Appointment of a New Education Dean (2024)

From the Office of the President:

(Français a suivre.)

On behalf of Provost and Executive Vice-President (Academic) Christopher Manfredi, I am pleased to also announce the appointment of Professor Vivek Venkatesh as the new Dean of the Faculty of Education. This follows an extensive, international search conducted by the Advisory Committee for the Selection of the Dean of the Faculty of Education. The McGill University Board of Governors accepted the Committee’s recommendation during its meeting held on April 25, 2024. Prof. Venkatesh’s five-year, renewable term will begin on June 1, 2024, and end on May 31, 2029.  

Prof. Venkatesh is an internationally recognized researcher and research-creator who holds the UNESCO Co-Chair in Prevention of Radicalization and Violent Extremism. He is as an innovative educator, artist and applied learning scientist with nearly 20 years of service. He is currently a professor of Inclusive Practices in Visual Arts and Chair of the Department of Art Education at Concordia University, where he has also served as Associate Dean at its School of Graduate Studies for two terms. In addition, he is co-director of the Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance, a multi- and inter-disciplinary centre made up of more than 50 researchers, a dozen professional staff, and several hundred students.  

Prof. Venkatesh has been awarded more than $10 million in external funding as principal or co-principal investigator and has published more than 70 peer-reviewed scholarly pieces. Among the most prominent of his pedagogical initiatives is “Project SOMEONE” (Social Media Education Everyday), a multi-media online platform devoted to the reduction of hate and violent extremism. 

Prof. Venkatesh earned both a PhD and MA in Educational Technology from Concordia University and a Postgraduate Diploma in Education from the National Institute of Education at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, and a B.Sc. in Computer Science from the National University of Singapore. 

Please join me in congratulating Prof. Venkatesh on his new appointment and welcoming him to McGill this summer. In addition, I would like to thank Prof. Victoria Talwar for serving as Interim Dean of the Faculty of Education since August 2023. Thanks are also due to the members of the Advisory Committee and to everyone in the community who shared their comments and advice during the search process. 


Deep Saini

President and Vice-Chancellor, McGill University

Nomination du nouveau doyen de la Faculté des sciences de l’éducation

Au nom de Christopher Manfredi, provost et vice-recteur principal aux études, j’ai aussi le plaisir d’annoncer la nomination du professeur Vivek Venkatesh à titre de doyen de la Faculté des sciences de l’éducation. Cette nomination fait suite à un processus rigoureux de recrutement mené à l’échelle internationale par le Comité consultatif pour la sélection du (de la) doyen(ne) de la Faculté des sciences de l’éducation. Le Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université McGill a accepté la recommandation du Comité lors de sa réunion du 25 avril 2024. D’une durée de cinq ans et renouvelable, le mandat du professeur Venkatesh débutera le 1er juin 2024 et se terminera le 31 mai 2029.

Chercheur et chercheur‑créateur de renommée internationale, le professeur Venkatesh est co‑titulaire de la Chaire UNESCO en prévention de la radicalisation et de l’extrémisme violents. Enseignant, artiste et scientifique de l’apprentissage appliqué, il fait preuve d’innovation dans chacun de ces rôles depuis près de 20 ans. Il est actuellement professeur de pratiques inclusives en arts visuels au Département d’éducation artistique, qu’il dirige, à l’Université Concordia, où il a aussi occupé le poste de vice-doyen de l’École des études supérieures pendant deux mandats. Il est codirecteur du Centre d’études sur l’apprentissage et la performance, lieu multidisciplinaire et interdisciplinaire qui réunit plus d’une cinquantaine de chercheurs(‑euses), plus d’une douzaine de professionnel(le)s et plusieurs centaines d’étudiant(e)s.

Le professeur Venkatesh a reçu au-dessus de 10 millions de dollars en financement externe à titre de chercheur ou cochercheur principal, et a publié au-delà de 70 articles savants jugés par des pairs. Parmi ses initiatives pédagogiques les plus remarquables, mentionnons le Projet SOMEONE (Social Media Education Everyday), plateforme multimédia en ligne vouée à la désescalade de la haine et de l’extrémisme violent.

Le professeur Venkatesh est titulaire d’un doctorat et d’une maîtrise en technologie éducative de l’Université Concordia, d’un diplôme d’études supérieures en éducation du National Institute of Education de l’Université de technologie de Nanyang à Singapour, et d’un baccalauréat en informatique de l’Université nationale de Singapour.

Au nom de la communauté mcgilloise, je félicite le professeur Venkatesh pour sa nomination et lui souhaite la bienvenue à l’Université McGill cet été. Je tiens en outre à remercier la professeure Victoria Talwar d’avoir assuré l’intérim au décanat de la Faculté des sciences de l’éducation depuis août 2023. Enfin, je remercie également les membres du Comité consultatif et tous les membres de la communauté mcgilloise qui nous ont fait part de leurs commentaires et conseils au cours du processus de recrutement.


Deep Saini

Recteur et vice-chancelier, Université McGill

Appointment of a New Education Dean (2024)


How to prepare for a dean interview? ›

Here are a few tips you can use as you prepare for your upcoming dean interview:
  1. Prepare a list of questions to ask ahead of time. ...
  2. Write down your philosophy. ...
  3. Prepare for behavioral questions: The typical day-to-day responsibilities of a dean may vary, meaning hiring managers may ask a series of behavioral questions.
Mar 10, 2023

What makes an effective dean? ›

You need to convince her or him of the impact, the opportunity, the benefit that it can come out of a particular direction. That means that ability to motivate, and to engage, and to bring along the community gains this particular saliency in the context of a dean role.

How do you write an email to a school dean? ›

Salutation: Start your letter or email with a formal salutation. Use "Dear Dean [Last Name]" to open your message. If you're unsure about the Dean's gender, you can use the full name without any title, e.g., "Dear Jordan Smith."

Why would you visit an academic dean? ›

When should you reach out to your Dean? Academic Deans monitor your academic progress, articulate and enforce academic rules, and support you with academic questions or concerns.

What to ask a new dean? ›

Questions to Ask of a Dean

How can you be an advocate for students? What's your definition of good teaching? How do you define the success of an academic institution? Can you talk about any experience you've had managing conflicts between students and administrators?

What is the best opening for an interview? ›

How to start an interview
  1. Start with a respectful remark. ...
  2. Refer to previous positive communications with the interviewer. ...
  3. Introduce yourself. ...
  4. Mention the name of the person who referred you if applicable. ...
  5. Talk about yourself when the interviewer directs you to do so.
Feb 13, 2024

What are soft skills of a dean? ›

Beyond hard skills, academic deans also require soft skills such as professional growth, strategic plan, and student retention. They must be able to manage regulatory compliance, direct self-study and institutional effectiveness plan, and oversee the academic budgets for multiple programs.

What is the criteria for a dean? ›

Many deans hold a terminal degree, such as a Ph. D. or an EdD (like the Executive EdD in Education: Leadership and Teaching & Learning offered by Gwynedd Mercy University). These degrees are typically required by many post-secondary institutions in order to teach there (the majority of deans are former professors).

What are the goals of a dean? ›

Deans nurture, facilitate growth and development, and set and uphold high standards for faculty, staff and students. Deans create a positive work and learning environment within their college or school. Deans advocate to the provost and/or president for the interests of their college or school.

What is the proper way to address a dean? ›

University administrators like deans should be addressed as “Dean _____” as a sign of respect for their position. It's possible they could also be your professor, at which point “Professor____” is most likely fine. There are also positions like provost and of course, president.

How to convince a teacher to give you a second chance? ›

Acknowledge that you made a mistake in doing poorly on the test. Tell your teacher that you accept responsibility for the test and that you're trying to be responsible by asking for a retake. This also makes it clear that you do not blame the teacher for your poor results.

How do you greet your dean? ›

Your dean is “Dean Name”, teachers, if they have a doctorate and it is customary in your school, should be addressed as either Doctor or Professor. Some schools use Mr. and Ms. even if the teachers have doctorates.

How much power does a dean have? ›

Deans are academic leaders who have academic, programmatic, managerial, and fiscal responsibilities for a school. Deans verify the adequacy of instruction, monitor academic integrity, confer degrees, and are responsible for student recruitment, admission, and academic progress.

What makes a great dean? ›

Winning the respect of peers and supporting the growth and development of the department is key. A great dean relies on their team and celebrates teamwork and the successes that the department achieves as a whole. An approachable and professional leadership style will set deans up for leadership success.

What to talk to the dean about? ›

If you are considering changing your major or academic path, consult your dean or advisor. They can provide valuable insight into the process, requirements, and potential implications. Discuss your interests, goals, and any concerns you may have.

How do I prepare to be a dean? ›

Steps to Becoming a College Dean
  1. Step 1: Complete a bachelor's degree. Earning your bachelor's degree will introduce you to the world of academia. ...
  2. Step 2: Earn an advanced degree. ...
  3. Step 3: Acquire lots of professional experience. ...
  4. Step 4: Leverage your network and apply for open positions. ...
  5. Step 5: Continue learning.

Why do you want to be a dean of students? ›

The role of a Dean of Students is to be an advocate for students and to create a supportive, inclusive, and engaging campus environment that promotes academic success, personal growth, and overall well-being.

What are the qualities of a college dean? ›

Three Deans for the Seven Themes: 7 Common Traits of Successful...
  • They Embrace Change. ...
  • They Put Students First. ...
  • They Know How to Make Others Feel Important. ...
  • They Ruthlessly Seek Data for Decision Making. ...
  • They Actually Innovate – Not Just Talk About It. ...
  • They Empower, Trust, and Share Knowledge with Others. ...
  • They Make Time.
Feb 5, 2015

How do you approach a dean? ›

Before meeting with your dean or advisor, take the time to plan and prepare for the conversation. Identify the purpose of the meeting, gather necessary information or documents, and outline the key points you want to discuss. Being prepared demonstrates your professionalism and commitment to the conversation.

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