical Fight er Group in December for "Clergy Day."

The clergymen, representi ng nine different denominations, we re greeted by the chap lain of the 178th Tacti ca l Fighter Group, Chaplain (1st. Lt. ) John Ellington. Their day started with a time of devotion fo llowed by the introduction and official welcome by Lt. Col. Richard Higgins, Base Commander, and Lt. Col.

Richard Markley, Commander of the 178th Combat Support Squad ron .

The purpose of the event was to help build a closer relationship between the clergy who serve the Guardmember in civilian l ife and the chaplain who serves the Guardmember in his military capa­city.

Following briefings on the various mi s­sions of the Guard and on the A-7D Cor­sair II attack aircraft , which the unit flys, the clergymen were given an orientation

fli ght in a C-130 Hercul es aircraft . This was the first time a group o f clergymen has been given an ori entation ride in a C-130.

The clergymen also had the opportun­ity to share lunch with their respective Guardmember followed by an individual tour of the base and thei r work area.

Chaplain Ellington said the day was a great success and for him, " th e most ex­citing day I have had in the Air National Guard. "

Clergymen from the Springfield-Dayton area stand in front of the C-130 Hercules prior to takeoff on their orientation flight. The clergy were guests of the 178th TFG. The purpose of Clergy Day was to foster a closer relationship between the local clergy and the chaplain.

Engineer Units are Superior National Guard bureau Superior Unit

Awards for Training Year 1979 were gar­nered by two companies for the 216th Engineer Bat talion and a company for the 612th Ene.ineer Battalion.

Headquarters Company and Company C, 216th Engineers , of Portsmouth and Feli city respectively, and Company A, 612th Engineers, Walbridge , w ere the only 3 O hio Army Guard units that qual­ified for the Award.

To achieve the Superio r Unit Award , units must maintain an average 95% of their authorized strength throughout the training yea r, have at l eas t 95% of

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assigned strength MOS qual ified at the end of the training year, have a monthly unit training assembly attendance aver­age of 95% of assigned strength and have at least a 95% consecutive attendance rate at annual training.

Units must also have a C-2 or higher rating , have 95% of its personnel qual ­ified on assigned weapons and be re­commended by the next higher head­quarters.

A Satisfactory on the Annual General Inspection is also a prerequi site as is an effective maintenance program.


Sergeant First Class Edward Woody re­cently became the First Sergeant of Bat­tery C, 1/136th Field Arti lle ry.

Woody has 10 years National Guard experience in the fie ld arti llery, serving as gunner, chief of section and, most re­cently, gunnery sergeant.

Woody rep laced First Sergeanl Edward · Dawso n, who had be en th e Fir st Sergeant since January 1977.

Dawson, a twenty-eight year veteran of active and National Guard service, has becom e a M aster Sergeant and is the maintenance shop superviso r of the bat­tery. Dawson also recent ly extended hi s enlistment .

The Buckeye Guard

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (7)

Top Ohio Anny, Air Shooters Compete BY SSGT. DAVIDA MATTHEWS and

PFC RON CAPANIRO Ohio 's top Army and Air Nationa l

Guard shooters competed in the Win­ston P. Wi l son Rifle/ Pi stol C ham­pion ships held in September at Camp Robinson , Litt le Rock , Ark.

According to Co l. Leslie Pletcher , State Marksmanship coordinator, of the four teams that participated , three wi ll conti nue on to the next level of competi­tion - the FORSCOM Regional Match­es.

The four teams that competed in the Wi lson Matches included : Combined Composite Rifle , Combat Rifle, Com­bined Composite Pistol and Combat Pi s­tol.

Pletcher feels the competition at the Wi lson Matches this year was stiffer than in previous years. " Next year we intend

to place more emphasis at the unit level through galle ry matches," he said.

Gallery matches are conducted in two phases. The first phase pit s the uni t members against each other and mem­bers of other units. Phase II combines the four top shooters in a unit to com­pete in the annual Governo rs Trophy Match.

Pletcher says that some of the units wil l be switching to .22 caliber adapters which will help. " In the past, some of our units have had to curtai l practice shooting sessions because ammunition was hard to come by or facilities were in adequate to hand le the larger cali ­bers," he said. " The conversion to .22 adapters will so lve both of these prob­lems and we should see quite an in­crease in the quality of our shooters."

COMBINED COMPOSITE RIFLE TEAM Th e combined composite rif le team

finished tenth overall , competing against 40 other state teams . In one phase o f the co mpetiti on - the Infantry Trophy Team Match - Ohio 's team took first place. Team members who compe ted in the trophy match were: Sp4 Raymond H . Schramm, HHD, 137th Sup & Svc Bn .; Sgt. Marvin E. Cox , Co. A , 216th En­gineers; TSgt. Terry L. M artino, 121st CAM Sqdn.; SSgt. James L. Sayre , 121 st CAM Sqdn.; SSgt. David L. Beveridge, Btry B, 2/174th ADA and Capt. Richard E. Martin , 123rd TAC Control Flight. Marti­no was the overall top O h io shooter.

COM BAT RIFLE TEAM The team fro m 200th Civil Engineers

Sqdn., Port Clinto n, finished in the top


You Have To Advertise--_...:._-----.

It may not be the most unique way of selling the Ohio National Guard. but it does get the attention of his Amherst neighbors.

Major Jerry Brave, the S-3 of the 112th Engineer Battalion. may have the largest Ohio '--------- National Guard logo in the State.

The Buckeye Guard

If you 're interested in letting your neighbors know you are in the Ohio National Guard. anc;J. have a bla~k garage door, a print with dimensions and tips can be obtained by wntmg Brave. H1s address is: 936 Sharondale Drive, Amherst. Ohio 44001 . •

Pg. 7

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (8)

OMA News

NCO School · Graduates 78 BY SP4 CHUCK TRITI

Th e 78 m embers of th e Adva nced Class of the NCO Education System o f th e O hio M ilitary Acade m y (OM A) graduat ed Sunday, December 14. The ce rem ony was held at th e Beightler Armory, home o f the OMA, and was fo l­lowd by an open house at the armory. COL John Siemer (Ret. ), past comman­der of the 50th M P Group, was the guest speaker at the graduation.

The class members, w ho came from all around the state, are mostly E-6's and E-7's with a few E-5's. The graduates have successfully completed 60 hours of train­ing including personnel management , leadership and conducting of military skills training. They will now return to their home units to wo rk as platoon or section sergeants.

The Color Guard at the ceremony was

p rovided by the 612th Engineer Bn. Me mbers of the c ur re nt Off ice rs

Candidates School (OCS) are about to become Senio r Candidates. The change in statu s brings w ith it many privileges the candidates have been denied during the past year. The class is also preparing for an upcoming t rip to Ft. Benning to train w ith the Ranger Department. The trai ning at Ft. Benn ing involves tactica l skills that the candidates w ill apply at their summer camp later this year.

An NCO Senior Course w ill be held for E-8's and E-9's in February. Classes will be conducted during the week of February 23 and consist of 50 hours of training. Enro llment is limited to 25-30 people.

The next Office rs Candidate Course will start April 25. Applications for thi s two year program that leads to commis­sioning must be in by March 15.

Staff Sergeant Roy Adams, of HHD, 237th Spt Bn in Springfield, was the Outstanding Graduate of Class II Advance NCO Course. Adams is being congratulated by Col. John Siemer (left). Siemer gave the keynote address at the graduation ceremonies. (PHOTO BY 1L T VICTOR DUBINA.)

Pg. 8

Buckeye Guard Deadline is February 19

Shible is First To be Qualified

An O hio National Guardmember is the first woman in the history of the Uni­versity of To ledo to become parachute­jump qualified.

ROTC cad et Beve rl y Sh ibl e w e nt through three weeks of rigorous training last summer at Ft. Benning, Ga. Cadet Shible serves as a " third lieutenant" in th e G uard's 416th En g in ee r G roup through the Simultaneous M embership Program.

Cadet Shible's mili tary activities took up m ost o f he r summe r . First , she attended a six-w eek ROTC Advan ced Camp at Ft . Lewis, Wash., where she completed the Army's physical trai ning test fourth out of 120 women. Then she and 11 other women (out o f mo re than 350 enlisted, o fficers and cadets from all branches of service, completed the air­bo rne training. From there she went to her National Guard annual training.

" As a wo man in the military, some­times you have to go overboard to show you are equal ," she explains.

Cadet Shible said she doubts she will receive further airborne training be­cause women cannot serve in combat situations. She said she might take the Canadian airborne course if the oppor­tunity were offered.

Cadet Shible is a junior majoring in accounting in the University of Toledo College of Business Administration. She also works part-time in the university's Veteran Affairs Office.

Clubhouse Open For Winter Fun

The Clubhouse Personnel at Camp Perry are putting a pilot program into operation for winter fun . They are keeping seven inner-circle cottages open th is winter as rental units.

All cottages are heated with full bath , kitchen facilities and sleeping accommodations. All you need to bring with you are your groceries and clothing.

There will be ice skating available on Lake Erie, snowmobile routes will be marked for you to follow and you may also rent ice shanties for fishing at modest daily or weekly rates.

Your reservations will be accepted t>y calling (419) 635-2519 or writing to Camp Perry Clubhouse, Port Clinton, Ohio 43452. Office hours are 7:30 to 4:00 daily during the winter months. Remember, Guardmembers get a dis­count of approximately 25 percent.

So, come to Camp Perry for your winter vacation.

The Buckeye Guard

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (9)

1981 Buckeye Guard "Blue Book"

A Guide to Your Benefits

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1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (10)

Real Benefits are Patriotism, Pride BY MG ROBERT TEATER

The term " benefits" is a common buzz word today. It is heralded from the Pen­tagon to Podunk, through electronic media and over the backyard fence, to attract young people into military ser­vice. More broadly, " benefit packages" have become a standard part of our broad societal achievement goals. " Be­nefits" has almost become synonymous with "security". This is very dangerous!

There is nothing wrong with benefits in the right context. Benefits are valuable tools for commanders and recruiters to build unit strength. Bonus money in the pocket, paid education, and monthly paychecks all add up to make National Guard service the best part-time job around.

But true security lies beyond the be­nefits of money in the pocket or a train­ing trip to Europe. Security relates to our ability to preserve individual freedom , to protect our homes and families against natural disaster or human intrusion, to defend our communities or states, to avert war with other countries through strength- or to win a war if necessary.

Security also relates to mental resolve and physical strength, national defense and military readiness, and a sense of purpose and commitment to causes beyond our own short-te rm personal goals. These elements of true security are the real benefits from o ur service

and our contribution to the National Guard.

Why don' t we as officers and NCOs talk more about the real benefits? Are we too timid to mention patriotism, pride, sacrifice, hard work or responsibility? Or do we believe that young people do not


want to hear these things anymore? Young people today are no different from other generation s, except perhaps they are smarter and speak up more. This is good! I believe it is ou r responsi­bi lity - those of us in the Guard - to talk straight about the real threats to our

Credit Union Serves Army and Air Guard The Ohio Military Federal Credit Un­

ion, at A Avenue and Third Street, Rick­enbacker Air National Guard Base, has announced Saturday hours from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to better serve the Ohio Army and Air National Guard.

A full range of financial services are available starting with its Share Saving Programs, including money market and share certificates, offering flexibility plus high yields. Its Basic Share Account pays a healthy 6 percent quarterly dividend. "SUPER SAVERS" (money market and share certificates) with terms from six months to six years, and rates from 6.5 percent up to the wildly fluctuating money market rates which have paid as high as 15.7 percent this past year, are also available. Whatever your needs or saving goals , OMFCU has a plan de­signed to help you.

OMFCU offers a Share Draft (check­ing) Account Program which works ex­act ly like an ordinary checking account but with one major difference- instead of eating away you r deposits with service charges and transaction fees, it pays you a full SV2 percent quarterly dividend on your low balance . No service charge; no minimum ba lance. You pay on ly for

Pg. 10

check printing. Many military members have their pay-checks sent directly to the Credit Union for deposit. Their pay is safe and secu re, immediately avai lable to them, and earning dividends from the moment it is received.

Loans of all types with varying terms and rates are also available. These in­clude Signature, Share-Secured, Co l­lateral (vehicle and recreational), First and Second Mortgages, and Lin e-of­Credit Loan Accounts. And, for those members who need immediate transac­tions and are unable to visi t the Credit Union main office (Monday thru Friday from 9:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. and now on Saturday), deposits, withdrawals , and loans can be handled through a 24-hour direct te lephone and mail service.

These are benefits that you as a mem­ber of the Ohio National Guard should be aware of, plus the fact that as a fu ll ­service Credit Union , OMFCU offers additional " money saving - money mak­ing" services, all computerized through its "in house" data processing system; providing up-dated, minute-by-minute information for its members. Any way you look at it, your mil itary Credi t Union is a good friend and a good deal.

freedom and the real benefits of national defense. We shou ld talk to our potential recruits , to our young soldiers , our elected officials, and our friends and neighbors. We should tell them there is nothing more important than defense of our freedom , and nothing more reward­ing than being a proud part of that de­fense through service in the Guard.

Let me end with two personal experi­ences. There was a time, not long ago, when we were uneasy about traveling or appearing in public in uniform. On a re­cent one-day trip to and from the Penta­gon , I traveled in uniform by commercia l air. Everyone along the way was out­wardly interested and most courteous. You could even detect a certain degree of shared pride and enthusiasm in their inquisitiveness. That made me feel good. (A beautiful stewardess on the plane even ·offered me a drink on the house. I politely declined, but that really made me feel good!)

Secondly, whi le talking recently to a young (17 years o ld) potential recruit, I naturally mentioned our O hio scho­larship assistance as an enticing benefit. Mike, without hesitation, said, "Thank you, Mr. Teater, but the main reason I want to en list is that I love this country and I want to do my share to serve it." That also made me feel good! And it re­minded me again of the real benefits of the National Guard.

Commissary is Open At Rickenbacker

Commissary privileges were recently extended to National Guardmembers on a year round basis at the Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base.

Instead of closi ng the commissary completely, as was o riginally planned, the Commissary was transferred to the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (PX) management. Now all Guardmem­bers may shop at the Commissary as they would at the PX with the al lowance of only two days per month.

As in the PX, Guardmembers will not be required to show their ID's until the checkout counter is reached. At the counter Guardmembers will be required to show their National Guard ldentifica­ton and their latest Leave and Earning Statement.

Since the Commissary is under AAFES management, it will be operated as a profit-making business. The 4 percent surcharge will not be added, but most prices have been raised to cover the cur­rent expenses.

The Commissary will be open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays.

The Buckeye Guard

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (11)

VA/FHA HOME LOANS A minimum down payment schedule

initiated by the Federal Housing Admi­nistration (FHA) makes buying a home much easier for eligible Guardmembers.

Guardmembers with 90 days or more continuous active duty are eligible for this program.

Known as the " FHA-VA Home Loan In­surance Program ," this plan requires a $200 down payment on a home costing $25,000 or less, and a five percent down

payment on homes costing more than $25,000 but less than $67,500. This down payment does not include closing costs that are also sometimes paid by the buyer. ~

Inte rested Guardmembers should submit a copy of their DD214 along with VA form 26-826a to: Veteran's Adminis­tration , Veteran's Service Division, 1240 East Ninth Street, C leveland , Ohio 44199, along w ith a letter stating that you

REEMPLOYMENT RIGHTS Because of the dual role most o f us

play as citizens and soldiers, much con­fusion has arisen concerning the rights and responsibilities of civi lian employ­ment.

To help clarify the situation, the U.S. Department of Labor has produced a series of questions and answers covering common problems faced by Guard mem­bers.

Q. Is an employer required to excuse a worker for military training duty?

A. Yes. Q. May an employer di scharge an em­

ployee because of his or her military membership?

A. No Q. How about an employee's pay for

time lost at work because of military training?

A. Employers are not required to pay for lost time because of training. Some do as a matter of po li cy o r contract; others do not.

Q. Are any other employment rights or benefits protected by law?

A. Yes, the employee cannot be de­nied promotiori or any other benefi ts or advantages of employment because of his or her reserve obligations.

Q. Are all employees in all kinds of employment covered by thi s Federal law?

A. Yes, except for those in temporary positions.

Q. What is the employee's responsi­bility?

A. To report back to the employer as soon as the training has ended.

Q . Is t he employee required to in­form the emp loyer about his or her mili­tary duty?

A. Yes , the employee must request leave for the training period.

Q . May the employe r deny the re­quest for leave?

A. No.

The Buckeye Guard

Q. How about vacation time? Can the military leave be charged against it?

A. No, whateve r vacation rights an employee has are not diminished be­cause o f training time.

Q. If an employee who has accrued paid vacat ion time of so many days when he or she begins training, is that same amount sti ll to his or her credit upon re­turning?

A. Yes, at least that many days. Q. Is it possible that accrual of vaca­

tion time may continue even during an employee's absence?

A. Yes, the employee is entitled to such vacat ion as he or she wou ld have had i f the employment continued with­o ut interrupti on by military t raining. However, the military training does not necessarily count as essential work on th e job if actual work is a factor in accruing additional vacation t ime.

Q. Suppose there is no regular shift or schedule of work, as in the case of a sales worker?

A. Since reporting for work is the nor­mal way of ending leave of all kinds, it is enough that the employee noti fy the em­ployer and begin work on the day that would be his or her normal working day.

Q. Does the t'ra.inee lose the righ t to return to work if he or she delays report­ing beyond the time prescribed under the law?

A. No, but the trainee wil l be subject to the conduct rules of the employer pertaining to explanations and discipline with respect to absence from scheduled work.

If Guard members feel their rights have been vio lated, or have further questions, they should contact the State Race Rela­tions/Equal Opportunities Office at (614) 889-7121, or The Ohio Committee on Employer Support of the Guard and Re­serve at (614) 889-7072.

are applying for the "FHA-VA Home In­su rance Program."

The Ohio National Guard State Public Affairs Office has produced a booklet titled "VA-FHA Home Loan In formation Packet. "

Booklets can be obtained from any of the five O hio Army Guard's regional re­cruiting offices, or by w riting to : State Public Affairs Office, 2825 W. Granville Road, Worthington, Ohio 43085 .

Draw Two Paychecks The Simultaneous M embership Pro­

gram provides the opportunity for indi­viduals to receive pay and a commission through college ROTC programs and re­main in the Guard.

All SMP parti cipants are paid by the Guard at the grade of E-5 unless their curren t grade is already higher. They also receive a monthly $100 allowance for participating in the advanced ROTC program.

Participants receive on-the-job train­ing to prepare them for the duties of an officer by being given the responsibi li­ties o f a second lieutenant in thei r Guard unit.

Interested soldiers must be en listed and between the ages of 17 and 25.

They must al so be enrol led in Ad­vanced ROTC and have a minimum of four years enlistment time left at the time of enrollment. The program re­quires recommendations from the unit commander and professor of military science.

For complete details concerning the SMP, check AGOR 600-6 or contact the Enlisted Personnel Office at (614) 889-7032.

Problem Solvers O hio Guardmembers are advised

that if they have personnel , pay or ad mini strative problems and have been unable to solve them by the nor­mal chain-of-co mmand that th ey shou ld contact one of the fo llowing individuals at the Ad jutant General's Department in Worthington.

MILITARY PAY - LTC Mutchler, (614) 889-7221.

SCHOOL ORDERS - CSM Arn, (614) 889-7104.

PERSONNEL PROBLEMS - COL Gutzwiller, (614) 889-7041.

MEDICAL & INCAPACITATION PAY - SGM Morton, (614) 889-7024.

The general info rmation number for the AG Dept. is (614) 889-7000.

Pg. 11

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (12)

/Scholarship Applications Skyrocket After just three yea rs the Ohio

National Guard Scholarship Program is alive and well, and growing. Com­puter stati stics indicate that over 2900 Army and Air Guardmembers enlisted in th e Ohio Guard for th e Scho­larship. Currently 1800 Guardmem­bers are using the program to help defer the ri sing cost of a co ll ege education .

For those no t fami l iar with the Guard Scho larship Program, it had its beginning on Nov. 2, 1977, when Ohio Gove rnor James A. Rh odes signed educational Ho use Bill 228. The bill had earlier passed the Ohio House and Senate by nea rly unani­mous votes.

The bill enables enl isted members of the Ohio National Guard who have

enlisted, extended thei r current en­listm\=!nt or reenlisted for a period o f six years after Sept. 1, 1977, to receive up to eight semesters o r 12 quarters of tuition assistance.

The Scho larship provides fu ll tui ­tion at a state assisted university or college. If the Guardmember chooses a private college, the scholarship pro­vides the equ ivalent of the average state university tuit ion ($330 per quar­ter, $495 per semester). In both cases, the school must be recognized by the O hio Board of Regents.

Recipients must be O hio residents and full-time (12 hours) undergradu­ate students.

The reference for the ONG Scho­larship Program is AGOR 621-1 (Army) and 35-1 (Air).

Grant Responsibilities Listed Indiv iduals participating in the

O hio National Guard Scho larship Grant Program have certain respo nsi­bilities to fulfill if aid is to continue.

Foremost of these responsibilities is to satisfactorily participate in Guard training. This means attending reg­ularly schedu led weekend drills and annual training. Drills and AT must be attended with the unit the individual belongs to, unless the individual's commander authorizes otherwi se.

Satisfacto ry participation also

mea ns confo rm ing to appearance standard s· and other standards that are establi shed by regulations.

If an individual 's academic sta tus changes, he must no tify hi s umt com­mande r. At all tim es, enli stm en t obligations are of primary impo rt­ance.

If there are any questions, o r fur­ther information is required, contact : 2nd Lt . George Kinney at (614) 889-7032.

Applying for ONG Grant Guardmembers qualifying for the

ONG Scho larship Program must sub­mit that year's application form and a !>tatement of understanding, AGO Form 62 1-2.

Applica tion documents should be !>Ubmitted to the Adjutant General's Dept., Attn: AGOH-PA not later than November 15, 1981 for th e winter term; and February 15, 1982 for the

spring term . According to MG James C. Clem ,

the Adjutan t General , " These sus­pense dates must be honored to in­sure the applica nt wi ll receive the grant fo r the term of enrollment. "

Applica tio ns rece ived after these dates could resu lt in the individual no t receiving the benefit for th at quarter.

ONGA Scholarships Available The Ohio National Guard Association

annually awards scholarships to mem­bers of the Ohio National Guard or to any person who is the son, daughter, spouse or legal dependent of an active or retired member of the Ohio National Guard.

This year 6 awards will be given, two $1000 scholarships and four $500 scho­larships.

Application forms are available in all Guard units. I f you need help, contact

Pg. "J.2

the Public Affairs office. Applications should be postmarked no

later than March 15 and should be mailed to: The Ohio National Guard Association, 2825 W. Granvi ll e Road ; Worthington , Ohio 43085. Mark the en­velope Attention: Scholarship Commit­tee.

Announcement of the awa rd reci­pi ents is made at the Annua l Ohio National Guard Conference.

College Spells Extra Rank Everyone knows education is an in­

vestment in th e future. Education can also mean extra pay fo.r those enlisting in the Ohio Army National Guard , accord­ing to Lt. Col. Jack McKenny, state re­cruiting manager.

An applicant with three or more years of a four year college program (135 quar­ter hours or 90 semester hours) can be enli!>ted as an E-3 with accelerated pro­motion to E-4 upon com pletion of six months service.

Col lege graduates can join as an E-3 and will be promoted to E-4 upon return from basic training or in four months.

Participation for two or more years in the Junior ROTC Program, or comple­tion of one or more years in th e Senior ROTC Program can also mean extra stripes for those joining the Ohio Guard.

HS Juniors Can Join Seventeen-year-old high schoo l

juniors who are mentally, physically and morally quali fied are now eligible for en­li stment in the Ohio Army National Guard. It is now possible to enlist up to 90 days prior to comp letion of your junior year in high school.

Under the unique high school junior program th e individual is guaran teed two summer jobs , additional income during the senior yea r in high school, and all of the other benefits of Ohio National Guard membership.

Military Schools While attendance at qualifying Active

Army servi ce schools has been manda­tory for officers over a number of years, the Ohio Army National .Guard is now placing great emphasis on enlisted ser­vice schools.

These schools are available di 110 cc~ ! to the enlisted member. Whi le attending these schools, Gaurdmembers receive regular active duty pay and benefits.

Information on these service schools and the proper application forms, are available from any local Guard unit.

" Ohio Guardmembers are urged to take a few moments to look at what is avai lable and to avai l themselves of this opportunity for education and self im­provement," said BG James M. Abra­ham, assistant Adjutant General for the Ohio Army Guard.

If you' re unable to obtain help at the local level, additional information is avai lable from CSM Carl Arn (614) 889-7104.

The Buckeye Guard

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (13)

Here's how you can Compute Your Retirement Pay

What are your Ohio National Guard retirement benefits worth? just how is retirement pay computed?

As an example, BUCKEYE GUARD wi ll use the retirement benefits avai lable to an E-8, with over 22 years service, at age 60:

TOTAL POINTS His retirement points total 4734 for

both active duty and National Guard ser­vice. That number when divided by 360 equals 13.15; represents the total years service for retirement purposes. Retire­ment pay is computed at 2.5 percent of base pay for each year of service. The monthly base pay rate for an E-8 over 22 is $1223.70. This amount multiplied by .3288 gives the monthly retirement pay for this individual at age 60- $402.35.

You would have to invest $1344 annually for 20 years to have a paid up life insuranc.e policy that would pay you a monthly income of $150 at age 60.

FAMILY PROTECTION By joining or remaining in the Ohio

National Guard you protect yourself and your family's future by working toward your 20 year retirement.

To be eligible for National Guard re­tirement, your last eight years must have been spent as a member of the Reserve Components.


New Burial Sites The opening of five new national

cemeteries was recently announced by the Veterans Administration.

According to a VA spokesman, the de­finite need for the expansion exists in the national cemetery system because of the large veteran popu lation and the lim­ited space available in the 55 cemeteries currently open for internments .

Burial in one of these cemeteries is avai lable to reservists and Guardmem­bers who die whi le performing active duty for training and veterans who have been discharged under other than dis­honorable conditions.

The Buckeye Guard

Whoever Heard of a Pension? Chances are retirement is about the last thing on your mind right now. But one of these days, it'll probably be the foremost thing on your mind. So now's the time to realize that you wi ll be entitled to a government pension and

retirement plan if you've completed 20 years of creditable service in the Ohio National Guard.

Moreover, your retirement benefits are completely " portable. " Regardless of how often you move or switch units, you can sti ll earn reti rement credits ... just try switching jobs and see if your new employer allows you retirement credits earned with your last employer !

It's hard enough to believe that a retirement program for a part-time job even exists. One so flexible that offers so much security - as much as $30,000 in cash value alone. And our premiums are the lowest you can pay.

None. But that's only the beginning. Here's a brief summary of all your retirement be-

nefits: Before age 60 you wi ll receive: Officer and NCO Club Membership eligibil ity. . Space avai lable travel (in uni form) within the U.S. including Alaska, Hawaii, and

Puerto Rico. Indefinite retention of Commissions. Wearing of uniform on appropriate occasions. Post and Base Exchange Privileges (while on Dri ll or Other Official Training Duty

Status). After age 60 you will receive: Retirement Pay. Medical treatment and hospitalization for yourself and dependents (space avail­

able basis). Dental treatment . Dependents are authorized routine dental care outside the U.S.

and at installations within the U.S. where adequate civilian faci lities are not avai lable. Emergency dental care and treatment are authorized for dependents worldwide.

Care at VA Facilities (reti red only). Post and Base Exchange and Commissary privileges. Officer and NCO Club membership. Space available travel, including overseas. Use of Military Clothing Sales facilities. Legal and veterinary services. Use of Post, Camp, Station, and Base faci lities. If you're thinking abou t g iving up the Guard, think about all you're giving up. Keep

the most important part-time job in America!

Law Affects Retirees Under a new benefit option for Re­

serve Component personnel - to in­clude members of the Ohio Army and Air National Guard - retirees may now provide death benefits to their survivors, payable even if they die before age 60.

This change in the Military Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) provides three options; two of them brand new.

Retirement-eligible Guardmembers may elect: (A) No change from the old plan. The Guardmember may decline to make a selection for or against SBP coverage un­ti l he or she reaches age 60. If this option

is chosen, no survivor coverage will be available during the years between attaining retirement e l igibility and reaching age 60. (B) Under the fi rst new option, the Guardmember may elect to provide a survivor benefit annuity, payable on the date he or she would have reached age 60, if death comes before that t ime. (C) Under the second new option, the Guardmember may choose to have the survivor annuity made payable on the date of death, regardless of whether death occu rs before or after age 60.

Pg. 13

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (14)


$1500 Enlistment Bonus A $1500 Enlistment Bonus is avail­

able to high schoo l graduates or seniors who enlist for six years in the Ohio Army National Guard.

" The $1500 Bonus will be a great aid to our recruiting efforts," stated Lieutenant Colonel jack McKenney, the Recr\]iting Manager for the Ohio Army National Guard.

" The Bonus wi ll help us to continue to increase Ohio Guard strength," he said. " It will also give us anoth er opportunity to talk about many of the other benefits of belonging to the Ohio Guard , especially o ur Scho­larship Program. "

The Bonus is a result of recent Con­gressional authorization to help in­crease overall military manpower.

The Bonus applies statewide in cer­tain military skill areas. Previou sly

, only selected Guard units w ere elig1-

b le for an Enlistment Bonus. Military skill areas open to the Bonus include artille ry , armor crewman , infantry, basic medical speciali st , air defense artille ry, military police and combat engineers.

The $1500 Enli stment Bonus is paid over a four year period . An enlistee will receive $750 after the satisfactory completion of the initial active duty training , $200 is paid at the end of the second and third years of service and the final payment of $350 is made at the co mpletion o f the fourth year. The Bonus is ')pen only to non-prior service high school graduates or high schoo l seniors who en list for a six year period.

In addition to the $1500 Bonus, the Ohio National Guard Scholarship is also avai lable to National Guard enlis­tees who are Ohio residents.

Federal College Assistance The F-ederal Education Assistance

Program for the Army National Guard was recently increased to $4000 from the previous $2000 and expanded to the same military occupational specialties now open to the $1500 En li stment Bonus.

The Federal Education Assistance Program, like the $1500 Enlistment Bonus, is open on ly to high school seniors or nonprior service high school graduates. New recruits can only opt for one of the federal programs , either the

Affiliation Bonus The Federal Affiliation Bonus recently

went into effect for honorably dis­charged prior service Army individuals who still have time remaining on their military service obligation.

Anyone enlisting in the military ser­vice, by federal statute, incurs a six-year obligation. Those enlisting in the Active Components usually serve 2 or 3 years active duty with the balance in an inac­tive status before being totally dis­charged from their service obligation.

Those enlisting in the Reserve Compo­nents serve the)r 6-year obligation in an active reserve status.

The Affi liation Bonus , directed pri­marily toward Army individuals just end­ing their active duty obligation, is awarded on the basis of $25 per month for each month of remaining military ser-

Pg. 14

$1500 enlistment bonus or the federa l education assistance.

The education option will pay $1000 a year for a maximum of $4000 for the period of enlistment. The program will pay , on a reimbursem*nt basis , for laboratory fees and shop fees.

The federal program can be used not only at Ohio colleges and universities but also at trade, technical or vocational schools that provide education at the post secondary level and are accredited by the Veterans Administration.

vice obl igation. A person with less than 18 months re­

maining on his/her obligation is eligible for th~ fu ll amount on his/her bonus on the effective date of enli stment with the Army Guard.

A person with more than 18 months remaining"'is eiigible for one-half of their bonus on the effective date of their en­listment and eligible for the remaining half when they begin the sixth year of their military obligation. Payment can usualty be expected from 4 to 6 weeks from the effective dates.

To receive the bonus these prior ser­vice individuals must en list into an Army Guard vacancy calling for a Military Occupational Specialty for which they were qualified while on active duty.

Blue Streak Referrals

The Ohio National Guard proudly announces its Blue Streak Program, the hottest recruiting tool in the country.

The program puts an extra $25 in Guardmembers pockets for every senior, non-prior service high school graduate, or veteran they convince to enlist in the Guard for six years.

The procedure for the Blue Streak Program is simple. I f you know a prospective Guardmember, just com­plete and mail a Blue Streak Referra l Card. These cards are avai lable from the nearest Ohio Guard recruiter.

When the local ONG recruiter re­ceives the card , he wil l contact this per­son and, if en li stment occu rs, your check should arrive by mail , usually within 45 working days.

The only Guardmembers not author­ized to participate in this bonus program are officers, warrant officers, full-t ime recruiters, and technicians whose job descriptions include recruiting duties.

References for the Blue Streak Pro­gram are AGO Circu lar 601-201 (Army) and 33-4 (Air). Additional information on this exciting program is available by call­ing your nearest Ohio Army or Air re­cruiter.

Stripes for Buddies Under a special Federal program the

Ohio Army National Guard can offer you a promotion even before attending basic training.

If you persuade two of your friends to join the Ohio Army Guard , you ' ll be promoted to E-2. This can mean an addi­tional $130 during your initial active duty training.

If you persuade four of your friends to join the Buckeye Guard , you' ll be pro­moted to private f irst class, and you' ll receive an additional $200 for you r initial training.

Previously this program was avai lable on ly until an individual departed for training. Current regulations now permit an individual to be promoted through this program until completion of ad­vanced individual training. For members taking advantage of the Split Training Option this can allow up to 18 months to meet the requirements.

The Buckeye Guard

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (15)

Veterans Opportunities Veterans with exist ing mi li tary ski lls

are needed by the Ohio Army National Guard. You can retain rank last he ld whi le on act ive duty and therefore qual­ify for a h igher rate of pay on your monthly dri ll and annual training checks.

Qualified veterans have the opportun­ity to receive co llege tuition assistance p lus any federa l Gl bi ll benefits to w hich they are entitled.

Split Training Option Students who are interested in col­

lege, whether they're taking advantage of the Ohio National Guard Scholarship Program or not, can take basic combat training (BCT) for eight weeks during one summer and take thei r advanced in­dividual training (A IT) the fo llowing sum­mer with no interruption of the normal academic year.

Th e Split Training Option is avai lable not only for students but is also avai lable to anyone involved in seasonal employ­ment (construction workers, farmers, etc.). However, this option is not avail­able for MOS's offered through One Sta­tion Unit Traini ng.

OCS Slots Available En li sted Guardmembers are being

asked to "accept the challenge" of lead­ership by enrolling in the next officer can didate school (OCS).

The course, which lasts one year, be­gins in Apri l and wi ll include topics of study designed to improve leadersh ip, physical conditioning and readiness.

Some of the quali f ications for OCS are a high school diploma or equivalent de­gree , a GT sco re of 110 or higher and a score of 115 o'r better on the officer candidate test. Applicants must also meet all physical requirements and be between ages 18 and 30 at the t ime of commissioning.

Soldiers interested in more informa­tion should contact their company com­mander or call the Military Academy at (614) 889-7106.

Flight School There is always a need for Ohio Guard

men and women interested in going to flight school , according to COL Robert P. Orr, State Aviation Officer.

According to Orr, there are 184 avia­tion slots in Ohio, and because pi lots in general are a young and mobile group there- is about a 10 percent tu rnover each year. The Buckeye Guard

Applicants must meet the physical and mental criteri a before they can go to flight school. Details are contained in AR 611 -85, for enli sted personnel , and AR 116-110, for officers.

Accepted applicants attend a 10 month schoo l at Ft. Ru cker, A labama. Th e school is very tough, acco rd ing to Orr, but successful students receive their flight wings on graduation.

Interested Guardmembers should contact their uni t AST for information about how to apply.

Medical Training Enlisted medical personnel can now

take advantage of a program w hich would provide them with licensed prac­tical nurse's training at civili an schoo ls.

Under this program, soldiers would receive full pay and allowances for the duration of the course, along with full tuition. Books for the course are paid for by the Army National Guard .

According to COL Robert Green, Command Administrative Assistant of the 112th Medical Brigade, many medical positions in the Guard provide for milit­ary training which can also be used in the civilian health care industry.

NCO Schools Three new NCO courses are being

offered thi s yea r by the Ohio Military Academy in an effort to better develop Ohio's NCO leadership potential.

For E-4s and E-5s, a Basic NCO Course wil l be offered thi s fall. Those participat­ing in the program will attend training during one weekend in May and spend both weeks of annual training with the school's cadre at Camp Perry.

An advanced course for E-6s and E-7s w ill be offered beginning in August. The program will be condu cted one weekend a month at the military academy in Worthington, and will last for five months.

Also offered is a senior NCO schoo l for E-8s and E-9s. Thi s school will also begin in August and be conducted one weekend a month . It will last for four months.

The final school to be oiiered this year will be another Basic NCO Course. This one, though , will las t six months and will be taught only one weekend a month at OMA. It w ill begin in December.

Meals and housing are provided by the academy for anyone not able to com­mute. Deadlines for each of the schools is 60 days p rior to the starting date of the classes.

Official starting dates for each of the classes wi ll be announced both through letter and in BUCKEYE GUARD Maga­zine.

Top Soldiers Sought The O hio National Guard's top troops

are being sought for special honors in the Outstand ing Guardmembers Pro­gram.

Under this un ique program, the top enli sted members of both the O hio Army and Air Guard receive a vacation package worth at least $300 and some very special treatment at Camp Perry.

Each Outstanding Guardmember is se lected fro m among the states E-3s through E-5s. Each receives five days of state active duty pay, free use of a family housing un it at Camp Perry, a Certificate of Ach ievement, an d some planned acti­vities for the Guardmember and family incl ud ing free tickets to Cedar Point, fi shing, water skiing, swimming, go lf and a buffet dinner.

Those selected also attend 16 hours of leadership training. The training is from 8 a.m. to noon Monday through Thurs­day. The course w ill not include any type of testing or examinations.

For additional information on the O ut­standing Guardmembers Program see your unit AST or First Sergeant o r see AGO Cir 672-3 (Army) or 900-4 (Ai r).

Army Guard unit com manders sho uld submit their nominees to battalion or squadron level by Ap ril 30, 1981. Batta­lion and squadron commanders must submit their nominees to th eir com­mand headquarters by May 15, 1981. Air Guard nominees must be at state head­quarters by May 31, 1981.

Discounts Ohio National Guardmembers are en­

titled to discounts at several p ri vate businesses and attractions. Avis Car Ren­tal provides discounts to Guard members anywhere in the world. The amount of the discounts depends upon where the car is rented. An Avis discount card is required for the discount and should be available from unit AST's .

Guardmembers are also members of Sea World 's Dolphin Club. Dolphin Club members receive a 15 percent discount on admission to any of the three Sea World Parks. Club Ca rds are avai lable from unit AST's.

America at its Best ~

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1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (16)


New Enlisted Pay Tables EFFECTIVE OCT. 1980


E·1 PV1 -02 501.30 16.71 66.64 250.65 179.70-month

E/2 PV2 -02 558.60 18.62 74.48 279.30 179.70-month 5.99-day 89.85-AT

E·3 PFC -02 580.50 19.35 77.40 290.25 179.70-month +02 612.30 20.41 81 .64 306.15 5.99-day + 03 636.90 21.23 84.92 318.45 89.85-AT + 04 662.10 22.07 88.28 331.05

E-4 CPl - 02 603.60 20.12 80.48 301.80 206.10-month SP4 + 02 637.50 21 .25 85.00 318.75 6.87-day

+ 03 674.70 22.49 89.96 337.35 103.05-AT + 04 727.20 24.24 96.96 363.60 +06 756.00 25.20 100.80 376.00

E-5 SGT -02 627.90 20.93 83.72 313.95 234.30-month SP5 +02 683.40 22.78 91 .12 341 .70 7.81-day

+ 03 716.40 23.88 95.52 358.20 117.15-AT + 04 747.60 24.92 99.68 373.80 +06 796.50 26.55 106.20 398.25 +08 828.90 27.63 110.52 414.45 +10 862.20 28.74 114.96 431 .10 + 12 893.70 29.79 119.16 446.85 + 14 910.20 30.34 121.36 455.10

E-6 SSG - 02 715.20 23.84 95.36 357.60 255.()()-month SP6 + 02 779.70 25.99 103.96 389.85 8.50-day

+ 03 812.40 27.08 108.32 406.20 127.50-AT + 04 846.60 28.22 112.88 423.30 +06 878.10 29.27 11 7.08 439.05 + 08 910.20 30.34 121.36 455.10 + 10 943.50 31.45 125.80 471.75 +12 992.10 33.07 132.28 496.05 + 14 1023.30 34.11 136.44 511 .65 + 16 1056.30 35.21 140.64 528.15 + 18 1072 .20 35.74 142.96 536.10

E-7 SFC - 02 828.00 27.60 110.40 414.00 277.20-month PSG + 02 893.70 29.79 119.16 446.85 9.24-day

+ 03 927.00 30.90 123.60 463.50 138.60-AT + 04 959.10 31 .97 127.88 +06 992.10 33.07 132.28 496.05 +08 1023.30 34.11 136.44 511.65 +10 1056.30 35.21 140.84 528.15 + 12 1089.00 36.30 145.20 544.50 + 14 1138.20 37.94 151.76 569.10 +16 1170.60 39.02 156 08 585.30 +18 1203.60 40.12 160 48 601 .80 +20 1219.20 40.64 162.56 609.60 +22 1301.10 43.37 173.48 650.55 +26 1462.80 48.76 195.04 731.40

E-8 MSG +08 1185.90 39.53 158.12 592.95 297.90-mo nth 1SG + 10 1219.20 40.64 162.56 609.60 9.93-d ay .. +12 1251.60 41 .72 166.88 625.80 148.95-AT

+14 1284.30 42.81 171 .24 642.15 . + 16 1317.90 43.93 175.72 658.95 +18 1348.50 44.95 179.80 674.25 +20 1381.50 46.05 184.20 690.75 +22 1462.80 48.76 195.04 731.40 + 26 1626.00 54.20 216.80 813.00

E-9 CSM + 10 1413.60 47.12 188.48 706.80 SCM + 12 1445.70 48.19 192.76 722.85

+ 14 1478.40 49.28 197.12 739.20 + 16 1512.60 50.42 201 .68 756.30 + 18 1546.20 51 .54 206.16 773. 10 +20 1576.20 52.54 210.16 788.10 +22 1659.30 55.31 221.24 829.65 + 26 1820.40 60.68 242.72 910.20


Emergency SAD Brings More Dollars Under House Bill 1104, Guardmem­

bers will receive a minimum of $50 per day while serving in a state of emergency declared by Governor James A. Rhodes.

In add i ti o n , Ohio Guardmembe rs working on emergency duties, who are injured , are eligible for Ohio Workers' Compensati on. Guardmembers killed in the line of duty receive $20,000 in death

Pg. 16

benefits from the State o f Ohio (this is the same amount as SGLI). This coverage is above their regular SGLI policy.

1981 "Blue Book" Compiled by 196th PAD

PAY Let's Talk Money

A Guard member's drill pay can mean a new set of skis, a car payment , a saving's bond, or a well balanced budget.

But no matter what it's used for, drill pay is o ne o f th e reasons most o ften cited for staying in the Guard.

Pay for a weekend's work can mean anywhere from $60 for a private to over $200 for a majo r. M ost Guardmembers, however, average about $100 a pay dur­ing thei r f irst six-year hitch.

There are other benefits that are not included in th at f igure. When meals, uni forms, and medical and dental care while on active duty are included, i t's easy to see how quickly Guard benefi ts accumulate.

Guardmembers are paid well for their skill s, but they earn every penny in jobs that are fa r more demanding than most o thers.

HOW IS A GUARDMEMBER PAID? Ohio Air and Army Guardnte111bers re­

ceive one day's pay fo r each fo ur-hour drill period , based on their grade and years of service.

HOW IT ADDS UP For men and women who take up a

part-time job, w o rking in th e Ohio National Guard adds up to a good deal. Use the following check list to compare the Guard to other part-time jobs.

Does the job guarantee at least $60 a weekend as a starting sala ry?

Will you only wo rk one weekend a month , and two weeks in the summer with th e employe r buying all o f th e meals during the wo rk period ?

Will you be to ld months in advance of the work dates?

Will you receive regular promotio ns and pay increases for your length of em­ployment?

Can you receive free college tuition at the expense o f your part-time employer?

Will you be given $300 wo rth o f cloth­ing to wear during your work period , clothing that's replaced as it's worn o ut?

Will you be covered by $20,000 worth o f li fe insurance full -time at a cost of only $3.00 a mo nth?

Will the work you do make you proud of yourse l f because yo u are helping o thers in times o f need ?

Will your employer send you to scnool to train you in the type of work you wi ll be doing?

Will your job involve f ree travel to in­teresting places?

It's tough for most employers to meet these exacting standards. But that's the way the Ohio Guard keeps good people.

It's a good deal.

The Buckeye Guard

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (17)


The ONGEA fi lls specific needs in many members' l ives. This could run from purchasing insurance, bowling in the State tournament to just be ing a member, yet regardless of what their reason for joining ... or staying on as members ... they contribute to the members that constitute our Strength in Unity. It's th is strength th·.c will enable us to be effective in the .;tate House in Columbus.

If we had just 50 percent of ONG en­listed membership we would have over 8600 members. We ·could be much more effective in developing additional pro­grams for new and existing members. In short, what I'm trying to say is that each individual must also work to help them-

ONGEA Bowling Tourney

April 25-26, 1981

THE OHIO NATIONAL GUARD ENLISTED ASSOCIATION selves and the ONGEA. What I'm pro­posing is that existing members, intro­duce the Ohio National Guard Enlisted Association to fellow Guardmembers. The prize wi ll be the increased benefits they will real ize from their efforts.

We need the support of every indi­vidual if we are to make the great leap forward we envision in 1981. Our current membership drives, with the aid of only a relative handfu l of ou r members .. . when you consider our membership .. . is holding our strength at approximately 2200 (Army & Air). What I'm proposing is going one step further. It's additional membership recruiting from an area tra­ditionally g1ven over to renewal mem-

bersh1p only. If the NCOs believe in the National Guard and if the members be­lieve strongly enough to renew, they should believe strongly enough to re­cruit at least one new member. I chal­lenge each NCO in the Army and Air NG, if not a member, to join the ONGEA and for each member to recruit at least one new member.

Carl Bicanovsky discussed the License Plate issue at the State House with a member of the House and will try to have a bill introduced in April1981. Your membership in the Association will real­ly tel l me that the time is .right.

Remember, Your decision today will affect us forever.

Glick Earns Two Coveted Honors Specialist 4th Class David P. Glick of

the. 837th Engineer Company, l ima, re­ce nt ly ach ieved d ual mil itary honors rarely gained by any sold ier.

Having achieved the highest academic standing in his Advanced lndividua; Training course for Engineers at Fort l eona rd Wood , Missouri , G l ick was selected the Honor Graduate. This is the highest honor the U.S. Army Training Center can give during Advanced train­ing.

Gl ick was also chosen from among 3000 candidates comprising three train­ing brigades as the Distinguished Gradu­ate.

Selection was made by the prestigious

Society of American M i li tary Engineers. The award was presented " ... for de­monstrating the h ighest standards of knowledge in military engineering com­bined with exemplary traits of leadership and physical endurance."

The awards were capped by a letter of Commendation f rom the Training Bri­gades' commanding officers and a spe­cia l presentation at the Lima National Guard Armory.

Glick is a graduate of Shawnee High School and is currently attending courses at the O hio State University Lima Campus majoring in engineering design. He is an employee of the Excello Corporation.

Top Army, Air Shooters Compete (From Pg. 7)

50 pe rcent in !he Wi lson Matches and were invited to the FORSCOM Matches.

COMPOSITE PISTOL TEAM The composite pistol team took 12th

place out of 45 competing teams with lenardson as the top Ohio shooter. Team members included: SSgt. Ronald E. Benge , Co. C, 237th Spt. Bn.; SFC George l. Bergho lz , HHC, 112th En­gineers; Sgt. Ronald Groening, 179th TAG; Sgt. Frederick ] . Kunzler, Co. B, 1/148th lnf. Bn.; SSgt. James R. lenard­son, HHC, 137th Sup & Svc Bn.; SFC Daniel j. McClaren, Co. B, 1/166th Int. Bn; SSgt. larry l. Titus, Co. C, 237th Spt. Bn; and Sgt. john F. Zika, Co. C, 612th Engineers.


The combat pistol team from HHC, 73d lnf. Bde. (Sep). did not place in the

The Buckeye Guard

top SO percent in the Wilson Matches. Howeve r, the team, made up of the 73d M il itary Police Platoon, combined with members of the 299th Signal Platoon to take top honors in the National Guard State Championships held recently, assuring them of a chance at the Wilson


Matches next year. SSgt. joseph Edwards from HHC, 73d lnf. Bn., finished first in this competition and SSgt. leo Morgan came in fifth.

Other team members were Sp4 Michael Ely, PFC Ronald Capaniro, PFC Steven West and Pvt. 2 Carl Filer.

Attorney Seeks Witness Columbus attorney Harry Paulino is

searching for a potential w itness to a fatal traffic accident that occurred on June 10, 1979 on State Route 16 be­tween Newark and Coshocton.

The accident, involving an orange Datsu n p ickup and a blue Chrysler, occurred where St. Rt. 16 turns into a four lane road.

State Highway Patro l photos show

an Army jeep and a male dressed in Khakis d i recting t raffic.

Pauli no is attempting to find this in­dividual to get a statement. There is no stigma of guilt or possible fau lt in­volved. Paulino is trying to determine if the individual saw the accident.

Paulino asks the possible witness to call him collect at (614) 885-3365 or (614) 885-6881.

Pg. 17

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (18)

Wives Club News

OTHE OTHER HALF Happy New Yea r from the Ohio

National Guard Officers' Wives' Club ! Each New Year's Eve seems to bring with it a ritual dragging out some of the same tired resolution s. Not that they aren' t noble goals - but, really- every year? Let 's see, number one is, "Lose t en pounds". What good is that when the self-same ten pounds is lost at least twic~ each year? Next is, " Exercise faithfully. That one's just impossible when the full· length mirror is a pathological liar and there is an ugly run in your leotard! Talk about a toughie, number three is almost always, " Get o rgani zed" . Translated , that means to clean out the junk drawer and, at least, widen the path through the laundry area. W ell , we all know that going through a ten year stack of maga­zines for re cipes takes time ! Th en there's the laundry basket, fi lled with baby shirts and National Guard fat.igues -for the same kid . It's a lost cause , of course. Why not discard those old re-


so lutio n s? You aren 't go ing to keep them anyway. Substitute, instead the fo l­lowing, easy to keep, list.

OWC RESOLUTIONS The first , and simplest, resolution is to

acti va t e your membership in G uard Wives. Now, there's a very w o rthy goal! Nineteen eighty one could be the year that you broaden your range of interests, through the programs offered monthly. Why not resolve to attend every meeting possible! Resolve to meet , at least , two new Guard wives, and learn their names, each month. Resolve to become a more interested, active, and informed partner to your Ohio Guardsman. Keeping in mind that the Guard is a fami ly li festyle , reso lve to be supportive and under­standing when duty seems to take the higher priority. Resolve to affi rm your pride in our ONG with your time, talent , attendance, and good words.

C, 1/148 Has Top Field Kitchen BY SSGT. DAVIDA MATIHEWS

When Company C of the 1/148th Infan­try Battalion in Van Wert, takes to the field for training, there is one thing the troops can be sure of - at lunch time they wi ll be eating food produced by the best Army National Guard mess section in Ohio. For three consecutive years, the company has taken top honors in the Ohio National Guard Best Field Kitchen awards.

The mess section is headed up by First Sergeant Michael Stan ley, who is a pa­tro lman with the Van Wert Police De­partment in his civi l ian life . Stanley's senior cook, Staff Sergeant john Wort­man, is a Lieutenant in the same police department - a ro le reversal that causes lots of teasing but very little problems. Other members of the award-winning section incl ude Specialist 5 Gary Stilt­worth, Se rgeant Randall Pollock and Pri­vate First Class Gerald Mitchell .

Each National Guard unit receives sup­plies, guidelines and a meal plan that it must fo llow. But acco rding to Stanley there is room for flexibi l ity. " We know what our troops like and what they don' t like. We cater to their taste. " This f lex­ibility allows them to become creative. "Out in the field we are limited in our experimenting but in the armory kitchen we are always trying to come up with something different or better," Stanley

Pg. 18

said. Their most success ful di shes w ere

born out of necessity. During one meal they ran out of commercially purchased salad dressing. The coo ks concocted a celery seed dressing that their t roops now prefer over any other type. The re­cipe for Tomato Pudding came about as a method to use up perishable bread. It , too, became one of the men's favorites.

Celery Seed Salad Dressing 1 Y2 tsp . celery seed 1% tsp. ground mustard 1'12 tsp. salt 2 tsp ground dehydrated onions 1 tsp paprika Y1 cup vinegar Y. cup sugar 12 ounces vegetable oi l Combine all ingredients except veget­able oi l in blender at high speed. When tho roughly mixed, slowly add o il whi le blender is still on high speed.

· Tomato Pudding 1 no. 2Y1 cans of tomatoes , mashed 1 cup brown sugar '11 stick margarine (SY1 tbsp.) 3 cups bread , broken into small pieces Heat tomatoes and brown sugar. In sepa­rate pan melt margarine and pour over bread pieces p laced in 1 Y1 to 2 quart cas­sero le. Stir thoroughly. Add hot toma­toes/sugar mixture and sti r again . Bake 350° for 50 minutes. Serves six.

The OWC has a lot to offer thi s winter and spring, with programs on cooking, fashion , flowers and ou r dreams.

Of most immediate interest is the lun­cheon of February 24, at the DCSC in Columbus. Featured speaker will be Dr. Marlene Kocan, of Harding Hospital , dis­cussing, " Dream Interpretat ion". This should fascinate us all! Come and take a peek into the subconscious mind.

MAGIC SHOW On March 24, again at the DCSC, Sue

Helmreich, home economist from Sun TV, will perform magic for us, micro­wave magic, that is. Those microwaves will do lots of tricks, such as drying f low­ers, or cooking in a j iffy. For the ladies who own microwave ovens, as well as those considering the purchase of one , t h i s program is a must. Remember , when meetings are at the DCSC, the so­cial hour is at 11:30 a.m. , lunch at 12:30 p.m. , and a nursery is provided .

The last two get-togethers of the sea­son will be at new locations for the club. In Apri l , we meet in Columbus at the Lazarus , down town store. After lunch we will have a fashion presentation, then on to the shopping! May's meeting is again in Columbus at the Frankl in Park Conservatory. There wi ll be time to tour the exhibits, as well as to have lunch and to participate in a short course on flower arranging.

SPECIAL THANKS In closing, thanks go to two gentle­

men. M r. Bob Shoemaker, who served generous ly w ithout fee as o ur auc­tioneer in November, was most enter­taining and boosted the aucti on pro­ceeds handsomely. M r. George Wi lliam­son gave us so many excellent profes­sional decorating ideas when Gl icks hosted the OWC in january. Wi th speak­ers like these it is very easy to under­stand the increase in attendance. So ladies, make a reservation and join your fe llow ONG wives for the next lun­cheon. Remember, you resolved to do it!

Remember the ONGA Winter Dance

February 28, 1981

The Buckeye Guard

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (19)

SGT. LAWRENCE D. MIX, Atk Hel Trp, was selected as the Soldier of the Month for November. Congratu lations. SSGT. RICK HALL from Atk Hel Trp, has been selected as Honor Graduate of his OCS Class at Fort Benning, GA. SPS JAMES D. SMOTHERS has ex tended for thre e years; a welcome is extended to CW03 RICHARD W . SAUM, who transfe rred from the Indiana NG into the Atk Hel Trp unit. M embers of the unit who were re­cently promoted are: GARY VANDER­BOSCH to CWO 2 and DANNY D. HAR­RIS to PFC.

1LT GERALD D. SHIELDS, has been de­signated commander of G Troop, 2/107th Armored Cava lry; 2LT CHARLES E. LONG JR., an ROTC Scholarship Gradu­ate of Kemper Military College, is their new training o ffi cer and third p latoon leader, and SPC JAMES A. RICHARDS JR., is the troop 's new training NCO.

MAJ. KEITH SAVIDGE, 416th Engineer Group , ha~ rt>ce ivE>d hi ~ Federal recogni­tion effective August 1980. CSM CARL BICANOVSKY has received his certi fica­tion by DA Command Sergean t Major's Selection Board.

MSGT. WILLARD JOSEPH AITCHISON has recently retired with 30 years of hon­orable se rvice to the mi litary. Good luck Se rgeant Aitchison .

Recent promoti ons for members of HHC, 372nd Engineers are BRYAN MOB­LEY, MICHAEL PRINCE, and MARK TOOD to Sp4 and TERRY SMITH to PFC.

JOHN JOHNSON, 220th E. I. Squad­ron, was promoted to master sergeant.

SGT. DOUGLAS ANDERSON,. 178th Combat Suppo rt Sq. , has been selected as the recipient of the group Airman of th e Quarter Award , and SSGT. CAS­SAUNDRA CHANNELS has been se lected as t h~ 178th Tactica l Fi ghter Group's Safety Person of the Q uarter.

Promotion s received by the 178th are as fo llows: To Mast er Se rgeant , LEWERNZO S. MUTERSPAW, 178th CAMS; to Technical Sergeant, TIMOTHY T. BROOKS and DAVID F. GREEN, 178th CAMS; to Staff Se rgean t , ROBERT L. BOWMAN , 178th CE F, THEODORE GROVATT, 162nd TFS, TERRY L. LAM­BERT, 178th CSS and DAVE MILLER, 178th CAM S; to Sen ior Airman, JAMES DAVIS, 178th CAMS, DARLENE HOHEN­STEIN, 162nd TFS, MARILYN MUTERS­PAW, 178th CSS, BARTON SMITH, 178th CEF and MARY WIEDMAN, 178th CEF; to Airman First Class, STEPHEN BABIAK, 178th CEF, LARRY BUSSARD, ROBERT ELLIOTT and STEVEN NEAL, 178th CAMS, LEROY WILSON JR., 178th Tac Clinic and TIMOTHY ZIMMER, 178th CAMS.

The Buckeye Guard

PFC DAVID GLICK, 837th Engineers, won the Honor Graduate Award fo r the Water Treatment Course at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. GLICK also won the Disting­u ished Graduate Award given by the Society of Ame rican Military Engineers.

DARREN BASS, was promoted to PFC, ROY WOODRUFF t o Sp4 , STEVEN SPENCER, DAVID GIBSON and TERRY LAW to Sgts., and ROBERT LYLE to SSgt. All are members of the 837th Engineer Company.

Th e fo llowing members of the 54th Support Center have rece ived promo­tions: BOBBY GRESHAM to Command Sergeant Major, HARVEY JONES to SFC and CAROL SCHMIDT to SpS.

Members of Batte ry A , 1/136th Field Arti lle ry recei ving promotions }'Vere: LAWREN CE MORGAN and JEFFREY L. HOWE to Staff Sergeants.

Soldier of the Month Award went to PHILIP C. SHOCKLEY, Battery A, 1/136th FA for the month of October and their Soldier of the Month for September was RICHARD D. GRABER. Congratu lations to both .

SSGT. SAMUEL A. GUTHRIE and dau ghter SP4 PAMELA we re bo t h awa rded the Humanitari an Service Rib­bon for their participation in the " Bliz­zard of '78". SSGT. GUTHRIE also re­ceived the O hio Award o f Merit ribbon.

MAJ. KENNETH A. NORMAND, Ai r In­telligence Officer for the 160th Ai r Re­fueling Group, has recently been pre­sented th e Air Force Commendation Medal. LT. COL. WILLIAM B. FULLER, Deputy Commander o f M aintenance, and LT. COL. DONALD T. M cPHERSON, Base Comp troll er, both of the 160th ARFG, also received the Air Force Com­mendation Medal. Another member of

Kalmar Retires BY SSGT. S.A. GRAHAM

Sergeant First Class Attila Kalmar. of Youngstown, has retired recently from the Ohio National Guard after 20 years of service. Hi s last unit of ass ignment was HOW Ba tt e ry , 3r d Sq uad ron, 107th Armored Cavalry.

Kalmar served in severa l positions dur­ing his tenure in the Guard . His last posi­tion was as a Platoon Sergeant w here he directed th e operation s of hi s uni t 's co mmunications and survey sections. In addition, he was the unit representative of the Ohio Nat ional Guard En l isted Association.

Kalmar is employed by Republic Steel in Youngstown as an electrician . H e, hi s wife Ginger, and four children reside in Youngstow n.

the group, LT. COL. WILLIAM L. MEL­LON, JR . (Ret. ) was presented with the Ohio Disti nguished Service Medal be­cause of his p ro fessional skill and ou t­standing leadership during the unit 's his­toric conversion in which it became the first Air National Guard unit to be placed under Strategic Ai r Command.


The 216th Engineer Battalion , Ports­mouth, promoted two of thei r members, LEONARD COOPER and ANDREW MIL­LER, to priva tes first class.

DARYL BROSHIUS of t he 1416th Transportation Company, Worthington, was recently promoted to private first class. Extended w ere SSG CHARLES DICKMAN, SSG WILLIE THOMPSON and SPS DELOIS YOUNG.

179th Tactical Airlift Group, Mansfield , recently promoted the following: JAMES DORION , ROBERT MARTIN , JR. , DONALD MAYS to master se rgeants; RAYMOND CASSARO , ANTHONY CLINE, RICHARD CROSS, GARLAND HOWELL, MARK KLINE to t ech nica l sergeants; JOSEPH BERGER, IV, JUDITH CARROLL and SHELLY MILLIGAN to se n io r airman; FARY MUSIC and TRACEY SPAYDE to airman fi rst class.


Congratu lations to TSGT. RICHARD SHOEMAKER of the 180th Communica­tions Flight for receiving th e Air Force Commendation Medal.

Pg. 19

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (20)

Buckeye ·Bits Bridge Replaced

Company C 112th Engineers, Youngs­town , removed and rep laced the deck­ing of the 177 Board Bridge at the Camp Cheerful Crippled Chi ldren 's Camp in Strongsville.

The 90ft. bridge, named the 177 Board Bridge by the chi ldren because there are 177 boards (decking), is the only access to and from the camp.

The camp, complete ly equipped with dining, lodging and recreational faci li ­t ies, is spo nsored by the Society fo r Crippled Children o f the greater Cleve­land area. The enginee ring work was part o f an ongoing community service program .

Perfect Score Fired Private 2 j oseph M . Clark, of HHC, ·

73 rd In fantry Brigade fired a perfect sco re during weapon s qualification whil e attend ing Basic Training at Fort M cClellan, Ala.

The feat i s a ve ry rare accompNsh­ment , according to hi s Basic Training company commander, Captain Wi lliam Redell.

Clark is now undergoing helicopter crew training at Ft . Rucker, Ala.

ONG Cadets Tops National Gu ardmembe rs Ca det

Second Lieutenant Randy Stephen, of Company B, 1/148th In fan t ry , Cadet Second Lieutenant M ark Middleton , o f Detachment 1, Company B, 1/148th In­fantry, and Cadet Second Li eutenant Walt januszkiewicz, o f the 323rd MP Company, participated in the first p lace Pershing Rifle team from Bowling Green State University.

The victo ry took p lace at the 11th Reg­imental Competitive Field Exercise held at Xavier Uni ve rsity in Cincinnati in October.

Five teams competed in the contest whi ch. measured such sk ill s as land navigation, M-16 rifle pro fi ciency, radio procedures and tactica l operations tech­niques.

Engineers Honored The 112th Engineer Battalion earned a

Resolution of Congratulations from the

Pg. 20

Cleveland City Council recently on its community assistance to Cleve land' s Rapid Recove ry, Inc.

Rapid Recovery is a non-pro fit organ­ization program aimed at clearing up the Cleveland Rapid Transit visual corrido r.

Three efforts by the 112th during the year removed almost 150 tons of debris. Besides personnel , the 112th Engineers provided two dump trucks, a bu lldozer, two front end loaders and several trans­port veh icles for the clean-up.

Smith is First Leslie A. Smith, a member o f Com­

pany C, 112th Engineer Battalion and a Youngstown State University student, successfully completed the Army's Air

Cadet Leslie Smith

Assault school at Ft. Campbel l , Ken­tucky. Sm ith is a member of the Reserve Officer Training Corps at YSU and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Smith of War­ren.

Smith h<ts the distinctio n of being the first Ohio National Guardmember enrol­led in YSU RO TC to graduate from the course.

The air assau lt course consists of two weeks o f intensive train ing. Students learn airmobile and sling loading techn i­ques as well as rapelling f rom a hel icop­ter. Physical conditioning is stressed and the course culminates w i th a 10-mi le forced march.

Greer Passes Away Master Sergeant Joseph E. Greer, Sr. ,

well known and respected Guardmem­ber of HHC 372nd Engineer Battalio n passed away recently. Greer began his distinguished military career during the Second World War . " Joe," as many knew him, had over 26 years of outstand­ing service, devoting his life to the ser­vice of ou r country with unselfish loyalty and dedication.

Membe rs of HHC 372nd Enginee r Battalio n conducted a Military funeral fo r their fallen comrade. Representatives of the 134th Engineer Group and the 16th Engin~e r Bde we re present, with SSgt . Rossiter Chappelear of the 122nd Army Band providing " Taps" .

Ingram Commissioned Among the six cadets recently com­

m iss io ned thro ugh the Youngstown State Universi ty RO TC prog ram w as Second Lieutenant Lesli L. Ingram, of North Lima.

Ingram majored in physical education and wants to become a helicopter pi lot. He is a member of Detachment 1,1416th Transportation Company at the Akron­Canto n Airport.


The First Annual 1/136th Fie ld Artillery Range Fire Individual and Team Com­petition Awards were won by Battery C in Piqua.

lnd(viduals and Team participants in­cl uded Staff Se rgeant M ark Kingery, Staff Sergeant Elmer Swank, Sergeant Bruce Ball , Specialist four j ack Woodell , and Priva te First Class Kenneth Ross. The three-man team was comprised of King­ery, Swank, and Woodell , w hile all five members competed individually .

The i ndi vi dual hono rs went to Woodell who scored 31 hits, the highest in the battalion. These awards were pre­sented by Lt . Col. Dan iel Arn ett , com­mander o f the 136th Field Arti llery Batta­l ion.

Remember the ONGA Winter Dance

February 28, 1981

The Buckeye Guard

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (21)

WLWT-TV5 Asks Troop A, 237th Cav: How Ready? BY SGT. SHANNON EARLY

Recently there has been an enormous amount of concern about our national security. The question is, " Is America capable to engage and defeat any threat forces on any battlefield in the world?" This question was asked in Newsweek last October in an article entitled, " Is America Strong Enough?" The report pri­marily dealt with the readiness of our ac­tive Armed Forces.

Recently the Cincinnati Enquirer wrote an article about the abi l ity of the Army Reserve and the Army National Guard to provide units to support a national de­fense effort. Many Readers were sur­prised to learn that the Army National Guard has global responsibilities to de­fend our country.

In October, a Cincinnati TV station; WLWf ChannelS accompanied Troop A, 237th Caval ry to Ft. Knox, Ky, for three days of tactical training. Sheri Norton, reporter, and cameraperson Ron Ling made the trip to learn what the Guard was all about.

Norton and Ling learned early that the Troop's day begins at 4:30a.m. and con­tinues until1 :00 a.m . the fo llowing day.

Norton and Ling observed and filmed live range fire, tactical scout operations and dismounted reconnaissance.

The film crew also fi lmed a night time fire operation.

The piece was aired in December and was entitled " Ready or Not."

Once again the Ohio public learned how important the Ohio National Guard is to Ohio and to the United States. And they also learned how ready Troop A, 237th Cav was.


"Ready or Not" was highly promoted by WL WT in Cincinnati

ABOUT OUR COVER- SSgt. Joseph Edwards, a member of HHC, 73d lnf. Bde. Combat pistol team, covers up the holes in a target as he gets ready to compete in the Wilson Matches. (PHOTO BY SSGT. DAVIDA MATTHEWS)

Phillips Volunteers Time For Law Enforcement Training Civil disturbance training was given a

helpful boost during Troop G's Decem­ber drill with the presence of George Phillips, coordinator of Law Enforcement Training at Case Western Reserve Uni­versity. Phillips' volunteered his time to instruct the troop in civil disturbance methods in the classroom and in the field . " What's one day of my time versus the amount of time the National Guard donates to protecting the state of Ohio," said Phi ll ips when asked why he came to help train the troops.

A ten year veteran of the Ohio High­way Patrol, Phillips also instructed at the Highway Patrol academy for 3 years be­fore becoming th e law enforcement training cood inator at Case Western in 1970.

Troop G under the command o f Capt. Gerald D. Shie lds received instruction in legal consideration and pol icies , collec­tive behavior, civi l disturbance manage­ment, riot contro l agents and special equipment and the riot baton.

The Buckeye Guard

George Phillips, coordinator of Law Enforcement Training at Case Western Reserve University demonstrates the proper use of the riot baton. Phillips is a ten-year veteran of the Ohio Highway Patrol.

Pg. 21

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (22)

Armstrong is First at Toledo ANGB BY SRA LORI DONIERE

People entering the recruiting office at the 180th Tactical Fighter Group, Ohio Air National Guard, Toledo Express Air­port, may be surprised to be greeted by a woman! Senior Airman Jamie Arm­strong is the first female recruiter at the Toledo Air National Guard Base.

Jamie, 23, joined the Air National Guard in 1978. Before assuming her full­time duties as recruiter, she was a Certi­fied Dental Speciali st at the 180th Clinic. In July, Jamie went to recruiting school at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas.

" I had no idea I would become a fu ll­time rec ruiter when I returned from school," said Jamie. " But when I re­turned home, the job was offered to me, and I accepted."

Not on ly is Jamie the first Toledo ANG female recruiter, but out of the eight Air Guard units in Ohio, Jamie is one of only four assigned female recruiters!

Jamie says she likes her new job. She says it is challenging and rewa rding to her. " It's chall enging because there is al­ways that opportunity to meet new peo­ple. It is rewarding because it helps peo­ple help themselves."

Jamie is a graduate of Anthony Wayne High School and presently lives in Per­rysburg.

~· Senior Airman Jamie Armstrong is the first female recruiter for the 180th TFG, Toledo ANGB. Armstrong is a graduate of Anthony Wayne High School and present­ly lives in Perrysburg.

Buckeye Guard Deadline Feb. 19


Master Sergeant Kenneth A. Payne, Ba~tery B, 1/136 Field Art illery, recently ret1red after 32 years of military service.

Kenny, as most people knew him, be­gan his military career in 1947 when he enlisted in the Air Force. Payne joined the Marion unit almost immediately after his discharge from the Air Force in 1953.

Short ly after he joined the Guard Payne became a full-time technician. His Guard service was continuous unti l an auto accident in 1978 interrupted h isser­vice.

Even though partially disabled, Payne continued to attend drills with the unit until hi s retirement.

Payne was an honor graduate of Rawinsonde Technical School, Chanute, Illinois; he was the first reservist to be the honor graduate of th e Second Army's Non-Commissioned Officer School ; and he was an honor graduate of the Administrative Supply Technician Course.

Payne has been awarded' the Ohio Faithful Service Ribbon , the Meritorious Service Ribbon and the Armed Fo rces Reserve Medal.

According to Payne his greatest per­sonal award and achievement was his promotion to First Sergeant of the Ma­rion unit.

Payne was presented an eng raved watch when he retired as a full -time technician.

New Hamilton Armory Dedication set for March 15

In ea rly January, two Ohio National Guard units from Southwest Ohio moved into the new Major General Charles H. Jones Armory. This faci li ty will also be the Command Cont ro l Center for the Southwest Sector of Ohio.

Headquarters Company of th e 134th Engineer G ro up, under the command of Captain Scott Telford will be moving from their Blue Ash site, just outside Cincinnati.

Company B of the 147th Infantry Battalion, under the command of 1st

Lieutenant Curtis Hughes , w ill be moving from their present outdated building in Hamilton.

The dedication of the new Armory is scheduled for March 15.

Buckeye Guard 1981 "Blue Book" Begins on P~ge 9 Pg. 22 The Buckeye Guard

1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (23)

For Your Information Space Available

Ohio National Guardmembers who want to travel on Guard aircraft on a space available basis must have a valid ID card and aDD Form 1853 signed by thei r commander. The DD Form 1853 is the Authenticati o n of Reserve Status for Travel Eligibility.

Guardm embe rs shou ld also be in Class A uniform and must meet all ap­plicable military grooming standards.

Meeting these four requirements will get your Space Avai labl e trip off the ground on the right foot.

Officers Eligible National Guard officers are eligible to

compete for membership on the six officer teams the United States will enter in the Military Skills Competition to be held in connection with the 34th Annual Congress of the lnterallied Confedera­tion of Reserve Officers in Eyndhoven , Netherlands july 25 through August 8.

National Guard officers and enlisted personnel are also eligible to compete for membership o n the International Military Sports Council Pentathlon team scheduled to compete in Bremgarten , Switzerland September 6 through 13.

Competition events include a running obstacle course, a swimming obstacle course, shooting with ri f le, pistol and submachine gun , and o ri entee ring. Team selections wi ll be made in june and July with trials to be held at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas.

Prospect ive applicants must be able to run five miles in less than 31 and 1/2 min­utes , swim 50 meters in less than 36 seconds and do at least 10 pull ups.

Further information and applications can be requested thro ugh M ajor Roger Harvey, Reserve Forces Coordinato r, US Modern Pentath lon Training Center , Bldg 189, Ft. Sam Houston, Texas, 78234.

Applications for th e Mi li tary Spo rts Council Pentath lon are due by March 3 and applications for the lntera llied Con­federation of Reserve Officers competi­tion is due by March 17.

Applica tions wi ll be forwarded to ar­rive at the Adjutant General 's Depart­ment no later than February 25, 1981 .

Appropriation Signed The president signed the MILCON Au­

thorization and Appropriation Bills. The Appropriation Bill provides $42.3 million fo r Army National Guard (ARNG ) con­struction, which is 78 percent more than that received in fiscal year 1980, but only 67 percent of that obtained in fi scal year 1976.

The Buckeye Guard

Army Guard Grows in Strength Fiscal Year 1980. With a gain of 21,280

personnel during Fiscal Year 1980 the ARNG increased its assigned strength to 368,254 as of September 1980. The ARNG obtained a total 97,095 enlistments dur­ing fisca l year 1980_, 102 percent of re­cruiting objectives for the year. This rep­resents an increase of 12,245 over the

Why Stay in Guard

number of enlistments obtained during fiscal year 1979. Extension and reenlist­ment o f personnel reaching ETS climbed from 80 ,107 in fiscal year 1979 to 83,136 in fi scal year 1980, an increase of 3,029. The to tal All States extension/ reenli stment rate for fi scal year 1980 was 68.2 percent compared to a goal of 65.0 percent.

Reasons as Varied as People Why stay in the O hio National Guard?

The reasons are as varied as the indi­viduals . Some stay for the Scholarship Program; some for insu rance benefits; some for extra cash and some for plai n , old-fashioned patriotism .

To learn some of the reasons indi­vidual s choose to stay in the Guard , BUCKEYE GUARD Magazine interviewed a cross-section of the Ohio Guard during a recent drill w eek end at Beightler Armory.

Here are the results: SPS Les Gates, clerk for Headquarters

Detachment, Worthington, stays in the Guard for the same reason he served six years of active duty.

" I've always believed in our military," he explained. " I believe it should be strong."

SPS Bonnie Adams, fu ll-time computer card punch operator, said she hopes to make a career of the Guard.

SPS Adams began her military career wi th the Mississippi National Guard as the first woman in the 41st Army Band. After earni ng a degree in music from Jackson State College, she returned to her home in Cleveland. She p~yed in the 122nd Army Band until she went full ­time in 1977.

Th e Guard i s a ca ree r fo r CW03 George F. Cline as well . CW03 Cline, the State safety specialist, completed his 30th year of service in November 1980.

" I bel ieve the National Guard is prob­ably the most key factor in ou r national defense. It is necessary to have a strong National Guard to deter our enemies," he said .

Sgt. janet Steck , illustrator for the Pub­lic Affairs Office, joined the Guard for tu ition assistance and is staying in for the same reason.

After her di scharge from the Army, Sgt. Steck enro ll ed in Bowling Green State University as an education major. However, she soon fo und the G.l. Bi ll did not pay enough for tuition and living expen ses. The ONG Scholarship Prog­ram all owed h er to become an

elementary education teache r in civi l ian li fe.

At the Public Affairs Office Sgt. Steck continues to illustrate as she did w hile on active duty at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas for four years. She had studied art for three years befo re jo ining the Army. Completion o f her undergraduate art de­gree is her next goal , she said.

Sgt. Robe rt F. Ketchum left the Army in 1975 w hen he was married. He re­turned to the military life in 1977 because he " kind of missed it", he said.

" I enjoy doing my part for the com­munity and my country", he said. "Most of the people here are pleasant to work with ."

Sgt. Ketchum inspects helicopters af­ter maintenance work has been done on them. He takes advantage of military cor­respondence courses to sharpen his ski lls.

Is he staying in? Last April he reen­listed for another three years.

Peacetime Registration Telephone calls have continued to

be received by the Adjutant General's Department, asking whether mem­bers of the Ohio National Guard have to register for peacetime Selective Service Registration.

The answe r is yes! All male mem­bers of the Ohio National Guard , both Army and Air , must register at their nearest United States Post Office during the specified time for the applicable year of birth.

Many members of th e Guard thought they were already registered or did not have to register. According to Section 6A of the Military Selective Service, Guardmembers are not ex­empt citizens.

For further information , call the toll-free number 1-800-282-7310 for 1st . Lt. Victor Dubina o r SSgt Nancy Clevenger.


Pg. 23

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The Ohio • National Guard NATIONAL G• •A.RD A great place to start.

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2825 W. Granville Rd. Worthington, Ohio 43085



DOD 314


1lson I - Ohio Air National Guard...about the trailer, realized its military potential, and the Patrol donated the trailer to the Army Guard. But, the Army Guard had a shortage of - [PDF Document] (2024)


How much do you get paid in the National Guard in Ohio? ›

Average Army National Guard Guard daily pay in Ohio is approximately $161, which is 7% above the national average.

Which branch of government is responsible for sending out the Ohio National Guard in times of trouble? ›

The Governor is the commander in chief of the Ohio National Guard and, as such, has the authority to activate the Ohio National Guard to support and assist local authorities during state emergencies or for homeland defense.

What does the Ohio Air National Guard do? ›

The Ohio Air National Guard's four wings deploy worldwide to fulfill aerial refueling missions, air transport, communications, engineering, and security requirements. In addition, there are two subordinate geographically separated units in the state.

How often does the Ohio National Guard get deployed? ›

You will generally be deployed once every two to three years for six to 15 months.

What is the monthly pay for National Guard? ›

National Guard Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$45,000$3,750
75th Percentile$38,500$3,208
25th Percentile$30,000$2,500

Do you get paid monthly for National Guard? ›

Members of the National Guard on state active duty do not receive drill pay, but are compensated on a monthly basis, as are their active duty counterparts, with Basic Pay.

Does the National Guard count as military service? ›

Traditional service in the Reserve or National Guard includes initial entry training, one weekend drill or assembly per month, and two weeks of annual training per year; this traditional service generally is not considered as active duty for the purposes of veterans' benefits and services, with the exception of ...

Which state has the best National Guard? ›

When it comes to capabilities, no two states are alike — we ranked the top six, measuring everything from sheer size of force to whether the state has special forces, strike, and a brigade combat team. Overall, we found Texas has the most capable National Guard.

Who has authority over the National Guard? ›

Most of the time, state National Guards are commanded by governors. However, presidents have the authority to call them into service to respond to hurricanes, bolster border security, and assist in overseas military operations.

How hard is Air National Guard? ›

Serving in the Air National Guard is not easy. It all starts with BMT, an 8-week course at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, TX. BMT is designed to test and build your mental and stamina. IT will give you all the foundamental skills you need to become an Airman.

What is the difference between the Air Force and Air National Guard? ›

The Air Force Reserve (AFRES) is a federal reserve component of the U.S. Air Force. The Air National Guard (ANG) is the air militia component of the National Guard of each state or territory (with each state's ANG under the jurisdiction of that state's governor).

Is joining the Air National Guard worth it? ›

What are the Benefits of Joining the Air National Guard? Other than receiving a paycheck and the honor of serving your country, Air Guard members also get federal and state benefits. Perhaps the biggest perk is you're not a full-time member of the service, but you still get to serve your country in a critical position.

Why are National Guard members not considered veterans? ›

 National Guard and Reserve members are not considered veterans unless they were called up to active duty by the President of the United States and served the appropriate length of time to receive an award for a benefit or they honorably completed the length of obligation for which they were called or they served as ...

How long are Air National Guard deployments? ›

Deployments can range from a few weeks to several months and may also include humanitarian missions. AFRESERVE.COM. If you wish to serve both your country and state while staying close to home, then serving part time in the Air National Guard is the path for you.

How many years do National Guard serve? ›

Your total enlistment period will be eight years, but you can serve as little as three or six years, and spend the remainder in IRR (Individual Ready Reserve). IRR Soldiers don't train with a unit, but can still be called up in the event of an emergency.

How much is National Guard drill pay? ›

2024 Reserve Component (Proposed) Drill Pay (0 – 10 Years in Service)
Pay GradeLess than 2 Years3+ Years
One Drill$127.54$160.49
Four Drills$510.18$641.97
One Drill--
63 more rows

How long is the National Guard contract in Ohio? ›

The full National Guard service term is eight years. However, we offer several active service options within that time frame. For example, your child can commit to just three active years then enter IRR (Individual Ready Reserve) for the remainder of their term.

Is National Guard worth it? ›

Serving part-time as an Army National Guard Soldier offers you work-life balance, flexibility, a paycheck, great benefits, and more. You'll serve both at a state level to protect local communities and federally alongside active-duty forces, when needed.

How are National Guard paid? ›

Benefit Fact Sheet

Basic Pay is electronically distributed on the 1st and 15th of every month, similar to many civilian jobs. Basic Pay for a soldier depends on length of service as well as rank (most enlisted soldiers enter the Army as a private).

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.